Zurich Herald, 1920-10-07, Page 4THE HERALD Issued Wednesday afternoon from the ,A"HE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE taaptay Advertising -Made known WO application. Stray Animals --011e insertion 50c Three insertions $1,00, Parra or Real Estate for sale rMc., each insertion for one mouth led four insertions, 25c, for each 'Subsequent insertion: Miscellaneous articles of not Wore than five lines, For Sale, To Kelm, or Wasnted, Lost, Found, etc., 58atch insertion 25a. Local Reading natives, etc., 10c, pear line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a i4be, Effective after Jan, 1st. 1920 Menus of subscription ;A.1.25 per year In advance; $2.00 may be charged if not so paid. U, S. subscrinti- ions $1.75 strictly in advance. Na paper discontinued sintil all ar- rears are paid unless at the option Si/ the. publisher, The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISIN x RATES 'Duction Sales, $1 for one inser- ltion anis $1.50 for two insertions if moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding I. finch, $6 per year. 'Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, - ONT. IPISURE YOUR DAMAGE PROPERTY AGAINST BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. A Trip to The Highlands of Ontario Before begriming the story of the trip let me give you ap idea of the destination we had in 'view, Since* the days waren the Grand Trunk Railway was first built north from Toronto,. that part of Ont- ario now comprising Algonquin Park, and the districts of Parry. Sound. Haliburton and- Muskoka proper, was vaguely known as Muskoka. American tourists and writers always name that territ- ory by a more high sounding title, "The 'Highlands of Ontario," and rightly so, for it is the most elev- ated part of Southern Ontario. Some of the higher parts of that tourists' and sportsmen's Paradise reach an altituda of 1200. feet ab- ove sea -level, while the Georgian Bay close by boasts of only 581 feet. Geographically and geologically it is em outpost of the great Laur- entian. Plateau which encircles the Hudson's Bay like an immense horseshoe. This region consists almost whol Iv of forests deices and rocks Small farms and clearings are scat- tered along the main roads, which however, are few. One may im- agine what are the beautiful spots and attractions this part of the country affords if you look at the map and read the names. of such lakes as; Muskoka, Lake of Bays, Teske of many Islands, Clear Lake. Stony Lake, Pickerel Lake, and scores of others. There are at least six Deer Lakes. Better known to the deer • hunter, per- haps, are the rivers, Maganet-van, Wolf, Muskoka and Madawaska, where many of their lodges, in- habited only -in November, may be seen. To some, Muskoka seems to be a far -away land. No one consid- ers it far from the shore of Lake Huron to Toronto and yet if y..au start from our capital city and THE HOME INSURANCE CO. travel the same distance, due north $nsu.as yc..xr Property without Premium 1l ,te, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN- FARMERS' "VMA-rxxnp, =W. meter- -AL Co. paid $110.000 loss in the November 219 wind storm. Amount of Ins by rail you will cross the entire length of Muskoka before your destination is reached. Ontario's greatest pl ry-ground is, practically at your door. Owing.to the good rail-vay ie - ommo atiora; • it can be easily and quickly reached. The rails Of three transcontinental railways, st- acting from Toronto, cross it. The in force $25,000,000. Rate 45 , C.N R. and the C. P. R. running vents per. $100 ofr 3 years. Prem- I almost parallel with the shore of Yum note 2 per cent. the Georgian Bay, skirt the foot Am also agent for several other of the Plateau, while two G. T. R. Wind Insurance Companies. lines. on: starting from Toronto G.Holtzman ZURICH, - ONT. ANYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGII T NIN *4 RODS advertise in the Herald- and srotice the results. We have in stock Primisory Note took blanks, 