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Zurich Herald, 1920-07-01, Page 8
• Goods Now arriving almost daily. New Serges, Poplins, Velours, Etc. VIOLETS fine lot fo figured Voiles in a large variety of colors, dark as weli as lighter shades. Just the thing for summer wear. SILKS Silks and Silk Poplins in leading shades from $150 to $3.75 a yd. Galateas and Prints Now showing a nice range of prints, galateas, shirting. Also a few pieces of nurses' cloth, a ex- tra good wearing cloth, suitable for house dresses aprons, etc. Come and see it. House Furnishings (Sire are well stocked in Linole- umn, oil cloths, curtains, Window shades, curtain poles and Curtain Sc•rimn?s in .new designs. New Spring Wall Papers A LARGE SHIPMENT OF WALL PAPERS NOW TO HAND., BEAUTIFUL NEW PATTERNS FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT ROOMS OF YOUR HOME. WE TAKE SPECIAL INTEREST IN WALL PAPERS, AND WOULD LIKE TOSHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES Ar 1&NY TIMEL J. Gascho & Son Zurich's 'Garage Our Free Air Outfit is. now Ready WE HAVE INSTALLED THE ABOVE OUTFIT FOR THE CONVEN- IENCE OF THE PUBLIC. BATTERY TESTING ALSO FREE. LET U5 ATTEND TO YOUR MOTOR CAR NEEDS. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING Any make of .Car a Specialty OILS, GREASES, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, GENUINE FORD PARTS, Our Gasoline filler is now installed. r H, Mousseau Zurich PHONE No. 103. .*:++++++++++++++++++4.++++4.* 4" d++i++i++++++€+d++€++t+-i +++1+444 +++++ 4 4* 4. 4. 4F+ 4. 4+ i+ + + 4- , Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is 4. 4. • such that we can supply everybody's Re4.quirements. PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- +i+ 4. ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE ITS WHILE OUR SUPPLY .+j. • LASTS, WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE + • WEHAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10'%, AND + S PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY AND SAVE MONEY .$ i4. . + We also have a large Scock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS 4' 4. ''h • Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see + 4. our Goods and get Our Prices. ' ' ( + .'x;. + + 4. i+ +SII+ + 4. + 44 4. TII+ THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVE PROI.i•GHING AND REPAIRING A•l' ALL TIMES I STARE &W.EID PREETER (BLOCK ZURICH 44 44 44 4+ 4. 4. IOE 1VIENT WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED OINTED LOCAL ' AGENPS FOR THE CELEB- RA.TED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENT6i IP YOU ARE IN NEED "OF ANYTHING ALONG THE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY FOR THE SEASON' OF 1020, GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL CHEERFULLY SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE AND GIVE OUR PRICES. WE SOILCIT A PORTION OF YOUR BUSIN- ESS AND CAN ASSURE YOU ENTIRE SATISFACTION, Fairbanks -Morse "Z" Engine with Bosch Magneto TheSupreme Farm Engine famous "Z" Engine THE and the Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto combine to snake the one SUPREME farm engine. ¶ Call on us and .see the result of this newest combination -FAIRBANKS -MORSE " T " WITH BOSCH MAGNETO. 11We are substan- tially assisted in delivering engine maximum service by a nearby Bosch Service Station. J. E. DRUAR, - Zurich U. F. O. PICNIC WILL BE. ,HELD IN THE Grand Fend Park ON Monday July 5th HON. MAN. DOCHERTY; Mr. J. J.MORRISON, M. P. P.; Mr. CAS- +SLEMA.N, M. P. P.; and Mr. A.HICKS, M. P. P., ARE TO DISC- USS THE LIVE TOPICS 'OF 'THE DAY. U. F. 0. PARADE AT 10.30 A. M., LED BY THE HENDERSON HIGHLANDERS OF LONDON. COME ONE, COME ALL, AND EN- JOY A GOOD DAY IN NATURES .OWN PARK. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Wes. Schelirk of Detroit, called on friends in the 'village last week. • Be at the Zurich Diamond next Tuesday evening and see Crediton and Zurich teams play a real fast game. Mr. and Mrs. A. Melick and fam- ily were visitors at Seaforth on Sunday. Mr. G3o. Southcott, of Santa Monica, Cla_, will assist in the song service in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening. DENOMIE-REGIER A very pleasant event took place at St. Boniface R. C. church . on Tuesday forenoon when Miss Mar- tina, daughter of Mrs. Jos. Regier Goshen Line, south, was united to Mr, Edmund J. Denomie, son_ of Mr. and Mrs. Maximo Denomie, of Blake. The Rev. Father Stroedef in witness of a number of friends, performed the ceremony, :and the best wishes through life are ex- tended by a large circle of friends. ZURICH 6-CLINTON 1. One of the finest and