Zurich Herald, 1920-09-23, Page 5tin BUSINESS CARDS PROt7DFOOT, KL.LLOi AN, &. COOK 'Barristers, Sulicitors, Notaries Public so. Office, on the ;eclti•tra, 2nd door from Tinmi'ton St. cl;,tl:314,th Private funds (o loan et 1ptv.eet ,chew Peouareoeo It C. J. lr. Iuia,tetala, 7:i, J. D. Gooiu , 4v. Cooke will be in Hensel]. ow Friday and ,Saturday of each: weak, • 'l ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com. nnisaior'2er, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance, Agelet Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office, Zurich. a n ®.oa.�� r . ,TL�,. e : DENTIST At _.. fMURIC13' EVERY WE.DN.1'7S DA Y ;aASHW'OOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFF'TC) - HENt".ALL ..,.,�, 43,E OSCAR KLOPP. Licensed Auctioneer for. the Co - i my of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale, Zurieh, P. O: Phone 18-93 Licensed Auctoncer I „tve taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Auction Sale., Hive mere. trial anti' I will assure you satisfaction -or make no charge. Arthur 'Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13 • Zurich fieri r,ARKET 'reg r and Salt Meats Bo1c;~ra Sausages, etc Highest Cash Pike for Wotill CASH FOR SKINS & 11.11.)115 Deichert Massey.1h PAI ares 1 handle all kinds of Massey-. Harris repairs for Farm Implem- ents, Also. a full line of Verity Plow Points and Plow Repairs, at My Shop; opposite Town Hall. jr.J. al°ry •- .Zuric i d ....�uw�,su,�escv..x„u..,a„e..nv.,x>:wwa •-v' HENSALL G„ T, R TRAIN CONitiECTIONS MORNING Stage leave Zurich -.. 7.00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... ... ... 8.58 a.m. Ncrtil, No. 163 ... _.. ..-10.33 a.rn. AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich ... .-.3,00 p.m. South, -No. 161 ... ... 4,50 pan. North, No. 165 --. .-- 6.1.4 p.rn. VE POU LT RY WANTED Taken every day till 3 Oclock pan. ' iso not feed fowl same .morning when brought in. highest Cash Prices -•-CASH FOR-- Cre im and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94, Zurich Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACK PAN`Cti AL Also soft coal, Season -1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- tettled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un - 'able to guarantee delivery' or price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in prise ruling on day of deliitery. Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries, Remember We purchase only Stan- ford qualitys 'hone house No. 10, Office No. 10. tiEN ALL « ►- I`UT YOUR LOCAL NEWC Vlia. g For a eg Lor; round, t671o43oe, F ;tti.`o Adb1 iVlr and Mrs. Wnl. (: ra, $ tag'g 'l tY ;, t;�"� �t�� 'a MEI iritr,i.t sp �R�!t�'sI' IN THIS COLUMN tint Monday at Seafortthr .✓ LOST' seen unay Parkhill. MuchDr. Jos. ;Routiodgir and fatuity; F lLa.OS'l ' t S d1 iMuch '�'a (� (.rc�Ii��;:, ' "retal�'c A silk covered parasol with br- acelet handle between Honsall•and 14th con o nSat. Sept 4tli,, kittdt'r clter and N. T,, Siebert. at • Mr H, Jack Burn w vett Lie Sas, 4, .,.Iiti1.il#'113 srin;€;, is visiting at the horivs iii' J. Pre-' kindly lia:t''.a atHeraldOffice. (Ianal,' Due to Vaulty Celt:litioll of By buyJng goods at home ''(}4 tlaa? 'teeth — Syynpitme • lMseribee help the outer fellow keep bis • FOR SALE i lob, and you keep yours. d'rest,l'ipti(» re; nod (AeJteral \� One u -h, p. UnitedUnitedt.rasulant, ell- r vine as to TM.�.tment--•-Cultivation Ree. W. J, `c"tiger tint] sero ('I tt.•- gine, died ignition, clothe plalev,' � 5 «f a„, Heed C'io rs. an trucks, good as new. enc o, D't lhwoocl wen? a vi a'tnr l L'• Prang' in the 'village on Monday. (Cuntributed b,' Ontario Department 1'4 FOR SALE I If you are a parson whose feel- �'Id •'1 scull) in a nowIiassey-- Ings are easily hurt, you ;are going i'N'1I:t>av1C indigestion, or indi- Harri. 