HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-06-10, Page 8oods Nov arriving almost daily. New Serges, `' oplins, Velours, Etc. VOLES A fine lot fo figured Voiles in a large variety of colors, dark as well as lighter shades, Just the thing for summer wear. SILKS Silks and Silk Poplins in leading shades from $1450 to $3.75 a yd. Calateas and Prints Now showing a nice range of prints, galateas, shirting. Also a few pieces of nurses' cloth, a ex- tra good wearing cloth, suitable for house dresses aprons, etc. Come and see it. House Furnishings IWe are well stocked in Linole- umn, oil cloths, curtains, Window shades, curtain poles and Curtain Scrimms in new designs. Neti,*kJSpring Wall Papers A LARGE SHIPMENT OP WALL PAPERS NOW TO HAND., BEAUTIFUL NEW PATTERNS FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT ROOMS OF YOUR HOME. WE TAKE SPECIAL INTEREST IN WALL PAPERS, AND WOULD LIKE TOSHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES Ar ANY TIME, J. Gascho & _Son Zuric 's Garage Our Free Air Outfit is now Ready WE HAVE INSTALLED THE ABOVE OUTFIT FOR THE 'CONVEN- IENCE OF THE PUBLIC. BATTERY TESTING ALSO FREE. LET US ATTEND TO YOUR MOTOR CAR NEEDS. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING Any make of Car a Specialty OILS, GREASES, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, GENUINE FORD PARTS. Our Gasoline Eller is now installed.. Mousseau Zurich, PHONE No. 103. 4++++4.++++++++++ +>r++++++* q'"+++++++•kd•+++++4,4 +++++++.1. . 4. + + + + + + Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply evevybody's Requirements. + LEA)I'G PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- ARE ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE •OUR SUPPLY LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10% ANI) PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARL Y AND SAVE MONEY We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring.. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices. + + + 4. 4, WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVEFROUGHING AND REPAIRING 4* + + + + STADE g r�E1DO . + ,1, PRTR BLOCK ZURICIH AT ALL TIMES A*'NO NO MENT WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEB- RATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS. IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANYTHING ALONG THE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY FOR THE SEASON OF 1920, GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL CHEERFULLY SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE AND GIVE OUR PRICES. WE SOILCIT A PORTION OF YOUR BUSIN- ESS AND CAN ASSURE YOU ENTIRE SATISFACTION, Fairbanks -Morse "Z" Engine with Bosch Magneto The Supreme Farm Engine HE famous "Z" Engine and the Bosch high tension, oscillating magneto combine to make the one SUPREME farm engine. ¶ Call on us and see the result of this newest combination—FAIRBANKS-MORSE "Z " WITH BOSCH MAGNETO. I We are substan- tially assisted in delivering engine maximum service by a nearby Bosch Service Station. J. E. DRUAR, - Zurich LOCAL ` MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Butter 40 Eggs 47 Potatoes per bag ... ... 3.50 Wheat 1.95 Oats 1.10 Barley 1.65 Buckwheat 1.65 Flour 7.50 +7.90 Bran 60.00 Shorts 65.00 • - 18.50 Live Hogs ....,,. ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. E. Bossenberry sp- ent Wednesday at London. The members of the Lather Le-• ague of the Lutheran church en- joyed a picnic at Drysdale Beach on Tuesday evening. LATE MRS. H. WELL There passed away on Monday mornong May 31st at her home in Zurich, Elizabeth Weil, beloved wife of Mr. Herman Well, at the age of 67 years and 10 months. A- lbout a year ago the deceased be- gan to fail in health with that dread disease, amenia, and was able to be up until about three weeks ago when she bemcae bed- fast, and fell peacefully and smiling to sleep with Jesus. The departed was highly esteem - pa by all who knew her, and was a faithfuul member of the Evan- gelical church for a long time, a devoted wife and faithful mother. She leaves to mourn her loss be sides her husband, one sister, two sons, Arthur of Detroit; Hamor of Montreal, three daughters, Mrs, E. Wagner, Tillie and Nettie, of Detroit and Ida at home; also one grandchily, Vera McWaters, of Detroit.. The last remains were laid to rest at the Bronson Line cemet- ery on Thursday, services being held in the church, conducted by R.ev. P. B. Meyer, assisted by Rev. W.. J. Yager, Dashwood. The family cannot find words to ex - pr' ss their thanks to the neigh- bors and friends for the kindness shown during the sickness, nad funeral of this their sad hour of bereavement. W. C. T. U. NOTES (BY Press -Corr.) MERCHANTS AND PROH- IB%TION Mr. It Millar, Prisident of the Vancouver Retail Merchant's As- sociation, inter vieweed by the 'Vancouver World', May 3rd, on his return from a week's business trip to the east, said'; "I think that ptohibition has ,had a great deal to do with the extraordinary demand for mereh andise, both in Canada and the 'Unite dStates. The money now