HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-09-30, Page 8Fall and Winter Goods See our display of Fall goods. Our Stocks are now almost complete:in all Lines Ladies' Wear A splendid range of Ladies Co- atings on hand in Velours, fine Chinchilla Cloth, Etc. New Silks, Fine Botany Serges, All -wool Plaid ,Skirtings, Velvets and Velveteens, Underwear, Swe- ater coats in Newest Styles. Men's Wear WE HAVE SOME SPECIAL VALUES TO OFFER IN MENS AND BOY'S OVERCOATS AND • SUITS, FOR FALL WEAR. NEW HATS AND CAPS, MITTS GLOVES, ETC. ETC. GROCERY DEPARTMENT THE CANNING SEASON NOW ON HAND, WE HAVE NEW FRUIT JARS, JELLY TUMBLERS ZINK RINGS, JAR RUBBERS, PAROL WA -X. XXX VINEGAR SPICES OF ALL KINDS. J. GASCHO SON Zurich's Garage WE ARE AGENTS FOR ' Prest-O-Lite Storage Battery A SIZE FOR EVERY CAR NO BETTER BATTERY ON THE MARKET WE ALSO STOCK TIRES, TUBES, ACCESSORIES AND GEN- UINE FORD PARTS EXPERT BATTERY ATTENTIONAND ALSO ING. BATTERY CHARG- FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING. ANY $IA KE OF CAR A SPECIALTY H..Moussealu Zurich PHONE No. 103. :7.++++++4+++++++++++SII++++++ q" 44.fr++++++++++++++44++++++•' + 4. + Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE 3,4 such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. • PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY 4. LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10% AND PROSPECTS FOR TOt GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY AND SAVE MONEY We also have a large Sack of SHERWIN WILLIAMS Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices.` (! 1 ; i . i t (i { ; WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVEIROUGHING AND REPAIRING 'AT ALL TIMES + STADE & WEIDO •PREITR BLOCK ZURICH + + 0444444++.14.1444,14444440144.441,444+++++++++++4+114444414+4% Louden . Stable Equipment (EXCELLS ALL OTHERS) The best by test..Provincial Agric- ultural Farm and` Winter Fair Barns are equipped with' Louden machinery. Easy to install, Easy to operate, Endless Chain, does away with crank, no side hangers to break on our track. Our swinging track hinge enables you to run car on pole at any angle. Fairbanks -Morse "Z" Engine with Bosch Magneto The Supreme Farm Engine THE faz'nous "Z" Engine and the Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto combine to make the one SUPREME farm engine. ¶ Call on us and see the result of this newest combination—FAIRBANKS-MORSE " Z " WITH BOSCH MAGNETO. ¶ We are substan- tially assisted in delivering engine maximum service by a nearby Bosch Service Station. Agent for Massey -Harris Implements Fairbanks & Morse Engines and Tud- hope-Anderson Spreaders and plows. Give us a call Before purchasing elsewhere J. E. DRUAR,' -Zurich LOCAL • MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter ........ 50 Eggs 58 Potatoes per bag ___ 1.00 Wheat __. ..{-.. .,..-_ _.. •_.. s 2.40 Oats .._ ..: ._. .._ 75 Barley ... • ... 1.25 Buckwheat ... ... ... ... ...... ... 1.25 Flour _._ ... _.. 6.90-7.50 Bran ... ... ... ... .................. 50.00 Shorts ... 55.00 Live Hogs ........................... 20.00. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Dr. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitch- ener visited in town over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Humfries and Mr. H. Radtke, visited at the homes of C. Eilber and C. Brill the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. P. Smith of New Hamburg are visiting relatives here at present. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Kibbler and Mr. J. Scott, postmaster, and Mrs. J. Scott, of Listowell, were Sun- day visitors at the home of Mr. C. Fritz. Nathan Spring of Toronto was fined $1,200 and sentenced to 30 days in jail for selling whiskey and beer by the glass, and is said to have done a big business. Mr. and Mrs. John 13, Moyer of Waterloo visited relatives and fri- ends in this vicinity the past few days. Mr. Moyer, who had been conducting a mercantile business at that place, has sold same, and intend; heat n, in Naw Yo:k State. The much needed rains made their appearance on Sunday and Monday, when heavy showers fell, which will greatly help the past ure and flal wheat, which is look- ing fine, and enable the farmers to; do their fall plowing. Mr. A. T. Cooper Sec.