HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-07-29, Page 4!Ares, madame, this is the grade of Imperial Polarine speeiGed or your ear by the Imperial Polarine Chart 6£ Recommendations, and you will always find Imperial Premier Gasoline of uniform high quality. My ouroperating costs lt at minimum troughsingImperial Polarine xciesivey.• e10 •M •„- —•a [: " ,�or Reduced Operating Costs IMPERIAL Polarine reduces ,automobile operating costs in many 1 was. Byproviding a piston -to -cylinder seal which assures maximum poer. It helps to save friction waste in every moving part, keeps the engine running smoothly and out of the repair shop and minimizes depreciation. Imperial Polarine prevents friction by coating every wearing surface with oil ower n the ston chamber.. wear -resisting ImperialPfilm. ar negives correct lubrication tolevery piston of your car. One of the three grades described below is specially suited to your motor. Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations when you buy oil and learn which grade to use. Imperial Polarine is sold in sealed gallon and four -gallon cans, 12- gallt5n steel kegs, steel half -barrels and barrels, by dealers everywhere. There is an appreciable saving in buying half -barrels and barrels. jr,g;)mt.il44, ;rA off. alatory iT&� rifle i 4 ES, k (.000', CM? SEI' TER_ IMPERIAL POLARINE IMPERIAL POLARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL�POLiA teary'oRINE A '(Light medium body) (Medium heap body) (Extra) A GRADE SPECIALLY SUITED TO YOUR MOTOR THE HERALD Issued Wednesday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Jacobe of the i from the village, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Jec-; dobe of the Parr Line nad Mr. and T}IE HERALD PRINTING 'Mrs. Hilton Truemner of the 14th' OFFICE con. visited relatives at Parkhill 1 on Sunday. Display Advertising -Made known CIVIC HOLIDAY On application. •Stray Animals—One insertion 50c Zurich again celebrates a civic' three insertions $1.00. holidya this year, next Monday, 1 Farm or Real Estate for sale August 2nd. It has been the cur-' SOc, each insertion for one month tom -for many years, nad we hope t four insertions, 25c. for each will this year be a day of rejoic- isequent insertion. ing for all. Several other towns 'are observing this same day like - Miscellaneous articles of not More than five lines, For Sale, To `Vise, so it is a general event thro- Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., ught this part of the province. Mrs. Alex. Foster and family are spending the week at Kitchener; • eah insertion 25o, Local Reading notices, etc., loc. per line per insertion. No notice Tess than 25c. Card of Thanks 500. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a Effective after Jan. lst. 1?21 THE HERALD ZURICH, - ONT. 404.>1+4.+404+444,040404 LOCAL NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. Preeter visited friends at Grand Bend on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. A. Melick and Mrs. ,1. Ort, were visitors at Tavistorek on Sunday. Miss Nora Schnell of Detroit, is Visiting at the home of her par- *ents here. Mr. and Mrs. Scheer of Roches- :er, N. Y. are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. To make matters more clear to our readers we are publishing t list of signers that was used in the agreement of the business men of the village, sa follows'; Zurich, July 27th, 1920 This is to certify that we, the undersigned agree to close our places of business on Monday Aug - 1 Mrs. Taylor and sbn, Tom, of W—ashington, D. C., are visiting at the home of the former's sis- ter, Mrs. J Holtzman, Rev, Otto ,Brown, wife and chil- dren, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Eilber. The U. F. 0, have had several carloads of binder twine shipped into this district. Mr, Hy. Pfaff and Miss Witzel were married at the Evan. par- sonage last 'Saturday evening. DASHWOOD. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Koch return- ed home after spending the past ,few weeks with friends in Detroit, Mich., and Ohio. All of our pupite and graduations were successful, four taking hon- ors. We extend congratulations. The picnic held at Grand Bend on Friday was a success, The crowd was large, the sport good, and the eats all that could be de- sired. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff of Sarnia were visitors in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lindenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Fast of Parkhill sp- ent Sunday with Mr. nad Mrs. C. Steinhagen. Flax pulling is now the order of the day and several gangs leave town each morning. Miss Luella Merrier of Hespler is visiting with her parents. The trustees of our school are doing some extensive repairing to the inside of the rooms. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ehlers and daughter Mina, and Mn. C. W. Yager visited in Kitchener over • the w,ek-end. • reee®ersamme asses se•euefeeeeeea•vaee•00e6•00aesaita kte 1w A Few .� ° ar°gains s • • • •p' 0, • • • • Cream Separ aloe s hay e advanced• x$1.0 in price. Buggies 20 per cent We !have on hand one DeLaval and onel S Melotte Separators, also two Gray;�L buggies which we will sell at pre- �.. Separators T • advance prices for quick sale. 0• 0 8 • SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY IN iSTO,CK AT LAST ° 0 • YEAR'S PRICES. • s ie' •SEE US ABOUT NEW AND GOOD SECOND DRAG HARROWS:; • BLACKSMITH WORK S' s e BRING ALONG THAT 1'ERTICUI+AR BLACKSMITH JOB, WE Z'' s S'T'ILT, TRY, AND DO IF FOR Y OU, • est, 0PUMPS PUMPS 1 • WE CARRY A GOMPLEI`E LINE OF PUMPS AND PIP.Ill\rG. e_ e WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMP& re e, 0 y rnANG, i"�=•.:, si M pelt A 1A i It' 0 0 Mrs. inFbekiner is at present' vis iting ie Sarnia. Mr. Albert Weltin and sister Ol- ivia, spent a few days in Kitch- ener. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith, of. Zurich; Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Schatz and f oily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Noll and M s and Mrs. S. Sacks of Mil- verton were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Schade. The revised Ontario Election Act is now the law of the prov- iaa. Under the new act the enumerator system of preparing election lists is a thing of the past. Municipal lists will be usen for provincial elections in future,pro- y•isio;is being made for a comp- lete revision of the voter's lists heft re election day. Polls will open at 8 o'clock in the morning and close at 6 o'clock in the ev- ening. int the Second, and observe this day as Civic Holiday for Zurich. tiding• win be all re -arranged and E. Oec W. Chas. Fritz, 1VIehc1� i laid out much better for both Braun, G. Hess, W. H. Iloffehan, Visitors and Exhibitorsk t The Process Building will be occupied by the Pure Food Show again this year. The grounds will be in far bet- ter condition than before having been filled in and levelled up dur- ing the year and the t+Dads thr- ough the park graded and gray - A clic tiln, y information required about the Exhibition will be promptly given on application to the Sec- retary A. M. Hunt, General Offices, London, Ont. Dr, and Mrs. McKay of Strath - Vey were visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. on Sun day. Mr, Leoe Jeffrey of the 15th eon nay left for Chatham on Tuesday morning inhere he will undergo an peration for a defected kidney. Mrs, Wilbur 'Dewey, (t'i'e Gladys '.effrey), of Cisatham,, who spent the past few months with retat- ive't in 1•11%; v;"in'ty htta rethree d lira h'or home i37 that cit'. • THE WESTERN FAIR Sept. 11th to 18th, The management of the ern Fair are making active, pre- parations for their 1920 Exhibition Already space is all taken in some of the buildings and the ot- hers are filling up rapidly. Visitors to the Exhibition may rest assured that the Exhibits in all departments will be fax better than ever before. The interior of the Machinery Bu EXETER Exeter's civic holiday is on Wed itesday August 11th. The contractor is making spl- endid progress with the .concrete road on Main street, and in the course of a couple of weeks, if they continue at the pace they are going lately, they will have the south end of the town completed Mr. and Mrs. J: '. Creech, o Rochester, N.Y., visited for a few days at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Jas. Creech. Wm. Wilson, M.P.P., of Russel, Man., made a flying visit with hsi uncle, Rev. M,J. Wilson, at the Jam es St. parsonage. He is the youn- gest member in the Government group just elected in Manitoba and ;a rising lawyer in the province. holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kestle. Miss Vera Walker and Miss Es- ter Horsey returned home on Mon-, day after spending a week at St. Thomas, attending the Summer School at Alma College. Mrs. Robt. Sweet and daughter Beta, who have been visiting in. town, left this week for their home at Portage la Prarie. They, will spend a few days at Waller- mille. Dr. Ben Gerry, Wife and three children, of Kamloops, B. C., are the guests of Dr. and Miss Kins- man. West - • 0 0 0 0 gM.O0ti,00cecooseoesemm000ommes eescoa•••eo>Kt®@ efeelha SHINGLES SHINGLES Parties requiring Shingles this seasory. will do well by bying them at once. As, after April 1st all shingles will advance, lOper cent. in price. FA CKalbfie:i Znrich Ruby & Johnston, Jacob Delchert, (a•eorpr Hess. James Barry, John Kipper. Denomy Bros., F. Thiel, Roy N e'Ter, Louis Prang, Stade Weide, J. Geseho & Son, T. L. Wurea, W. H. Pfile, J. Preeter. Automobiles Foal Cars 2-1913 Ford touring 1-1916 Ford touring 1.