going into business, resulting in a demand for all classes of goods o,ul rd of . woke." .... ;1 June 3rd at Zurich The day opened with fine we- ather and looked promising for a royal good celebration. At 9 o'clock the beating of drums, hie owing of- cornets, with the usual amount of explosives, etc., com- menced, this was, the first indic- ations of the parade starting out. This certainly was a surprise to the many spectators, as being be- yond their expectation, as the turnout was excellent and the dif- ferent characters certainly took a great deal of work and pains to make this a success. The prize winners were as follows; Best decorated Auto, J. Pre- eter; Best decorated bicycle, ,H. G. Hess; Best auto truck, fancy J. • Hey and Mable Preeter, Flan- ders Field;; Best comic on foot, Fred. Weseloh, Luxury Tax ; Best Groupe in parade, I. Yungblut & Co., Bolsheviki. Judges; T. L. Williams, A. Melick and C. L. Snaith. Shortly after the parade, which ended at the ball grounds, God- erich and Zurich teams played an exhibition of snappy baseball which resulted in favor of Zurich score 5-7. The batteries for Zurich consisted of F. Thiel. and R. Weber. Mr. Thiel is the only Southpaw pitcher in Zurich, and put over some real fast ones, while Mr. Weber, the young cat- cher was always there and stuck to them. The afternoon was left open to go to other towns to see sports, and most of our people went to Crediton where a League ball match was played be- tween..Creai'on and Cl'nton, score 16-2 in favor of the home team. At six o'clock Goderich and Zur- ich played their ],egue game wh ich resulted a 'victory for Zurich Following is the line-up. Zurich 'Goderich Clar. Hoffman pp. Lavis W. Brown c. .Bissett. .Clay Hoffman 1-b. Barlow PT. L. Warm 2-b Sanders ;L. Callfas 3-b R.Bissett L. Hoffman s -s Snazel IA. Sibert 1-f Cameron A. Hess c -f Padden R. Weber r -f Webb Zurich 005 202 02 —11 Goderich ,, 011010000— 3 SOUTH HURON COUNTY LEAGUE STANDING. Zurich Crediton Goderich Clinton Won Lost P.C. 3 0 1000 1 1 500 1 2 333 0 2 000 Dr. John A. Rose and Miss Mary Onions were married en March 12th' in Vancouver. First time an on-, ion became a rose. While pottaoes sell at 6e, a potin 1 whits: brans at 10 cents are very Ouch cheaper, and they are more /wholesome as well. Bread, to id 1 iu orC,.'cndikal ,1 .gyms n....,..•... �..-� Auto Tires and Tubes We are agents for Dunlop and Vapderline. Line, Sizes to, fit Ford, Chevrolet, Gray Dort, Maxwell,. ' We also carry a complete line of Accessories, Give us., a trial in this line. CAR OWNERS SPECIAL POLARINE PRICES AT BELOW PRESENT COST.. GENUINE POLARINE (GUARANTEED) 5 GALLONS UP TO.1 25 GALLON'S AT T1E REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF 85C.. PER GAL. POSITIVELY NO SUCH BARGAIN WAS EVER. OFFERED. (NO MORE THAN 25 GALLONS TO ANY ONE. CUSTOMER..—TERMS; STRICTLY CASH. COAL OIL STOVES Two, Three and Four Burner, with or without oven. We. handle only the New Perfection," Guaranteed to be fool proof.. ;CALL AND LET U;S EXPLAIN THEM TO YOU. GET AWAY FROM THAT HOT WOOD OR COAL STOVE THIS: 1 SUMMED. SPECIAL FAINT BR] GHTEN UP! Preserve your Buil- ding, in such times of high prices,. and save future expense This is our National Cry. We offer Martin Senour 100 per,. cent pure paint for a short time only at $4.50 per gallon, only in gallon lots ,present price $7.50 per gallon. Order your twine while it lasts at prices below Cost. 650 feet $20.70 per 100lb. 600 ft. Special Price 18Yic. lb. 550 ft. Special price 17c. lb TERMS;Strictly Cash. Melick & Braun PHONE 63 JU$T 6RRIVEn: A Shipment of New Men's Fine Summer Shirts, of the Latest • Novelties for Style and Comfort for the Hot Weather. Also a fine Assortment of Men's Panama Hats to choose from. EVERYTHING 1N GENT'S FURNISHINGS. DELTOMY 3311,0S. - ZU IOH Produce taken in exchange for Goods SpringArrivals Wall Piper READY TRIMMED WAL L PAPER, THE SEASON FOR PAP, EKING IS NOW HERE. WE HAVE IN STOCK A BIG ASSORTM-, ENT SUITABLE FOR BED ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVIN(,i ROOMS, HALLS DEN, ETC. OUR PAPER IS READY TRIMMED, A BIG LABOR SAVER. Curtains CURTAIN GOODS AND SIDE CURTAINS IN CREAM, IVORY AND WHITE. LADIES' WEAR High grade Silk Hose, a full range of Colors and Sizes. RAIN COATS FOR SPRING SHOWERS .A. Special line in Gray Tweed effects. Smart pockets and belts, at $10,00 to $25.00. Silk double tipped Gloves, (Silk Gloves in ,.purple, grey, White and Black. SUMMER KNIT VESTS A special line to clear at 25c. each, Just arrived, a large new range of nifty Crepe, Gingh- ams at 85c. per yard. A Beautiful line of Gingham Dresses for Girls from 6 to 1.21 years old at $3.00. Ladies' White Voile Waists, Sizes 36 to 44, MEN'S EAR Don't forget about your Spring Suit and Overcoat. We , are Agents for the Celebrated Broadway Styles, and have many at.. tractive Samples to choose from, Dr. Hess' Stock food, Poultry Panacea, Louse Killer, Dip, Etc, Nona better than the Hess Line. : r FRESH GROCERIES AND FRUITS ALWAYS ON HAND Phone utterick Patterns For Sale Phone 78 ..„ „„ . •,w : ,nom 78 T. L WURM