11 -disc drill. to be miserable most of the time. • gi'ation without engorgement,. 1s PRANG, LOi4T-A. (cold Cross, with soli- is caused by improper food; es es-ere�^--'----e---------•------•---- iti•tl A.SV,II.1 . e tg,••1Vrcl thereon, `. imperfectly masticated food i1itslor leave at Herald. office. A. due to the process of dentition or re ward offered irregularities of the teeth, voracious Msa, r.,• Steskosif of Kitchener, feeding, irregularity iii feeding, (1e - i; visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, '1'�•omas bility, or partial inactivity or .the A rlcultu,e, Toronto.) LOST Just e'ist of Zurich on the Zur- ich to Hens ill Nerd, a sewing ma- chille drawer. Finder please leay.' at Herald. Office. WANTED GIRLS to work in the, Hill Dent Glove Factory. Sewing Machine Operators, also girls for examin- ing and trimming and turning. Apply at Factory. Zurillc. -11 FOR SALE A good secondTema No. 21 Fleury pro;v. J. E. Druar, Zur- ich, FCOI. SALE I have one new Singer drop head sewing machine in stock at the old price, a real snap. Cell at once at •W.H. Pfile's Shoe Store. H. WELL -- Zurich, AUCTION SALE 30itnytrn, digestive glands. le Ips L. G. I3('tmer and family of Symptoms.—A capricious appetite, Detroit are vision; at the home often a tendency to eat filth, usually or the fornlcr's parents, 11Ir. and increased thirst, the animal becomes Mrs R. Heideman, hide -bound and Its a dry scurfy We aro at your service for cider skin, irregularity of the bowels, grn- makin; orsfor cooking applebut- eral unthriftiness, dullness and more ter. -F. C. Kalbfleiseh, lir less well marked inability, to Misses Gertrude and Melvina perform work. When caused by Me Sh^acl'.* of the Bauble Line south, perfectly lnastieutacl fond, the cause pent it week with friends in Lon- can usually be told by the appear - don, - ante of the feces. Colicky Pains 0.1.e 1 ^ st11Ii^tildes pr .s' nt an 11001 or so after Mr. and Mrs. At,n ;1' Mittelhultz ling The animal hits a general and son Clay: to of Kitchener, are ulithrifty inlirsti ancc and lacks vigor. visiting i'riendti and relatives 'rt Treatnlen(.---ria a large percentage the viilage of cases is clue to inahility of masti- MvTr. and Mr,. Eckel -and son S\'al_ sate properly, the nroutlt slionid ai- ter and Mrs. Stemler of 1'latts-• welt's be c ,refullY examined. If the teeth require intention and the owner Of. Furniture, household effects, ville spent the '. eek -end et the las neither the Iteeessar ;' held in Zurich on ,Sat_Y he fault he etc. Will b home' of Mr. and .'tits. W. Siebert• nor the shill to correct the he urday ,Oct. 2nd at 1 'aclock p.m. ,• should take the horse to a veterinar- H. Well. proprietor; O, Klol)p, aur. Messrs, `Gilliam r inl. Ira, and Arthur Dithnts, of Mildmay, tan. In horses abottr, three years old tient.: r. the trouble Is very often duo to un- H. Visitors over the week-c'ntl Si i f': molar rolar crowns, Nos. 1. and 2 in at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Nelson en oh tow. In a liorsii about four years ]lobos• old No. 3 in each row. These crowns Mr. and Mrs. J. Kellerman, Mr. can be easily removed by the use of and Mrs. Adam Burk and ilzrs. to pair of small tooth forceps or a• AUCTION SALE Uf Farm Stock and implements, on hot 8, con. 11, Hay, =.3 milts south of Zurich, on hTursclay Oct. 7th at 1 o'clock p. m• sharp. 