HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-06-17, Page 3BlITISH COLUMBIA 1AuTo• SPARE .[CARTS
�qfor most makes and models el' ears.
1L ®!B(!'31„1 I, -'0114 c,ld bl-1 ttPn el 11"e1 n 'ell l' �1crlb--
jFA'n." irE� leiwl-11 1Vok ar wire noul paib-
Rime? t•
ing 'liar you want.. We carry tile,
eq and most complete ;sieges
Canada or slightly used or Dew parts
and automobile equipment We ship
1 C U 11, anywhere in Cauu-da. t
EQUAL a: +£VE c•cAG��`" -factory lir t•efun+i in full our motto,
Shelve, essato salvage Part Supply,
923-331 eenfrerin at., Toronto Ont,
Blooming Railway Stations.
Capable of Proviclinv Power Flowers are arnni:,; t the assets is of
Light and Heat For the Canadian 'Pac;flc Railway. Flowers
broom in C P.It, gardens at most of the
Future Needs. principal station, from one end of the
The water -power wealth cf I3ritI511 t country to the other. There are flow -
Columbia, equal, it is ,said, to live er knots nutsicle the Algonquin Ilolel
• . Niagaras---one ee the greatest Indus- at SI..tnu:ews, on the Atlantic coast,
trial aseet.s this .province euntains-.-. and one of the most beautiful flower
will be one of the chief resources gardens in America blooms sarouud
which will be shown and explained to the Empress hotel in Victoria,
the delegates of Canada's lndu,strial
Congress when they reach the Coast
in June this year. The Congress tour,
which cemmeneed in Medicine Hat,
Alberta, on June 2nd, reached Van-
couver on June 7th and closed et
in the 01(1 days most of the pioneers
were too iluey opening 01) the untrod-
den ways -o give Much attention to
thee Cultivation of iiolvcls. Yet flower
cultivation along tine C.P.R. seems to
have progressed with the commercial
Victoria en the 10th, prosperity of the railway syste111 it -
Pouring down from the Mountains self, for it is now thirty-one years
and from the glaciers that till the since one of the C.P.R. employees pro -
gorges of the northern ranges, collies duced a few varieties of flower seeds
enough water every day to develop iii his own plot end distributed them
electrical power equivalent to three amongst his friends at some of the
Million horse -power, This figure is stations ---with the object of starting
1 d flood conditions but is flower' gardening along the line. The
9426 9405
Transfer 'design
9426—Girl's- Dress. Price, 25 cents.
In 5 sizes, 0 to 14 years. Size 14 re-
quires 4% yds. 36 ins. wide.
Transfer Design No. 889, Price, 15
not: )ase on oa - d now cents
the estimate arrive
mens engineers+'va with Headquarters at Windsor Street
water seasons and using a conserve- Station, Montreal. Mr. B. M. Winne -
falls of Niagara, when all the water gar Is the horticulturist and forester.
that is ay ailable on the Canadian side . Every year thousands of packets of
has been harnessed to the turbine will flower seeds, bulbs, trees, shrubs,
produce only 650,000 horse -power, Bri- grass seed, and large quantities of fer-
t.isli Columbia's mighty rivers and tilizers are distributed free of .barge
mountain torrents, if they are all liar- to station agents, section foremen,
nessed, could supply the homes and caretakers of round houses and een-
the industries of this province with illoyees living on the property of the
nearly five times as much power. . company. The seeds that will flower
Enormous Liquid Wealth. along the railway in the summer and
autumn are sent out in March. Full
• When it is remembered that only particulars for cultivation are printed
123,000 electric horse -power eau be de- on each seed packet. Bulbs for spring
veloped by the plants which. are at floweriug are sent out in the fall.
present supplying Vancouver, New I
plants tl
f the best kind
Westminster and all the towns
of the are always provided. Standard flow -
vicinity with power which drives the er seed packets contain nasturtiums,
motors in the mills and factories, pre- alyssum, mignonette, sweet peas,
Mels the street cars along the city's phlox and Ferns erns and house
streets and domes and the beat for plants are sent to large stations. An
the up-to-date kitchens it will be seen endless variety of perennials are dis-
that while the power generated at pre- tributed, and amongst the varieties of
sent at the plant of the British Colum- trees supplied are maple, birch, beech,
bio Electric on the North Arm, and poplar and catalpa. Shrubs include
of the Western Canada Power Co. on laurel leaf willow, sumac, berberries
the State river, is ample to take care and weigelia.
