HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-14, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS r PROUDFOOT, KIT.LOFLAN, & COOKE, 13arriseers, Solicitors, Notarise Public &o, Office, oiltho Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. (loderich. Private funds to loan at lowoet rates W. Pxouercor, K. C. J. L. Kzz,LoitAN, Il, J. D, Cooxa. Mr. Cooke will bo in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week, ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Publie Com znissioner, Conveyancing, Fire a'nd Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office. Zurich. Dr.E. S. Harele DENTIST - At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFTC'R — HEW'. ALL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Salesconducted in any part of the County. -Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0, Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give me, a trial. and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. MARKET Fresh and Sal: Meats Bcicer.a Saueages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool! CASH FOR SKINS & RIDES Tu ,g 3i t Deichrt Massey Arris ItE AIS 1 handle all kinds of Massey - Harris repairs for Parris Implem- ents. Also a full line of Verity Plow Points and Plow Repairs, at My Shop opposite Town Hall. J.J. Bat' y - Zurich HENSALL G. T. R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave Zurich 7.00 a.mm.. South, No. 162 -.. '-- ...18.58 a.m. North, No. 163 ... ... AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich 3.00 p.m. South, No. 16i ... 4,50 p.m. North, No. 165 ... .• -6.14 p.m. LIyVE POULTRY WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACK AM CCL Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery or price We will i;ley •our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged hi price ruling on day of delivery. Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries. Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality.. II IeIon it Phone housepsNo. 10, Office No. 10, HENSALL ONT. PUT YOUR Wants, For Sane, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLTJMN FOR SALE One 9-h. p. United Gasoline en- gine, dual ignition, cluthc pulley, on trucks, good as new, L. -Prang. LOST Or removed from the car of Mr. Ed. Stelek on Fair night, on . the Zurich Road, west of the village, a purse belonging .to 141.rs. Stelck. Finder kindly leave at Herald of- fice or return to owner. FOUND, A shawl -scarf, in Zurich. Owner can have same at Herald office by paying for this acty, LOST A child's cap, on Saturday eve. Oct. 8th on Goshen Line between Zurich and Dashwood. Finder please return to L. Hamacher Dash LOCAL ,NEWS :fast arrived, a .eurload of ce- ment --Stade & Weida. !Was Laura Krueger of the .lith con., left for Kitchener on Satur- day. A Trw to The Highlands of Ontario Often the success of a trip de- pends upon the amount of prep oration, It is usually the custom when taking an outing of this kind Mr, and Mrs:.ia.. Meliclr and fain- for the first time, to burden your- ily were Sunday visitors to Sea- self with many unnecessary things forth. I and sorget some essential article Miss Annie Herbert of Mitchell, at the last moment. is visiting at the home of Mr. and Preperations were made for a Mrs. S. Deitz, patty of four, but only three went, Mr. Oliver Davis of 'Waterloo, they were the pastor, my brother was a visitor in the village over and myself, As 'we intended to the week -end. 