HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-09-23, Page 4THE HERALD
belied Wednesday afternoon
from the
ney Brokenehire and Louis O'Brien,
Milt= Hey and 'Gordon Walper; 1
donkey rave -Milton Hey and Gor-
don Weeper, Whitney Brokenshire
and Lentis O'Brien; girls clothes
pin race-Ortlat Melia., Muriel Ho- .
oF.F.EcE wald; boys clethee pin race -Gar-
net \Vulpine
Newell lle,iger; dough -
Display Advertising -Made known mit eating conesi -Austin Hey, El-
i>13 appheat).ou.
Stray Animals -One insertion 500
'Wee ineertions $1.00.
'arm or Beal Estate for sale
150e. each insertion for one month
Of four insertions, 25e, for each
Subsequent insertion.
Miscellaneous articled of not
*ore than five lines, For Sale,To
'Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.,
each insertiv 25.
Local Reading notices, etc., 10c.
per line per insertion. No notice
lees than 25c, • Card of Thanks 50c.
Legal advertising 3.0e. and 5c, a
Effective after Jan. 1st, 1.e20
rms of subscription 1.5 per year
In advance $2.00 may be charged
if not so,spaid. IL S. subscrinti-
lona $1.15 strictly in zdvance.No
paper discontinued .gntil all ar-
rears are paid unless at the option
tif the publisher. rile date to
'which every eubseription is paid
is denoted on the label.
Crenpner, C. Steinhagen,
Schwartz, E. Howard, 134
Turnbull, E. Tiernan.. Public Speak;
ng. -A, Hoffman, E. Howerd. Hit -
oiling Contest -A. leader, 13. Willing:
Parade --'4. S, No. 4, S. S. No. 13,
Se S. No. 16, Junior Baum. Baby
k•4110w-john Meerburg, Grace Hay. -
ter, Lloyd Guenther,
The sports were not run off on aet.
count or the rain. The special prize
offered by Mr. White for the beet,
halter -broken colt was won by Leon-
ard Prelf. The boxes of chocolates
offered by tho confectioneries, for
the two highest winners of prize§
were won by Evelyn and Laura
Horn rd.
To totals won by schools were:
Dashwood, Sr., $64.45e Dashwood
Inter., $27.00; Dashwood 3r., 13.25;
S. S. No. 11, $7.00; S. S. No. 15,
$S.10; S. S. No. 4, $20.85; S. S. No.
13, 119.75; Total $161.10.
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
tion ana $1.50 for two insertions
If moderate size.
Professional Cards Ilot exceeding
I1ne:11, $6 per year,
1..daress all conamunications to
. ADO.
Insures yeor Property without
Premium Note, and guarantees no
special assessment.
'paid 4110.000 loss in the November
191e, wind storm. Amount of Ins.
in, force $25,e00,000. Rate 45
series per $100 ale 3 years. 'Prem-
ium. note 2 per cent.
Am also agent for eeseveral other
Wind Insurance Companies.
G. Holtzman
(Continued •from page 1)
Dorothy Fritz. Mabel Preeter, Ortha
ItTelick: Room HI, Map -Lulu Al-
brecht, Lizzie Lielsold, Ethel Hess;
Pear -Lulu Albrecht. Claude Meld-
enger, Edwin Gaseho. Room II, Map
-Clarence Farwell, Lorance Haw -
1d, Dorothy Zettel Sunflower -Al-
vin Gesell°. Francis Dietrich, Agnes
Dietrich. Room I, *Ruth Zettel. Floyd
Kropf, Eleanor Fleieehauer.
.NATURE STI'Dse-1n't collec-
tion -Mabel Preeter, John Kochems.
'Weed Seeds-Viela Prange Mabel
Preeter. Mounsed Weeds- Velo
Prang, Dorothy Feltz.
Yfammer Handlet-Gordon \Wiper,
'Whitney Brokeositlee. Rennie Weber
gar Mon:4800.U: running broad jump
-Lennis O'Brien. Gordon eValper;
peanut seramble-Earl Thiel, Wil-
fred Ducharme,
sons. An eight inning game, full or
real fun wes won by the boys after
breaking a de in the seventh. else
final score wee 16-25.
