HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-07-07, Page 1HE A Yat. XXXI No.3 ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 37 (930, Chester L. Smith, , Pub • i.25 a year, U.S. $L50 ivt . tIvsea *1.5o IN ARRNARS,1r2 MAY 9& OSUSA IEC Let the ids. in the Herald guide you in Buying and Selling SCHOOL REPORT Of June Exam„ lira S:, 'S. N. +� Bay Township:. Jr. IV--Honorn 75 Pass EAI --' ' I ' n Gingerich 71,, Daorss i:Gireb •:d8,, Martha Foster 65 , Olive 11111oner 65. Sr. III -Gladys Glirgerie1!a 'L9r hon; Winnifred Battler Q.Ir; Orlando Bat-' tier 69. Jr. III -Joe Hc1Thna } I 61 - Class -Anthony/ ieffinant Irene Foster 7/, Rose amara 60. :Sr.lad }s - iuth Witmer. Jr. First Class -Leonard Hoffinon Neil Ginger b, Albert Hoffman, Gv-I ril :tiiaegerich, Leunis Gingerich, Keith: Wildfong, .hatbox Foster, Gerald Gan-; gericla. • Absent on account of illme Louis Farwell; Fred Farwell. (Grace Van. - Highest in spelling -Martha Foster :50; .Arithmetic -Orlando Battler 94; 4404.4444444444400444404444444444•0•440.440.44444.40 • •� IIS • Pian ' o unin • IIIRSCFILEBER. AN EXPERT ON TUNING AND -REPAIRING PIANOS: WILL BE IN PTS DISTRICT COMMENCING MONDAY, JULY 14th • • THIS MAN rs HIGl4T,Y RECOMMENDED IN PIANO WORK, HAV- -• ING TWENTY-FWEr YEARS OF FACTORY EXPERIENCE IN • •IMES .FEK S OF PIANO WOR .4 • IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR AN EXPERT' IN THIS LINE, KI112LY I;RAVE YOUR ORDER WITH j• r a FRED THIEL 4 PHONE 102 - ZURICH • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • e 4 • • 4 • • • • • • • 4 • • • • • 4 • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 6•••••••••ese•s•sensesees eeme•••aa••a•••••••••a • • Walk and be Healthy 1 2 3 1 In Brown's Shoes Shoe Style With A Smile MAKE YG'Fr WALK OUT AMBITIOUS,. READY TO GO. A. GREAT CO7l `FCT1ON OF NEW ARRIVALS ASIDE FROZE THE OGENit I PLEASURE OF INSPECTING I THESE NEW GOODS :MST IS THE ADVANTAGE OF EASILY SUMMER SELECTION, NEW TANS, CHOC_ KID; SUN TANS, BLACK AMR WILIMECABIBINATIONS, ALL WHITE_ AIL THE 2. NEWEST . tF..SIGNI IN :SPORT ,OXFORDS AND POMP'S W1T.r.I ( rrn HEELS_ 'NEATLY .DONE LON ,AND Bro %s Boot Shop SRN OUR WINDOW DISPLAY • • • • • • •O • •• • • •, •' wi •! • ••• • • • • • • _• • t impos••••e7• sees•e••seestecee•!•••••••••! 00400040 4440400444 44,440• 440444•444444414440444440404 • • • •• a • • • + 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 SAILORS .AND ,.SNAP RIMS • �y :941P 'Li .SILK JUNDRIEE QMal111aI,.TION IFLESH AND q 4 • •;i • • t!• rt "Ki NE LINES Just GOLF SWEATERS a', kt L 1 r IMOSE HD MOM M � :ST • WHITE ALL.. WOOL3SMUIMIG SUITS -•-•- .A1.., (COLORS. RT PANTS '!(•'"I "Mu rJAIA 3' RR1NG :171S ISTOUR.L&UNnI if 3k -VERY M'W .DL:P ,READY MADE:SLIT S..I1111DE TO MEASURE, OR TAILOR Ate: S Y.I Fv "IikID•I latAAC&M;;YRTEEEfI BLOCK - • • HOFI!MA BppIi'�K RI$tlllb IgtO 4641 KIM: 4 • 4 • • • 4 4r a; Grammar -Alvin Gingerich 90; Geo- graphy -Irene Foster 89, Literature Irene Foster 83. No. on roll 24. Grace E. Pepper, Teacher. A man isn't safe anywhere these days, it seems, for a man locked up iin the Woodstock jail was robbed by another prisoner. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Rev. R. and Mrs. Murray of Chic- ago, have been visiting friends in St- anley for the past few days. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong and family of Rosetown, Sask., are vis- iting at the home of the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson. Armstrong Quarterly Communion Services were held at Goshen, Varna and Blake churches last Sunday. The Sunday Schools of these three chur- ches intend holding a union picnic to Bayfield, on Tuesday, July 22nd. Miss Grace Reid of Flint, and Miss Beatrice Gascho of Zurich; have been spending a few days withtheirfriends Miss Margaret and Grace Robinson. HAY COUNCIL. The regular monthly meeting of the 'Council of the Township of, Hay was heldin the Town Hail, Zurich, on Monday, July 7th, 1930. All. the members were present: The min- utes of the June meeting were ad- opted as read. After a number of communications