HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-06-10, Page 41 rT F 7 r ' museeteseamaserteemassasseatmemasstairametesearsmeestrmssereeessesseesasseseeseeemem "We salesmen who make our calls regardless of roads or weather, realize fully the importance of good fuel and good lubricants---. and we know that we can get imptriel Bolarine and imperial Premier Gasoline everywhere and that if we use these products exclusively we may forget more than half the usual motor tratibsss," 1 RNA 365 Days a Year Service 1. LL motorists, especially those who use their cars for business purposes, must Have steady service. They soon learn that correct lubrication is vitally important to uninterrupted service and that Imperial Polarine gives adequate thorough lubrication. Imperial Polarine keeps the engine running smoothly and quietly by establishing and maintaining a perfect piston -to -cylinder seal, which holds all the power of the fuel charge behind the piston. Imperial Polarine thoroughly lubricates and cushions every rubbing surface with a wear -resisting oil film. When used exclusively break- downs are infrequent, depreciation is low, fuel costs reduced. One of the three grades described below is specially suited to your motor. Look for the Imperial Polarine Chart of Recommendations where you buy your oil and learn which grade to use. Imperial Polarine is sold in one and four -gallon sealed cans, steel 1234 - gallon kegs, steel half -barrels and barrels, by dealers everywhere. \\VIE rA2 0'3 9 � 'olarine . MAKES A OD, cAR< BETTER ' IMPERIAL POLARINE IMPERIAL POLARINE HEAVY IMPERIAL POLARINE A (Light medium body) (Medium heavy body) (Extra heavy body) A GRADE SPECIALLY SUITED TO YOUR MOTOR DASHWOOD. Mrs. Elliott has returned after a visit with relatives in Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eidt of Forest, and Mr. nad Mrs. Jack tEidt of Ailsa Craig, spent Sunday ,tat the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. C, 1St de Mr. and Mrs. G. Oestreicher vis- ited in Kitchener this week. Mr. H. Tyler has returned home .after spending some time in Osh- awa. Miss Myrta Hoffman spent the week -end in Zurich. Dr. and Mrs. Snider nad son of Cardington, Ohio, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Snider. Mr. Keyser, the feather renov- ator, is kept quite busy these days Mr. and Mrs. H. Zimmer of Str- atford called on friends in town ,un Sunday. Mr. C. W. Yager spent Sundya in Stratford. Mr. Harry Guenther and sister, Mies etLta, were visitors to Lon- don on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Beaver of Zur- ich visited with Mr. and Mrs. Win. One11 on Sunday. Mrs. P. McIstac left Monday for et, Joseph's Hospital, where she will undergo an operation. We }lope for a speedy recovery. Mrs, P. M. Humble is visiting her lather, Mr, C. Finkbeiner, who is 'quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. J. Adana of London spent Sunday in town. The Forward Movement drive of the Evangelical church is now on and success beyond expectat- •ion is being met with. Every One canvassed responds liberally. it is expected that the allotted $2000 will be over sbscribed. Mr. J. C. Reid and family spent 'iunday in Bayfield. Our local creamery is rushed These days and has to work over :gime. This is a good thing for the co'tniunity, Pour hands are n1 w employed. Mr. G, Edighoffer and fens lv we- kh v;sitors to fCtehener Sundya. Mr. IT. W. Kraft hat the found- ation erected for his new home at the E.a t end of Fi ut St. Mr. G. S. Howard will be in Ex- eter next week presiding at the lower school exams., Miss Ready of Winchelsea, will be the local ex- aminer the following week. The Lutheran Sunday School are holding their annual picn'c on Tue- sday June 15th on the ground. Supper will be served in the bas- ement. DASHWOOD BREEZES and County Inspectors will av- Mr. Amos. Ball, wife and fam- ail themselves of these addresses ilv and Mr. Ball's mother from Au and will enter into the disucssion. burn, were week -end visitors at, Notice will be given through the the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S.; press when these addresses will be Delgaty. , given. Get interested, teachers! The school plots of Dashwood claim your rights, and improve school are presenting a fine ap- i your enviorment. Do not be sat- pearance at present -well cared for i isfied with a standstill condition, and are a credit to both teachers . much less with a retrogressive con and pupils, dition of our rural schools. We are sorry to hear of the continued illness of Mr. 3. Des- jardine., of the Bee Line. Hope he may soon recover. Dr. Aiken of Kipper• is expected opening snow roads eon 12-13,7.80 bridge timber 10.00, E. Restemeyer A. Oestreicher rep for disc 2 50, I; Willert, opening snow road, 6 90, 3, England, ditto 17.70, F. Hagan ditto 7.20, E. Troyer ditto 1.35, is .Cocherane, ref. ditch tax 6.83; P. Haberer, valuating sheep 3.00; L. Kalbfleisch, corn. wrk. 20.15, L. ,Schilbe ditto 21.00; C. Aldsworlh' ports, plank and spikes 100; Tel- ephone At.