HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-09-23, Page 1�, Vol. XX 1 No 12 ZURICH., THURSDAY zCRNINC, SEPTEMBER 23, 1920. m Loo IN ORDER TO MAKE R OOM FOR OUR FALL DELIVER- IES OT' GOODS, WE ARE SELLING AT GREATLY RED- UCED PRICES THE FOLLOWING; LADIES' NVIIITE CANVASS SHOES, Co XFORDS AND POMP'S. ALSO A FEW .LINES IN PATENT AND KID ONF0RDS ' AND' POMPS. THESE ARE ALL EXCEPTIONAL VALUES /IMPAIRING NEATLY AND P ROMPTLY DONE H PFI L wms. - ZURICH 1 ,.. r1..,C1.211t1..,—_--Win..®..� • • 0 • • • • • 0 `• 0 .- 0 • • .• • • • • • • • • • • • • • M6 • • t0 ;• • • s0 fre :• • ,• ,y1D ge000 4r tticeoFi1Ge•g(93Ei1e53'$GBiI/43d 02322cr202000002f$fGf,)20Cp(Jk'rb 200 2G.92 i tui . baTei, .. rand Stewing at Fllt and Hearing a p re for ?lien PURE WOOL SURGES Our stook of wool Serges is now complete. We have all the good colors; Navy, Blue, Brown, Carey and Black, in different widths suitable for Dresses or Suits. •Priees ranging 'from $13.75 to $850 per, =ard: 'AIso a nice -range of all -wool plaid skirt lengths, 54 inches wide at very reasonable prices. • . :SILKS A beautiul display of silks in all the. leading shades, 30 -inches wide, from $2.50 to '.$1.00 per yard. LADIES' SIL1% CREPE DE CHINE WAISTS A splendid range of ladies' silk waists in all the newest colors and Styles. 1 'Mrre The Latest Shapes 1,4 Abig . all the new shades and colors. 002 020 200000002 r ty'des sex, Children VELVETEENS Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1,25 a Year In Advance %"cif b -4by * �fira .„..+terms... Mr. Raymond Heideman 'o. Det- roit is visiting relatives here. Mrs. Mcisaac and Mrs. C. Il list of Crediton were visitors with Mrs. A. I%Teliek on Tuesday. Mr and Mrs. Albert Rittenhouse of Dt nville are visiting with the latter's brothers Messrs. Steckie,,. Bronson Line. i S a our display for Mr.. Gabriel Holtzman, the Ins- let Watches ni the latest uranee agent, attended the spec'al able Styles. meeting of the Western Farmers Mutual, Weather Insurance Co, at ria London, on Thursday. Ick .Ii 0 u WAL TUAM The World's Watch Over Time. Ladies' BraceConvert- - 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 •. • s 0 • to eta showing of Velveteens in 291 THE NEW .FALL SWEATERS And Pullovers • are most, attract- ive in their beautiful colorings in many new styles.- They are priced from $ti to $1.1 each, LADIES' WOOL SCARFS We have just received a ship- ment of •.Ladies' pure -wool scarf's in enticing new colors. We are also supplied with full range of colors in Sport Floss, put up in 2 -oz. Balls, the correct thing for knitting sweaters Scarfs.. E and h des rt and Coyne in and see our fine assort- rne'i , as wo have e\ erything new in the line of Fall and Tweed hats SHADE WE HAVEN'T GOT. NO HEAD WE CANNOT FIT. (CAPS Never was a larger mage o;' caps shown in this store, and you know what that means. MEN'S CLOTHING Our Clothing; Dopartrne'nt is aiwaya at your service, and with our• now styles for Pall, we have a line of suits and overcoats that we feel proud off. Don't worry ' about Luxury Tax, as wo have a irslendi :I assortment ft om $25 to $15. Also 't largo stook o;: men's and boy's Sweater 'coats and Pullovers to chose from, ,; SOMEHOW WE ALWAYS THINK OP TIiia BOYS, NO MATTER WTTEN OR .R0\V "THEY COME, iri -WE ALWAYS HAVE SOMETHING THAT +TAKES THEIR BYE, AND OUR NEAT Sill'rS ARE * JUST A LITTLE BETTER THAN THE AVERAGE. '- • „4 . PRICES FROM $5.00 'I 'O ,$20.00. SIZES FROM e Fresh c nes always an hand Phone 59 41. clivo'� �t�e 'e 22 TO 32 Produce taken exchange Produce Wanted 41404. 