Praug. Greta Ferrest.
Dashwecil School Fair
The Schnee Peter held ,on Thursday
test was a eeeeeeeful altair spite
of the driesline 'rain. The exhibits in
altelasse-4 were well represented and
of a high stsndard. The following is
the result Lei' tbe. judges' awards
Field wee. ,H. Sehlun.dt, P. Bender
E. Held, H. Miller; corn, (Golden
Baritarn), (Tierdon Bender, S. Allen, J.
Guenther; corn' Tomp-ton's Early). R.
Weber. G. Weber. E..Zimmer, h.. Turn-
bull, H. 'Brenner; potatoes (Green
'Mountain). E. Erokenshire, V. Baker, H.
Morentz, M. Peeker; potatoes firish
Cebbler), V. :Birk, L. ,Wein, M. Stire,
L. E. Dearine; mangolds, (5) M.
el Disjardine, K. Wein, T.. Harter;
mengolds Wein., T. Hayter, F.
Wein, C. Burmeister; turnips (5), R.
Brenner, A. Beeher, R. Schwartz, E.
Ada ins, I. Wain: Turnips (1), A.
Becher. E. Tina, .Stanlake; Beets
(6), R. 1Q,einstiver, M. Marrtene, E. Mer
nen G. Guenteer, E. Guenther; Car-
rots (b), G. Beeher, Biereing, A.
Hoffman, )1. Tieman, E. Dearing ;
i0.11S (6). E. Stir, T. Weber, P. La -
fond, C. Baker, H. Hartleib; .Parereos
(6), H. Rinker, E. Hardelb, G. Hud,
son, A. Sehroeder; Cockrell (Barred
Rock), Lucille Willett, E. Tiernan, P.
Kleinstiver. E. Dearing; Pullet, Lucil-
le Willert, P. Rieinstiver, F. Hardeb
E. Graupner, M. Graunner; Pen of twe
(Nee), Lueille Wilton C. Adams, E.
Dealing; Pen os: two (1919), M. Wein,
11. leeller:retn. A. Restameyer; Brown
Leghorns. F. Hertleib, E. Turnbull;
Rabbits, H. Sterdake, E. Smith; Brown
Eve. V. Birk, A. Restemeyer,R eFurn
bull, A. Wieert; White:Eggs, V. Birk
L Wein, I'. Laeand, Marttene;•Colt
(Aerieultural), L. Pfaff; Colt idrafti,
A. Rader: Lamb, H. Kellerman, A.
Restameyer; A. 'Rader, L.' Reid
L. Pesei. G. Bender; Pigs,.C. Stein.'
hagcn, L. Bender, L. Pfaff, A. Resta-
Meyer, L. Tiernan; Pressdd weeds., E.
Howard, A. Rader, M. Turnbull;
Mounted Seeds, Howard, M. The
man, R. Either, G. Weber; Mounted
Insects, F. Hartleib, E. Howard, • A.
Ho:fman, E. Guenther; Plant Dis-
eases, E. Howeed;, Mounted Leaves, E.
Howard. Hartleib, M. .Turribull„ 1.
Martene; Native ;`eleetiods, E. Howard,
Steinhagea, H. Stanlake, M. Willert
el:4s or Heron. IreMartene, S. Rader,
V. :Willert, I. Bierling; Writing (st
Claes), T. Weber, H. Morentz, H. Nati-
Igen E Writing. ;2nd Chs).
M. Gen:up:ten Willert, Matteee.
S. Rader; Writing (3rd Cess),
Weber, R. .Weher, Brokensh'ire, E.
Genupner; Writing (4th or 5th Class),
F. Hardee.), A. Hoffnlan. Guerth •
. e
er, G. Turnbull.
Water c -F. -le. Hartleiln .C.
Steinhegeu, O. Ford. Pencil 'Draw-
ings -C. Steielmgen, F. Hartleib, E.