In all cases the cultivation of flow-
er beds is done by the employees of
the company, many of whom 'have be-
come :expert. gardeners. On each di-
vision of the C.P,R. prizes are given
every year for the best display of
d at by Govern- start Was auspiciously made, an n
dl9405—Girl's Dress (with •panel
king uring ow the C.P.R. has a floral department
of present needs, and of the needs of
tine cities and other communities of
the lower mainland for 'souse time to
come, the total water -power available
the. province is sufficient to pro-
vide power, light and heat for forty.
cities and industrial centres of the size flowers, and some of the products of
of Greater Vancouver and New West- gardens kept by the railway amateurs
nilnster combined. British Columbia have won prizes at Canadian and
Possesses in the liquid wealth that United States floral exhibitions.
pours down the hills the equivalent
to five Niagaras with all that this
means for the future of the province in-
duetrially when these waters are har-
neesed and turned to the needs of
--- -- - Savage Substitutes.
There is a common idea that the
dict and climate conditions of the Ne-
groes are the cause of their having
beautiful teeth, but some authorities
dispute this.
Thus, in some parts of.Africa, when
an infant has gone through the "teeth-
ing period," his mouth is rinsed out
with an infusion of the leaves of a na-
tive tree possessing a constituent
which causes the gurus to shrink, so
tightening the teeth.
The natives living near the source
of the Nile employ the roots of a pod -
bearing plant to relieve toothache,
while another tribe use an infusion of
kasso seeds for the same purpose.
The toothbrush, as used in this man -
try, is, of course, unknown to the
savages, but many of them have an
effective substitute. They use a piece
of wood from certain trees, which con-
tain beneficial qualities. Further, this
stick is free from the great objection
of brushes. It can be renewed at fre-
quent intervals, and is thus always
fresh and wholesome --a great advant-
age over the toothbrush of civilized
The Smith Family.
Seeeing that the Smiths have had
over 2,000 years in which to increase
and multiply, it is not surprising to
learn that- in the United States alone
they number about a million.
The late Dr. Mahaffy discovered that
there was a man named Sinith living
In Egypt in 227 B.C., and there may
have been even earlier Smiths.
The Smiths have aiway shown
themselves more clannish in the
United States than in other countries.
They once organized', banquet a
which the guests were Smiths to a
Man, and the president was Captain
Smith, the Governor of Virginia. The
cooks were Smiths, the waiters also,
and a Smith said grace. An ode was
specially composed for the occasion
by a poet Smith, and this was issued
in book for'ni by a publisher named
Buy Thrift Stamps.
During the last thirty-one years the
encouraging influence of the C.P.R.
flower growers has materially assist-
ed in the inauguration of floral
societies all over the country. Many
of the railway officials are members
of these societies. Flowers have im-
proved the appearance of the railway
stations, and inspired by the beauty
of the stations, residents of the towns
have planted flowers that beautify
their homes. A little flower flame
along the C.P.R. has often thrown the
spark that ignited afire of flowers.
Where Old Uniforms ' Go.
The denizens of African forests and
Easterie. deserts are clothing them-
selves in khaki, and longing for the
days when the British army shall re-
turn to its more stylish scarlet. For
it is to Africa and the East that the
Army's cast-off uniforms go to be sold,
or to be bartered for rubber, and ivory,
and other wealth.
Kilts are considered very good form
for barbaric dances, but nothing is
more admired than the waistcoat
which has adorned a London dandy.
A native will show his importance by
the number of waistcoats he can ac-
quire, and if he can wear twenty at a
time he is very grand indeed.
front; with or without bias fold).
