HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-10-07, Page 1ZURICH Vol. XXI No 14 ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIORNING), OCTOBER 7, 1920. orteamimmumt.r.estukamauminuivalrionlionnoloalesnalow AINIMAIMINIMANNOL. imaseineniiiimieln.m•SIOmisoaraals Mom LO K! LOOK! IN ORDER TO MAKE R OOM FOR OUR FALL DELIVER- IES OF GOODS, WE ARE SELLING AT GREATLY RED- UCED PRICES THE FOLLOWING; LADIES' WHITE CANVASS SHOES, 0 XFORDS AND POMPS. CALSG A FEW LINES IN PATENT AND KID OXFORDS AND POMPS. THESE ARE ALL EXCEPTIONAL VALUES REPAIRING NEATLY AND p ROMPTLY DONE W. H. PFILE .1[YOIIMMWMM=.MIS9MOMMLOMMIPWAIIMOL. atiMMaGrtlF.01.2.2Sn.SUMP=MSLCC4.1)9.Ig 1:9IP!!7U431t 40x.mmelmoxitoolocosocccastmoomm4cogotawitco, .woalms.gotok ,••••••.* Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1,25 a Year In Advance ZURICH XiSsArillsolizstlarira. • 9999 waeneeeeee 9999secea0 • 8 .0 a 40 40 hweaving apparel for Men,' Women, • e sit2 GSM? aemeeeeseeeeseeseeameeeeeeesseeeees•aesese a . e a a 9 9 a 0 have a Mind Showln of Fail aad PURE WOOL SERGES Our stock of wool Serges is now 'Is • complete. We have all the good colors;' Navy, Blue, Brown, Grey and Black, in different widths es suitable for Dresses or • Prices ranging' from 0.75 to $6.50 * per yard. -iLo nicf." range of nll-wrol • • plaid skirt lengths, 54 inches wide tele es at very reasonable prices. • SILKS • A beautiful display of silks -in ee • ee all the leading shades, 36 -inches * wide, from $2.50 to $4.00 per yard. I te 4. • 010 9 • 49 e -et te • A) 0 • ,e, '9 49 , , sm. LADIES' SILK CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS A splendid range of ladies' waists in all the newest colors Styles. F silk. and Yes Children VELVETEENS • A big showing of Velveteens . all the new shades and colors. a 0 9a .89 a a 9 • • • 9 8 in 0 90 0 THE NEW FALL SWEATERS And Pullovers are most attract - VE/ n thlsir beautiful -colorings in - enany neW styled'. rhe " are priced from $6 to $14 each.. The L test Shapes a 9 • if SOMEHOW WE ALWAYS THINK OF THE BOYS, NO MATTER WHEN OR HOW a WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING THAT TAKES THEIR EYE, AND OUR NEAT A, MST A LITTLE BETTER THAN THE AVERAGE. • PRICES FROM $5.00 TO $20.00. SIZES, FROM 22 TO 32 • • Fresh Groceries always on hand • • • • LADIES' .WOOL SCARFS We have 'just received a ship- ment of Ladies' pure -wool scarfs in enticing new colors. We are also supplied with a full range of colors in SportFloss, put up in 2 -oz. Balls, the correct thing for knitting sweaters and Scarfs. d Shade Come in and see our fine assort- ment, as we have everything new in the line of Fall and Tweed Hats NO SHADE WE HAVEN'T GOT. NO HEAD WE CANNOT FIT. CAPS Never was a larger rnage of • caps shown in this store, and you know what that means. MEN'S CLOTHING Our Clothing Department is always at your service, and with our new styles for Fall, we have a line of suitsand overcoats that we feel proud off. Don't worry about Luxury Tax, as we have a pslendid assortment from $25 to $45. Also a large stock of men'S and boy's Sweater coats and Pullovers to chose from. 9 a 49 49 40 49 1,2 /....¢94,001•1 111.0114MM Mr. andel of London was in the village eha Tuesday. M. a'qd Mrs. Wm. Siebert were Sunday exisitors at Dashwood. A number from the village °et -Ti- ded Bayfield Fair last yhurscl_ii. Mrs, Annie 'Zeller of Detroit was The World's Watcli Over Time. a visitor et the home of Mr. Wm. See our display for Ladies' Brace - Klapp. WAL THAM V- ,. Misses 'Alice and Susie Johnsoe 'Watches ni thelatest-Convert- are visiting their sister Mrs. E. W. al;le Styles. Stoskopf at Kitchener. Mr. Dan Smith left for No-: Hamburg on Tuesday morning% where he will visit for a week. Pries running from $1.3.06 to $40.00 Watch and Clock Repairing. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Ramseyer or re ess Michigan'are visiting at the home of Mr: a4Mrs.