HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-07, Page 8Fali Winter Goods See our display of Fall goods. Our Stocks are now almost complete:in all Lines Lathes' Near A splendid range of Ladies Co- atings on hand in Velours, fine Chinchilla Cloth, Etc. New Silks, Fine Botany Serges, All -wool Plaid Skirtings, Velvets and • Velveteens, Underwear, Swe- ater coats in Newest Styles. Men's Wear WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL VALUES TO OFFER IN MEN'S AND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND SUITS, FOR FALL WEAR. NEW HATS AND CAPS, MITTS GLOVES, ETC. ETC. 'GROCERY DEPARTMENT THE CANNING SEASON NOW ON HAND, WE HAVE NEW FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS ZINK RINGS, JAR RUBBERS, PARO- WAX. XXX VINEGAR SPICES OF ALL KINDS. CHO & SSN uric sed µ.ara e WE; .ARE, AGENTS FOR PrestM-Lite storacce Batter A SIZE FOR EVERY CAR NO BETTER BATTERY ON THE MARKET WE ALSO STOCK TIRES, TUBES, ACCESSORIES .AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTIONAND ALSO BATTERY CHARG- ING. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING. ANY tIAKE; OF CAR A SPECIALTY wee., Zurich T PHONE No. 103. '-1-- 6', i .� j� ; ,' r' .��.�. a �i`y+'G + rI S ; uk, a /, ' A'. .�. 4, � ., i�F e� r !"� 7i 1+Y. i.e. 4.y { ���rrl -i ,.. , i ` Y.' - ^1 ..!� . E. _ i �.� Yyr "i ' Y, }syr t, N -x t 'v+ fi; `3 f� jt, ��. E kir..... 4. 4. 4. 4. 4 Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. 4 PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPE- IN`x WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY ,z ;+f LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE 4* RAVE AVE BOUGHT .THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10% AND 1 PROSPECTS I+', OR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY AND• SAVE MONEY .+ 4. + + + 4. 4+ 4+ 4. 4. 4, 4+ + 4+ 4. 4+ 4+ + 4. 4. + .__.a...,.....,.r-,....rte, st Aripme (EXCELLS ALL OTHERS) The best•+'by test. Provincial Agric'® ultural Farm and, Winter :'air Barns are equipped with Louden machinery. Easy to install, Easy to operate, Endless Chain, docs away with crank, no side hangers to break on our track. Our swinging track hinge enables you to run car on pole at any angle. Fairbanks -Morse "Z" Engine with Bosch Magneto Ser .00 WO. The Supreme Farm Engine HE famous "Z" Engin.e and the Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto combine to make the one SUPREME farni engine. if Call on us and see the result of this newest combination—FAIRBANKS-MORSE " Z " WITH BOSCH MAGNETO. '1T We are substan- tially assisted in delivering engine.maximum service by a nearby Bosch Service Station. Agent for Massey -Harris Implements Fairbanks & Morse Engines and Tud- hope-Anderson Spreaders and plows. Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere 1 Giwyi9'"�mcn;, J. E. DRUAR5 - Enrich LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter .__ . .. Eggs Potatoes per bag When .__ Oats _._ ._ ...... 03 1.10 50 58 1.00- 2.10 Borley Buckwheat .__ Flour -_..-- -.- I;ran . Shorty We also have a large :Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS 4. Paints and. Varnishes in Stock for Springs Call and see our Goode and get Our Prices. E. 1, f + , + ek WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVErROUGHING AND REPAIRING • ':&•r ALL TIMES sT x'< wE & WEIDO PR TER BLOCK - ZURICH °l+ 1.4+4+4.4.4++1 ++ ++ ++4+ ++ +++ +3+4+x+3+ 44.4e ^+++b 4+'l 5+4+4+4++++ + ++41+4.+ie3' `+ ek Live Hogs Hogs 1.25 6.50-7.00• 45.00 50.00 20.00 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST ,. ; .a._; •ter_.