HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-21, Page 3IF WE COULD ACE THE ANIMALS EVEN SCIENTISTS G E T HELP FROM SPIDERS. Many of Nature's Products Cannot be Imitated by R . l-i<urnan Beings. Man. -,vain roan ---is prone to boast of his prows ;s, but in litany respects the lower orders o2 the kingdom to which he belongs are immeasurably AUTO SPARC PARTS for most makes and models of. cars. Your old. brolren or worn-out parte replaced. Write or wire us describ- ing what you want. We carry the largest and most complete stock in Canada of slightly used or new parte and automobile equipment. Wo ship C.O,D, anywhere in Canada. Beti:r- taotory or refund in full our motto. Shaven Auto firavago x'art Supply, ees-sal Iautzerin Flt.. Toronto, Oat, New C.P.O.S. Liner. The Jalupress of Canada, a twin screw geared turbine ell burning pas- senger liner, built to the order of the Canadian Pacific ocean Services, Limited, especially for their trans - Pacific service, was recently launched at the yards of the Fairfield Stria, building .cf, Engineering Go., Limited, More wonderful than. he is. Govan, Scotland. Can he jump as well, in prnlic?roan • The christening ceremony, which to size, as the despised cricket, which was performed by Mrs, G. M. Bos Canspringfrom the ground oil to a I worth, the wife of the chairman of the kitchen tc,blc? If he could, he would Canadian 'Pacific Ocean Services, be able to hop over the highest build -Limited, went through without a hitch. ing in the country.'the ship is 653 ft. long, 77 ft. 9 ins. If, again, he had a memory as ten- acious in proportion as that of the ant, he would never forget anything. And what would man do without ill* numerable animal products? Can he, with all his machinery, manse a thread as strong and elastic as silk? Can he manufacture a thread as fine, strong, elastic, light, and durable as that of the spider's web? No. it is for such dualities that a:ttrono- mers use this excinisite thread in pre- ference to all others, metallic or vege- table. They stretch it across the field of view of their telescopes, where it performs an important function. Wheii one of those instruments is . directed towards a star, the image of the body is a minute point Of light. As soon as the point coincides with the inter- section of two central spicier lines the instrument is properly sighted. The aid of the spider has also to be called in when the filer micrometer is used, because here, too, the astrono- wide and has a depth to the bridge deck of 53 ft. 6 ins. Her gross ton- nage is about 22,000 tons, and she is arranged to carry about 490 first class, 106 second class, 238 third class pas- sengers, and 547 of a crew. Of the cargo spaces, a large portion has been fitted for the carriage of silk. The ocean speed is about zl knots. The vessel is built to the highest class of Lloyd's register, to full Board of Trade requirements and sub -divided in full accordance with the require- ments of the Bulkhead conveuticn. A complete system of telephones with a central exchange is fitted to the special and private suites and various offices, etc. The dining saloon is on the upper deck and will accommodate 325 per- sons, a large reception room is situ- ated forward of the dining saloon with passenger elevator at the fore end; • on this deck .also is a swimming pool 30 ft. long by 13 ft. wide, and a gym- nasium. iner irniet have the utmost nicety. Throughout the vessel special at - Baffled the inventors. tention is everywhere given to the Again, the shoeni.ticer's boast, "Noth- fact that the Empress of -Canada is ':o ing like leather," is as true now as ever it was. The beautifully soft and elastic clown which we get from the eider cluck has also completely baffled inventors, who cannot produce any- thing to equal, it. Ivory, mother-of-pearl, sponges -- these are other products which roan cannot possibly imitate. For some purposes ivory, in particular, has held its own since it was brought from Tar'ahish by King Solomon's ships. What, again, of certain substances derived from the whale? For hun- dreds of years there was no substitute for baleen (commonly known as whale -bone), which we got from the Greenland whale, a single catch yield- ing from 1,000 lb.to more than 3,000 Ib. The average price of the com- modity for ten years was $12,600 a ton. L'ut we are not so dependent on baleen as we were, though for cer- tain purposes it is still without a rival