HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-07-01, Page 5DUSINESS CARDS PRf, VIeFOOT, I ..ULLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &o., • Office, on the Sq are, 2nd door from klamiiton St. Goderich, Private funds be loan at lowest rates W. rROVPF00T, K. C. J. L. Ii'amoitAN. R. J. e: Comm, Mr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW F, HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire end Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office, Zurich. HaaT ' e DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD • EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE - HEN°ALL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of :Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurieh, P. O. Phone 18-93 PUT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lest,' Found, Notice, Etc: Ade IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN One 2% h. p. United Gas engine will save you $50. One 4e h. p. United gas engine, will save you $100. Both these engines are islightly used, but guaranteed like ne.'w Louis Prang, Zurich, Licensed Auctioneer I have taken out Auctioneer's License for the County of Huron And am in a position to conduct any kind of Miction Sale. Give mei a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Dashwood. Phone 31 r 13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool j OASIS FOR SKINS e, II1DES Tang133 t rt Owers Iassey-Harris REPAIRS NOTICE. As I have recently purchased the li't ery business, I wish to inform the public that I` am in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Am also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing lige, • 46-tf. GEO. J. THIEL plicne 58 : Zurich. NOTICE The accounts of Dr. B. A. Cam- pbell,i etely of Zurich, have been placed in• my hands for collection. All parties indebted to him will please: call and settle 's(tme at once. 46.6 Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. LOCAL Mrs, E. •Weido is on the sick NEWvlist. { Misses M, E, Routledge and R. ' Felber spent the week -end at Prof, acid Mrs. L. leekoa, were Dashwood. in the village over the week -end, Messrs, Alex. Foster and Chas. Eilber spent a few days at Lon- don last week. ' ' Mr. C. Hartleib and daughter, Miss Gertrude, of London were vis Roes in the village over Sunday.. Mr,, and Mrs. .3 .W Horner of the 14th con. entertained a number of their. friends on Tuesday. Be at the Zurich Diamond next Tuesday evening and see .Crediton and Zurich teams play a real fast game.. Mr. and Mrs. 0, F. Matthes of Smith Centre, Kansas, are spend- ing a few months visiting relati- ves here. Messrs. John England of the Goshen and Chas. Keller of the 16th con. made a business trip to .Atkora on Tuesday. FOR SALE Ora 1917 Ford Touring " car in good condition, price $625 cash; also a 1916 model Chevrolet 5 passenger Touring car in . geed condition. Price $625 cash F. M. Hess & Co. • Overland Sales and Service St. I handle all kinds of Massey - Harris repairs for Farm Implem- ents. Also a full line of Verity Plow Points and Plow Repairs, at My Shop opposite . Town Hall. J, J, Barry - Zurich HENSALL G,. T. R. TRAIN CONNEOTIONS MORNING Stage leave iZurich • .- 7.000 a.m. 0 a m. South, No. 162 . " - 1858 am. North, No. 163 .. ..• • .• .AFTERNOON Stage leave Zurich .. ...3.00 p.m. South, No. 164 --. _.- ....,.4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 ............6.14,Xa.m. STRAYED A steer two years old, about tiie first of June, onto a farce near Zurich. Owner call at Her- ald Office for information. FOR SALE ltiAY • On the Babylon. Line, Stanley, 20 acres of standing timothy hay. For further particulars apply to Webster Turner, R.R.1, Zurich, or phone 6-95, Hensall LOST At Zurich, or on Goshen Line, on Thursday evening, June 24th, a, sum of money amounting to $32, a 120 bill; 2, $5 bilis, and a $2 bill. Finder will be well rewarded. John A. Smith,.. Zurich. If you had married the other girls, chances are youu owlud now feel sorry you didnt' marry your present wife. The Sunday School picnics of both the Lutheran and Evangel- ical churches have been 'announc- ed to .be head at Grand Bend no July 15th. A number of baseball fans at- tended the Clinton -Crediton base- ball game at Crediton on o day evening which was won by on score 10-1 LIVE POU LT RY WANTED Mr,: ll, Rennie of .Hensall will as- sist the choir in the Evangelism, church next Sunday evening. Bee, Chris, Eicher and children a tnissionary of India, vistied fri- ends in this vicintiy last week, Mr. and Mrs. John Bell of Hen- salt, were Sunday 'visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. Jacobe. Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Cantelon of Hensall, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, S, E. Fausut on Sunday. Mr. and ;Mrs, N. Holtzman, who spent the past week at the home of t}fe former's father here, re -t urned to Kitchener on Monday, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. F. Hey of Bacl Axe, Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Hey of Cleaveland, Ohio, visited relatives here over Sundy.a A large number of lovers of base ball accompanied the local team to Clinton on Tuesday night where a -fast game was played, score 2-1 is favor of the Zurich team. Messrs. ,N, E. Dahms and A. 11Ielick were visitors to the Pres- bycGrian aed Methodist Sabbath schools at Hensall on Sunday fore noon. •A Sunday School Convention will be held in the Menonite church in th' v.!lege on .Wed ..es 'ay e; e- ning and on Thursday of this week. Some very in -tructive top - The Zurich ball team will play ics wit b', given by pronenent sp- an exhibition game at Grand Bend on Monday July 5th, with a sel- ect teain of that place, it being an attraction of the Lt. F. Picnic. "Choir 'Day" in the Evangelical church next Sunday promises to be a red letter day for music lov- ers. The morning service to coin rnence at 10 o'clock and the, even- ing service at 7.30 Mr. and Mrs. (nee Carrie Gal - man), Lloyd Schiefle of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Eicher and family of Bad Axe, 'Mich. were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman last week. -STRAYED From my premises on the Goshe en Line, about three weeks ago, a red calf. Finder 'please notify, John P. Rau, - Zurich TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON , Do not feed fowl same .morning when brought in. -Highest Cash Prices -CASH FOR --- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien NOTICE. ,.The Annual Sunday School con vention of the Crediton district of the Evangelical church will be held at Crediton on Tuesday July 20th. FOR SALE A. Holstein heifer calf. to 3. Preeter. FOR SALE Apply Cheap, One set rubber tired buggy wheels slightly used will fit any Gray Buggy. L. Prang. Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACKWANA COAL Mr. N. E. Dahms, Principal of Z. P. S. is presiding at the Hensall public school examinations a few days this week, after which he -will spend his vacation at Hnaover. Mrs. E. Bossenberry, .who is at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, un derwent an operation last Thurs- day, and we are pleased atos c st be te, that she is doing expected. Miss Lilian Weseloh, who has been attending the Commercial Dept. of the Stratford Collegiate has received word that she s examin- ation xan in successful in her recent, - ation in passing from Form 1A to Form 2C. in the Commercial work. Owing to the scarcity of houses in Kitchener the population of the villages in the vicinity has recently been materially increased. Baden, Bresiau and Centreville have a the goodly number of families, heads of which are conveyed to and teem the city by jitney serv- es which have been inaugurated by enterprising owners of cars. eakers. There passed away on June 25, John Theodore, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kipper at the age of 1 year and 3 montjs. The Iittle fellow had been ailing almost since birth; and the end came only to relievehim of his distress. The funeral was held on Sunday, in-` torment being made in the R. C. cemetery. A Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled. condition stili prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee delivery or price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of delivery. Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries, Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality, A D. . Cantelon phone house No, 10, Office No, 10, Phone 94. • Zurich . • HENSALL ONT. SHINGLES SHINCrJES. The Government has • issued a warning against the European Corn Borer. This pest attacks over 100 different species of plants, in- cluding corn, potatoes, oats, flo- wers and garden crops and it is particularly injurious to sweet. corn. The borer has already made its way to several of the Un ited States, and there is gravedaon ger of this serious pest being bro- ught into the . corn growing sec- tions of ,Canada. Holes in the stalks of corn and other plants with sawdust -like material issuing from them. indicate the presence of the borer, or caterpillar. All persons are urgently requested to keep a constant lookout for this most dangerous pest and to 're- port immediately all suspicious ca- ses to the Dominion Entomolog- ist, Ottawa. MUSIC HATH CHARMS Mr. J. Decher, Sr., on Monday purchased a fine team of chest- nut horses with silver tail nad mane far the House of Refuge, Clinton. They are indeed a` fine specimen 'Of horses Weighing a- round 1600 pounds each., and the price realized by Mr. Jos. Bow- land, of- TTsborne, for them, is a handsome figure. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT .Report for Rooin I., for the month oi, June. Pt. II, .Sr ;-DenniseBedard 68, Milfred Uttley 66, Willie Leibold 63, ierced,,geist ,flies Pranz., leo churls' 57;=" Wilfred Ducharme 56, Earl Thiel 53, Floyd Foster 51, Bruce Koehler 48, Grace Koehler 48, Clare Melick 48, Rose Leibold 50. Sr. Pr, promoted to Pt. II Jr; - Laurens Schwalm 64, Ruth Zettel 57, Ervin Dietrich 57, Gordon Bl- och 51, Greta Koehler 51. 