Howard, J. Guenther. Specimens of
Art -C. Steinhagen, A. Hoffman, L.
elememr Handle -De Zim-
mer, R. Eileer. H. Sehlunclt, C. Bur-
meister. Roee Halter -M. Tiernan,
J. Guenther, C. Snell. C. Stanlake.
Milking S7C61-1t. Either, L.
Schwarte, 0. Burmeister, H.
Sehlundt. Ce.ien,ii Coup -E. Tiernan
Nail 1102:-.1.-. Zimmer, R. Schwartz,
C. Steinke 4 L. Witmer. White
Bread -M. Veein, L. Willert, 10.
Harden), L. Graham Muffins -
E, HowarJ, Turnbull; M. Graup-
ner, Brokenshiree Tea Cookies-
Pearl Schade, R. Merner, L. Reid,
E. Howard. Buns -L, Reid, K, Mor -
lock, C. Dendee, S. Rader. School
Lunch -N. Fesold, E. Howard, A.
Schroeder. E. Fahner. Homemade
Candy -F. Hartleib, N. Fassold,
A Special eeleeting was held in the
Clere's office on the 13th, at 8 p.m
Sweitzer .absent, Previous
mieetes aenroved.• Hayes-Porthale
Thet Alonzo Hodgins be appointedtax
vollector et his former salary. -Car d.
The following orders were pessed.-
F:,7.als lelefeeever, gravel 17.05; Noble
neoot award draM 13.80; 'I', Chambers I realize that the majority of dairy
rep culvert 2.00; Neble Scott, tee farmers do not need reminders as to
eci cats Cone. 2 and 3. 2.70. Adjourn- what they should do in ordinary prac-
. meet was made to 4th' Oct., at 1 pelt. tice, but mankind tends to slackness.
Henry Either, Clerk. Most men need a wife to give occa-
sional prods h order to keep them up
to the meek. These notes are given
with the same good intention that a
wife "just tells her husband" -be-
cause she is interested in him.
failing pastures should be supple-
mented with grain, meal or green
feed in the stable. The hoteery 17Ca-
,ther of June means short feed for
July end August; this means email
milk and cream cheques, or a small
amoure butter to sell. By the size
of the rink or cream cheque we may
know tee value of our herd, but not
the see of individual. cows, which
latter (o.n be known only by testing
each (=Fin the herd, with scalee and
fat test.
Next to feed in importance, contest
salt an 1 qater. Without plenty
these, valve cannot milk svell. Salt
aids digestion and gives tone to a
cow's. system. An average cow re-
quires about one ounce,nf salt daily.
Water is the great carrier of. nature's
supplies of plant and animal feed. A
cow in full flow of milk will drink
from ten to twenty gallons of water
daily. Needless to say the water
should be pure.
Cooling milk and Cr211.111 on the
farm is perhaps next in importance.
Milk for the condensery, cheeseey, or
for city trade, .should he cooled to be-
low 70 dogs. as soon as possible after
milking -to a lower temperature.if
at all possible. Some firms will not
accept milk at a temperature above
65 degs. F. and prefer it below 60
degs. Plenty of cold water, or pref-
erably ice -water for cooling milk is
needed. Where water ie scarce it
natty he used for watering stock after
cooling the milk, if the cooling tank
be kept clean. A milk cooler is a
great convenience where there is a
good supply of cold water under
Cooling cream is much more easily
done, beertuse there is only about ten
to fifteen per cent. the.. bulk to cool,
as compared with milk. Immediately
after separating the fresh cream
should be placed in cold water and
allowed to remain there until the
create. pail is needed for the next lot.
Empty into thocream can, wesh and
repeat (iia operation twice a day. Tble
will insure good, sweet cream for
buttermaking or for any °tiler pur-
pose. We need better cream for the
making of fine butter in Ontario.
Everybody should give Ontario butter
a boost upward in quality. --Prof
H. H. Dean, 0. A. College, Guelph.
Flay council met for the regular
session on Saturday, September 4tii
1920. The minutes of the previous
meeting were read and adopted.
