HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-07, Page 7EH COST OF LIVING APPEARS ON DOWN GRADE IN UNITE STATES . Two of Largest Mail Order Firms in the World Announce Reduction—Authorities Believe Peak of Prices Has Been Passed. A despatch from New York says:— Business men are wondering if Henry Ford started something to bring down prices, or whether he made his cele- brated "slashing" announcement at the most dramatic time. Reports gathered herd indicate that a good many more articles besides Ford •mo - toe cars are coming down. General belief that the peak of high prices has been passed and that the direction of the curve is now _down; -ward was expressed by businessmen in many cities of this country. • The H. H. Franklin Manufacturing Co., makers of the Franklin auto bile, was the first of Mr. Ford's co petitors to follow his lead, and a nounced cuts in the priceof its ea . from 17 to 21 per cent. Two of the largest mail order hous- es in the world, Sears, Roebuck & Co., .and Montgomery, Ward & Co., bcith of Chicago, announced substantial reduc- tions in many lines of 'merchandise. The list included men's anti women's clothing, shoes, furniture and a few staple foodstuffs. m- m- manufactured textile goods further n- retail reductions may be looked for rs earlier. Despatches from the larger cities of the country showed that substantial retail price reductions had taken plaee or were expected, the tendency toward lower prices having been in effect in some cities for several months, be- cause of an increasing tendency on the part of the public to refuse to buy anything but necessities. How soon the consumer might ex- pect to benefit directly and the high cost of living cut to theaverage citi- zen was a matter of speculation, There was a general agreement that the con- sumer would benefit eventually, but could not expect to get the full ad- vantage of -the wholesale reductions at once. The consumer was expected to bene- fit first in loWer prices for .clothing and other manufactures of textiles; as the reductions in the textile trades have been more marked than in any other. Lower clothing prices are not looked for until next spring. In other PREMIER'S APPEAL APPEAL REJECTED BY MINERS GovernmentProposas for In- - dependent Tribunal Are Turned Down. - A. despatch from London says: -- Premier Lloyd George made another appeal on Thursday to the miners to accept the Government's proposal and refer the question of an increase in wages to an independent tribunal, or, as an alternative, to meet the owne and agree upon a scheme increasin the output, which the Government b lieves would give the miners mo wages than they are demanding. But the Premier's appeal was futile, The miners insisted that their de mends for a two shillings increas should be granted immediately, at passed a resolution refusing to with .draw thestrike notices, •which expir _Saturdan, . • ,• Thus, unless the •Government re lents within the. next forty-eight hour the miners will, after the Last shift oi Saturday, lay down heir tools, and th mines will be idle Monday. At a meeting of the miners' repre sentativee during the day, Rober Srnflhie reported on the position takei up by the Premier and his offer. H said the -committee could not recom mend the acceptance of either of the Government's proposal. A lengthy discussion ensued as to whether the Goveenment's proposal to submit the question of wages to an impartial tri- bunal should be referred back to the districts and a vote taken. Mr. Srnillie, as president, submitted a resolution to do this, but on a card vote it was decided that nothing had happened that required: such reference back. Telegrams were sent to the various districts, ealling on all work- ers necessary for the maintenance of the pumping and coking plants and other machinery and the care of the horses to continue working until fur- ther notice. • A despatch from London says:—The British coal miners agreed on Friday afternoon to suspend their strike for one week and to meet the coal owners in an endeavor to arrange with them a system of payment by the results of -which they will simultaneously in- crease their earnings and output of veal. Their decision was reached after a conference with Premier Lloyd George, Bonar Law and Sir Robert Horne in Downing street, and is be- lieved in official circles to amount to a practical abandonment of the strike. The coal. owners, it is known, are • anxious to have an agreement with the miners, and there is