1st. Class, Sr ;- Ruth Meyer 64, Carl Haberer 64, Napoleon Bed- ard 64, Nelda Schwalm 64, Leeland Willert 64, Cecil Uttley 62, Alice Koehler 59, Earl Yungblut 58, Grace Zettel 54, Melverna Geiger 54, Hel- en Thiel 62, Hilda Manship 59, Clarence Smith `56, Olin Foster 55 Mary Kochems, absent. M. A. Lamont, Teacher. Parties requiring Shingles this season will do well by bying them at once. As after April lst all shingles will advance lOper eePt. in trice. lei alb "Music hath charms" some poet said. And he surely makes me groan For this poet never lived ide side A man who plays rom- bone. "Music hath charms," the poet yel led, We wonder if it has When the lady "just above begins To perpetrate her jazz. And iigee" to hear my sister sing ,, t G; R:l u:' iS sr =d: h` Asx 6. .RQ1'5 i JMMm rnUIN IM 9 ra 11111111101EMS _ .aI J -__ --- - nwnunni 0mann Mmmustilitaam on t! Ietar CO rafontleieit9 e e*„ Thel'roiir tY __---. i Aleedatlel par l'AaS tin tileFoodby aiSimita is of !4inttheStomachs TS., }1ILpREN`'l eittereby otineDi~;eslloa' Cheerruines5andlies eco lse neither Opium -Morphine GpT1G!• fNineral.N0TNA Raped» Senn,. Rochelle Sib Seed Anise ,titcarba.akS.ra Irbrnt see iI chwrkd Ah aiioaandplatrIto ' for Goand Fever"isiinQss and Loss o !: tessttisf ....---- eY ; Sl estrus FacSirtu letrgONTREAL• •Q stirs .old At V rite Cc NTS 35DQ5>5-40 N Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA For Infants and Children.. Mothers Know That Genuine Carona Always Bear the Signature of in Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CfTY. Report of. Promotion Exams of Room II. Jr. III to Sr. I11; -Honors 56rl, to pass 453; -Leonard Prang 588, Kenneth Koehler 567, Mildred Gei- ger 559, Leonard Wagner 537, Claude Meidinger 524, Evelyn Du- charme .521, Wesley Callfas 502, Dorothy Brenner. 470, Austin Hey 463, Elmore. Leibold 455, Alvin Gas- cho 371. Sr. II to Jr. III; Hon. 487, pass 420; -Helen Foster 530; Mervyn Schwalm 490, Agnes Dietrich 476, Martha Heideman 467, Gladys Mel - lick 452, Victoria Deichert 4.4,3 Hazel Bedard 433, Arson Keller 421, Francis Dietrich 380. Jr. II to Sr. II; Hon. 408, pass 327; -Stella Callfas 450, Dorothy Zettle 437, Vera Kalbfleiseh 0 377 Willie Neeb 374, Lorence Howald 339, Elzar. Mousseau 347, Edward Brenner 300, Russell Ducharme 298, Goldie Uttley 265, Alice Deitz 264. 0. O'Brien, Teacher. ''The Maiden's Prayer" by note Frieda Deichert hon Lt111an Would make the poet eat his weards 'Rader 0, John oncly 545, 527, It sure would get his goat. Edwin' Gaseho 055, Ieau Yungblut It would even give the poet loan. 491, Austin Srllwahu 48G, Eidn A deepp attack of gloom, Callfas 469. To hear 'a male quartette implore Sr, III, e.; -Garnet \irsepei 571, "Corrie where the Lilliee"Bloom, Idylls How'ild 485, Gord<rti Sch- walm 487, Gilbert Duucharmo 449, The poet said that music Irene Deeher 431, Raymund Fish - All savage thoughts can kill ' ei I74,, Ethril Hass 351, Fred David- . But somehow when my sister sings son a.1)sent. It makes lily Pa madder still. F. Kalbelejsch, Teacher, YOUR HARNESS NEEDS 4. 4. 1 4. 4* 4+ 4• I + + 4. 4. it Witt be promptly attended to Isere. See:us about DOUBLE TEAM TLARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, RUAIL ENG OF ALL KINDS Rugs, Blankets', Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH 4.-4 4r-•+ 4. 4• 4• 4• + 4' 4• +-4 4• +-* 4• + 4• 4• 4• +E - COST-C.PA: EXECUTIVE The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those nishing for ad- vaviceinentto qualify as mcountant. Ftomestudy training, not interfering with your present occupa- tion. Booklet free. \' c have trained more Certi- fied Public Accountants than has any otherinstitu- tion. We have helped hundreds of others secure good paying positions. We can help you. International Accountants Society, Box30$ Toronto C Victory Bonds Prom, Exams of Room III. Jr. IV, to pass 435; -Edmund Be- dard 531, Eleanor Ducharme 524, Ortha Melick 508, Milton Hey 506, Newell Geiger' 499, Luella Decher 492, Madelena Meidinger 474, Mar- guerite Prang 463, Gerald Bedard 455, Ethel •Deitrich 451, Theo, Del - chert 439. May Sr. IIII-to pass 435;- Schwalm hon. 553, .Lulu Albrecht hon, 553, Lizzie Leibold hon, 551; 1 Bought and Sold Any Issue. Par and accured interest. A. F. HESS, - Zurich ,)L .1411ARILANIMIIM‘ THE EXECUTOR Of your estate is one of the most important considerations when making Your WILL. Do not put this responsible. position upon any of your relatives or friends unless they are satisfied to act in this capacity. - Oftentimes the duties as executor the Canada Trust Co., as Executors after carefully, and advantageously are unweicomu. Appoint and your estate will be looked p r g"UST COMPANY Managed In connection tvith, The Huron & Erie 'Cortgage COrp0rati+or►„ HEAD OFFICES : LONeete ONT Applications for Guaranteed Investment Receiptt, received by ++ .g , ro E H SS, A4'ennt` 3`4 REW ZURICH, ONTARIO