-1017 Ford touring 1-1918 Ford touring with starter shock absorbers, speedometer an.1 other extras. 1 Pord. right delivery truck 3 good used buggies, steel tires A11 the above cars have been ov- CREDITOr4. Children's day was nllserved in the Evan, church on Sunday. last. er houled, repainted and are m A fine missionary program was good condition, you are sure of rendered by the pupils. A naissi- receiving good value in pu.rehas- onary offering was taken amount- ing your used ears from us. ing to $1.65. Suitable terms arranged to stilt Miss Julie Hauch is spending het purchaser, It will pay you to vacation at her home here. learn about our Big discount on Mr. Russell Clark of Walkerville, is visiting at hsi home here. Rev". Bowen occupied the pulpit of the Evangelical church on Sun- day; eve.uioa. auto tires. COOK 1311OS. Ford Detetleve 11�1INi1. SAIuIr ' Ont HENSALL. Mrs, D. Weismiller of Toronto, was in town last week visiting fr- iends. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cudmore and son Edward of Kitchener, and Miss Beatrice 'Cudmore of Tor- onto, are visiting their parents,Mr. and Mrs. R. Cudmore. The main road between Nelson St. and the Presbyterian church • has been oiled this week by the property owners in the, block. The road was gravelled and levelled before applying the oil. Messrs. Owen Geiger, Geo. Ned - son, Robt McMartin and Sidney Geiger motored to Chatham last week to inspect the flax pulling demonstration near that city. Rev. J. A. MeConnell, who has been o nan extended trip through the west, has returned home and resumed his duties last Sunday. Mrs, Hayes, of Moosejaw, forma erly Miss Currie, of. the Parr Lin(:, returned to her home in the west on Monday last, Jai. ,Tohnstnn had the i iisfort- ipe to severely . cut his deft hand With a hire r. Owen Geiger s purchased a large auto passenger truck to be used in carrying fiaxpullers to and from 'their world. Mr. Gee. gutleerlend- trtrel Masonic convention at Niagara Falls lest sack, as a delegate. 1r. 19r1. Wism.er and Mias Alice Stauffer of ]i .itehener, are visiting rotfce tat tho hoYtne of Ma. Wtn. Beaver,. The Western Fair London Sept. 11th to 18th THE GREAT AGRICULTURAL AND LIVE STOCK EXHIBIT- ^•• TON OF WESTERN ONTARIO $35,000.00 in Prizes and Attre ctions Jonny J. Jones Exposition on the Midway FULL PROGRAMME TWICE DAILY Auto Polo, Music, Fireworks. Two Special Events Daily. Exhibits of all Kinds. (SOMETHING DOING EVERY MINUTE General Admission 50c. Children 15e. Auto and Driver $1.00. All information from the Secretary. Lt. -Col. W. M. Gartshore, President A. M. Hunt, Seety. INSURE YOUR PROPERTY AGAINST DAMAGE BY WIND OR TORN- ADO. THE HOME INSURANCE CO. Insures your Property without Premium Note, and guarantees no special assessment. THE WESTERN FARMERS' WEATHER INSURANCE Co. paid $60,000 loss in the November, 1919 wind stortn, and have a surplus of $70,000 on hand and no especial as- sessment kas ever been made. Rate 45cents per $100 for 3 years. —2tf Am also agent for several other Wind Insurance Companies. b Holtzman AMICH, - , ONT. cYTHING IN FIRE INSURANCE DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS rtivertisd in the Herald the results, and NOTICE. Removed from my residenct to W. H. Pfile's Shoe Store, Hartleib :Block, the Singer seweng machine and Edison phonographs and .Re- cords. Re -•cords. Call in nad see and hear them. Each Singer sowing ma— chine anti Edison phonograph sp- eak for themselves, Agant Lot pianos. tee Zurich. H: WELT., ' . fl .. The Ise4 Palet Profession. Bookkeepers wanted. 0,z1y those wishing fora.'i.. vaoeensent to qualifyas ;sec militant. Mote tudy. training, nottinte;f .ring with vont present,p eenPfr tion. Bookiet fes. We have traiacd inniT fled Public: Aceon,ntants than has any oih rinst'stu- tion. We have Helped hundreds of others secure Pod paving pniaithi :1. \V ' e'u help von, Itlternlibteeal ticoeuntants Society. LtettO foroull