Zurich Herald, 1920-10-07, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS PROUDFOOT, KIIA,ORAN, R; COOKS, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries • Public See, Office:, an the Srlutm:a, and door from Hamilton +t,. (-oderloh. Private fonds bo loan at lowest rates W. Pi ounr•nor, K. C. J. J.,,. KII.r,oxnty. H. J. D. Comm Mr. Cooke Will be in Hassall on :Friday and Saturday of each:aveolc, • ,ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Public Coro missioner, Conveyancing, Wire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office, Zurich.. Dr.E. S. liarale DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICr+'• — HrNqALL, OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. 0. Phone 18-93 Licensed it . tinneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale. Give mei a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31r13. Zuflolt MARKET Fre,h a»'s Salt Meats Boic: 5.ausages, etc Highest Cesh Price for Wou18, CASH FOR HUNS et Hll)1iI eloltert • PUT YOU jj LOCAL NEWS Wants, For Sale, Lost, 4• Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN' _... -win e • - —... FOR SALE One 9-h, p. United Gasoline en- gine, dual ignition, clu'thc pulley, on trucks, good as new. L. Prang. . _.. - .. FOR ALE Areal snap in a new Massey - Harris 11-dise drill. L PRANG. LOST Or removed front, the ear• of Mr. 1+isle Stelek on Fair night, on the Zurich Road, ]vest of the village, a purse i:relonging to Mrs. Stelek. Finder kindly leave at Herald of- fice or return to owner.- FOR wner. FOR SALE PROPERTY The property known as the Wagner's Corner, 2!:i 'miles north of Zurich is being offered for sale, consisting of a frame house 35x45 feet with best of material; a good barn -frame stable 20x4.0 feet. For further particulars apply to Peter Baker, Zurich, or phone 3r21., . -2 FOR SALE A good second hand No. 21 Fleury plod J. E. Druar, Zur- ich FOR SALE While they last,.. we are offering 30x3 Standard and United auto tiree, guaranteed 3300 miles. Reg- ular $21 for only $18, at Stade & Weido, I. Mies, A. Kt°i•cher and son, Herb, 1 of the-l3ronso'n, were at Kithoener jon Monday/. • . Mese M.•ri•t U r,fruan of Dash- 'wood ash-'xi ood is silencing, the week with her friend, Miss Muriel J 'rcet:tr.. Air. and IVIrs. Mex.. Denomy of Windsor Visited relatives and fri ends in this vicinity the past week. Quite a number, of our village at tended the Katzetijamrner shote in Stratford on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter, who spent the hast week at Detroit, returned home on Tuesday even ing. Nr. and Mrs. P. Smith, who spent the past two weeks with relatives here, returned to their honk on Wednesday. The Mtseos L. and 0, "Howald of Detroit are v:siting at their par- ent's .home, i,Ir. and Mrs. Jac. Howald. Mr.. and Mrs. A. Melick visited at Crediton un Sunday, their son, Uladmen, who hacl been there for some time, returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs, F. McKenney and two children c;; Detroit were re- cent vieitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Finlay, Stanley. ire Calgary Herald estimates that the Alberta wheat crop this year is worth $45,7_7 0.0 or over ,,cur times what it was worth min 1015. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Geotz and • daughter Mrs. Donough, and Mre. i.lu,nuf of t)at;hwoocL were Sun - ?tai, ter lltlNJ a a by ani it:w 1'i iiave t./'w' Avinvti [Z is tl rAmv, It J ee1a the ;•st .o sed yeti( tk 'it nod lirprorr; li.• ;s j., , i'r, --:lair ii• liar} While Oi:o (tom (Contributed by gntr,ria nepartnient cal At;ricu1tururonto.i w()USES are gttionic•d for the 51 purpotie of keeping the :Iltin and coatclean, and rCt i nt- iipturing the general t pr+ erance. The skin cel!5isee of tare parts, vie. , t 11 clerrul i or eorlltirr tvhlclt forun the deep layer, which is plentifully supplie:l with both blood vessels and nerves, and the epidermis or cuticle which is external and has neither blood nor nerve supply; hence is nonvascular and ineensitive and serves as 0 protective covering for Clic dermis. It consists of a layer of agglutinated calls which are formed on the surface of the dermis. In the tissue immediately under- neath the dermis are large numbers of .sudoriferous or sweat glands, (etch of which is surrounded by a quentily of fat. These glands are round bodies, each of which consists of one ter more small tubes coiled into a ball; the free end of the tube opens o'1 the cur - face by a funnel -shaped orifice. The skin of the botae is aareeter- ized by its great sonsitivet.:.;s, villi• t is still further promoted by good grooming. Few animals, If any, pers- pire as freely as the horse. As atad, the cells lls of the epidermis -'` cia • ciaiture at lav bezels oe Mr: We have a few used washing' 5 are formed by the dermis. This for - machines and Mrs. Fly. laueTrn.1'. oration of cells is continuous, as is machines and wringers at a berg- sin.