HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-14, Page 4LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every 'Wednes(bay) alutter 50 Eggs ..... Potatoes per bag 1.00 Wheat 2.00 Barley ...... - .... . 1.00 Oats 00 Buckwheat - 1.20 Ineur 6.00-7.00. Bran • -4 '15.00 Shorts ---------- 50,00 Live Hogs • 20.00 DASHWOOD The Misses B, and S. Tieman of London spent the week. -end with relatives in town. 1,11iss Bilyrtle Neeb has teturned after spending the past month in Pontiac, 1VIr. I. W, Tiernan of the Bank of tOommerce staff has been trans- fered to Parkhill. IkL•tt Wm, Schroeder of Detriit is visiting in town, SA itt Mrs R. J. Doneley left on Men - day for her bottle in Chicaget aft- er spending the spawner With hev. parents lier .e Mr. 11. Ireland has resumed, his duties on the Bank staff.' Mrs. Arnastrong of London 'vis- ited her mother Xi's. 1VIcIsaaef Ov- er Sunday. Miss Della eNeki of Pontiac is, Visiting her mother at present, Mr. D. Timean and family we. visitors in Thedford on Sunday. Inininfifil1111111 111111110`-' res4"4 ut Lines orarAcosavantavognalcamt.ONSCLAidd. etri b, 2 n s on "Tal ra ing Outsi achi es E complete list of Edison's inventions, that have _helped mankind to live better and to better enjoy living, reads like the Arabian Nights. Isn't it easy to understand why the inventor of the phonograph can produce the world's greatest phonograph value, the Amberola? Isn't it difficult to understand why anybody ever buys a talking machine, when they can own ED I S ON'S NE IR MON The World's Greatest Phonograph Value Are you familiar with the shrillness and metallic sound of "talking machines" and ordinary phonographs ? Then come to our store and listen to the pure, musical tone of the Amberola! The differ. ence is startling. Do you know the cost and bother ,of constantly chang- ing phonograph needles? Let us show you the permanent Diamond Point Reproducer of the Amberola that does away with needles! Have you seen how easily "talking machine" records crack and break ? Amberol Records can be accidently dropped without damage - they are practically unbreak- able and everlasting! Would you like to own an Amberola, but feel you can- not afford one? Let us prove to you that Edison's wish to bring music into every home makes it possible for you to possess an Amber- ola almost on your own terms/ Come in and talk it over with us. If you cannot come soon, write us -today. 11. NV'ttett DRALER ZURICH, - ONT. WAYBURN . N.RWS 1*, Million of Goderich was a week -end visitor with Mr. Wm. Bauman last week. . Mr. Gordon Ttirnbull is busy packing a carload of winter ap- ples in this section. He eXpects to take the carload to the West this week, Oar teacher Jas..Delgaty at- tends the Teacher's convention which meets at Goderich on Thurs- day and rFiday, of this week. Mr. Merriut lost a valuable cow the other day, said to be the res- ult of eating too many apples. The bean crop this year is good MI' Schroeder had 126 bushels from aix acres. If prices be favorable Leans should be a. profitable crop this year, (.4 Mr. Wm. Wade returned. last Wednesday from his trip through the Niagara district and New York State. He had an nejoyable motor tour and came home delighted . with his trip. Mr. S. Sterling of near Bayfield, gave a beautiful Gospel address last Sunday evening here at our Gospel Service. A.. very large congregation was present and thr- oughout the entire service paid very strict attention. The Gos- pel singing- at these services is excellent and uplifting. The. next sarvice will be held on Sun- day evening, Oct. 24th. - Every- body welcome, The U. F. 0. Club of this vicinity will hold a public meeting in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Friday even- ing Oct., 15th at 8 o'lcock. A. special speaker has been secured for this occasion. AUCTION SALE O'Parm Stock, Implements,etc. The undersigned auctioneer has be en instructed to sell by public Au- ction et Lot 3; B Line Stephen,1% (miles east of Grand Bend on Tues- iday, Oct. 26th at 1 o'clock p. m. sharp LITE STOCK; -1 bay mathced team, 5 and 6 yrs. old; 1 grey horse 5; 1 1; ty horse 5 yrs. old. 10 cows due to calf in spring, 1 heifer ris- ing' 3 due soon, 2 steers. rising 3; 12 yearlings, 8 spring "•calves; 1 .1. -yr. old Durham bull;- 1 Durham bull rising'3. These cattle are all in good condition. IMPLEMENTS- BTC; -McCorm- ick binder, McCormick, mower, Mc- Cormick disk With truck, 12 ft. hay, rake, spring tooth cultivator 2 walking plows, set harrows, wag- on, 