The following orders were paseed:
Williams Bros., flour ror Mee. Aber -
hart, ifle,75; W. E, Pfaff, cement,
37.70; 0. L. Smith, Printing 'yam'
list, etc., 123.93; jos, McDonald, ant -
ting brush, 10.00; W. J. Jarrott,
geading and. fuel, 129.01: John J.
Bluetit, labor McDonald, bridge 35.00
Ervin Willett, two loads of stone tine
hauling, 5,50; Frank Mosseau, labor
on bridge, 2.00; Thos. Kyle, haullug
timber and labor, 5.00; Eld, Deters,
commission work, 23..80; J. Hartman
loading tile 50; Grace Chapman, 2nd
award Hay War Memorial Scholar-
ship, 16,50; P. Haberer, valuating
sheep 3.00; L, Kalbfleiseh, repairing
culvert, 3.50; Ed. Etu, balance labor
1.30; Northern Electric Co,. supplies
58.43; Bell Telephone Co., tolls June
to August, 260.23; C. L. Smith print-
ing, 13.60.
The council adjourned to meet
again on Saturday, Oct. 2nd., 1920,
at 1 p. m.
A, F. HESS, Clerk.
Stumner Dairy Notes.
The •Calvary Evan. church will
observe Rally Day On Sunday,
Se7t. 26th. A splendid -Mission-
'try play entitled; The Call of the
Netions; is being pxepared by the-.
Y. P. A. A special missionary of-
iering will .also be taken.
Messrs. Herb nad Sol. of
Toronto are visiting their mother.
fr. and Mrs. Otterbein and Mr.
id Mrs. G. Nadiger spent the
we: -.k -end in Kitchener.
Master Eugene Tiernan enterta-
ined a number of his little friends
at a birthday tea on Monday.
4r. Chester Geiser of - Toronto
1.J visiting at his home at present.
Mrs. Rader and daughter Adel-
ine, have returned from spending
the summer in North Dokota.
The members of the Anglican bon-
gregation, Goshen, who have been
reeapering and otherwise repairing
their church, held special ee-open-
big services on Sunday, September
12, when Rev. Mr. Pitts conducted
the service. A large number were
present to enjoy the service.
Mrs. Oscar Wright Of Kennelworth
ie visiting at the home of her par-
ts, Mr. and. Mrs. Geo. Dowson.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. S. Delgaty, of
Deshwood, spent the week -end. with
felends in Stanley. Mr. Delgaty
ereached on Sunday morning in the
Geshen church and. his services were
much appreciated.. We will be glad
to hear Mr. Delgaty again.
Dear Editor
In reply to "A teacher of Hay tie."
regarding an item of news that aps
reared in these columns a few weeks
go and that celled forth such a ser-
mon of uncalled for criticisms, I am
eieased to be able to respond,
1 am not the Dashwood corres-
pondent but will shoulder the re-
sponsibility as I handed in the of-
eensite (?) item for publication. I
may say that I am in possession of
the official authority whereof I speak
and if said Teacher will call at my
home I shall be only too glad to
_show the mne. Neither the pupil
in question nor myself ever expected
the scholarship to he paid and when
ased the word "denied" I never
meant that the said conncil was
mean enough to refuse her it, but
that she, being a .Stephen resident,
was denied the honor of being a con
My object in reporting the matter
was merely to do honor to the de-
serving pupil, not to throiv out in-
sinuations against anyone' as it evi-
dently has been taken to Inc I
am sorry that the said teacher let
his feelings get so much the better
of hint as to use such, sarcastic ex-
pressions against a fellow -teacher,
especially the remarks that, I had the
audacity to tamper with the decision:
of the Board, as if were mean
enough to "slip In the back door" to
meddle with the records. Had the
same distinction.occurred in any ot-
her section, even where the said
"Teacher" holds sway it might have
been mere widely cirealated.
If I have created much "offenee"
To Prevent Swarming of Bees.. .
'June is the swarming month and
time of supering for the main honey
flow which begins between the 10th
and the 2 Oth of the month, depend-
ing on the season and the latitude.