cleanest games of ball of the season was played between Clinton and Zur- ich on the local diainond last Thu-' rsday evening, Earl Cooper pitched a fine game of ball for the Clinton team, while Dr. O'Dwyer twirled the "pill" for for K Zurich. The Doctor pitched his team out of some very tight places,'and it looked at times as if there was go- ing to be something doing on the part of the Clinton boys. But our air -tight infield always were there and kept the 'visitor w fro:n scoring. Mrs. T. Tompson and family of Parkhill were visitors at the home , of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Jacobe on Sunday. The employeer of the Hall Dent Can. Ltd. are holding their picnic on Monday July, 5th, at Grand Bend. If you enjoy a good sing, come and join heartily in the congreg- ational singing led by an orchestra, on Sunday evening, in the Evan- gelical church. CARD OF THANKS 1 Mr. and Mrs. John Kipper wish to thank their neighbors and fri- ends for the kindness shown in the berevement of their little son. ZURICH 2--CLINTON 1. In one of the fastest games of baseball played this season Zurich won out over Clinton on the Clin- toa diamond -on Tuesday evening by this score of 2 to 1. The ' game was an excellent exhibition of baseball 'and only a few small errors were made. Both pitch- ers received the best of support and the game was a pitcher's con tett throughout. Tasker, one of the bast pitchers in the Huron Co- unty League, struck out fourteen of the heavy hitting Zurich team, and Clarence Hoffman, struck out twelve Clintonians. Both teams scored in the first inning and the , winning run was tallied in the sev- enth, inning when Dr. O'Dwyer drove a safe hit into left field br- inging in 411fas. The score by innings; ,Clinton 100 000 000-1 Zurikh 100 000100--2 Batteries; Tasker and Cooper, (Clar, Hoffman and yl;, Brains. . ... Auto Tires and Tubes fit•We are agents for Dunlop and ,.underline Line, . Sizes to Ford, Chevrolet, Gray Dort, Maxwell,. We also carry a complete line of Accessories, Give us • a trial in this line. CAR OWNERS SPECIAL POLARINE PRICES AT BELOW PRESENT COST. GENUINE POLARINE (GUARANTEED) 5 GALLONS up TO 25 GALLONS AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF 85C. PER' GAL, POSITIVELY NO SUCH' BARGAIN WAS EVER OFFERED. (NO MO.RE THAN 25 GALLONS TO ANY ONE CUSTOMER. -TERMS; STRICTLY'CAS'H. COAL OIL STOVES Two, Three and Four Burner, with or without oven. • We handle only the New Perfection, Guaranteed to be fool proof. !CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN THEM TO YOU. GET AWAY FROM THAT HOT WOOD OR COAL STOVE THIS 1 SU;MMEA. SPECIAL PAINT BR] GHTEN UP! Preserve your Buil- ding, in such times of high prices, and. save future expense This is our National Cry. We offer Martin Senour 100 per. cent pure paint for a short time .only at $4.50 per gallon, only in gallon lots ,present price p7.50 per gallon, Order your twine while it lasts at prices below Cost. 650 feet $20.70..per 100lb. 600 ft. Special Price 18ie. lb. 550 ft. Special price 17e. ib TERMS ;Strictly Cash. Melfi©k & Braun PHONE 63 JUST tPPIVED: A Shipment of New Men's Fine Summer Shirts, of the Novelties for Style and Comfort for the Hot Weather. Latest Also a fine Assortment of Men's Panama Hats to choose from. EVERYTHING IN GENT'S FURNISHINGS. RECEIVED SOME FINE SAMPLE S SUITING OF PALM. BEACH DENWMY BROS. - ZU'RIOH Produce taken in exchange for Goods Spring Arrivals ' Wall Paper READY TRIMMED WAL L PAPER. THE SEASON FOR PAP, ERING IS NOW HERE. WE HAVE IN STOCK A BIG ASSORTM, ENT SUITABLE FOR BED ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, HALLS DEN, ETC, OUR PAPER IS READY TRIMMED, A. BIG LABOR SAVER. Curtains iF CURTAIN GOODS AND SIDE CURTAINS IN CREAM, IVORY AND - WHITE. LADIES' WEAR High grade Silk 'Hose, a full range of Colors and Sizes. RAIN COATS FOR SPRING SHOWERS A Special line in Gray Tweed effects. Smart pockets and belts, at $10,00 to $25.00. Silk double tipped Gloves, (Silk Gloves in purple, grey, White and Black. SUMMER KNIT VESTS A special line to clear at ,255e.. each, Just arrived, a large new range of nifty Crepe, Gingh- ams at 85c. per yard. A Beautiful line of Gingham Dresses for Girls from 6 to 12 years old: at $3.00. Ladies' White Voile Waists, Sizes 36 to .44. 11`I E N'SV1/EA R Don't forget about your Spring Suit and Overcoat. We are Agents for the Celebrated Broadway Styles, and have many at-. tractive Samples to choose from. Dr. Hess' Stock food, Poultry Panacea, Louse Killer, Dip, Etc. better than the Hess Line, FRESH GROCERIES AND FRUITS ALWAYS ON HAND Bntterick Patterns For Sale phone78 T +� L1R None; Phone 18