•—Stade R Weide. i plaits are successful, there also the r,xfoliation of the cells of the 8:.,�.,.. will likely i a baseball mates external surface of the epidemis The .__.............e, - WANTED played on the Zurich diamond on hair prevents the free Escape of these LIVE POULTRY every Thurs- thanksgiving Day, Oct. lath. The d:ty morning. local club is trying to secure the scales.. hence there is a tendency to R. N. D0UGLA:S, - Blake. Win ham team for an exhibition accumulation; the coat also gathers —_._. ._.____ _ game. A concert under the aus- dust, etc., from the surroundings, and i the :at c u i - animal is no groomed the coat nig' Will also be arranged rf the soon becomes filled with the aceunitt- ash- arratzgeinnnts can • be completed. ]alien, which becoxn s damp when the aminal perspires. It. is chimers that Dery In this 'sear of the Herald is this has a tendency to occlude the ]vera• the beginning, of a continued art- openings of the sweat glands, hence sole entitic;i ' A grip to thz Iligii- interfere with free perspiration. Whe- let is oil Ontario," t'iiis aI c,e, tIicr or not there is much force to WANTED LIVE POULTRY Reid, Edigho fer & Son, D wood, will take in live fowl e 'We lnesda i foren.ton of each Fi ,m, FOR SALE pice. o'1 1 l b n the even f the' t • I leave for sale the eeneitt i;; we hope, ii ui unusual interest eta -this contention, it is an undisputed rixi situftted in the Ton a -'our rose ne as the contributor of fact that the horse that is regularly line fa , f convenient to v4:ia4e 1 ,. t ;Ie lt:rls ship o Hay, put forth special effort and well groomed looks better, feels '�" �•• and school and in good state of to make tele very spiel, as weir better and gives more satisfactory {service than his mate under the same cultivation. The farts coaisists o. , ,, educative. Although, -written conditions less the grocming.The 120 acres, with eleven acres of good 1 oe_ler for sholars, but by the eon ton glens the is remove the bush, plenty of good water, frame! general appearance of this first ing :scales, dust, dried penes>iration and .1' ssey-Ha rris . RE P rs I handle all kinds of Massey - Harris repairs for Farm Implem- ents. Also a full line of Verity Plow Points and Plow Repairs, at My Shop!, opposite Town Hall. S.Barry -- Zurich HEiSALL G T• R TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave Zurich ... 7.00 a.m. South, No, 162 ».. .-- ._. 8.58 a.m. North, No. 163 ... ... ...10.33 a.m. AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich -•- ___x.00 p 1n South, No. 161 ... _.... p North, No. 165 ... .........6.14 pan. LAVE POU LT R Y 'ANTED Taken every clay till 3 ()clock p.m. Do not feed fowl same morning 'when brought in. Highest Case` Prices F-- --CASH FOR-- C ream —GASHOR— Cream and Eggs W. O' 11 gen Zurich - E. R. Helmuth dwelling, good batik barn and now silo, ' Also nineteen acres of fall wheat. Possession given in the fall or nest spring." For particu- lars apply to A. F. Mese, Zurich. section,it cannot help but be ad- other foreign substances regularly. Mired by all. In order to do this a curry comb of some nature must be used, that when. On Tuesday last while some re- being worked by the hand, both with pairing wee being done to Mr. W. and against the grain of the hair, will Bell's hone at Suaaorth, it in some agitate the hair to its exit from the m:tuner• caught :iI•'. Only through skin, thereby loosening all foreign the presence o: mind of Foreman substances. The comb should not Wurm of the flax mill, it might • have teeth sufficiently sharp to scar - FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres, being lot 17 con. 9, township of Stanley, a batt e bt'eu a lease of ruins. "Jal:ey" ify or irritate the skid. Then a stiff bout 2 miles south-west of Varna, rushed up the ladder and•climbed brush should be used to remove all on the Babylon Line, also 50 - lel perpendicular roofs and with foreign tuat.ter that has hot Cacrtped -•t-.tt deno't'e to himself, he man- aged an- .during the use of the comb. �vh�'n a the coat is quite short flee use of the ,i;;. d to extinguish flea flames• comb is not n ees any, the stiff brus71 7`)i `rows Fire brigade arrived on being sti leiont. A finer brush, the thesc t ic' when