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 a a a a 0 0 0 a 0 a a a 0 As we go to press the. entries Tor the ,Fair are pouring in very rap- idly, which goes to show that wit:, nice weather to -morrow, Thursd cy, this will be a record. breaker o; a psll ,Fair, So lets all go and make this an unusual event. NOTICE Having purchased the cider m 1 3[i' 3. J. Merner.; We will be op- erating same on the followin days; Sept 23rd, 27th, 28th, 20th 30th and after .these days every day. eticepting Saturdays We will cook apple butter on '• and alter `Monday Oct , 4th. F C. Kalb:le:soh, Proprietor; I envy (:)i}llnxan;.Manager, Zurich . School Fair s • The :Zurich school r air on Friday, Sept „lj, was a success, the weather itr;tr� ileal. The following ars the prizes ' given : 'VEGETABLES ANI) FLOWERS -- Carrots, Grace Koehler, Luella Rei- chert, Dorothy Brenner pu, altin, Elzar Mousseau, Goldie t'ttley_ \V!1 - lie Noels; corn, Leonard Prang, Albrecht, Edwin Casella; cabbo;,c, Helen Foster; Eleanor Duchat .,.. , 1\'Ellie Neeb; onions, Kenneth Koc'`e- ler, Luella Reichert, Russell 1)a.•u- arene; potatoes, Grace Koehler. 11!1• ton Hey, Willie Neeb; beets, 'Matic:•• line itI'eidinger, Martha, Heideman, A. Price's running from, $15.00 to $40.U0 Watch and Clock Repairing, ess the Jeweller Incorporated in 1855 THE �QONS BAN ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve ,$9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer findsh.is money tied up in stock or crops at certain seasons. Ir he needs. assistance: he should consult our local Manager.` Savings Dep-. artrnents at all Branches. W. . B COLLES Manager Zurich Branch l MnI.EZIESZKOMEM..,,,_ —..=ate veriand a r..n itch, :this space for bargains I /11 used Cars 0 MADE IN CANADA B1 CANADIAN WORKMEN CA .a E. M. HESS GO. ZURICH OVERr.AA.ND S&I•rS AND SERVICE STATION Overland Cars? Overland Cars. ..�..�.� �° c., :: s*:•''r': i'^: F'^:�ti .g,.;..:••� .�..,s Lti q..f.y :�ti &> i• : f' o°'f,•�d: ^i•$^�r :^'xw>c';».� 1' Schwalm. Specials, (those not in prize list) >t' * Melia Howald, Floyd Foster. 11Jade- oline Meidinger, Thelma Oswald, W. • Neeb. 0 Asters, Grace Koehler, Veola Prang, Dorothy Zettle; bouquet of g flowers, Vera Kalbfleisch Lillian Ra- der, Rose Albrecht; collection of • house plants, Lulu Albrecht. A BAKING — Tea cakes, Dorothy • Fritz, Kenneth Koehler, Freida Del- * chert; dark cake, May Schwalm, E. Hess, Grace Koehler; light. cake, T. Oswald, Lillian Martin, Mabel Pree- • ter; apple pie, ' Veola Prang, Orthu. Mellfck, Dorothy Brenner; child's lunch, May Schwalm; bread, Ortha. lilellick, 'Irene Doclter, Hilda Neu- achwanger; tea biscuits, Dorothy Fritz, Eeneth Koehler Dorothy Bren- y. ncr; Special, Nowell Geiger.ROOM IV g t.� a, ^» ..g v �,, t.,..�..,. s.: «,. t o : fi�•&+'>r� 0 0 wa • 0 0 0 f'e e0 0 5» a • p e0 • 4N 0 0 0 a 0.• 1 a 0 0 Always bears ,•7 tip the \Ve are a r_e•i :Hine our Full Shipments almost daily and have a largo range for your inspection. SEE US FOR QUALITY AND VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. \Ve also • are "bowing a i;n:, assortment of Oxfords, for sten and \\''.a:rien at greatly reduced prices. Big reductii.m in canvas and warn weather footwear to make room. • I)UTTER \ND ECIGS WANTED O. The Shoemans �Je 'Y4 4 1- �L• 4. 4 4. �SS ;2 4. 3: oh4. 44 Sl WING -- Hemstitched gurst tc`r2all, Veola Prang, knitted neck - scarf, Dorothy. I"ri1 ,tpMuriel Howald li three pieces crochet edging, Euloine Geiger, Veola Prang; • darning on woollen sock, Kilda Neuschwanger, M.argalret Prang., Room 1.11 ---Tea apron, Ethel TIcots, Lulu. Albrecht, Liszio Leobold; hand- kerchief crochet edge, Lulu Albrecht Lillian Rader; united wash rag, Lil- lian Rader; mending on striped cot- ton, Lillian Rader, Idella Howald, E. I)ucharntu. ' Itoonm II --Work bag, Helen Foster Martha Heideman, Grace Koehler; rest, dressed doll, Vora Kalbficisch, ' CX taco _Koehler. Room. I— Quilt block, RuthLeticl l ielen Thiel, Neldaa Schwalm,' WRITING --Room IV, Muriel How •ald, Ethel Deitrich, Mabel Preeter ; "Rrront IIT, Helen Foster, Agnes Diet rich, Gladys Meliek; Room 1, Ruth Zett.el, Laurette Schwalm, Greta Koehler. ' (Concluded on page 4.) 4.:31r OR1A Fcrr Infants and Children' In Use Four Or r30Years P. '4 • Bargains! iBargai Is! We are makin a Bpeciai Reduction on t .o following Goods: LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES MISSES AND CIIILT)1:ENi' MID- DIES AND APRONS, LADIES' AND MISSES' VOIL BLOUSES. MEN'S WOMEN'S AN l-) C'IITLD EN'S C`ANV AS SHOES AND SLIPPERS, .ETC, Fresh. Groceries always in Stock RE AGLAS PHONE 11 - .9 7 BLAKE