1+'. Taylor, Wendel Smith, - :Auctioneer. Proprietor. Snell of Dashwood motored here ] pals of pursers. In older hoa•ses the Sunday a:ternoon and. enjoyed the: t pointsor1 very often of tto ooth otlrssntn ,,;ternoee program tendered in the! _, >♦ t nn ;tl.' . chnrclr. I : _ en the outer edge of the upper• Chadre �rL Cry for e� r re \\: k) \� ye" Neese' e'•' h �~ 7" Vit i 6. fp �':,�a ,fin• ,�,,� - �•�-�,,.. y�.e r rar..,�r,�w,�K K�� y nrn,���, -�• ,.-,,�+'A.^fir par, ��.. 1 �� �. e�4a�;.� �+. L•4r�: •a''t,.�,."i '`'m`-�"'s'�i9a`L„ c .>''�a �'h. a,a..°w « ,'"',a-'%,'�'�', �; �'?�.�.,•ti,'a�'��Rt�i�S. Fletcher's Cct: toric is rt'.'Ivt:y a remit:•, r' !'P I xf s:As send Gierldren. Foods are specially I e i �; babies <'1. is even more essen_ial r L'y.. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups n -ups are apt inn .rgbange t.bie. It was,; the need of a remedy for the common. iirnents of %Infants and Children that brotight Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been Hwa do f. r it that its use for over 30 yrs has -not proven. 1'( lis C S F 1 A 9 Castoria is a harmless substitute f Ca, ccs} 011, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is plertr artt. it contains neither Opium, Morphine ncr other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. Fcr more than thirty years it bas - been in constant use for the relief cf Constipation, Flatulency, - Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying F.;rier?shness arising therefrom., r.,d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The 15.7cther's Friend. GE E �� H WAYS Bears the Signature of zRwaziligglig 1' 111 [Jse Forfiver 3Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YO R K CIITY molars the . of inner edge of the lower ower Chat 1 c -•-_ .A {. zit 33ottt {'laic•tcen FOR SALE Mr. and Mig Hilton Truemner of o i;:,; to a lotto, tooth that requires While they last, we are offering the 14th con. and Allis Mabel Sch i Shearing, or other• month trouble that fI In very Cole weather to drake i.he x'3'1 Standard and United auto a'l;. Mr. II (:rais:'r and N. Schatz clot he r.orreeted only 15y an expert comfortable and to keep her id 80good condition feed (a little at a time, •glut often; in dry straw or other litter) Borne kind of mixed grain. Milk to drink, or about a pound of meat or its equivalent in beef scrap each day, is required to supply material for the building ot: the egg white for twenty hens: tires, guaranteed 31(1) miles. Heg- ttlar ;21 for o"nly $18, at Stade R' W'eido, •'r- F• .Ve have a few used washing' machines and wringers at a barg- ain. -Stade & Weido, NOTICE. FOR SALE 1918 model Chevrolet five-pets- seng'r auto in good running order for $650, Home, harness, buggy and cutter, $165 for quick s' -ale. Also bred -to -lay- White Wyandotte chi-' eken, Dr. Aitken, Kipper, Ont. i will operate my cider mill ev- ery Monday, Tuesday and Thurs- day of each WPM:. until Sept. 20th and then every day of the week. MENNO S'TECKLE : 8-12 Bronson Line, --- Stanley WANTED GRAIN -We are in the market for all kinds of grain and er'e' pre- 14 Ir. Joh:i Hey, Jr , of the Goshen pared to pay y-uu the highest mar- Line just South of the village' has ket prices. Don't forget that solei his f.rr.n consisting of 12/ act e the Hensel] market holds a good to Mr. \Vin. Gren:er of Tiihury,Wh•.) reputation for paying; high prices gets imn1-'diatt possession of the 25 for .grain. acre" on con. i. ('onsiut'ratien, Cook Bros, Milling Co. $1e,Ot10, Heenan, - Ont. 11-2 of Dashwood, spent a few days ie r, mr:. .,trat.o.d. Kt'h`n"r,and >tht'^ p:):nti. M. anal. Mra, H. H. Heppe', wk.) spent the p:.1st couple of weeks at , tht' latter', home, Mr. and Mrs. R, lleide;nan, have returned to thein home in Kitchener. Mrs. Harry Badour of the Zur- ich leeid, near St. Joseph, had the nliSfortun0' to fall over 0. plow MI h 1 ' 11, the act of he. d'ng off some colts, and