'go as far as roads would permit Mr. and Mrs• T. L. GVurm nad we chose a Pord, of course; we Miss L. Seibert motored to Brig- had no other. It being a road den on Sunday. star, we converted it into what Quite a number from the 711 -we called a combination truck and touring car, for it had the advent- lage attended the Fowl Supper at i ages of bath as far as use was Crediton on Thursday evening: concerned. Our baggage and Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Bissett and equipment consisted .of blankets, family of Saltford Heights, were oil cloths, a wall tent, a good sup - visitors in the village on Sunday:' ply of bread, butter, ham, cheese, • Little Sarah Manson of the _ some pastry, tea, coffee, •evapor- Goshen north, is at present seen- ated milk, etc. Among the ut-- ding a week with relatives at ensils, the most useful besides a wood, or Herald Office; Zurich. Hensel'. . I :cup and plate each, were a frv- . --- Mr, and Mrs. Hy. Volland of near ing pan, and a small water pail Hensall were visitors on Sunday at I which also served for making tea FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 85 acres. of land the home of Mr. and Mrs. John and coffee. The day before' lea - Albrecht. ,Iving several hours were spent in Mr. and Mrs. Owen Geiger of hunting earth worms and packing Hensel).visited at the hums of the them in damp moss. Hooks,lines tatter's father, Mr. Ab. Geiger, on and an ordinary steel rod were Sunday. considered necessaries. To guard Rev. S. M. Hauch Crediton; against emergencies or to make thee best of a breakdown, we eq - very ably ocucpied the pulpit in nipped oursel -e3 with shovel, axe the Evnagelical church on Sunday block -and -tackle, spare Ford parts evening• and tools enough to start a small Miss Gladys Petty of Hensel' ren--backwood's garage. being Lot pt. 20 and pt. 21, L. R. E. Township of Stanley. Also stock and implements thereon: Tho farm ,is in a good state of 'cultivation, six acres of fall wheat, well fenced, 2 acres • of orchard, and buildings in good repairs. For further particulars apply to Wm. Mero, R.R2, Zurich. _ t19 FOR SALE A good second hand .. No. 21 dared two much appreciated notesI Since the first part of our jure. Fleury plow. J: E. •Druar, 'Lor- in the Evangelical church on sun-> ,nay was across country too much irh day evening. - like otzr own to be interesting to _. _ _.._.... _..__ Mrs. S. Deitz and Mrs. Hy Rel- describe only what we saw after WANTED - LIVE POULTRY every Thurs- day morning. R. N. 'DOUGLAS, - Blake.Mr. and Mrs.Wm, Pfaff and Bruce and it was really our 16jum- family of near Dash -wood were ping off" place, for from there — --- • visitors at the home of Mr. and eist, we guided ourselves blary road tlea- chert attended the funeral of the leaving Hanover on July the 22nd late Mrs. Wendel Cplasl:y Ithe Elk- ,about four p. m. This town is on hart, Ind., last week. . Ie coui tv tin= between Gray and LIVvE TE'L�TRY Mrs. Wm.. Schwalm on Sunday. :Imaps, erozd of 1 mo a • ut n Reid, Ei.ghoffer & Syn, Dash+' Mr. C. Hartleib and daughter 'gar signs, the sun, and even the ilMiss Gertrude, of London; spent 'North Star. wood, will take in live fowl every - the week -end at the home of the!There is no richer soil or better, `iTe 1nesd.xy Toren o.s not each •«eek, ormer's dauhter, Mrs. 5, E. ' farming land in Ontario than in. Faust , the south-westerly corner of Grey, WANTED lyI • Herbert Ottley has sold lits but in crossing this county from Glove Factoie sewing mach.- r� to Mr. Dae._ - o the i illa t ne operator. Also women to take Drysdale, who gets possession1 '1 Mr. west to east, we found mostly the. GIRLS to 'work in the Hall Dent dwelling property at the north end _. � Mero, to be the rule. A. few i _ o. o ,t miles alter leaving the western Ready -to -Wear Clothing • DENOMY BROS. GENTS FURNI"aHINGx 3 Ordered Clothing Pirst Stiowing of Fall and Winter Overcoats Our Fall and Winter Over- coat stock is now compete in men's, young••men's and bays' MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHILE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE IN YOUR PARTICULAR STYLE DE WMT BROS. - TUMOR Produce taken 9n ezoliarnge for Goods r. YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. See_us about DOUBLE TEAM }IAI1NESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING 01? ALL RINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, ete A Trial Solicited FRED TH F EL ZURICH work' in their homes for o:ot fin-icountyline, the farms became r - p a s Feb. 1st. 1921. her and stonier, and the grain was fishing. Only reliable people need j Mrs J. S, Rrotli, of Neiv Hath- shorter. In one crop especially apply. Apply at Factory, Zur- burs who spent a couple o" weeks between H o c Hanover and specs n telt:d 1 t 1VI they any other town anywhere near. On the subject of game and wield 1 ana''1'na:zs, however, she showed much with her time i ci, excelled. There. wert, large, interest and for evidence would . -.