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Zurich Herald, 1920-07-01, Page 1
URIC Vol. XXI No 1 ,ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, JULY 1 smossmouluanrinoraoupaaaaasmorammotamorruouoi 6.iGii.G4:IWY1s y, .. 1920. SUMMER .FOOTWEAR - Now that the: slimmer is here at last, the 'demand. tor' White hull ?Tennis Shoes will be heave " We have stocked heavily, to• nxeet' the demand 1 Our Stock isvery complete and we have a full rangeof men's,<<'iso- men's, . youth's Misses' and childre n'a brown, white, and some 'lines in black, all in the well-known Fleet -foot brand, For example, the child's Sandals, the. Two -strapped Slippers for ;women's medium -heel Oxford also' an Oxford with low 'heel. Fpr genuine comfort :the 'Canvas aline has no equal during the -hot .Summer ;Month* , RREPAIRING NEATLY AN,D P ROMPTLY DONE ai • • • ,;• • • • • • -• �w • • • 4. It •••••e•m.-s. tseeesesY0••©®e•Yumamemeesseaeeeose•••o•s••••tbe•e•••e••ee••••••• Pr. to June St . re News values that will make many Friends A NEW SHOWING :"OF GEOR- GETTE BLOUSES. A. SPLENDID RANGE OP COLORS AND STYLES MODERATELY PRICED AT $10. WRITE VOILE BLOUS'ES White :Voile Blouses, made from splendid quality white Voiles - in sizes from 36 to 44, - at $2.50 each. WRITE WASH SKIRTS• ,. White wash Skirts made from good quality of middy ci th and pique finished with pockets and belt. Al.' sizes. x t WOMEN'S AND GIRL'S q� MIDDIES A. splendid range of Womens' and Girls' Middies with long and short sleeves, plainwhiteand with fancy collars and cuffs. LADIES' COTTON VESTS • Ladies' cotton vests short ele- '.Z , eves or sleeveless and cumfy cut • ,,• • • 110• • a�a • • • -• • • • c • • •• • '-• 0 • 0 N SHIRTS styles. LADIES' ¢COMBINATIONS. Ladies' Combinations in a range of styles with short sleeves and lace trimmed yoke. MISSES' GINGIIA,M DRESSE.:- Made from, good - quality, plaid, Gingharas in pink and blue comb- , inations, square neck and pockets... FRENCH GEORGETTE CREPE .A splendid quality in Navy, white black, flesh, tan, brown, grey, full 36 inches wide. A Speical at $3.00 a yd, Also crepe' de chene id all the latest colors. ' - FANCY V.IOLES AND CREPES A. splendid showing .of figured ii oils and , flowered crepes an � colors. These voiles are of gv.tod • quaality and rib two patterns alike in 5 yd. dress lengths. Prices • ranging from $1.25 to '32.25 a yd. ANDERSOS'S SCOTCH GING- HAMS. A few pieces Anderson's Scotch Ginghams in plaid and cheek pat- terns 38 inches wide. Splendid washing quality. Special at 75c. yd. LADIES' SILK HOES Ladies' Silk Hoes, colors; black, white, brown, taupe, blue, grey, and champagne. • • 0 • • • 0 • • • 0 • • • • • 0 • 0 • • • •. 0: MEN'S WEAR Our Clothing _Department needs no word of remembrance, as every- one knows the splendid assortm- ent of Men's, Young Men's and Boys suits always kept on hand. All; we want you to dq, is look thein over and we know you will be surprised at the different patt- erns we have, ranging from $20.00 to $50.•00. And a better line of young Men's Farm Fitting. Single - and Double Breasted, cannot be seen elsewhere. MEMS SILK SOCKS Men's Silk Socks in white, black, brown and grey, sizes to 1114. tA. full line of shirts always on • hand including .the W. G. R. Re e- • •• ersible cuff, also some real fancy • silk shirts at reasonable prices. Sizes 12; to 17?.%. 1 • • • .0 cp • ,,;• • '• I:* 0, • 0 0 • • • • 0 • 0 0 • • • • • • 0 • 0 0 0 0 • 0 • 0 • 0 • • • • • • • • • .• • • • • • 0 • • 0 • 0 • 0 0 Our Hats are here waiting for w you, but you'll have to hurry as • our hat stock is limited, and we • want you to see the different sha- des we have on hand. •• Seed Corn We have a lirriited quaptity of Choice Selected Seed Corn in Learning, White Cap and Golden Glow, which we are selling while it lasts at $3.25 per bushel. Gardener's _Pg Neal A SPLENDID SUBSTITUTE FOR 11IILK FOR YOUNG 1?IGS, PUT UP IN 251b. BAGS. -TRY A TRIAL SACK. • '0 '• •0 f Phone 59 J.. p:.EE E Sam ZITATZgraelVSZOMOROMMilda • 0 0 • • • • • 0 • 0 • 0 • • • • 0 0 • • • 0 0 • 0 s. Prodtce Wanted• • • ,jam r M. C. Fritz was in London on Mo.iday. Be 4t the Zurich Diamond r:e:ct Tuesday evening and see Crediton and.'