Price, 25 cents. In 5 sizes, 6 to 14
years. Size 14 requires 4% yds. 36
ins. wide.
These patterns may be obtained'
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., '70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Would you be rid of that
sickening pain -that sharp
knife-like thrust along the
sciatic nervo-course at
every movement? Thou-
sands have found lasting
Many doctors prescribe
Write Templetons, 14.2
Ring St. W., Toronto, for
free sample.
Sold. by reliable druggists
everywhere for 111.04.
Templeton's RAZ -MAI -1 Cap-
sules aro guaranteed to relieve
AST 13 M.A. Don't suffer an-
other day.
Write Templetons, 14.2Ellis St.
W., Toronto, for freesample.
Beliabie druggists sell them at
$1.04 a box.
Children who suffer from constipa-
tion, indigestion or any of the other
ailments due to a clogged condition of
the bowels will find prompt relief
through the use of Baby's Own Tab-
lets. The Tablets are a mild but
thorough 1
xative which can always
be depended upon to regulate the
bowels and sweeten the stomach.
They are absolutely safe and are sold
under a guarantee to be entirely free
from opiates or other injurious drugs. -
Concerning them Mrs. Thomas A. Bon -
tot, Lake Baker, N.B., writes: "I am
pleased to state that Baby's Own Tab-
lets were of great help to me when my
baby was suffering from constipation."
The Tablets are sold by medicine deal-
ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from
The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brock
ville, Ont. -
Never ,Give Up.
Never give tip!—it is wiser and bet-
Always to hope than once to des-
File off the load of doubt's cankering
And break the dark spell of tyranni-
cal care.
Never give up, or the burden may sink
Providence kindly has mingled the
And all trials and troubles bethink forked tails, and having the power to
The watchword of life must be. change itself into an old woman.
The -Chinese believe if a cat leaps
on or walks over a corpse it will cause
give up; there are chances and the corpse to rise lip at once. Any
changes, •person passing through the room
Helping the hopeful a hundred to would be in danger of being seized
one, by the corpse when in that state, and
And through the chaos His wisdom would be killed immediately.
arranges In Egypt, according to ancient writ
Ever success, if you'll only hold on. lugs of Herodotus, if a cat died in a
Never give up; for the wisest is bold- private house by a natural death, all
est, the inmates of the house were obliged
Knowing that Providence mingles to shave -their eyebrows.
'California Syrup of Figs"
Child's Best Laxative
F104 HER r��•l#F.R.F.
She had just accepted him, and they
were blissfully discussing the "'might -
have bcfens," -
"Darling," he enquired in the tone
of one who knows what the answer
will be, "why didn't you accept that
little donkey of a fop?"
"Because," slie answered, dreamily,
"I loved another."
The Closest Race,
An .Englishman, a Scotsman, encl. an
Irishman were indulging in reminis-
cences of sporing occasions.
"The closest race I ever saw was a
yacht race," said the'Englishman, "in
which one of the boats that had been
recently painted won by the breadth
of the coat of paint."
"The closest race I ever saw," de-
clared the Scotsman, "was one in
which a horse, stung by a bee, won by
the height of the swelling on his nose."
"The closest race I ever sal'.'," said
the Irishman, "is the Scotch."
Spanish I
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be guarded against.
Mai s Li 11 I
iIs a Great Preventative, being one of
the oldest remedies used. Minard's Lini-
{meat has cured thousands of cases of
Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and similar diseases:>•It is an Enemy to
I,Germs. Thousands of bottles being used
every day, for sale by all druggists and
general dealers.
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the ;package, then you are sure your
Child is having the best and most
harmless physic for the little stom-
ach, liver and bowels. Children love
its fruity taste. Full directions on
each bottle.' You must say "Cali-
Black Cat Beliefs.
y have black cats nearly always
,$1 cciiuntecl luekyd.
Ireland - is by no means the only
place where superstitions about black
cats are or were rife. In Egypt cats
were regarded with great reverence.
Archmdlogists have found diem in
tombs of kings' and princes.