25 to the book, also Ford• a quantity of vest pocket receipt book blanks, for sale. Herald Office. BLAKE. WAYI3URN NEWS- I 2 Quito a number frons this vie -V The rains of last week hindered 0inity- attended Bayfield Fair last the farmers with their cutting the! d Thursdtt , - corn; but it soaked the handl well, vs Mr. and Mrs. John Dick of Oak» nad facilitates the ploughing, te vials-, accompanied, -by Mrs, Dick Owing to. Friday last tieing a 0 0 cs Of Hensel). visited at the home .of Mr. and Mrs. .R. N. Douglas last week. Mise Anna McDonald spent the we k -end at the home of Mr, and\ very wet 'and disagreeable day. the U. 1'. 0. Club of Grand: i3end did not meet, hence the address on, Educational Reforms for our Eur-' al 'schools -to be • given by Mr. Jas Mrs. Jim Garraie's. S. .Delgaty is postponed to a fut- ,11.r. and Mrs. G. Freckleton and family spent Sunday evneing at the ,hoine of Mrs. E.,..Clarke in athe village. Silo filling is the order of the day. DASHwoO:l The annual meeting of the Bible Society was held Sunday evening when Rev, , R. J. Bowen iFeld Sec- retary of \the IT, C. B. S. gave a talk on \the great work done thr- oughout the world. Mr. Bowen is a fluent speaker and has a grasp of the subject in hand. The business part of the progearn res- ulted in the election of the follow- ing officers; Pres. J. K. Goetz, Sec- Treas., G. S. Howard; Cominittee, Me: srs'. Birk, Graybiel, Stade, Wil - fang. Collectors will be selected later and a canvass will be taken of the neighborhood. The even- ing collection amounted to $7.25. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert of De- ure date. Our Teacher, J. S. Delgaty took in the Bayfield Fair last Thursday Mrs. Delgaty accompanied hien. Our trustee- board have impro- ved the appearance of our school grounds by the erection of a new fence on the front and west side. A few general improvements an- nually tend to beautify our scho- ol houses and surroundings. Our rural school houses are not what :hey should be. If trusters boards would consider that the boys and girls of our homes have to spend the most important years of their lives in the rural schools, they would possibly- keen our school house3 and premises more tidy and pleasant and thereby encourage our boys and girls to attend more regularly. Gospel services will be held in the • Wayburn School on Sunday no:ct at 7 p. m. Come and hear the pure Gospel Story of Grace. troit are visiting at lase hoose or: Much need of pure Gospel on these FT, Biers. .17 days .of, apostasy. Potatoe digging is the. order of HAY COUNCIL the, day and et•erybody has a gl- IHS. Cannell met for the regu- o'wing report of the crop to make, lar session on Saturday, Oct. 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Howard. and ail the members were present. family of Godecrielx ,and Mr. and The minutes of the previous me- eting were read nad adopted. The following orders were pas- sed;— J. Dw'chert supplies for bridge, $4839;. "'. L. Smith printing 8.16; Thos. .:relsh lumber, 76.75; Co. of Huron: use of grader nad engine 71.25; 1'. Haberer, valuating sheep 3.00; T. Kyle, com. work 101.40; MurdoeS Stewart, 1st award Hay War T ^rn. Scholarship 27.50; L. Schum •!her, com. wrk., 258.60; C. Aidswo ^th, building ea and ditch 23.60; ditto omc. wrk. 251.40; E. Hendrick, com. wrk. 63.50; Alex. Foster, cul. con 2, 40 00; L. Schilbe SCHO®;1.. REPORT labor el. cep, road 7.50; L. Shcilhe, corn 19.00; Dashwood School Fair The •following shows the stand- grant 15.00; Wm. Decher, bal. ing; of the pupils of Room.III, bas- teaming .50; J. Gellman cleaning ed on weekly exams and daily ditch 4.00; North Elec. Co. supplies markings. 