were disposed of the following reso- lutions were passed: That the Township Need Inspector be authorized to have all weeds on Township Roads destroyed and where Road Commissioner neglects to •dee. stroy weeds, the. Weed Inspector may hire :.men to .destroy same and cost Shall be charged against such Road Division. That Alex, Foster be awarded con- tract to construct cement bridge op- posite Lot 10, con. 6, at $4.00 per cubis yard. That by-law No. 12-1930, author- izing the Reeve and Treasurer to borrow- money for current expendit- ures be read three times and finally passed. That accounts covering payments of Township Roads, Telephone and general accounts be passed as fol- lows: Township Roads -London Rolling Mills, steel 23.68; C.N.R. freight 1.80; P. Schade, pay list Rd. 13 105.85, John Oesch No. 8 8.00; R. Geiger Rd. 9, 3.00; S. Martin Rd. 6, 7.25; H. Brown Rd. 15, 16.50; T. Ayotte Rd. 10, 52.52; J. Rennie Rd. 6, 183.91; E. Datars Rd. 9, 110.70; E. Datars Rd. 10, 16.50; A. Reichert Rd. 4, 238.12; W. Grenier, Rd. 8-15 51.00; A. L. Sreenan Rd.. 18, 16.00; L. Prang, account 4.00; F. J. Hab- erer Rd. 7, 1.00; Alex. Mousseau Rd 3, 29.00; J. M. Richardson Rd. 5, 15.00; S. Ropp, Rd. 2, 6.50; J. Park Rd. 1, 123.20; C. Aldsworth Rd. 2-3- 13-14 58.00; S. Hoffman Rd. 8-15, 188.10. Telephone Accounts -Bell Telephone Co. tolls April 21 to May 20, 114.52; Northern Electric Co., material 449.91; Zurich Hydro, lights 2.85; Can. Telo. & Supplies, material 14.06; Bell Telephone Co booth 25.00 C.N.R. freight on booth and cartage 6.38; W. F. Jennicon, rebate rate 10.00; Zurich Central switching five weeks 85,00; Strornberg-Carlson TeIo Mfg. Co., material 15.63; P. Mclsaac salary $500.00; labor 291.76, Less tolls 33.10, baance 759.66; H. G. Hess, labor, material, etc., 182.00; General Accounts -Rinker Drain pay ments 155.91; Zurich Hydro, lights for hall 2.68; Murray & Nicholson, on Wildfong Drain 1660.00; Balance allowance Black Creek 90.001 J. Ort- wein, stone Masse Drain, 15.00; J. Reid, balance Black Creek contract 5374.25. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain on Tuesday, August 5th, at 1.30 o'clock, p.m. A. P. Hess, Clerk. FOR SALE FARM IMPLEMENTS 1 'Used '5 section Diamond harrows. 1 used disc harrow. 3 used M.H. binders, in good condit- ion. i used M.H. cultivator. 1 used M.H. straight grain drill, 1 meat Deering disc drill straight, • N E SIEIIION ,5° Barytas A.gc�nay f 'Zurich f r 7 40.01 Mr. George Lilly of Seaforth, was in the village on Tuesday. Mr. N. W. Trewartha, of Clinton, the Conservative Candidate, called in the village on Monday. Dr. and Mrs. B. Campbell, of 'Tor• onto, called on friends in town on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. James Humphreys of Preston, were Sunday visitors with relatives here. A goodly number from town took in the Orange Walk at Bayfieid, on Saturday. ' Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and fam- ilysnd Mr. C. Heyrock motored to London, on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wurtz of Pigeon, Mich., were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick. Miss Donella Ruby of Kitchener, is spending her holidays, at the home 6f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. S. Ruby. Mr. and Mrs. Gies and family of Waterloo, were week -end visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. Y. Dreier. .. fir. and Mrs. George Binnie, of Mpcice Jaw, Sask., who visited for a w•weeks with relatives and friends Ali ^,'left by motor for their home in the West. ' and Mrs. Martin Wurm of the vige, :Mr. and.. Mrs. Dan Oswald of theronsort Line, were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. C '; i y, Clinton. r.• and Mrs. Omer Belinger, of Windsor are spending their holidays with Mrs. Belanger`s mother, Mrs. Rachel Denome, near St. Joseph, on the Blue Water Highway. The Prize Lists for this year's Fall Fair to be held in Zurich on Sept. 22nd and 23rd, are being pre- pared. Any person wishing to do- nate a special prize for competition at the Fair, should odvise the secret- ary, A. F. Hess, at once. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Oesch, of Al berta, are visiting with friends and relatives around here. Mr. Oesch, who is a brother to John and Jacob Oesch, of the Goshen Line North, has been absent from the Zurich for the last thirty years, and notes many changes. A very enjoyable time was spent on Saturday last, when all the child- ren and grandchildren gathered to- gether at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Gackstetter of the 16th con- cession, Hay Township, it being the celebration of their fiftieth wedding anniversary. The afternoon was spent in playing games and races in which prize's r were given. Mr. an Mrs- Jacob Gackstetter were present- ed with many beautiful gifts. The guests were present from Linwood, Kitchener, Breslau, London and oth- er points. The Herald joins in this occasion in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Gackstetter many more hears of hap- py wedded life. _ The local political pot is starting to warm up, and things will soon be at the height of interest, as the can- didates are bringing into action all their heavy guns available, and as the election is only two weeks away, we think the tithe is limited t odo so very much campaigning, On Friday even- ing, of this week, Mr. Thos. Mc- Millan, the Liberal Candidate will hold the first meeting in the district at Drysdale, and will be assisted by Mr..1.G. Stnnbury, of Exeter. Then on Tuesday evening, July 22nd, the Conservative Candidate, Mr. Trewar- tha, will follow up with a meeting al- so at Drysdale, and will b aseisted liy Mr. A. T. St. Perrie, of Exes County. ' Probably the biggest gathering in the riding of this campaign will be at Ex- eter, on . Wedlay afternoon, July 2 3 when the Hon. R. B. Bennett will ad- dress the large gathering in Victoria Park, L'aeter. Come out to these various meetings, and hear what the leaders of our nation have to offer in the way of making it oven a greater, .Canada. For The COAL 193t1 Girl or Boy .•. New Low Prices" Now in Effect AT GRADUATION NO GIFT IS MORE APPROPRIATE THAN A FINE WATCH LADIES' FANCY STRAP CHES FROM $8.00 To $35.00 WHEN BUYING YOUR WHY NOT HAVE THE Bim?' GENUINE D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL "The Standard Anthracite" WAT- • EGG„ STOVE, NUT AND SlifAT .,. PEA. SIZES,. SEMET. SOLVAY , corm. GENT'S FANCY STRAP WATCHES A discount of S0c per ton alloweliee; FROM $5.00 To $25.0o CASH on aclt fuel- See them in Our Window Hess, The Jeweller .. q cozatelcam. HENSALL C T. Office Phone /Ow House Phonic MI: 4. + + �y + + + + • • MEN'S TAN OXFORDS ` MFG. BY SCOTT McHALE GENUINE $7.00 VALUE $4.85 .WOMENS' PATENT STRAPS WITH BUILT IN ARCHES Reg. $5.00, At $2.95 +,..+++.+...i..F'Q['.I.'q,d.'1....'.i14.*71'.Ig"i' '?'*'# ***1' ';iFi} q {k ., Every Day is gettiug better ana better. People are getting Value -Wises.; Thats why they come here for ShoesCars- + MISSES OAT. SLIPPERS SIZES 11 to 2 Reg. $3.00, At $2.00 p SHOD REPAIRING + No. I SOLES . Men's Half Soles + Ladies' half Soles + + + + eTWO 1930 BRAND MODEL A. COACHES, 4. + + + + + + + Shoe Merchants $1.00 75c USED CAR DEPT. ,. WOMEN'S PUMPS MURRAY MAKE BLACK, TAN OR Vl&it11'1 Lie Genuine $6.95, At. $5.75 ARCH SUPPORTS Dr.. SCHOOLS' REGULAR $5,00 Now $3.00 Pals, RUNNING SHOES BOYS AND GIRLS" 65c 90c. $1.1S MEN'S WORK SHOES You Can't eat Ere at arty Price.. Theyre WonderEnt. at This Price $3.25, 4I. SACRIFICE NEW AT A 1925 FORD COUPE BALOONS NEW DUCO FINIMI • 1927 FORD COACH ORIGL 9i„ TIRES AND I+- ISH, RUNS LIKE NEW G FRITZ & SON New and Used CarWeaer . • Phone 82 ®r 115 Zuridt • ++++44444+44.44.44+4+44444.044.4444 -444-44-444444444+4÷.1•4 +++++++++++ F•+4+d 4e 4^'1..g +fi.. f 4444 4+4 z4 4 NESP S Don't miss seeing .:,nd getting our prices on our New Spring aud Summer Dry Goods of all kinds ALSO SHOES, HARNESS REPAIRS, HARDWARE, I3?' ti c;l< ,, OILS, AND OTHER STAPLE LINES, TOO NUMEROUS MENTION. 1930 GARDEN AND ROOT SEEDS 'JUST lOPENED IJE,,, GET YOUR SUPPLY NOW. R. (DOUGLAS GENERAL SFEitOliANT PHONE 11 . 7 BLAKI an