all was over, and . bearing surface of which consists of "Jakey" said "'Coo batt bo vs, but bristles should now be used to re - acres across the road. The place is well built with large bank barn, and silo, a good frame house and an abundance of good water puped by windmill and supplied in th stable. Th: farm is in high alum;� is no use Navin; a fire bei- stove anything that still remains, state of cults ration, well drained tate while I am around Seaiorth." after which the whole surface of the good fences, etc. Possession can be arranged with the proprietors for this coning fall. For further particulars apply to Reid & John- ston, Varna. Phone 17-623, Clin- ton, pt -11 NOTICE. Notice is hereby gived that the, partnership heretofore substiting between us, the undersigned; Oluf Pedersen and E. R. Helmulh, at Butter Manufacturers, was this clay dissolved by mutual consent, so far as regards the said B. R. Hel- muth. All debts due to the said Partnership are to be paid, and tho4e due from the same discharg- ed, at Dashwood, where the bus- inees will be continued by the said Oluf Pedersen under•, the name of • "Dashevood Creamery Company," i Dated at Crediton this 93rd day Phone 94. • of September A. D. 1990, •Olnf Pedersen, MONdenlmerrnMsrmtmeam aw e & HL son co,$ D l 1 Witness; Herbert K. Eilber, trt �tCO , Also soft . coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- eettled condition still prevaling in 'the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery or price 'We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and' prices will be charged in price ruling on day of delivery. Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries. Remember We purchase only Stan- dard' quality. 1a, A ion Phone house No, 10, Office No. 10. HENSALL ONS". The Herald Department is al- ways ready to turn out first-class work at moderate prices consider ing the great increase in cost of production. Every farmer should and many have already, have a printed suppiy`of note paper and Le envelopes, with No. of Telephone and Rural Mail route, and perhaps whatever specialty he follows in stock, grain or fruit, It looks businesslike and -Coats little more than the retail price of'the blank stat ionerp, c ; EXECUTIVIC The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers `v .It "1. Only those cvislting for ad- venecnu•nt to riu laity ay accountant. Boum study trainee.,n r t r , i edea Irick ;your, pt'CS(tt occupa- tion, 1;14 :,,t i, lt'c 1 'vr' trot:. d more ('crti- The Ontario Deputy Fire Mar -body should be well rubbed with a clean linen cloth. The tail and Mane shat, Mr.. G. F. Lewis, 01 Toronto, should be well brushed with the stiff is remaking au appeal to the people brush and then combed with combs ofOntario to observe Saturday, designed for the purpose. Oct. oth., as an especial effort to It is well, under ordinary condi- prevent fire, The total amount tions, to gr•oont a horse well twice of loss by fires during 1919 amounts daily. If a horse has perspired freely to $10,514,239, of whihc two thirds with cloths ia d practice ehto r u Sim well could have been prevented by. using precaution. Let us all get this be neglected he should be groom busy and do our keit in cleaning up ed to remove the dried perspiration and other accumulations before lie is old rubbish, weeds, waste mtaer- flied for the night, as under such con- i ,l etc., and see that your stove ditions he doubtless rests better.— Dr. J. H. Reed, O: A. College, Guelph. or furrace pipes are peoperly fit- ted; in good condition, and secure- ly fatten .d. And by -the -way, our village fire -fighting equipment such as it is, has not been put to a trial test for several years, and Id) one actually knows in what con- main under the. hover or hen much dition it is in. :� goad suggest- of the time. They isolate themselves ion would be to get about twenty from the rest of the flock; their fea- or thirty men together and give thers become rough and the wings droop. They eat little or nothing although they mechanically peck at things. '' A thin whitish or creamy sticky discharge comes from the vent and clings to the down, frequently clogging up the veat. The birds be- come short backed or hunched up and mostly die in a few days,—a few, however, survive, 'Post mortem examination shows loss of flesh; the alimentary canal is Usually empty except for some slimy fluid. The organs are all pale. The liver may have a few dark streaks. The trouble usually starts with chicks hatched from eggs laid by a hen whose ovary is diseased. Other chicks hi the hatch