13e sure to give supers enough to
avoid any crowding which may must
the bees to become discouraged, quit
work and swarm excessively. It
Spliccl 1.1i,i--•;.iiien Martin. Hilda Martene. L. Sehwartz. Apple Pie- should be the beekeeper's aim to pre-
.NeusclIWir. f..:._tr,1011 eValper.' M. Rinker, H. Nadiger, K. Marlock, vent swarming as much as possible.
Room III, I.....;.... ,,,o,!31 - Amnin E. Willert. Jar Preserves -L, Reid, This is done by keeping. young
queens, giving plenty of room and a
,..o.-1,...:. Sclu,-alm.' E. Mutter. Lily Willert. A. Schroe-
systematic examination of brood-
SchweIvi. 1":.- - -
Austin Sch,.....,..:.. 1-....,:: Yunc.bir,t.;' der. Ligin Layer Cane. -N. Feesold, chambers to detect colonies which
G. Teeeettli. E. Howard, L. Reid,
Sleigh -en; .en. e. T sseee Ineeee ll,are preparing to swarm. When queen
Pird lions., --Flees; Fnessr. en-re:Fee Dark Leyee Letke-E. Graupner, L. cells are found far advanced they
;.,:,,./..., resee :le ISeen-r. C. Baker. Buttershould all be destroyed and the queen
Schwelm. Ikr-,:_. 2 :1.,;-;;•E.y.:
..2.it7 :,... ----r.'. Bender, Lily Wil- herself removed,. After the colony
treeper-ri.-!:.7.i 1?. o.• :r.'ete ":tno.-
sewn Fran*. 1.,:,:,..,.. , ..,...,..-:. ,-.:,,,:.: ,r,, I..... R,...1.. R. Turnbull. Dressed has been queenless one week the
,:._..... rd. 1. Bierling, V. combs should again be examined and
all cells except one removed. This
ess:7,::','.,-!. L. Turnbull. Hemstii-
erer, Gordon lil.....'::. one will provide them with a queen
:•... i.'f..:ITif.---E. Howard, M.
POL-LTRY-Ivee le ees' * : and if only one is left they will not
neele Koehler, Ed were 11:,::.:.,-- - -,,- ''. '''' '' -" -131' /3' Edwards' warm again. desired the new queen
let, Earl Yungbhn Celeeeessy le: el,:es,- e'...,...1,. o ; May be given instead of leaving one
shire; pair chit's -este r eel ye:we:elle . e i3- . j,:. eov ..r)';rti in -2,
M. Turnbull queen cell.
Kenneth Keeitler. Whiteee per n...,., i'''' --(s ' " - - --:----*
.. A. iss,,...P. , ,../4 -. r,‘,4 1 Tatting -]i2. Tn. nom,i,,,, Natural swarms should be hived
shire; pete-Ileteeld Fatten Leeaerd ''' - -"''''' ---"----- -----" on the old stand, after removing the
prang. specfais*7_.,,, .;i1 . , E. teeeueber. Embroidery- D. We-
il VI 1,r,innr..r, ,. - to• .. parent colony to one side. The
Ir4s. ..1. ,.: . ...+, G. Turnbull. Dues swarms should be given the supers.
Bruce Koehler. eap-le, Il.evard, L. Tts.eld, P. Lafond from the old colony. New swarme
SPORTS--Ghis race under eight and E. leriliert. Darning -M. Turn- work with great vigor because they
-Dorothy Zettel, Seera Kalbtleissh; bull, :IT. Rinker, L. Willert, J. G . most humbly crave pardon, both have no brood to care for during the
bye race I' h (ILI" he-FloYd Fee '-'1', the.r. Patching A. Hoffman, u(t*,;1", , from the teacher who took it so ser- first week. Colonies held together
Dennis Bederd; girls race under 11 Howard, L. Reid, I.e1 Willert. Asl.lieusly to heart, anti the Hay Teri). without swarming gather mare honey
-Idella Howeld. Agnes Dietrich; ters A. Tiernan Pt 7Schlu dt L.