100.41; Can. ='Ind. Tel. Co. 82.44; Grad.; Coarse: Spe1hng l - Stromberg-'Carlsan Tel. Cn. 29.9e; ins and arithmetic, -E, lloward 88% 1I, Cr. Deitz, labor, salary etc, 314 65 M. Tiernan _85, C. 5teinhagen 72 M. A, F. Hess, con. on collections' 14 00 Carrier 68, P. Mcisaac salary, etc., 342.45. J. Grad., same subjects;— A. The council adjourned to meet Heilman 85, F. Hartleib •82, P, again on Saturday, Nov. 6th, at K&'instiver 81, E. Guenther •79, I, 1 o'clock p. R^_ve11e 77, J. Guenther 68, A. F. HESS, Clerk ter., IV;—Same .subjects; AA. Mrs. M. 0. Drysdale of . Hensall, called• on friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Siebert of Zurich visited in the 'village on. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCormick of Bririgeburg are • visitors With'. Mr. and Mrs. F. Baker. Mr. John Stephan has sold. his f v.=';u on the 14th con., Stephen. Mr. Jacob Messner has purchased the 50 -acres, known as the Steph- an homesteadm, and Messrs. Jasob willert and Wilfred Desjardine have pu"chased the other 50 acres. Pos- session in both cases given next March. and the other from Ottawa cross I' tier 80, L. Tiernan, 79, Lillie Wil- 1,e Erich other, at right angles, in the t ' 76, Lucile Willert U3, C. Snell ss _, L. England, absent, - very heart of the Highlands. The Jr. IV, same subjects;L. Reid only stations around which towns es1 E Zimmer 59, .V Baker 50, M. have grown are on the Toronto .ti:a'..er 48. . and North Bay Line. These are _ Clravenhurst, F3rncs'bridge, Hunts- ' HENSALL. vine and Burk's Falls. There is drill Dougall and bride of Tor - only one continuous highway, in ,sato, spent the week -end with the use, through this district and it sormer's mother, Mrs. Andrew follows the railway line north but ' f.ru all. it is the last mentioned route that Louis MacKay, who has been -interests me most for over it- we ,,ending the holidays at his Bogie, made our summer trip in a Henry hes returned to Toronto, where he will resume his studies. Last week Wm. "Vanhorne sold house in London and expects to move his household effects to Hen- -- ; To be continued) Burning the . Nation's Wealth .EVERY HOUR OF THE DAY AND NIGHT The Torch of (Carelessness BRINGS DESTRUCTION TO SOMEBODY'S PROPERTY IN ONTARIO The Work of Fire Prevention should appeal to the Farmer, who gas at the mercy at the Fire Demon; and to every Merchant and Man- 't1faeturer who wishes to preserve the continuity and non-interfer- lenee of his business. ESPECIAL EFFORTS S.1OULD BE MADE DURING FIRE PREVENTION WEEK, 0 C T OBER 9th to remove all Fire Hazards and take every possible precaution to lerevent Fire, CL A t ucmulations of waste material, rubbish, boxes, (,rush, weeds and conditions that creat disorder, Ontario Fire Prevention League, Inc. in affiiiation with The Ontario Fire Marshal's Office 15' UNIVM-IITY AVE, TORONTO NOTICE .Slaving purchased the cider mill Mr J, J. Kerner.; We will be op- erating same on the following days; Sept 23rd, 27th, 28th, 29th 30th and after these days every day excepting Saturdays ,,, We will cook apple butter on and after Monday Oct 4th. F. C. Kalbfle:sch, Profirietor; Henry Gellman, Manager. • AUCTION SAI ,E 01'. Farm. Stock, Implements, etc. on Lot 18 con. 12, Bronson Lino (lay, on Tuesday, October 19th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the following ;— LIVE STOCK ;--2 mares 4 -yrs old, this span weighs over 3100 -lbs salt, and are well matched, 1 carriage Miss Florence Welsh, who has mare 5 yrs, old, 1 carriage gelding Been ,spending her holidays in the 2 -yrs. old. 2 cows 4 -yrs. old due West has returned home. • in Dec., 1 cow 4 -yrs. due in March Mr, Jas. Johnston, who has been cow 8 yrs, due in April; heifer due in the Northwest has returned. in Nov., heifer 1 -yr. old, 4 steers While in the West he met with an 1 -yr old, 5, spring calves. Pigs; accident in falling off a wagon he 5 stockers about 50 -lbs. each, 2 fractured two of lais ribs, pigs 2 months old, about 6 dozen 1 -yr. old Barred Rock hens, 1 EXETER good Collie dog. The 20 lap.. Hydro motor con i IMPLEMENTS, ETC; -7 -ft. bin- nected to a pump, was installed .der M. -H.; with trucks; Deering in waterworks station on Monday mower, Deering disk; steel roller, last. The pump has a capacity cultivator, hay rake, 16 -disc drill, of 225 gallons per minute; and manure