Ambergris, however, is even yet un- equalled by anything made by man. A secretion of the whale, it is usual- ly found floating in masses on the sea, and in this country it is now used sole- ly for adding to the strength of per- . fumes, a single lump sometimes fetch- ing $5,000 or mere. Our Debt to the Snail. A product obtained from a very dif- ferent creature— the snail—stands alone in its own particular sphere. It is a gelatinous substance contained in a small, whitish bladder at the ex- tremity of the snail's body—a sub- stance which has such remarkable adhesive properties that it surpasses glue, cement, etc., for joiniug some materials. One other industrial marvel must be noted. For nearly four centuries we have derived our scarlet dye, as well as our colors scarlet and carmine, from the dried bodies of a tiny insect, the cochineal. It is so small that about 70,000 make one pound of cochi- neal as imported. Oh,. What a Surprise! The christening had gone of splen- didly, and even the very juvenile "star" had behaved beautifully; though the name he had received, "Reginald Homer," would seem to be sufficient justification for a revolt. .In the vestry afterwards, the clergy- man was making the usual entries. When writing down the second name, he paused thoughtfully. "Strange," he thought, as he re- called the original Homer, the great Greek poet.. "It's a curious name for the sonny of a navy." Then he turned to the proud father. "Your favorite poet?" he asked, pointing to the name. "Poet, sir," repeated the man, with a surprised look. "Poet, sir? Lor', no; I keeps pidgins•!" Sterilizing apparatus for books, de - Signed by a F renehman, passes heat from an 'ordinary stove through them as beating f^ods, operated by a handle, knock the dust from them into a tray iii d,isineetants, serve in semi -tropical climate; public rooms are therefore large and airy and the ventilation amply arranged. The maiden voyage of the Empress of Canada will be a tour of the world, starting from Liverpool, March 15, 1921. Growing Rhubarb in Winter. We always have a supply of fresiily- grown rhubarb in winter, Our plants flourish in a few old grocery boxes set in a dark corner in the basement. Just before freezing weather 41 -- rives we dig up as many roots as We think we will need, and put them on the ground where they are .allowed to freeze hard, Then we place thein; on a thin bed of straw, and also throw, some straw over them, We are care- ful not to injure the roots in digging them up, and try to get as many roots as possible. These things are im- portant. After the roots are frozen solid we remove thele to the boxes rn thebase- ment and cover them with said. This. we always keep moist, and try to maintain a temperature of at least 60 degrees F. ;in the room. The stove heat has the same effect on the frozen roots as has the spring weather, and in about twenty-five days they usually bean to produce shoots which. grow, into large stalks almost as rapidly a$ in summer. These can be picked off, and others will .come out in abun- dance. We have never needed more than fifteen roots to supply a faintly of six all winter. Digging the roots and giving them the necessary attention is less troublesome than canning the rhubarb; besides, the freshly -grown stock is much more delicious than the canned. Winter -forced rhubarb• is even more delicate and tasteful than that grown in summer. Gl.F.D1100D 1NDIGESTION Nothing is more common in child- hood than indigestion. Nothing is more dangerous to proper growth, more weakening to the constitution or more likely to pave the way to dan- gerous disease. Fully nine -tenths of all the minor ills of childhood have their root in indigestion. There is no medicine for the little ones to equal Baby's Own Tablets In relieving this trouble. They have proved of benefit in thousands of homes. Concerning them 'Mrs. Jos. Lunette, Immaculee Conception, Que., writes: "My baby was a great sufferer from indigestion, but the Tablets soon set her right, and now I would not be without them" Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Your Promised Land. Mebbe we ain't all in clover, But we're goin' to play our part; Got so much for to say grace over, Dunno where to start! It's a fine old. world Where the blessings fall, Till you can't git 'round To count 'em all! edinard's Liniment For Dandruff. Frocks You Can Make Yourself 9636 9642 -'mbroidery Design No. 782 9642—Ladies' Dress. Price, 