--.. t, b Bronson Line, t d t 1 t• IKSURE 4. i e re- le s o t oe e directed use -to set. • urnip , YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST evartzen zu er I f ld f sweet clover some zmes patch where plenty of deer tracks DAMAGE BY WIND OR turned to her house last week• TORN - thirty 'acres in extent. So tall Mr and Mrs. C. F. Mathews, I tivas hegrowth that it made the were to be seen. Here was ADS. what sportsmen .call a game pock - who had been visiting friends and fences loot: very insignificant et a few miles from well-settled THE HOME INSURANCE CO relatives here this summer, retur- Growing so rank and with its wide agricultural land. Smith S 7r -Insures your Prr. party without - �urning north a i Mr. John Simon of Kitchener, Ito force a way through. As the special assessment: M best of farming country. Just p nisposed of h:s dwelling property soil became poorer less barley was as darkness set in we stopped for THE WESTERN FARMERS' the night in a tiny country village FARM FOR SALE I have for: sale the folloiwng fine farm, situated in the Tonw ship of Hay, convenient to village and school and in good state of cultivation. The farm consists of 120 acres, with eleven acres of goad bush, plenty of good water, frame dwelling, good bank barn and new was seen and more rye than wheat silo, Also nineteen acres of fall in the south-west corner of the wheat. Possession given in the village to Mr. Henry Badour or, was grown. Judging from the fall or next spring. For particu- the Zurich Road, 15th onc. Int- type of buildings we saw, the lars apply to A. F. Hess, Zurich. mediate possession will be given.' kinds of fences and appearances During the severe electric sto-, in general, it pays better for one rills that swept t1 ted. to their hoaie at 1 I branches interlaced it ei gold have 7' a tl t the first prone - inns, Kan., on Saturdya morning, defied the efforts of man or beast it it eornex we wrer again in the Premium Note, and guarantees no NOTICE As I have recently purchased the livery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, . chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Phone 58 Zurich. A. with a Spanish name but an En- giish and Methodist population. \Ve had seen more the first day its section on Mon 'to pay the highest price for a thanee WEATHER INS. MUTUAL Co. paid $114 600 loss in the November e bargained for but were 1919 wind storm. Amount of Ins. • * till far from Barrie which we in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 Prem. - 'clay, lightning struck into the good farm than to buy a cheap jird Noised to reach. After mak- cents per $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- hozi'ie of -Mr. Jas. Overholt on the ane• which is less fertile. On the ing some tea we supped nad went tum note 2 per cent. Siuble Line, and inflicted only latter, too much of the work is trorest hoping. to make better pro- Ani also agent for several other minor damage, as the fire was put in vain. ,press on the morrow. Wind Insurance Companies. out before it made any headway, I On reahincg Flesherton we aur- a (.To be continued) the Owen also. a licensed nad south east to take NOTICE. Notice is hereby gived that the partnership heretofore substiting roman to drew � cr w hl .. • Olaf o e, d i t n • counties between- us, the under elm , the which Tor the northern coo Pedersen and E. R. Helmuth, at from widely -separated parts of s"hsws many ready that have never Butter Manufacturers, was this day Province. About the convention existed, we missed the right eve dissolved by mutual consent, so there is an atmosphere otegreat existed, er and went se far as Dundalk far as regards the said E. R. Hel- earnestness, coupled with omit- tubera we were told, another rock