so much dif- ference between the recent output of coal and the amount mined ine normal times that it is considered there Should he- little difficulty in agreeing on a scale that will enable the miners to get the increase they desire. • LUXURY TAXES f t COLLECTED BY STAMPS 11 rs ed to check returns of tax collections g in various sections of the country. e- * .e charge to merchants dealing in taxable commodities. From the luxury taxes the Dominion derived a revenue of $6,000,000 last month. Still larger returns are ex- pected in months to come. Investiga- tions by Inland Revenue officers have disclosed cases of deliberate evasion of the tax law and cases of non-com- pliance due to ignorance of the pro- visions of the statute. In a score of cases of deliberate evasion, it is under- stood, prosecutions are being initiated. Thirty auditors were recently appoint - SIX CONSTABLES KILLED - IN MOTOR CAR e Houses Fired and Civilians _ Shot Dead Near Lahinch. e A despatch from Dublin says o --An. official. report issued at Dublin Castle - on: Thursday evening shows that the s attack Wednesday on a motor lorry 1 containing six policemen near Lahinch e was more serious than previously an- nounced. Six constables were killed, while soldiers who fired on their es- t sailants assert that they saw four of 1 them drop. The police allege that e their assailants used dum-dun bullets, -' and that the wounded were fired upon land killed. A despatch from London says:—As I a reprisal for the shooting of police - I men near Lahinch, says a despatch to I the Central News from Lahinch, a party of uniformed men during the night set fire to eighteen houses in Milltown, Malbay, Lahinch and Ennis - town, Three civilians were shot dead. Castle Mary, the seat of Col. Long- field, dating from the reign of King John, was set on fire and destroyed by raiders Thursday night. The raiders gave the occupants of the castle ten minutes in which to leave the build- ing. • CANADIAN. WHEAT BEING SHIPPED Western Farmers Are Rushing Grain to Lakes Before Navigation Closes. A despatch from Ottawa says:—So far as officials of the Department of Railways have been informed, the movement of grain over the railway lines on the prairies is progressing satisfactorily. There is known to be an immense demand for wheat cars now that thrashing is well under way, this demand arising. from the fact that all the farmers who have finished their thrashing are attempting to get their grain down to the head of the lakes before the close of navigaion. How- ever, every effort was made before the opening of the grain movement to marshal a supply of grain cars at Western points, and there are, it is 6,000,000 Revenue Collect- ed Last Month by the Government. despateh from Ottawa sayso__ Stamps will be used after Nov. 1 in e the collection of the excise taxes im- posed on sales of luxuries by the bud- get legislation of the last session of the Dominion Parliament. Arrange- ments for the introduction of the new ariethod of collection are being tcd by the Customs ancl Inland e hought, considerable cars on land. It is pointed out, however, that =plaints of car shortage on any of he various lines serving the wheat - growing districts would be handled by the Canadian Railway Association, .nd these matters would not conte h- ere the Railway Department to any xtent, War With Bulgaria Officially Ended A despatch from Ottawa says:— War with Bulgaria is officially at an nd, A proclamation published .in this eek,s issue ef The Canada Gazette dens that August 9 shall be treated the date of the termination of war tweeri his Majest and B P 0 Revenue Department. Stamps are w 1 being printed and perforating ina- or chines for their taneellation are be- as 'big prepared for distribution free of be sr u gariae • 1%?.. DELEGATES 10 THE NINTH CONGRESS OF CHAMBERS OF COMMERCE OF THE EMPIRE IN TORONTO Group of the British delegates taken on lawn at Queen's Hotel, Toronto. From left to right: Mr. Chas. F. Selfe, Aldershot; Mr. Chas. E. Musgrave, London, Honorary Secretary and Convenor of the Congress; Mr. Stan- ley Machin, J.P., London; Lord Desborough, London; Mr. Albert .1.•Hobson, J.P., LL.D„ Sheffield, Vice - Chairman of the Congress; Mr. E. J. Bruce, J.P., Huddersfield; Mr. Arthur H. Smith, President of the Alder- shot Chamber of Commerce; Mr. J. A. Darracott, Alderchot. FEW NEW SETTLERS • UNTIL NE:x.7 YEAR No Immediate Rush of British Immigration to Canada, Says. Calder. Ottawa, Sept. 26.