, , , n , eouncil if they misunderstood my than those which sweep. It is the
beekeeper's patriotic duty to reduce
beers race unds...r 11 -Austin Hee', K. Edighoder, re Howord, Sweet Peee meaning.
Koehler,: girls ruee under 14--M.
,LI 0t.1C1 (JL hwkJey 1?
-I. Martene. M. Graupner, P. Hart- If .such a small statement of fact increase the quantity he is called to
Preeter, Lillian Martin; boys race lelb, TC, Morlock. Phlox -M. GrenD- classes me as en "offensive corres- produce as greatly as possible. They
under 14 -Milton Hey, Austin Tiny: nor, E. Else, A. Hoffman, F. Mein-, pondent" I will 1PP.Vel 11. to 1110 publico also cause the beekeeper less trorible
girls throwing le-eels:III .. ea. ,le e es- st,',ver. iri:i,tPf,'. t(o.n,o r:firden).-- io deme if ,:iiil.al N. 111N. i,, 4 ,,1 , at. unexpected times, This may be
'there OrillaAloli,...:: „...;:rh.; :1. ..,ii M. A;01,-11, i., 14, IL Miller, A. the other fellow. !done more by swarm prevention than
race-Ortha Moliek and Murifil Flo- Moroitz. Dahlias -V. Burmeister, G. ili any,other way. :Itilletin 233 takes
h and Lillien Weber, D, Get tb er, Col. of House!
Signed -G, S. Howard
:PAW; boys a -egged race -Whit -A kqau14.-Lacilio :IeWerd, D. P. S.
'this matter up thoroughly and should
be eeleftelly studied in; all bee -
r; We still handle the
old reliable
stable equipments.
EDo not be 11.isled by
inferior goods of this
hind. All Govern-
• ent Farm stables are
equiped with the eel.
chatted . T.
• We have a vast experience in
e •
6 installing these goods.
PUMPS, -,... FTC
• ,, ,z,.
: VrvTe also carry a complete line of
Pumps and Piping, and install •,e
e 6 and keep in repair all our work
e .
grattAe d n 4' ii, Ti a
: la
e '
4r.sesseeesecteeneeeseeseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoe eGesee
e •
Parties requiring Shingles this season
will do well by hying them at once. As
after April lst all shingles will advance
10er,centl in price.
Kaibtei h
Any person found trespassing on
Lot 13 L.R.E. Hay, without per-
mission will be prosecuted to the
full extent of the law.
C. 0.... SMITH.
have a large quantity of good
building stone for sale at the St.
As le have recently purchased the
livery business, 1 .wish to inform
the public that I am in a position
to accomodate all requirements a-
long this line, Am also a licensed
chauffeur and have an auto 'for
hire. Anything done in the team-
ing line 46-tf.
Phone 58 Zurich.
=7 -
Removed from my residenct to
W. H. Vile's Shoe Store, Hartleib
Block, the' Singer seweng machine
and Edison phonographs and Re-
cords. Call in nad see and hear
them. Each Singer sowing ma-
chine and Edison phonograph sp-
eak for themselves. Agent for
pianos, t2
H. WELL - Zurich.
The Trusted Line
For Fall Tr de
(72- BRAND'
C. B. G. famous brand, made in•
all garments and sizes for 'Wen,
Youths and Boys, is recognized by
progressive men's furnishers ever-
ywhere as being one of the leade.
ing and most reyliable lines 0 Br-
itish Underwera., Here are : a few'
reasons why; C. B. 0. Underwear
is woven from highgrade yarns Of
soft,. yet durable quality, It is
ample cut and neatly, yet strongly
seamed, and is cosy* and nomfort-i,
able, giving the wearer coMpletS
Xi, 0, are actuAr manufactnree
neckwear, socks, sweater eoat.s. '
etc, etc., wa 'carry te
of these goods as 'Well as man
her branek,
arial-01/17 Bnos.
ProdAtoo takez.iiezeheivige for Good