Australians have a curious legend
about cats: Mityaro. the moon, they
say, was e native cat, who fell in love
with someone else's wife, and was
drip en away to wander ever since. To
them a cat, black, grey, or white.,1
phophesies only had luck.
In Japan and China a black cat is
regarded. as a dangerous demon, often
possessing as many as two or three
Shade Best for Flowers.
Flowers are more fragrant when
the sun is not shining on them, it is
t i be-
a French scientist, st b
an by
cause the oils which produce the per-
fume are forced out by the water pres
sure in the plant cell, and thus i
diminished by sunlight.
"Never give up!"
the cup,
And of all maxims, the best as the
Is the stern watchword of "Never
give up!"
Why Mummies Wear.
The extraorddnary durabiliy of the
ancient Egyptian mummy is believed
to be due to the fact that it was finish-
ed with a vegetable blue derived from
the African locust -bean tree.
_ewittenomnetllninamm t innammuninnummisiuniinnmttlemnnntOnttaini uitionot
that Unusual Fiavor
Wholesome, �+�'ch, Delightful
that comes from blending malt-
ed barley with whole wheat is
distinctive of
'This food is ready cooked,eco-
nomical, eo.sily digested al -4
very nourishing.
kf to w*.e
SaldbY 81.0CerS
uimUnn1ni11t11711: lila 1r,1ri. (IN1111 dtrlinrr. Hint ,I5 moil! Utittlnit 31n301 1
Auk for Minard's and take no other.
On Dinny Hill the daffodil
Has crowned the year's returning
The water cool in Placket Pool
Is ruffled up and burning.
In little wings of fluttering fire;
And all the heart of my desire
Is now to be in Gloucestershire.
The river flows, the blossom blows
In orchards by the river;
0 now to stand in that, my land,
And watch the withies shiver!
The yearning eyes of my desire
Are blinded by a twinkling fire,
Of turning leaves in Gloucestershire.
The shadows fleet o'er springing wheat
Which like green water washes
The red old earth of Minsterworth,
;And ripples in such flashes
As by their little harmless fire
Light the great stack of my desire,
This day to be in Gloucestershire.
To Replace Dot and Dash.
English scientists are experiment-
ing wih two musical tones, sent by a
telegraph key and received by a tele-
phone, to replace the dot and dash in
Size of Humming Bird.
When a hamming bird is stripped of
its feathers' It is no larger than a
bumble bee.
Elle 7.,
1ssuS No. 2a--'20.
Pay your out-of-town accounts b
Dominion Express Money Order. Fiv
Dollars costs three cents.
Soft Pedal for Typewriter.
To make typewriters less noisy
Cleveland inventor has patented
platen core that changes the loud clic
of the type to a dull thud. -
Cuticura Al You
Need For Tour Skin
Bathe with Cuticura Soap to cleanse
and purify the pores. If signs of pimples,
redness or roughness are present smear
gently with Cuticura Ointment be£orebath-
ing to soothe and heal. %oreverypurpose
of the toilet, bath and nursery Cuticura
Soap and Ointment are ideal.
Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and SOc. Sold
throughouttheDominion. CanadianDepot;
Lymeats, Limiteal, St. Paul St., Montreal.
Cuticura Soap ahaves without :mut.
Classified Advertisements.
Not Aspirin at All without the "Baler Cross's
The name "Bayer" is the thumb- of "Bayer Tablets of .Aspirin" rlieb.
print of genuine .Aspirin. 13 past- contains proper directions for Colds,
Lively identifies the only genuine Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu-
!llspiriu,—,.the Aspirin prescribed by ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri'
physicians for over nineteen years and tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
now made in Canada, Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost btt4
.Always buy an unbroken package a, few cents, Larger "Bayer" paekageg.