—Probably a year; or slightly more than a year, will elapse before the movement from Great Britain to Canada reaches a really large number, in the opinion of Hon. Jas. A Calder, Minister of Tin - migration and Colonization. Mr. Cal- der, who has just returned to Ottawa, after an official trip to England and Scotland, finds that shipping condi- tions are at present operating to res- trict the movement. Moreover, Can- adian immigration agents overseas have instructions to take every pre- caution to see that no more people mi- grate to the Dominion than can at present be absorbed. Tey advise persons not likely find employment within a reasonab time of their arrival in Canada to d fer their departure from Englan Shipping agents, too, in view of •th penalties to which they are liable -f bringing unsuitable persons to then Minion,- are •caneful to scrutinize ap plicants for passages. In consequent Mr. Calder asserts that Canada is s curing a better and more suitable Blas of new citizens than ever before. The shipping situation, however prevents an immediate increase in th volume of.. immigration. Mr. Calde interviewed officials of the Nort Atlantic shipping conferences, an was informed that accommodation o vessels coming to Canada was booke for about a year. In so far as the out look for immigration in the future i concerned, it will depend a good dea upon economic conditions in Great Eri tain. For instance, Mr. Calder state that there is at present. almost as great a shortage of domestic servants in England as in Canada. Women who were trained for domestic service found employment in industry during the war. They are only gradually leaving that field and ereturning to domestic service. The Minhiter of Im- migration, however, found in Great Britain a feeling that a fairly serious unemployment situation might develop there in the near future. Such a con- dition would tend to drive people to seek homes and livelihoods in other countries. It has been variously esti- mated, moreover, Mr. Calder points out, that Great Britain has a surplus population over pre-war days of from 600,000 to 1,200,000. Before the war 250,000 people left Britain every year. At the same time, having regard to the shipping situation, Mr. Calder was inclined to the view that immigration would not reach really large numbers for probably _a year, or until tlee WHEAT BREAKS ON WINNIPEG EXCHANG Drop of 5 to 7 Cents Comes i Last Half -Hour, Due to Various Causes. GERMANS SEND INFERIOR COAL. o France Charges Them With Evading Spa Agreement in This Way. A despatch from Winnipeg says:— Wheat broke 5 cents to 7 cents a bushel on the Winhipeg. Grain Ex- change on Friday, following a drop of 10 to 11 cents on the Chicago market. The close for October delivery a Winnipeg was $2.543,4; for Novembe $2.49%, and for December $2.35%. Although coarse grains declined o the American market they held thei own at Winnipeg. The break in whea came in the last half hour at Winni peg, and was said to be due to variety of causes. Slacking. of expor booking, due to the threatened coa strike in. Britain, and favorable re ports on the Argentine crops Were, to said to be the two main causes, but le one wheat dealer on Friday night de- e- clawed that he believed the failing in d..prices of commodities in the United e States had a good deal to do with it.; or ,'If prices of conemodities are to..coraei a,elowen .wheat must come down;" he. said. e, -The drop is of tremendous conse-; e- (pence to Western farmers, as1 the marketing of the wheat of the; prairies is just well under way. In -I epections at Winnipeg on Friday to- n. a e cars, as compared with e • 583-a year ago. r • h The Canadian price of 'wheat is d Still higher than the American. De- cember wheat closed here to -day at d $2.35%. At Chicago the price was $2,16. e 1 Amber is found black, green, brown, • Paris, Sept. 26.