- Jos. Gashco, Miss Gladys Petty of Hensel. will render two solos in the Ev- angelleal: church on Sunday eve :- ing, Octe' 12th. Mr. Arthur Well and sister M 3r, Tillie returned to Detroit spending some time with their fa- ther, -Mr. ' H. We11. Mr. Herb. Seemlier of the Br- onson Line is having an auction sale of Farm, Stock and implem- ents en, Tuesday, Oct. 19th. Mr. arid Mrs. Chris. Gashco of the Bronson Line and Mr. and Mrs. Joel Bechler of Usborne were. re- cent visitors in Michigan. POtatoe digging is the order the day, and a good crop is rep - which will help to bring down the cost of Bing which e aripolqng_f3y . Res CArg Nn; Field eyd. U. C. B. S delivered a very. in- structive address in the Evaieeze- ical church on• Sunday morning an 1 also in the Sabbath school. The former officers were all re-a.ppo n - ed excepting the Secy-Treas. H. Well retired and W. H. Pfile ap- pointed. 49 0 0 a 40 a 49 40 40 49 9 • 499 499 9 499 49 tt1 0 49 49 49 45 The. Zurich Branch of the Wom- en's Institute will hold their mon-, t thly meeting at the home of Mr,.1 H. Truemner on Monday evening,it Oct. llth instead of Wednesday evening Oct. 13th as formerly an -1 t nounced; . This change of date 4. vas found necessary to be made It owing to. the report having to be :1. sent in by Oct. 12th for the Con- e* vention. Every member is reciu-1 ested to be present as this is an important meeting, and a good proeTamwill be, rendered by Mrs. the Jeweller Incorporated in 1835 • THE. MOLSI:NS BANK ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds hi infamy tied up in stock or crops., at certain seasons. It he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. Savings Dep- artments at all Branches.. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich- Branch ?') .t. ..„4. ew A1204112=5,-bl..., verland 1915 FORD TOURING IN GOOD CONDITION $395 72. 35 H. P. MaLAUGHLIN TRUCK, CAPACITY 1000 -lbs, $725 CI FORD TRUCK, 1914 MOTOR OVERHAULED $395. h• ' MADE IN' CANADA BY CANADIAN WORKMEN Sr. Ni..HESS ex CO. ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION ° Oyeriand Cars! Overiand-Cai-gl 4. ...e 4e ee eee 4. es ..:. ...e. ep. ..e. .,• ee. 4... 4- 4- a 4.. ees 4. -4- ee 4- 4.-. 4. J. Hey and Mrs. N .E. Dahms. LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES I 1:!'. The Conference of the Ev. Luth- eran Synod of 'Canada which was held at the Lutheran parsonage last week was attended by 8 pas-: tors. The five others which be-" long to. •this distric•t mlere preven- 40 49 49 5) 40 49 a 49 40 40 49 40 49 49 THEY COME, go SUITS ARE40 0 40 9 40• 0• 0 Produce taken in exchange mnam....o.......mmarshratmomommem. • 3 0 • Phone 59 • 900060 alli044.iti:1,0‘,204'04/441; •• ET • • • 40 40 40 40 0 tett from coming and excused. The Rev. A.',Blunk,c for many years 1. president of the conference retir- ed and the Rev. C. J, Maass of Ch- esley, Ont., was elected in his place, and the Rev. J. Lamack of Walkerton, was re-elected Secret- ary. A very interesting paper on Ieudaircionism was given by the Rev. Ho Henkel, who only a short time ago was called to our Sem- inary at Waterloo, Ont., to be- come professor of Hebrew exeg- esis, philosophy and other sub- jects. A. Greek exegesis on 1, Thess. Chapter 3 seq. was given by the brethern assembled. The session 61osed. on Wednesday ev- ening With a public service and the holding of the Lord's Supper. The next meeting will be held the end of March at Elmira, Ont. Business meeting oe the Sundae School teachers Will be held this Thursday evening at 8 o'clock et the school room. The Church Co- uncil will assemble on Friday ee- ening at 8 o'cloci at the parsea- • age. Produce Wanted I • a) • tei*reeee,aoeueeeeteeegeeeeseeeeeesgee lea.„4.;•4eetaas4Selet.000*****.***06.40 e - We are receiving our Fair Shipments almost daily and have large range for your inspection. SEE US FOR QUALITY AND VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. We also are showing a fine assortment of Oxfords, for men and Women at greatly reduced. prices. Big reduction in canvas and warm weather footwear to make room. BUTTER ND -EGGS WANTED a FRITZ: The Shoernan! 4. 4 4. 4t. 4 pre 4. A FflA For Infants and Children 1111.11118e For Over 30 Years Always bears the Segeseure or argains! argains! 6 ale making a Special eduction on the following Goods: LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES MISSES AND CHILDREN'S' MID.- DIE13 AND APRONS, LADIES' AND MISSES' VOIL BLOUSES MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CANVAS SHOES AND SLIPPERS, ETC. Fresh Groceries always in. Stock R. DOUGL PHONE 1! 97 BLAKE 1 1 4