. Zurich teams play a real =cast game,' "Messrs. Brownlee and McLean of Kippen and Brucefield, respect- ively,, were ;in the village on San - day, Visiting the Sabbath Seh' of of the .Evangelical church. Choi;,, Day will be observed on Sunday in the Evangelical church Special programs have been ar- ianged for, and an orchestra will accompany the singing in the er- ening 1$.txvice. The local water supply system of the village has undergone a number:" of repairs and iinprove- ments ft nd everything is now in good working order. The streets will alto be ,sprinkled twice a week when-: nr•.t,essary. Mr. Geo. Thiel was awarded the contract f!ar the skean, and with a good held of water always in the tank, it will mean a lot towards a sae fire protection for Zurich. NO HERALD NEXT WEEK. As has been the custom of the Herald ;,ince it was founded to celebrate .its anniversary at the end oV,r...; ch volume year, by hav- ing a week off. . This includes the twentieth year of continour publ'c ation, and wally, mat rest up a bit during the h- t weather and go, for a , rZ art ti to Visit'our ii mut,'1v:,n bF.J tilt 15th: -. GIRLS WANTED To work at the manufactur;ng of Fabric Gloves. A fine oppor- tunity for desirious workers to make good wages,. —:8 Apply; Hall Dent Limited, )ZURICH — ONT. S 1RNIA WRESTLER THROWS CHAMPION Milt Bossenberry turned the ta- bles on Young Goldie, Canadian featherweight' wrestling champion recently !on Saturday night .at the carnival at Bayview park, Sarnia, when he' won the first fall and was awarded the second on a foul when, Goldie's headlock slip- ped down to a.• strangle. Refe- ree Smith awarded the match , to Boysenberry. The bouut was torrid, • Bossenberry's weight and stamina saving him several times. Just prior to gaining his fall Gol- die clamped a bodeY scissors on, but Bossenberry squirmed out. The featherweight tried several times for a head scissors, but he was never successful. Crotch holds by both boys resulted in both being nearly thrown out of the ring at different times. 13os- senberry.` pinned Goldie's shoul- ders to the mat for the first fall after seven minutes and forty re- conds with a crotch and head hold. • Goldie bridged for half a minute, but Bossenberry stuck to him and pinned him down. The, second fall did not go much oxer tour minutes, Goldie clamp- ing on a stranghold that made Boysenberry helpless, but even at that he failed to turn the local boy over, and the referee had nothing to do but award. the bout to the Sarnia wrestler. Goldie calls himself the Cena- ia.n featherweight wrestling champ inn, he weighed 148 pounds and Bossenberry, weighed in at 1601b1. They met . again a week age, when Gol,lie threw Bossenberry in 14 minutes wrestling -when Bossen- berry was worn out. STO For Infants and Children ➢n Use Eor Over y>, Year Always beat the Vreature of „e • New supply of Silverware just arrived, suitande for Wedding Gifts, Etc. -En- graved En -graved to your order free of charge. Hess the Jeweller MEEMMIVIEZIIIMMERI ,4444.04044,4 Chester L. Smith, Publisher 0. $1.25 a Year In Advance TUB MOLSONS gBA1K Incorporated in 1835 CAPITAL and RESERVE .$9,000;000 Over 120 Branches Industry and Thrift are Essential to Success Ambition will prompt you to industry and a weekly dep- osit to your Savings account will help you to, thrift. it is surprising how quickly reg- ular deposits grow. ' Open a Savings account Today W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch Do Not Re=d This 7, Thee W . ' verla 4 , The Car that's got thein all guessing. Come along and " drive it yourself, and find out what it can do. We take "' your old Ford or any intake in exchange. We teach A% you to drive in two lessons. We teach you how to take = care of your car in two Weeks.. 0 The New Overland Pour is right, The price is right. WE: will give prizes co the three persons that guess nearest the number of Overland cars we sell in 1+920, 1st prize $15 2nd prize $10. Third $5. Lea a e' your guess with A. F. Hess • Get your guess- in before the last of August.u . MADE IN CANADA BY CANADIAN iZ'ORKME'�T F. M. HESS & CO. - ZURI l-1 OVERLAND SALES. AN D SERVICE STATION Overland Car=s Overland tars! HotWeather ._, FOOTWEAR 4 •1. 4. We ha P.; it for your comfort .'a, o and delight. Men's and Worn.- +II` ning shoes, tennis shoes, and •II• a• nom,: ---� canvass shoes with leather sol- r es, the more serviceable kind ''' for general wear. Also a full line of Children's 'Canvass Shoes, Sandals, Etc. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LEATHER SHOES AND POMPS IN ALL STYLES AND SHADES'. 1 ee. + a• BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman +++++++++++++++++.14++++++41•+++++++++++++++++++++++++444 Spring and Summer Goods We have a nice Assortment of Dry Goods in stock. SILKS, POPLINS, WHITE SUIT,INGS, LADIES' WAISTS, MIDDIES, HOUSE DRESSES, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, HATS„ CAPS, ETC, 4 • ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS AND - ROOT SEEDS ON HAND LEAVE YOUR ORDER HERE FOR SEED CORN ]'resp. Groceries always in Stock R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 97 L,.A 044•4444.40441-