—Although Germany is now rending to France each month the quantity of coal stipulated in the Spa agreement, it is said the coal will not burn. The French are charging t the Germans with trying deliberately ✓ in this way to evade the treaty. Complaints have been pouring in n from factories to which the German ✓ coal was alloted that much of it is use - t less. It arrives in the form of bri- quettes of coal dust. The complaints a allege that the bricks easily dissolve, t. and the supposed coal dust proves to 1, consist largely of earth and sweepings. - Imminence of a coal strike in Great Britain, coupled with alleged spurious deliveries from Germany will, it is feared, seriously handicap French in- dustries in the coming winter, for France depends upon these two sources for coal. Predictions are heard that many factories may be forced to shut down. The French Government will pro- bably sent a strong protest to Ger- many against the class of coal deliver- ies made so far. Cana-,:lian. Demand For Shoes Satisfied A despatch from Montreal says:— The Canadian demand for shoes has been satisfied, and the warehouses are filled up with all styles and grades which will not sell at present prices, an authority declared hem He said and white in color, as well as the there was o prospect for finding a usual yellow. j market overseas. • Weedy Market Report Wholesale Grain. Toronto, Sept, 28.—Manitoba wheat —No. 1 Northern, $2.731/4; No. 2 Northern, $2.701/4; No. 3 Northern, $2.65%; No, 4 wheat, $2.491/4, in store Fort William, Manitoba oats—No. 2 CW, 77%e• No. 3 CW, 76%c; extra No. 1 feed, 75%c; No. 1 feed, 75%c; No. 2 feed, 69%c, in store Fort William. Man. barley—No. 3 CW, $1.14; No. 4 CW, $1,07; rejected, 99c; feed, 97e, in store Fort William. American eorn—No, 2 yellow $2; nominal, track, Toronto, prompt ship- ment, Ontario oats—No. 8 white, 70 to 75e, Ontario wheat—No, 2 Winter, per car loti $2.30 to $2.40, shippingpoints, according to freights, Peas—No, 2, nominal, Barley—$1.30 to $1.S5, according to Spring of 1922. freights outside. New President of France Premier Alexandre Millerand, who sitcceeds M. Desehanel as President of the French Republic. , I Buckwheat—No, 2, nominal, Live Stock Marketse ... Rye --No. 3, $1,75 nominal, aecord- Toronto, Sept, 28.—Good heavy in' to freights outside, Isteers, $14 to $15; butchers' steers, Mam flour—$13.25, new crop, choice, $13.50 to $14.75; do, good, $11 Ontario flour—$10,4t1 to $10.50, bulk to $13; do, need., $7 to $9; do, com sea- oai . 1$5 to $7; butcher heifers, ehoice, $12 Millfeed—Car tote, deliveved Ment -j to $14; do, med,, $7.50 to $9; do, com„ , real frieghts, bags ineluded; Bran, per I $6 to $7; butcher cows, choice, $9 to I ton. $52; shorts, per ton, $(31; good, $11; do, med., $6 to $8.20; canners and , feed flour, $3.75. ' cutters, $3 to $5.50; butcher bulls, Country Produce—Wholesala, I good, $7 to $10; do, com., $4.50 to Eggs, selects, 65 to 67c; No, 1, 61 I $5,50; do, fair, $7.50 to $9.50; feeders, best, $9,50 to $11; do, fair, $7.5o to to 63e. 'utter, creamery pririte, 60 $9.50; stockers, good, $8 to $10; do, to 63c; choke dairy prints, 40 to 51c; !grade, 34 to 38c. Cheese, new, large, fair, $7.50 to $9.50; milkers and ordinary dairy prints, 45 to 47c; bak- stringers, choice, $100 to $150; calves, ere', 35 to 40c; oleomargarine, best c °lee, $18 to $20; do, med., $14 to $17; do, come $7 to $1,3; lambs, $14.50 2,8 to 29c; tevins, 29 to 80q, 9ffltor !old, 35% to 86%e; old twins, 84e, ' - -- ' to $15; sheeP, ehoice, $7hto $8; do, heavy and bucks, $5 to $6.50; do Maple Syrup, 1 gal. tin, $3.40; 5 gal. , yearlings, $9.50 to $10.50; hogs, fed tin, per gal.. $3.25; maple sugar. lb., 27 to 80c. Honey, comb, new, finest and watered, $21; off cars, $21,25; do, . , M quality, easeshof 15 sections, 16 ounce e f.o.b., $20. Montreal , Seel. 28,—Butcher steers, to section, per ease, $8, do, No2 to $6. Honey, extracted, New Zee- ' med$to ., 9 $10.50; com., $6 to $9 butcher heifers, med., $8.50 to $10; I land, in 60-1b, tins, per Ib., 26 to 2coni„ 7e; $6.60 to $8.50; butcher cows, i Ontario, No. 1, in 2% and 5-1b. tins, med., $5.50 to $8.50; canners, $3 to 27 to 29r. ChurningCreani—Torontoi $4; cutters, $4 to $5; butcher bul erea•ni 61 to 62e per pound fat, f.o.b. ls seeameries ate paying for ehurning emu., $5 to $5.75. Good veal, $13 to shipping points, nominal. $15; med., $10 to $13; grass, $6.50 to $7.50; ewes, $6 to iY/.50; lambs, good, Provisions—Wholesale. $13; corn., $10 to $12. Hogs off car Smoked meats—Tlants, med., 47 to weights, selects, $20.50 to $20.75; 60c; heavy, 40 to 42c; cooked, 64 tosows, $15.50 to $16.50. 68c; rolls, 34 to 36c; cottage rolls, 39 to 41c; breakfast bacon, 50 to 62c; backs, plain, 52 to 54c; boneless, 58 to 64c. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 27 to 28c; clear bellies, 26 to 27c. Lard—Pure tierces, 274 to 28%c; tubs, 29 to 294c; pails, 29 to 30c; prints, 30 to 30%c, Compound tierces, 21% to 22c; tubs, 22 to 23c; pails, 23% to 24c; prints, 263;1.1 to 27c. Montreal Markets. Montreal, Sept. 28.—Oats, Can. western, No. 2, $1.02; do, No, 3, $1. Flour, new standard grade, $14.50. Rolled oats, bag 90 lbs., $4.75 to $4.90. Bran, $54.75. Shorts, $59,75. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car lots, $32. Cheese, finest easterns, 243c. Butter, thole - est creamery, 60 to 61c. Eggs, fresh, 66e. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1,65 to $1.75. GERMANY INTERNS 51,000 BOLSHEVIK! Are Cad in Filthy Rags, Haggard, Long -Haired and Barefoot. London, Sept. 26,—Bolshevik sole diers, to the number of 51,000, have been removed from East Prussia and distributed among internment cain.pe in various parts of Germany, accord- ing to a Berlin despatch to the Daily Telegraph. The correspondent writes; "From an absolutely trustworthy wit.- ness who had just returned from East Prussia and was caught at Arys by the full flood of defeated Russian troops, I have received interesting. dee tails of what he aaw, At time of his arrival at Arys more than 44,000 Rus- sians were swarming ,ceren the little town. A great majority.of them were bivouacking in openfields, as in the internment camp there had been made for only 5,000. "They were haggard, long-haired, dirty, and clad in every imaginable kind of uniform. Russian, German, French, American and Polish tunics could be identified among thorn. in meet cases the uniforms were incredi- bly ragged and filthy. • The footgear was in even more lamentable condi- tion. In a column of 1,000 men my informant counted 21 who were marching barefooted and 250 who were shod with mere fragments of boots held together by strings, rags and whisps of straw. "Serious infectious diseases were strangely rare, with only 10 or 15 cases of typhus, On the other hand, nearly every man in tamp was alive with vermin, an affliction with which the Germans dealt promptly and ef- fectively. Before any Russian was forwarded on front camp he was etrip- ped and drenched with a hot shower. His clothing was thrown through the window of the bath house to a steam disinfecting van outside. About 1,500 Russians were cleansed of their para- sites daily by this means. The Ger- mans seem on the whole to have grap- pled the fugitive problem vigorously and tactfully." "WHY IT IS GOOD TO BE BRITISH." Navy League Essay Competi- tion. 1st prize, $50.00, fcr pupi:s of the High Schools and of Upper Schools in Colleges and Private Schools in On- tario, also to boys and girls who are educating themselves through home lessons. 2nd prize, $25.00; 3rd prize, 815.00; 4th prize, $1.0.00: For pupils below the High School Grades in Public and Private Schools. Read carefully the last paragraph of Archdeacon Cody's address to the An- ual Meeting of the Ontario Division f the Navy League, May 12th, 1920, his appears on page 10 of the printed eport, a copy of which you may have pon request. Study carefully Chap. er 21, of "Flag and Fleet" (Wood), a ook published by Messrs. McMillan & ompany, Toronto, endorsed. for chool reading by the Ontario De- artment of Education, and other Pro - laces. Now write a short story- of not less han 200, and not more than 500 'ords, telling In your own way what vent in the "Flag and Fleet" chapter ou think best explains "Why It Is Good To Be British." That will be he title of your essay. Remember, it Is not the boys and iris who say the most, nor who tell err story in the nicest way, who are re to win the prizes. The prize win- ers will be those whom the judges nsider feel most sincerely what ey write, and who take the most ins to express themselves clearly d accurately. Address The Navy League of nada, 34 King St. West, Toronto. meric,.a.Expe :zed to Make Up German crop Shortage T n 0 t b C p v t 14 e t g th su 11 GO th pa an Ca A 4-- 3.77,'Mtl A despatch from Berlin says:—Two million tons of breadstuffs must be imported by Germany, chiefly front America, as the 1920 crop will be con- siderably short of the country's re- quirements, says an announcement by the president of the Imperial Grata Department. The rye crop has been a disappoint- ment and this year's harvest of bread. stuffs is calculated to yield only 7,000,. 000 tons, while land devoted to bread. stuff productioii has diminished more titan 7 per cent, • Live Hog Industry Suffers Decline Ottawa, Sept. 26,—The live hog in- dustry of Canada sustained a loss ap- proximately of $11,000,000 during the seven months ending July 81. The sum represents the deficit in hog mar- kets during that period as compared with the same period of 1919, Ti� logs in revenue is attributed to the liquidation of breeding stock during 1919. A