=., rm A REAL BARGAIN 1, Lois Phonograph Cabinet Style Mahogany finish Beautiful toned machine Plays all records Absolutely guaranteed Regular Price $175 Sale Price $150 Including War Tax of 10 per cent. Call and let us dernonstrate this Instrurnent PHONE 63 O FL INgS TI? _D Odn Wednesday evening last, a joint meeting between Exeter and Zurich was held at the Walpee Ho= use, Zurich, in behalf of organizing a hockey team between the two towns for the coming winter sea- son. The meeting was a„,,. success in every respect, and both towns have the confidence that the boys can play as good a brand of hock- ey as in the Leagues they have sig- ned up. The Blake branch of the Wom- Lte usall get busy and .give the ens' Institute will hold their mon- boys all . the possible support 'that tlily meeting at the home of Mrs.; we can, and niake this fine winter D. Tough on Tuesday October 12,1 sport as popular in our stiirround- A special request is extended to' %ngs as baseball is in the summer all ladies to be present. I season. The insufferable pride and sw- • The election of officers resulted, elling chests of the fellows who got' as follows; their coal in last April or May at $15 a ton is pretty hard to bear. The Dominion Department of Agriculture estimates that this Hon. -Pres., J. Preeter, Hon. -Vice Pres., P. K. Chapman; Pres., T. L. «Turin; Secy., T. R. Ferguson, Tre- asurer, W. F. Braun; Manager, year's yield of wheat in Canada, Goldie Cochrane; Captain C. A. will be 289,000,000 bushels as against Roffman: It was decided to enter 193,260,000 foil est year. Phe lin the 0r 'H A. and N. • H. Ie Lee - Western Provinces estimate for gues, and we are sure with this wheat is as follows; Sask., 136,- combination a good strong team 880,000 bushels; Manitoba, 43,500,- can be looked for. More announ- 000, and Alberta, 82,972;000. bushels+1 cements will follow later on.' The death took place in London on Sept. 23rd, of Bertha, wife of Albert F. Clarke, in her 28th year. Deceased was a daughter of Mrs. Fred Genttner of Dashwood, Be-. eter going together and entering sides the husband and perents she as a . Zurich and Exeter team in he O.H.A. and, N.H.L. With the mat- .ei is lthat Exeter and Zurich have we may expect a real fast team. Exeter has some good men this ye - Miss Emina, Charles and Fred of ar and Zurich with the three Hoff - Dashwood. The funeral took man boys and a few others, should place. at London on Saturday,m.nrey, form ateam, that will stand out of the relatives being present. with the best of them. The rink A very interesting event took will be put in shape to handle the place at St. Peter's R C. Church Drysdale, on Tuesday Sept. 28th, when Miss Juliet Charrette, you- ngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. B. Charrette, of the Bauble Line, south, became the bride of Mr. Armond Denomy, son of Mr, and Mrs Regis- Denomy of the Sauble Exeter will be put on the hockey map this winthr by Zurich and Ex - is survived by three heildren, four sisters and two brothers, T'1rs. E. Wells and Mrs, Ed. Harness of Ex= eter, Mrs, Gobier of Hamilton and crowd and da doubt the town will tate an interest and help the team along. The town has been dead in the sport line for some time and a good, hockey team should help td put the town on the map. Zurich and Creditor) were widely adver- tised by the baseball they put up north, Bay Township. Miss Annie list summer. Let everyone help Bedard acted as bride's mail while to make hockey a success in Ex- Mr. John Denomy assisted the eter this hinter. It will soon be groom. They will reside on the time for the boys to start a little groom's home farm, where hearty training. Everyone will be given congratulations and best wishes a eh Ince. whether a resident of the extended to them . �A -en oe vermurety:-Exe'er Times. are For Women THERE I5 BUT ONE KIND OF DRESS GOODS TO BUY AND THAT IS THE BEST. Plain Pure Wool Novelty Skirt- ing at per yard -_- --_ $6.50 All wool Serges 54 inches wide in colors of Navy, Rust, Taupe, Brown, Sand, at per yard $450 Velour Coating 54 inches wide Navy, Burgandy, Taupe and Green at per yard ... ._$5.00 EXTRA SILK VALVES Silk. Hose per pair _.. __. $1.50 This is- our regular $2 silk article. Raincoats for Women in tweeds for $10.00 and upwards. For Nen TWEED HATS ARE POPULAR ',PHIS (FALL They come in light shade tweeds that will hold their shape at $4,00 New Fall Caps. In patterns to suit the most discTiminating dres- ser. SHIRTS Great quantities of them in neat Patterns and Stripes. Raincoats for Men in tweeds, .for $10.00 and upwards. 'Fresh Groceries and Fruits itt season, Butted& Patterns For Sale 'hone'i \TVTJRN'I N.