Tihewo to wily one Aspirin-0110tyee." 'OU mast say "Saver"
'Aspirin Is lite trade -nark (re ggqla e4 M belly; oltBayer etaaufaeture of Mena-
aceticacideater of sailoylicaeid, qW»tt6 1t � 19p i;�nI�tro h mat Aspirt mean', 13pyek
tutu the mtmm'pen with` the 13u13119
M?OiMt tl1bt, t' 3 er Dreamt ,lriyet Ca�>isNg
r..9 will pay you, George Stevens.,
Peterborough. Ontario.
colt SALE
%V. 17.1.,1. Ft Ull'.l'let) NDwSPAil Fals,
and lob printing plant in Eaeternt
Ontario. lnsuranes carried 31,500.. Willi
ro for 31.200 en quick sate. Box ii2
'Wilson Publishing Oo., Ltd.. Toronto.
S°PT Etv7i71 WLIT'TBI'J.
��,,,,v� OFT ELM WANTED, 2 a.N. A.Nt
i•:•1 tbieker, shipped green from saw'.
Do not sell until you comma-•:tate witia
us. Keenan Bros. Limited, Owen Sound:
Illjo k'i:;1STI1t12D Th 1NI11Ci SCI1.UOL
.ael, for Nurses: St,Elizabeth hospital,.
299 South Broad Street. Elizabeth, New
Jersey. Complete course. Monthly al-
lon'ance: first year $5.00, second 110.00.
third 115.00. Address: Superintendent.
^- I.1'L"I',.P W.a.NZ'ED.
V carpenters to work on interior
fittings. Good wages, steady work.
Apply Laidlaw Lumber Company, 2250
Dundas W.. Toronto.
1 and light sewing at !tome, whole or
spare time; good pay, worst sent any dis-
nrt eulars. Npati nal S4Manufactur forX
Co.. Montreal.
The Kodiak,
largest carnivorous
Minaret's Liniment
Alaska, hear is the
animal in the
for sale everywhere,
"Danderine" creates mass:
of thick, gleamy waves
Y Y 4 'rte yr
�.• >
'17 r [# Y
�,�� r
.' 1• R N
. �.s�{i:;.. % w
;•-.' ;: . � a �,
vi A "'
, S."
In a few moments you can trans-
, form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
i I can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
K I full of life. Just get at any drug or
1 toilet counter a small bottle of "'Dan-
_ derine" for a few cents. Then moisten
a soft cloth with the "Danderine" and
draw it through your hair, taking one
email strand at a time. Instantly, yes,
immediately, you have doubled the
beauty of your hair. It will be a plass,
so soft. lustrous, and so easy to do up.
All durst., dirt and excesivo oil is re-
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor, and brightness in your hair.
This stimulating tonic will freshen
your scalp. check dandruff and falling
hair and help your hair to grow long,
thick. strong and beautiful,
x-n.erlca'a Zimmer
*i.. "a,
' '
Dog 1omeSiioo
Boor on�
and 7c:ow to X'ssa
Mailed Free to any Ad- r
,tress by the Author.
3'"i. Clay Mover Co., Ica.
115 West 31st Street
. New York, 11.S.A..
t We I (/j/ r
M 1 NMS30g-NigC0. 'OEM
Not Aspirin at All without the "Baler Cross's
The name "Bayer" is the thumb- of "Bayer Tablets of .Aspirin" rlieb.
print of genuine .Aspirin. 13 past- contains proper directions for Colds,
Lively identifies the only genuine Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu-
!llspiriu,—,.the Aspirin prescribed by ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri'
physicians for over nineteen years and tis, Joint Pains, and Pain generally.
now made in Canada, Tin boxes of 12 tablets cost btt4
.Always buy an unbroken package a, few cents, Larger "Bayer" paekageg.
Tihewo to wily one Aspirin-0110tyee." 'OU mast say "Saver"
'Aspirin Is lite trade -nark (re ggqla e4 M belly; oltBayer etaaufaeture of Mena-
aceticacideater of sailoylicaeid, qW»tt6 1t � 19p i;�nI�tro h mat Aspirt mean', 13pyek
tutu the mtmm'pen with` the 13u13119
M?OiMt tl1bt, t' 3 er Dreamt ,lriyet Ca�>isNg