muth. All debts due to the said ing cheerfulness and buyarit hope, crossed e the east. This lead partnership are to be paid, and the result, doubtless, of the sue- cm ssethe north-evestern tip d those due from the same diseharg- cess which in the past few years us acrossi Cno whichh-Wreaches a or ed, at Dashwood, where the bus - ,has crowned their arduous laborslong arm into Grey and relieves iii ss will be continued by the said of many preceding decades. The that countyof several thousand Olaf Pedersen under the name of convention is being held in the acres Of a of land good for "Dashwood Creiimery Company." Methodist Church, The morning ecr s except raisingmosquitoesfo Dated at Crediton this 23rd day of this, the opening day, was gee- andnot xgriwing scrub a few feet of September A. D. 1920.. en over to devotional exercises,g' - h Oluf Pedersen, leed by Mrs. Godon Wright, Dom. At that time most of it was under E..R. Helmuth Pres., and Mrs. B. R. Johnston, Be'- several feet of water and a more Witness; Herbert K. Eilber. angelictic Sopa couldnt imaine. The Saugeen andti reary severand forsaked country you al other rivers have their rids U. Sound ' and Toronto Road as fee NO'iICE W. C. T. U. NOTES as the first corner ,where. ,re could again turn east in the direction of I have it largo quantity of good ,('By Press Correspondent) Smith's Falls, Oct. 5.—The op- old Saugean near its fountain head ening of a four-day convention of and seeing , how turbulent it was the Ontario Women's Christian Te- and the miry condition of the road mperance Union was held this mo_ eve encountered we knew whatrising, and all day the delegates caused its muddy appearance wh- have been busy. There are about pro we first crossed it in Bruce in attendance County. Thanks to the road mall G. Holtzman ZURICH, - ONT. Barrie. Here we crossed the building stone for sale at St. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE Joseph sh Block. S-tf. DEALER IN LIGHTNINGt• RODS ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. in .r ..s VI -tory Loan tax free bonds at present prices. 'are absolutely in the bargain class. The supply available is limited. Prompt action is urged for those who desire to take advantage of present opportunity. YOUR CHOICE OF FIVE MATURITIES. Due - Price and. Yield Intr'reet % 1922 98 , 6,37 1923 98 6.15 ' 1927 ..........--... •....97 6,00 1933 96.50.,e.,....„ 5,88 1937 98 5,68 TAXABLE ISSUES , 1924-- 97 6.27 1934._.,. 93. 6.25 Bonds delivered to your Bank free of all del very or brokerage charges Andrew F. e s,' Zulu sources in this great swamp re- gion. Perhaps. some time when extensive government drainage will be carried on, as is the practice in Europ, this may yet become the garden of Ontario. As the sun was setting we were glad to leave this stretch of moor- land behind. \Ve were now a- mong low hills but the road was tougher than ever. Most of it was pasture land and bush so that houses were few. Feeling lost and not wishing to spend a night in a semi -wilderness so soon, we stopped in front of a dilapidated locking dwelling. and asked for in- formation. The 'lady of the house said she thought the road erre were on led to nowhere. Slit had never heard of Barrie end 1.howed complete ignorance oL i 1 SUR w nyedzk V i'\ i•:. THE FARMERS OF THIS SECTION WILL HARVEST ONE OF THE LARGEST CROPS IN SOME YEARS. ti 'WHEN THE CROP IS SAFELY STORED IN THE g BARN'ib YOU SHOULD PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST %\ LOSS BY FIRE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE GRAIN IS wMARKETED, �; I CAN INSURE YOU IN THE LONDON MUTUAL FIRE NSITRANCE CO. AT THE FOLLOWING LOW COST PER MONTH. t;4 ft120c per $100 for 1 month. o0c per $100 for 4 months. 30c per $100 for 2 months. 60c per $100 for 5 months, 4r \' 40c per $103 far 2 months, 70c per $100 for 6 months. )4 �r a $2,000 policy for 4 months will cost you only $10.00. r NSURE YOUR AUTOMOBILE AGAINST FIRE. THEFT, fiQ 4 ACCIDENT, ETC. RATES REASONABLE,P4/ I1-IESS -il ZURICH INSUR&NCB OF ALL KINDS \ _,::;:sig F'Jf�aT\i+rG.1 J: F\