35 cents In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires 3% yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 1 Ye yens. 9636—Ladies" Dress (37 or 85 -inch length). Price, 35 cents. In 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins. bust measure. Size 36 requires 31/4 yds. 42 ins. wide; pleated sections, lr/s yds. 36 ins. Width, 2!y yds. McCall Transfer Design No, 1044, Price, 25 cents. These patterns .may be obtained at your local McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond street, Toronto, Dept. W. 11 e ' fended Flavors of wheat and malted barley, fully de- veloped by twenty hours baking make The Ideal cereal ideal not only from a taste standpoint but because of easy di,estibility, full nourishing worth, economy and ease of service. goers Zverywhere • RIOT bilge • Before and After Stropping (?Vibignided). It's the stropping that counts ? Any razor is soon ruined by unskilled stropping. There is one and one only razor that sharpens itself -- the AutoStrop Razor. You can't strop it wrongly— just slip the strop through the frame and a few strokes to and fro will renew the blade edge. Any dealer will demon- strate the AutoStrop Razor to you, guarantee satisfac- tion, or refund of purchase price. Only $5.00 complete with strop and twelve blades in an attractive assort- ment of cases to suit any purpose. AutoStrop Safety Razor Co., Limited AutoStroD Building, Toronto, Canada 201 VIESC: Peaceful Autumn. Golden -rod waving in veil'd air; Michaelmas daisies, too, so fair. Peaceful Autumn, Peaceful Autumn. A glance cloth prove all Nature's work- ing, Not a leaf its task is shirking. In late blossoms bees are lurking. Peaceful Autumn, Peaceful Autumn. Forewarn'd by the receding sun, The birds' . long 'journeys have begun. Peti,ceful Autumn, sAastainne Granaries are' overflowing, Golden pumpkins, moon -like, glowing; Near the river cattle lowing. Peaceful Autumn, Peaceful Autumn. Drawing his bow across his wings, The lively music master sings. Peaceful Autumn, Peaceful Autumn. Flaming maples, beauty giving, Voices of all creatures living, Join in chorus of Thanksgiving. Peaceful Autumn, Peaceful Autumn. Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Dear Sirs,—I can recommend MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT for Rheumatism and Sprains, as I have used it for both with excellent results. Yours truly, T. B. LAVERS, St. Sohn. The Stuff That Counts. The test of a man is the fight he makes, The grit that he daily shows; The way he stands on his feet and takes Fate's numerous bumps and blows. A. coward can smile when there's naught to fear, When nothing his progress bars, But it takes a man to stand up and cheer While some other fellow "stars." It isn't the victory, after all, But the fight that a brother makes; The man who, driven against the wall, Still stands up erect and takes The blows of fate with his head held . high, Bleeding, and bruised, and pale, Is, the man who'll win in the by and by, For he isn't afraid to fail. It's the bumps you get, and the jolts you get, And the shocks that your courage stands, The hours of sorrow and vain regret, The prize that escapes your hands, That test your mettle and prove your worth; It 'isn't the blows you deal, But the blows you take on the good old earth 'last shows it your stuff is real, ISSUE No. 42—'20. The Sound Was Right. Teacher --"Willie, use the word 'gruesome' in a sentence." Willie ---"The boy went to camp, and when he returned his mother found that he had gruesclne." Safety F1rst, She --"And now, Charlie, I suppose you will have to speak to papa about this?" He—"Yes, dearest, 1 suppose I must," (After „a pause). , "Has your father got a telephone?" Thought He Knew Better. Johnny paid his first visit to a farm the other day. All his life he had lived in the heart of a great city, and when he suddenly came in sight of a hay -stack, he stopped and gazed earn- estly at what appeared to him as a new brand of architecture., "Say, Mr. Smith," he remarked to the farmer, pointing to a haystack, "why don't they have doors and win- dows in it?" "Doors and windows!" smiled the farmer. "That ain't a house, Johnny, that's hay." "Don't try to kid me, Mr, Smith!" was the scornful rejoinder. "Don't you suppose I know that hay don't grow in humps like that!" MONEY ORDERS. When ordering goods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. Breaking the News Gently. In our