'wagon box; set bob sleighs; DeLaval crem separator new, pul- per, road scraper; quantity hem- lock lumber, 2 bundle shingleS,buzz saw, churn, heater, 'bedstead, forks, shovels, chains and numerous ar- ticles. About 20 ton clover hay and ,.3 ton timoth. TERMS; -$10 and under cash. Over that amount 12 month's 'cr- edit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes. 5% per annum off for cash on credit amounts. Frank Taylor, Auctioneer; W. S. Johnston, Clerk; Periso Bros. Proprietors. AUCTION SA LE Of Farm Stock, Implements, etc. on Lot 18 con. 12, Bronson Line Hay, on Tuesday, October 19th, commencing et 1 o'clock • sharp, the following; - LIVE STOCK ;--2 mares 4 -yrs old, this span weighs over 3100 -lbs and are well matched, 1 carriage mare 5 yrs. old, 1 carriage gelding 2 -yrs. old. 2 cows 4 -yrs. old due in Dec., 1 cow 4 -yrs. due in March cow 8 yrs, due in April; heifer due in Nov., heifer 1 -yr. old, 4 steers 1 -yr old, 5. spring calves. Pigs; 5 stockers about 50 -lbs. each, 2 pigs 2 months old, about 6 dozen 1 -yr. old Barred Rock hens, 1 good Collie dog. IMPLEMENTS, ETC ;-7-ft. bin- der, M. -H.; with trucks; Deering mower, Deering disk; steel roller, cultivator, hay rake, 16 -disc drill, manure spreader, M. -H. corn cul- tivator with bean harvester, Oliver riding plow, walking plow, 4 -sect- ion harrow, 2 lumber wagons, 1 new; set bob sleighs; 2, 16 -ft. hay racks lnew, 1 Set 34 -ft sling ropes, wagon box with stock rack, scuf- fler, top buggy, open buggy, dem- 'oarat, road, cart, cutter, 7 h.p. gaso- lene engine on truck, 8 -in. plate grinder, roller' crusher, cutting box., corn sheller, buzz saw, Clin- ton fanningmill, gravel bex, Chat- ham incubator andbrooder, root pulper, carpenter's bench, sap pan with heater and about 140 pails, churn, 'cook stove, dog pow Or, 3 setsLeann harness 1 new with solid nickel trimmings and breech- ing; 2 set buggy harness 20-t. ladder, 2 10ft. ladders, spray pump, 1,000 -Ib. settles, fire extinguisher, garden drill with cultivator, 6 ton of Hay and other articles too numerous to Mention. Teims;-All sums of 110 and un- der cash, over that amount 12 mon- ths credit Will be given by furnith- ing approved Johlt notes. 9% off tor cosh on credit amounts. Hay and bens cash,. A. Weber, F. Vvlov, Auctioneers W. S. Zolingtor. ITERIiBRT KAFItorreR, Ptoptietor • ,4" -7,1274VAI,''"d14)4, I of. 'f • ja.:41W ,4,121;2,u101 a I 1 i Alretefa-blePrei-r-aralicardtA51,f, 42.4.,o7a similatingteroodbyRegala-1 0.acTropletautorPa__tentgedicillokti'• i 'T41141/Rtii:. SW MS I IMO l'iTherebylkonwtintDigotiol,i; iyGiteetruine5Marta5 t.Conlain neither Opium,Vorphine nor, 'Mineral:140x N.ABooTIG: Reopeof .u -n Senna: Roche& Salts .1.114ien ir re Trolnel'alteastec iba: rts aSettor Niattreraitavos* A knipfutRomedy ior Constipation andTiarrlioeall a idtroevs se r o17.1 nse:Esvapdn ,te„stiftingtherefronrinInfancy.1 YaaTo6injailre of orr, Tn' COLRAIN, MONTREALIP.Q. 4 ri-J" ') • For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of Use Fr tver Thirty Yens -,41111diA;Ai Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY. '• at...44V '41'-'• g11006€91PIDOBBT69000011,000111119Q041080StWOVIVEM349004)*EteeCtIOW.Sej We still landie the old. reliable B. T. stable equipments. Po not be misled. by :inferiorgo o ds of this kind. All Govern- ment Farm stables are riequiped with the Icel. obratod B. T. We have a vast experience in 6 a installing these goods. Er• PUMPS TO. • We also carry a complete line of Punips and Piping, and install • and keep -in repair all our work • o • • 0 • • 0 0 rich!" ist e).136080119804116000QS130008 010200000108804300604)ietiSesetreetOS SHINGLES SHINGLES Parties requiring Shingles this season will do well by bying thein at once. A after April 1st all shingles will advance lOper cent. in price. COST- C. RA: ExEcuTive The Beat Paid Profeeefois Book-keepers wanted. Only thwse vAking for a4. vaneettent to qualify Bs ar, militant tfoineetwly traininn.not intorforing wit vo..r i.s<nt Con. Booklet fro. We Inive tidinvi more ( esti- fiod Pit] Avoon ftti ittl I1i11l k1t, so1y .;•11#.1' ilesth as - tion. halm ii.l,f 121y,{111, ,14; .4(...121e paving Tni pi, VI, 1, gY *1{1 '0 ;3LTOtesItie uric 1NOTICB Having purchased the cider m'll - Mr J. J. Metter.; 'We will be op-, orating HOMO on the follow7n• days; Sept 23rd, 27th, 28t11, 24tlat 30th nett after ,these days . day exeepting Sal:11rdays will elook apple butter on - a tilltn• Monday Oct .;tit. F. C. Kalltflennt, Proprietor; Henty7 Ciallman, Manager,