HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-09-09, Page 1ti V01/ XX N o 1 0 • nrrrsewn sm cffia.a....mo®amo..dal. ZURICH; THUR DAY M Drs SEPTEMBER K IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR OUR FALL :DELIVER- IES OV --GOODS, WE ARE SELLING AT GREATLY RED- UCED PRICES THE FOLLOWING; LADIES' WHITE CANVASS SHOES, . 0 XFORJ S AND POMPS. 1A.,LSO A FEW LINES IN PATENT AND KID OXFORDS AND PUMPS. THESE ARE ALL EXCEPTIONAL VALUES REPAIRING NEATLY AND ROMPTLY DONE c� P 1,.. .- .user. L R H arrocnrcra Kms. .rz.-._,,..=.-._._,. �s .om�v rm• .-,ramrr_rrr. .s.... .. Vahaes that will A NEW SHOWING OF GEOR- GETTE BLOUSES. A SPLENDID 0 RANGE OF COLORS AND STYLES MODERATELY PRICED AT $10. a „al •a. fiD 1 S oniee faet. t' shd W n* 61s 16 ,., .MII �,mp V `•moi #4404seesells®oseoeso$to66 0 a 0 WHITE VOILE BLOUSES White Voile Blouses, made, from splendid quality white.. Voiles in sizes from 36 to 44, at $2.50 each. WHITE WASH SKIRTS White wash Skirts made - from good quality of middy, cloth and pique finished with pockets and belt. All sizes n a)DiES A splendid range of Woolens' and Girls' Middies with long and short sleeves, plain white and with fancy collars and cuffs. LADIES' COTTON VESTS Ladies' cotton vests short sle- eves or sleeveless and cuua.fy cut styles. LADIES' COMBINATIONS Ladies' Combinations in a range of styles with short sleeves and lace trimmed yoke. �eY 4011 tore hays '.ronella Ruby is visitiila at ia�roit. 1Zi. "it. .T. Kalb'fleisch of Fu t.'st Spent the holiday at his home here Mr. end Mrs. 1. Hudson of ;::•a- fei-th eeent the holiday in the viler hge M. end Mrs. Ed. Merner The World's 'Watch Over Time. iiIlene ellsited. in the village on Sun See our display for Ladies' Brace- till'. and Mrs. Wes. Kiipbler and r`'t \Z'atehes ni the latest Convert- f.-, .-,ily, of T,istowell spent the hole .11i1� styles 9, 1920. WAL Chester L. Smith, Publisher. $1,25 a Year In Advance II A M **Sego eiPe id. y A the hoinee of Mrs. and .::Irs prices running fronp, $15.00 to $40.00 1, . M5sE Mina Doan of Winnipeg, n zs pi ,visitor at the home of t 61 e ns family the peel: fete' a e- • ' eand Mrs. A. Deerborn vee Mr card Mrs. J. C. Park of London stem, Sunday at the hone o.Hie t ariri .�'Irs. C. Coioekey. e We, C. Collies left on Thurac+ i f,r1 i' ondon ei-here she underweet e nxi operation for gall stones, ne a • in•pro' ing nicely!. Mies Hanford of Ingersoll re.id r red very acceptable solos in both services of the F•vangeli .:i riliurch on Sunday. Mr and Ma's. A1E. Melick ;i .•t Ort were at Detroit o e r 0 vile holiday. The latter will ee- fib main there for some time. :e services will be held in the 4!-I ,Gran church next Sunday al t,i'•. :pastor, Rev. H. Rembe, i 1 tegeee+:t .mission serviees in Eine.,a t daffy". •Mrs, os. Sheep., ro ;, .Bend spent Thutsday at e lxoin of Mr. and Mrs. '. No Eike Keay Friends MISSES' GINGHAM DRESSE;: Made front good quality- plaid, Ginghams in pink and lelue comb- inations, square neck and pockets. FRENCH GEORGETTE CREPE .A splendid quality in Navy, white black, flesh, tan, brown, grey, full ,, 36. inches wide. A Speical at $3.00 a yd.. Also crepe de Cherie in all the latest colors. EANCY VIOLES AND CREPES A. splendid showing of figured• Voils and flowered crepes in all quaelity -and no two patterns alike in 5 yd; dress lengths. Prices ranging from $1.25 to $2.25 a yd. ANDERSOS'S S.COTCH GING- HAMS. A few pieces Anderson's Scotch Ginghams in plaid and check pate terns 38 inches wide. Splendid washing quality. Special at .75e. yd. LADIES' SILK HOES Ladies' Silk Hoes, colors; black, white, brown, taupe, blue, grey, and champagne. Our Clothing Department needs no word of remembrance, as every- one knows the splendid assortm- ent of Men's, Young Men's and Boys suits always kept on hand. Ail gwe want you to do is look thein over and we know you will be surprised at the different patt- erns we have, ranging from $20.00 to $50.00. And a better line of young Men's Forrn Fitting. Single and Double Breasted, cannot be seen elsewhere. MEN'S SILK SOCKS Men's Silk Socks in white, black, brown and grey, sizes to 11;x, ;SHIRTS LA. full line of shirts always on hand including' the W, G. R. Pe e- ersible eiiff, also some real fancy silk shirts at reasonable prices. Sizes 12'% to 1714, Seed Corn 11 Our Hats are here waiting for you, but you'll have to hurry as our hat stock is limited, and we want you to see the different sha- des eve have on hand. We have a limited quantity of Choice •Selected Seed Corn in Learning, White Cap and Golden Glow, which we are selling while it lasts at $3.25 per bushel. Gardener s Pig eat. A SPLENDID SUBSTITUTE FOR MILK FOR YOUNG PIGS. PUT UP IN 251b, BAGS. TRY A TRIAL SACK. 4. 