opinion, says the Kansas City Times, this Iliggiusville soldier de- serves the medal for skill in breaking bad news. His letter said: "Ilow is everyone at home? I am, fine and dandy. Say, mother, you ought to have seem my new been last night. It was one of the nicest white iron beds, with springs, mattresses, sheets, blaukets and a soft •pillow. It was in a hospital, where I am now. The front is the only'place I see any fun now. As I haven't been paid for six months, I am near broke. "DANDERiNE" Stops Hair Coming Out; Doubles its Beauty.. Classified Advertisements. rEmetaxm gET,P Wil.A exP. A few cents buys "Danderine." Af- ter an application of "Danderine" you can not find a fallen hair or and dand- ruff, besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness, more color and thickness. America's Pioneer Dog Remedies Mock o11 DDD DISEASES and How to Feed 'Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Aut H. Clay Glover Co., Inc: 118 West 3ist Street l�ew lark, t1.St.4. 1. 44AIIN 'lo v .BIi' IN A VIM how's with "Shay's Simple: Chart olt< irhords' enabling a person to readily play accompaniments on piano or organ in Every key; endorsed by leading' must. clans everywhere. Agents wanted, lib- eral commissions; postpaid to any ad- dress in Canada for $1.00. Selfbelp Pub. Co.. 10n 13roadA rly, SYdncy, N.S. Takinf; Chances, Fussy Aunt (being seen off); -"Are you sure this is the right train?" Nephew --•-"1 ve consulted five port- ers, two ticket entice tor:,, the indica- tor, the station master, Lind the ,en- giue driver. They all agree that it is; so perhaps you'd better risk <t!" M (nerd's Liniment Relieves Distemper Mice detest the smell of black pep-' per. Put a good sprinkling of this about their holes, and they will soon disappear. *WO .WWWWWWWWWWW OTHER! "California Syrup of Figs" Child's Best Laxative Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only—look for the name California on the package, then youare sure your child is having the best and most harmless physic for the little stom- ach, liver and bowels. Children lover its • fruity taste. Full directions on each bottle. You must say "Call. fornia." Mu Elena Boyko Tents Hew Oakum Healed Her Phariles "My face was very itchl. at +;rat, and after that it was covered with , pimples that disfigured it badly. The pimpiac were hard and red and they were small, and they were scat- tered all over my face and -;z weresoitchy lhadtoscratch and I could not sleep. "These bothered me nearly a year before/ used Cuticura Soap and air t- alent and when I had used five cakes of Cuticure Soap and five boxes of Cuticura Ointment "a was healed." (Signed) Miss Flora M. Boyko, Gardenton, Man., Dec. 26, 1918. Having obtained e clear healthy skin by the use of Cuticura, keep it clear by using the Soap for all toilet purposes, assisted by touches of Ointment as needed. Do not fail to include the exquisitely scented Cuti- cura Talcum in your toilet prepara- tions. Splendid after bathing. Soap 25c, Ointrnont 25 end SOc, Sold throughout theDominion. CanadianDepot: L ma`nm, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal. OF Cuticura Soap obavcmwithout mug. won STORM vpowS &DOORS gaEs to suit your °J oienings. Fitted with Ilan. Safe de- livery guaranteed. Write for Prise List l." (a). Cut down fuel - -- bats. insure winter comfort. The F ALLIDAY COMPANY, Limited 1C.CAMILTON FACTORY oISTRIOUTORu CANADA ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ARE ASPIRIN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross' '1'be name "Bayer" is the thumb- of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" Well print of genuine .Aspirin. It posi- contains proper directions for Colds, tively identifies the only genuine Headache, Toothache, Earache, Nee'. :Aspirin, --the Aspirin prescribed by .algia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neu+ physicians for over nineteen years and tis Joint Pains, and Pain generally), stow made in Canada, Tin boxes of 12 tablets oast blit4 Always buy an unbroken package a few cents. Larger "Bayer"packag:srr There is oaily ono Aspitrixt-- ayyear"fm '0U must say "Ea V" Aspirin le titin trade Shark (registered in Canada) of Bayer 110.nufacture ce8 711#9► a AeotloacicOCCter of Sallcylieaeld. while It le well known that .6.np1t'ln meanie menufaotui•e, to assist the public) against imitations, the Tablets oil Ug 0Y4T. ' Pill be stamped with their general trade .hark, the "mayor Cts