fracture. her ar.11, with the necessary instruments. When t, o fault is not in the mouth, and the patient be not too weak, a purgative of 6 to 8 drams aloes and 2 drains ginger should be given. In all cases where a purgation is to be given. and prompt action is not necessary, it is wise to prepare the patient by feeding bran only for 18 to 24 hours. In all eases after the administration of a purgative, the animal should he given rest, and bran only to eat until purgation com- mences, which is usually 18 to 24 hours, and sometimes longer. When 11 fails to act in about 48 hours, a Mr. C.il)er l:oerig of the 14.01.second dose, a little smaller than the con„ Hay. has dispose.. of his M. -first should be given. ty-acre Sarin to lir. 1'Iarcil Curt - After the bowels have regained their normal condition, mix equal 'wean, for the sum of $4800, Fos Corn - quantities of powdered sulphate 02 session given next March• iron, gentian, ginger. mix vomica and 1'i -carbonate of soda, and give a Mrs, W. C. 'alif2t', who under - tablespoonful three times daily*, t1l'. went anrte ration at St. Tosepli's fold of good quality in small quan- l3usl.)it Hospital, , :,ndon, 'ti fE't'. tv., eiis titins, anti tis digestion improves ago, returned to tete ltomc Here last gradnaily increase the quarriity, un - S rturd ty, and is improving Try t:1 the dc.sIt•ea1 'Mount cola bed e fc d rapidly. ' T. IX, lined, V,S., O. rA. College, Guelph. FARM FOR SALE I have for sale the foiloiwns fine farm, situated in the Tonw- 'I•ht' Canadian who trades iris dollar over the counter :n Detroit for 89 cents worth of goods 11 a bigger fool than he ouhgt to be ship of Hay, convenient to village Mnot'y scalpels over there make and. school and in good state of a eoinfor'table living out of such cu ovation. The farm consists of .people. 120 acres, 'with eleven acres of good T'lit' n: Mt 111S meeting of the bush, plenty of good water, frame \iT'ite was held at dwelling,. good bank barn and nt'w omens the hunt" nstituii Mrs. 1Dr 1 MacKinnon silo, Also nineteen 0.01013 of fall and was well attended, 'l'ho pa - wheat. Possession given in the fall or next spring. For particu- lars apply to A. F.• Hess, Z' urieh, FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 100 acres. being lot 17 con. 9, township of Stanley, a- bout 2 miles south -wast of Varna, on the: Babylon Line, also 50 - acres across the road. The place is well, built with large bank barn, and silo, fa good frame house and an abundance• of good water pumped by windmill and supplies' in the stable. The farm is in high state of cultivation, well drained good fences, etc. Possession can be arranged with the proprietors for this cording fall. Par further particulars apply to .Reid (St John- stern, Varna. Phone 17-623, Clin- ton; pt -14 CCiST-C.P.A:EXECUTIV The Test Psid Profesetou took—keep/n.14 ,cntited. only those wish nay for ad - 1 -1u ,u• nt to tit l,fv rti t oirtant. Hone -study 1.(4111 ..1.1, ei)tocmaa- tloai 'ave traIll.,1 more cent, 1i t1, i 1.11 8,t t thterinstltti- tito1 We navy, h\ 1•• .+1 1nindt :rl:+ of (Allem s('ctItc good paying t,awitlt,N. +' tali h, by yrat. intuit,aliotali1•.tiit.3ai4aw,i5iaty i3os302Totdutr pers were excellent and, many good points were appreciated as they were read. Mrs. Maclk.initon served a very tastie lunch and was no doubt, enjoyed by all the, ladies pr; sent. The anniversary se'r'vices in the! Evangelical church last Sunday were celebrated very devotionally I i 1 Bishop The prix ells' speaker, tits] Spreng, of Naperville, I11., deliver- ed very powerful! addresses, in the morning conlnluli,on Was giVOn in the German language, nad in the afternoon the Sabbath School! was conducted, here