531200=800M20=0100030=00.70.0040:00010 000000=0010000010 Phone 59 Vi a >. *;:i.4 4:k 4./eMileaffefililissigets Produce ' a. 514404145e irimeoe 417-* awe 6 f I ener land Mr. N Kibble, .f Wetch and Clock Repairing. Hess the jeweller Incorporated in 1855 THE MOLSONS BANK ASSISTS FARMERS Capital and Reserve $9,000,000 Over 130 Branches Almost every Farmer finds his Money tied up in e tock or crops at certain seasons. If he needs assistance he should consult our local Manager. Savings Dep- artments at all Branches. W. P. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch ch 17.3 • r Allas ,os.r1=5 ver a ` atch this space for bargains in used Cars 1t1ADE IN CANADA BY CAN ADIAN WORKMEN u� . M. HESS & CO. - ZURICH OVERLAND SALES AND SERVICE STATION tiveriaiid Cir s! O M` er ia.a:c1 Cars! ;'Cili. P . r. . R.• •. . 4aL i a ' : `F':":..y+, a�..�...• • a e; :'.�».�..�..4.. «..'..� ..i.—L Mr. and Mee. A. Moritz anis . e:n- e. • 1r of Guelph, Mrs. J. Wing of _ ,. ti•r sst- �xg.�;,,;s.,,1^ Waw ..ec'"["""*':c r� fi"` '�t� L. 6 'itehener spent the week -en w irw ht w ` (FY4L T»i ' �'� �� :+ 4- * with relatives here. 0 _ .._...3 . . es ee The moving pictures showing 1n •• , : he Town Hall are being well pat- ee lir roni»(3. The shows are above he average and many beautiful '!" : -y)1ctures are being shown. 1 rang! ments have been made le 4 the beseball Club to have Mr k - May remain here until this Sethi,- e. , Situ;'- We are receiving our Fall Shipments almost daily and have a large range eor your insheetion. ,SEE US FOR QUALITY AND VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY. .1. e e C day eveningand full programs will 1• be e on every evening. : �� p not fail to see Charlie Chaplin oe Thursday evening. We else are shooing a fin:` assortment of Oxfords, for men c cel tiv redo _ed pri es Big reduction in canvas and worm weather footwear to nape @ib lIp •c ,F 1 a 1 t , 4. 0 aa. 4. '� xo 4. Az,Y 1 4. ;Mrs.'F. .r.. Wethey, of Ex:'t e. teacher of the violin will be at •t . 'Wolper House, Zurich ilex!. i'lxup la . , Sept. 16th with the of F ct r in view of forming a c �s viri,irrupi * is a well qualified teacher a 0 nrepeeps pupils for the Toronto Conservatory Exams if desir .l. Remember the date and if you are interested come. room. 1 c, pupils here l4Trs Wet he : q4' BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED OaFRTZ The Shoeman! c The 'baseball Tame on Tuesday 40 efternaon, when Zurich was elim- a eeee -. o a ..,«,..leo: :•a ef'•:—+eea'ti Gee eee..e•i ."y°.i.;.•L e. .e., a �r.e,e"at'•it Het„. reeled from the finals in the Nee', 1r:A. practically winds up the pas:, - -- ._.------- -- -.__.__ bell season for this year. In all, ,.—..„.......----e ._.._ r _.-,—e------ 0 -- 0 0 15' a. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 s Zurich .tear" has played twenty- eight games, and of the twt' ty- eight they have lost only eight genies The team has received Oft; hearty support of the reside elite sid- eiits of'this section and they have responded with a high class of baseball., The 'finances of the leal, are- in excellent shape 11)11 with the debt wiped out on the skirting. rink, the prospects for a Holl•better season an 1921 are leO lzt. Planr, are already under way tee strengthen the team for neat yearand if they are succes- sful better and faster ball will he on the program for next year. no season just passed has been a successful one and the people of; Zurich and vicinity took much p:e- astire in evitnes`sing the games. It 'would riin.ke the league still more interesting if Exeter, Hensall trel ether towns and villages in the dia- trict could arrange to enter. For°Infants and Children. 00se For 0vey 30 Year Ow-4s bears ,,+ xhe • g a ..s! rBargains! We are making a Bpeoiai Re action on the:'folio w ing Goods: LADIES' HOUSE DRESSES MISSES AND CHILDRENS' MID- DIES +� A. ND APRONS, LADIES' AND ,MISSES' VOIL BLOUSES MEN'S WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S CANVAS SHOES AND SLIPPERS, ETC. 'Fresh Groceries always in Stock R. N. , bsv\ u e PHONE 11 - 97 •2 BLAKE