-Treas of. the Huron Co. Temperance Ass. occupied the pulpit in the Evan- gelical vangelical church on Sunday evening nad delivered a very interesting ad dress. A. special contribution was taken up and was , well supported, "i r. Menno Oesch, son of Mr. John Oesch, Goshen North, had the mishap to step in a rusty nail last week, the consequences re- sulting in lock-jaw. He was at once hurried to London Hospital, where he received treatments, and returned to his home On Sunday, rwl�i t e t oa his distress. N.0Ti,CB 1 'Having purchased the cider mill Mr J. J. Merner.; We will be op- erating same on the following days; Sept 23rd, 27th, 281h, 29th 30th'` and after ,these days et•ery tray excepting Saturdays We will cook apple butter on and after Monday Oct 4th. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Proprietor; Henry Gallman, Manager. DATES OF FALL FAIRS Following is a list of the Fall Fairs in this district: Forest ... ... ... ......... Oct. 5-6 Kirkton ... ... _.. ._.. Sep.30-Oct. 1 AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, REAL ESTATE, ETC. The undersigned , auctioneer has been instructed to sell by public auc- tion on LOT 9, CON. 15, HAY, 21/2 miles south of Zurich Road on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th, 1920 at one o'clock p.m. sharp, estate of the late John Geiger. FARM—Consists of 50 acres, well fenced and drained good frame house barn 40x60 newly shingled, also new driving shed. LIVE STOCK -1 black mare 10 years old; 1 bay horse 8 years old; 1 cow 4 years old; 1 cow 6; 2 cows 8, all due to calve in the spring; 1 yearling heifer; 1 yearling steer; 2 spring calves; 3 pigs about 150 IUs 2 doz. hens; 24 pullets. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Maxwell binder, M. H. mower, sulky rake, spring tooth cultivator, roller, new. M -H. grain and fertilizer drill, walk- ing plow, 2 set harrows, scufiler, water trough, one gravel box, hay rack 16 ft., bob sleighs, cutting box, fanning mill, Standard cream separ- ator, 1200 lbs. platform scales, 3 hunches shingles, root pulper, wheel barrow, set slings, set heavy harness 2 buggies, democrat, portland Cutter heater coal or wood, cook stove, 2. tables, churn, chains, forks, :shovels,. barrels, sugar -kettle. patch of corn and turnips, and numerous articles. TERMS OP SALE $10.00 and under, cash; over that lmount 12 months' credit will be iven on furnishing approved joint cotes. 4 per cent. per annum off for cash on credit amounts. ITerms of real estate made known n day of sale. OSCAR KLOPP, Auctioneer WM. •STAD>, .JOHN HO.PI'IINS,; Executors I 1 i 1 ......r,..,._._..- .,,_, MIAM 1 SPECIAL 1 0 Days Sale, on all Lines See Bilis in our windows` r .. i 9 for particulars', MI3LICK& BRAUN PHONE 83 OFREIIIWS SND BA R GAI NS. ; ,.r. i • ..b.+ 1 ..- (.0.141 ,,.,.. L,,,. ., ,.. For Women THERE IS BUT ONE KIND OF DRESS GOODS TO BUY 'AND THAT IS ;THE BEST. Plain Pure Wool Novelty Skirt- ing' at per yard ... .._ $6.50 All wool Serges ,54° inches wide in colors of Navy, Rust, Taupe, l3rown, Sand, at per yard $4.50 Velour Coating 54 inches wide Navy, Burgandy, Taupe and Green at per yard ._. _.. $5.00 EXTRA SILK VALUES Silk Bose per pair .. .. $1.50 This is our regular $2 silk article. Raincoats for Women in tweeds for $10.00 and upwards. For Men TWEED HATS ARE POPULAR THIS FALL - They come in light shade tweeds that will •hold their shape at $4.00 New Falk Caps. In patterns to suit the most discriminating dres- ser. SHIRTS Great quantities of thein in neat "Patterns and Stripes. Raincoats for Men in tweeds, for $10.Q0 and upwards. Fresh Groceries and Fruits in season 13utteriek Patterns For Sale P1