soon pick up the bacteria from the droppings of the af- fected chicks and so the disertse spreads. Those chinks that take the 'disease and apparently recover will usually have diseased ovaries, conse- quently the eggs which they lay are liable to produce the disease in the chicks hatched from then. In addi- tion to this, however; their egg -laying powers will usually be low, and the infertile eggs among those that aro laid will be a high percentage. Con - Bacillary White Diarrhoea of Chicks. This disease is responsible for many deaths among young chicks. Affected birds appear stupid and re - the old "dinky" a good try -out, nad see what it is capable 01 do- ing. W. C. T. U. NOTES CANADIANIZE OR—? Canadianize or be foreignized, is the imperative choice of the hour for all Canadians. The W. C. T. U, has ever been a leader and moul der of public opinion in all moral religious and patriotic movements, 'wherever it has obtained a perm- anent foothold. It must not now fail to Canadienizatiolt,. There- fore the "Tidings" earnestly re- quest that the articles on this sub- ject now runn'ne in its c,e:unins and discussions of both regular and parlor nee^tinge. In July was pub- lished a general article; in Augu- st, one o ,tittle Jews, and in Sept- * ember lumber the Italians lta't e ant innings, In later issues will be given data concerning other nat- ionalities who are coming to our lied i'ttl,ti.a A Ant it1 t .,c..lnt ?ltertnat,tu- x„ ]° tiJa'"'3, Mal Cidns p Lt1 Mitekalk',cpo,hsl yowl urs cure w i "'� w - flf. Children Cry for Flt cr's ...,..-..-.-. ..S,`k.4}•t«.- ,.- •..uc .. .t ..w �... ,a na .:cn r.•o3•asv wn a Va Fletcher's Castoria. is st:ictly a remedy r e ItIzi:,!entei end d- x Foods are specially p. ei t..t at b tures b , J ;s t-at•.dicine is even more essential far %aby. Remedieri2 ar1? j prepared :for grown-ups are not interchangeable, It was the need of a remedy for the common, ailme:._ts of Infants and Children that brow?ht Castcria before the public; after years of research, and no claire] has been made fes• it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. a cr.' tP a ' r t 11 rhe'. 17r LA? Castor:i a is a harmless substitute _✓ - Caster Oil, Paregoric„ :crops and Soothing Gyr�up::. It r paean-nt. .c contains. neither Opiunl., Morphine nor ether nelsons substance. Its age is its guarantee. For More -l'o'an, thirty year's it has been in constant use for the relief c` Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; r.: -slaying Feverishness' arising therefrom;, .2,.d by regulating Igo :stomach and Bowels, aids the assiinilation of Fond; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. G�iC s1 �iF J' Bears the ()RIA AL:WA Signature ©f Cse or Over 36 Years THE CENTAUR. COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY 15reedi.nt purposce's Mese' biro,:; that have suffered from white diarrhoea when they were young. Healthy chick:; should be removed from contact with effected ones and placed in clean, disinfected surround- ings. It is a goof] policy to kill and burn the affected specimens and then thoroughly disinfect everything with whichy,they have come in contact. D. 11. Jones, 0. A. College, Guelph. The June sown rape should bo ready about now and will make a desirable change for young lambs. Bought and Sold Any Issue. and accured interest. A. F. HESS, - Zurich .�e'raa.^.rsL rw .-. ...s•._.�s-•e•- '-^-T:s nor-x,�.,..a. • Par F--•:---1-s--a�-fi-;—i-i-t-;-«:-•i-,-v-•r-•E-•i- YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be, promptly attendee] to hire. S•ee•us abient DOtTTJL•E TEAM HAI -,NESS, SINGLE HARNESS, S, REPAIRING OF ALL IiINUS Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of NVhips, Sweat Patti ., Curry Combs. ett A Trial Solicited FRE ELI ZURACH ., •3• 4--•14 ,T.-- i• 4• + • 4 •I• 1 n+ + 1 4, •; 4. •€• .;.--n•-+-4-+F• ave 1 G -CJs•. :a - _Iter .'- _.::.W THE FARMP:RS OP THIS SECTION \v IM, HARVEST ONE OF THE LARGEST CROPS IN SOME YEARS. WHEN THE CROP IS SAFELY STORED IN THE BARN YOU SHOULD PROTECT YOURSELF AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE GRAIN IS MARKETED, • I CAN INSURE YOU IN TIIE LONT)ON MUTUALFIEE NSURANCt CO. AT THE, FOLLOWING LOW COST PER MONTH. 20e per $100 for 1 month. 20c per $100 for 2 months. 40e per $100 for 2 months. SOe per $100 for 4 months. 60c per $100 for 5 months. '10e per $100 for 6 months, )r a $2,000 policy for 4 months will cost you only $10.00. NSt.TRE YOUR AUTOMOBILE, AGAINST FIRE, THEFT, ACCIDENT, El'C. RATES REASONABLE. A F. !1 A ESS = ZURleF INSURANCI1 OE ALL KINDS. ' ed:bReeee-�,4A,•ir8liies, V i',