spreader, M. -II. corn cul - works automatically. When the tivatar with bean harvester, Oliver water in the tank is low the pump riding plow, walking plow, 4 -sect - starts, and it stops when teh ion harrow, 2 lumber wagons, 1 tank is filled. new; set bob sleighs; 2, 16-ft.hay An interesting wedding took p1- racks 1 new, 1 set 34 -ft sling ropes, ace -when Veneit.s Mac, daughter of, wagon box with stock rack, scuf- 1U'Ir:. Robert 5. Lang of Toronto, fier, top buggy, open buggy, dem- formerly of Exeter, was united in ocrat, road cart, cutter, 7 h.p. gaso- rnarriage to Geo. Hetley Booth of lene •engine on truck, 8 -in. plate Winnipeg. They will reside • in grinder, roller crusher, cutting Winnipeg. box, corn sheller, buzz saw, Clin- Mr. Victor Sweet of Cleveland, tori fanningmili, gravel box, Chat - was home for a few days this w ham incubator and brooder, root weak, owing to the illness of (xis pulper, carpenters bench, sap mother, % pan with heater` 'and about 140 One of Exeter's best known and pails, churn, cook stove, dog pow respected citizens passed away on, 1r, 3 sets team harness 1 new with Sunday, Sep. 26th, in the person I -soli. nickel trimmings and breech - of Peter. McTaggart, in his -78th rear. Mr. McTa gart was afflic- ted with cancer Omit twee years ago, and his health has been grad- ually on the wane ever since. ing; 2 set .baggy harness 204t. ladder', 2 1074. ladders, spray pump, 1,000 -Ib. scales, fire extinguisher, , garden drill with •eultivator, 5 ton of Hay and other articles too James Mitchell, just west Of •numerous to mention,. Centralia; had three fine barns to- gether with the season's crop de- stroyed by fire during the elect - Terms; --All sums of $10 and un- der cash,'over that amount 12 mon- ths credit will b" given by furnish- rieal storm which passed over this ing approved joint notes. 4% off section on Monday last. The est- for cash on eredit amounts. Hay bunted lass is about ten thousand and hens cash. lallars, There' was insurance for A. Weber, F. Taylor, Auctioneers • 112.800 on the buildings. The imp- W. S. Johnston, Clerk. 111-.+"3itt3 and, stock were .all savedo I Al RCIT R, Propx,;etor 5 0 12 e fel 25 12 12 12 0 re We still b andl e the old, reliable a . T. stable equipments fps o not be misled by inferior goods of this i de ll'Govern- ment Farm stables are equiped with the eek,® ebrated B.n We have vast experience in 2 installing these goods. PUMPS, ETO. We also carry a complete line of Pumps and Piping, and install and keep in repair all our work tai 9 e0e0e00 000 me 6*0000060@t909C@OVe00090.000 e 12 25 12 12 %labs! 50955900091 5900090509595999959999990h,", 095959 a9959999996e"i HINGLES SHINGLES Parties requiring Shingles this season will do well by bying thejn at once. As after April lst all shingles will advance l0per cent. in price 2• �. 1 rice. NOTICE Any person found trespassing on Lot 13 L.R.E. Hay, without per- mission will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. C. 0.... SMITH. ,NOTICE I have a large quantity of good building stone for sale at the St. Joseph Block. ,8-tf. ALEX. FOSTER, Zurich. NOTICE As I have recently purchased the lit ery business, I wish to inform the public that I am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for .hire, Anything done in the team- ing line 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL Zurich. Phcne 53 NOTICE. Removed :from my residenct to W. H. Pfile's Shoe Store, Hartleib Block, the Singer seweng machine and Edison phonographs and Re- cords. Call in nad see and hear them. Each Singer sowing ma-. chine and Edison phonograph sp- eak for themselves.- Agent for pianos. t2 H. WELL - Zurich, Ready -to -Wear :DENOMY BROS. .Clothing GENTS FURNISHINGS Ordered Clothing First Showing of ]Pall and Winter Overcoats Our Fall and Winter Over- coat stock is now complete in men's, youl]g.men's and boys' MAKE YOUR SELECTION NOW WHILE WE HAVE YOUR SIZE IN YOUR PARTICULAR STYLE DENOWIT ..11ROS. zrpacs ro L' . taken in exchange fox