the Bishop 1 also gave. very instructive points! on this great work. Mr, J. Hol -1 teman of Crediton also very ably • addressed the 'School for a short time. The ev=ening services 'vas exceptionally 'well attended and , the unweh watt filled. The Bishop again pre ached in his usual eOnim ending way of "(Tirist the pre-' eminent.". Mr, Frank Taylor of Crediton also rendered 11 very sn-' itable solo at this service. The Missionary ptxmeeds for the day nnioilnttel to e(fl tiidt'r11)le over $100. Cultivation of the Hoed Crops. The Hoed Crops in Ontario are inane up prinepally of earn, beans, lyaiatoes; turnips, xnangels, and car - iota. These crops occupy fully one. million acres annually. During the pest fifteen years, the area used for con has increased, that used for roots has decreased, and that for po- tatoes has remained practically the same with exception of some varia- tions in intiividttal years. All the root crops her l referred to (10 well after sod, espe"cia.11y after clover. L. is generally well to have the land ploughed in the early aut- umn. If manure is available, the Iand could be worked before winter, ma - mired tmired find placed in narrow ridges about thirty inches apart. This en- ables the il•ost to work on the sub - 1,011 between the ridges, and preserves tine fertility in the ridges themselves. Land prepared in this way works splendidly in the spring when brought into cultivation. 1n the case of po- tatoes, it is lunch better to manure i.n the autumn than in the spring, and its is frequently recommended to manure even for the crop previous, in order to prevent the development of a large amount of scab on the tubers. Farmyard manure for the Hoed Crops can often be supplement- ed to advantage by a limited use o1 commercial fertilizers. The ferti- lizers have gigtn particularly good results in connection with co-opera- tive experiments throughout Ontario With potatoes, mangcls, and turnips, The application of 160 pounds of ni- trate. of soda per acre increased tate matted crop about six tons per acre per annum in average of five years' test, A potato fertilizer made up the proportion by weight of seven parts of nitrate .of soda, sixteen parts or • superphosphate, and nine parts of !ululate .of'potash, Inas given econo- mical results where it is used at the sato Of 820, 640, or 980 pounds pet 0, A. Zavitr, O. A. Coffee -is, Guelph. F# 4t c� E ,k�}�A• „nom' '� .'' � �a ' Bought and Sold Any Issue. Par and accured interest. A• F. HESS, - Zurich W+'4e311, ..Spp y ,pF3Q6.10. mYbRL"bl... 94.r�,_dl6^J.b'F�-. "'GYa "A40. IW�64A'JwKJ+Si„TLI.'T.� 1' YOUR HARNESS NEEDS -f • 1 Will be promptly attended to lisle. nee us al tit I • ,•••')(MULE TEAM TrAl,:>ESS.SINGLE 1, 11X1 SS, REPAIRING Or, ALL ric.1Nl)s Rugs; Blankets, Bells 4. 4, 4, Full line of Whits, "Sweat Pails, Curry Combs, etc' A Trial Solicited r -' ZUMCH 4- 4, r. -. ' ...+._.�e. '>+-4--•3'-•x -+--+-- +-- -'F-•i •- 4.--•i -•c-+- . -+-+-i' • •ter.. __�,:_; \ THE FARM ERS 0 ' THIS SEeTTION \WILT. 'HARVEST ONE OF THE LARGEST reteioe 1Y SOME YEARS, • \VITl?,N TIi'11 CROP TS SAFELY STOEEI) THE r \it?'i YOUR SHOULD PROTECT ,"OURSELF GRAIN AG AINS''T LOSS BY FTRTsiren: 'l 'UNTIL siren: AS THE RAIN IS MARWl'Fi D. I CAN .INSURE YOU' iN 1It- LONDON MUTUAL FIRE NcSURANCE CO. Al' THE FOLLOWING L,OW COST PER MONTH. 20e per $100 for 1 month. ;:tt.a. pee $100 for 4 months. ;.0c per $109 for 2 months, L;`r per $100 for 5 monthq, 40.E per $100 for 2 months. 'He pee $100 for 6 months: er a $2,000 policy for 4 Months will cost you only $10.00. NSIIRE YOUR ATT'I'OMOBIL' AGAINST FIRE, THEFT, ACC'TDENT, ETC, RAT LS It•:A$0NAi3.LE. AU R HESS 'ZURICH INStT1;ANCEi 01 AL1 KIN -08. 'A\ Si? Y S i