�ounts; F. Th'el, 1:e't 'or. linesman 7.75; Herald printing 14 25 A.F. Hess express, etc. 50.98; Bell lTe1 Co. L. D. T. Mar to April 83.90 Northern Elec. Co. supplies 410.73 J. J. Barry, bolts 25D, M. G. Dietz batteries and labor 29.60. The council adjourned to meet again on Saturday, July 3rd at 1 o'clock, p. m, A.F. Hess, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION OF THE 1920 ASSESSMENT ROLL The f'rst sitting of the Court oP of Bevis:on of the 1920 assessment ;roll of the Township of Hay was helst in accordance with the A' ses- ment Act and Notice in the Zurich H roll, on Saturday, June 5ih•1927 lit 10 o'clock, a. m; The Reeve, Mr. J. Laporte, oc- cupied the chair. All the mem- bers of the Council were present. The following appeals were re- ceived and disposed of; Oliver Davis, name struck off; Jos. E. Druar, one dog added; J. Howald, assessed for Park lot C. D. instead of J. Dehcer, Sr. A. la. Edighoffer, appeal dismissed; G. Deters, appeal dismissed; J. Gascho, appeal d'stnissed; Geo. Edighoffer, one dog added, W. Tothaermel, one dog added; Paul Mase appeal d'sm+ssel; Dan Tru- emner. appeal dismissed; Canrtda Co. apneal sustained, re 1-2 E 1-2 26, con 9; Geo. Dick, dog struck off ; Fred Papineau, added as M. iF.; The ':ourt of Revision was adj ourned to July 3rd, 1920, at 1 o'- clock, p.m. ,A.. F. Hess, Clerk. CREIVTO.N. Miss Clarissa. Hill, nurse, of Win- dsor, is visiting her home here. Dr. and Mrs. Truemner, of Ches- ley, motored here adn spent the week -end at the latter"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith of near Shipka, have moved into the house recently bought from Mrs, Conrad Kuhn. IA. quiet wedding was solemnized 'at the Methodist parsonage on Wed 'nesday evening last, when Sylvia, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Sones, wad united in marriage to Albert ,Smith, Rev. Baker,. officia-r :ting. The best wishes of a host )of friends is extended to the young Has school consolidation ceased e be a topis of discussion? Last call and winter, much enthusiasm was apparent re such schools— now it papears to have died out. I believe our U. F. 0. Crubs intend to have it resurrected by two or Three able addre_ases to be given at Grand Bend in July, by some of our notable members of the Prov- incial Government. We hope that our County councillors, Tow nship Councillors, rural teachers to deliver a lecture accompanied with lantern slides views at the were read and adopted. Grand Bend Pre3byterian Church All work done on Township on June 14th. roads will be paid for at the rate There was a very large audio- of 60 cents an hour for man and mee at the Gospel services in S. team. One and one quarter yards is, No '15, Hxv last Sunday even- tof gravel shall be hauled per load, ing. The schoolroom was filled and if a larger or smaller load is 1t ith listeners. Two ardent Gos- hauled allowance shall be made ac- pel addresses were delivered by J. cordingly. All accounts of the Cowan of Bayfield and :J S. Del- road Commissioners must be cert- gaty teacher of the school. These ified by the 'Superintendent be- services are being well attended, fore presenting same to the Conn - and we hope great good will be cil for payment. derived from the plain gospel tea- The following orders were pas - chins; given. In this day of sub- sed; tie teaching by the enemy, and Herald, printing $17.25, Sawyer indifferent God's word by indiser Massey Co., kniver 26.13, A. F. Hess express, etc, 18.75, W. Bassow, op ening snow roads con 12-13 32.50 Mrs. H. Rupp, cin basement in hall 2.00; E. F. Meese, collector's salary and postage 98.45, J. Trib- ner, opening snow roads, con 2-3 20.55, W. 5, Northcott corn, work, con 2-3 24,00; E. i3roderick, open- ing snow roads, con 2-3 8A0, Sol. Schroeder, rep to disc. 6.25, J. Haugh, opening snow road con 14 15, 35,51; E. Reichert ditto con 0-10 Jac. Schroeder, corn. wrk con 16 e0.00, Jac. Shrader, opening snow HAY COUNCIL Hay Council met for the reg- ular session on Saturday, June 5th, All the members were present. The minutes of the previous meeting a• 5 oso co • r9 m Cream Separatorshave advanced. t5 10 in price. Buggies 20 percent. Wej. : pave on hand one D eLaval and one''; Illlelotte Separators, also two Crray1 , Buggies which we will sell at pre advance prices for quick sale. •, • • SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY IN STOCK AT LAST • ' YEAR'S PRICES. • 5• • o SEE US ABOUT NEW AND GOOD SECOND DRAG HARROWS . - 5, • • BLACKSMITH WORK r BRING ALONG THAT PERTICULAR BLACKSMITH JOB, WE 0. • WILL TRY AND DO IF FOR Y OU. •• • • 0 • • b• e • • • • A eW 5 • 5 5• • • • • . • ; tw teeeh,rs, it is .a comfort to know that some, at least, handle Ilis Word aceord'ng to God's de- sign. '1h . eunual Sunday School p'c- nic of the Grand Bend Presbyter- ian churc1 and other local hcurch- r s will be held. at Grand Bend park 'next Saturday, June 12th. What has become of our pub- lic school picnics? Are they a th'n i of the past? There should le, union school picnics of all nor rural Fchools ann' ally, eounled with address^s on rural school's roads con 16 3.30; Sol Schrader, ;;:ods, L • c1 tt^, (1011 6-7 1.7:091 A. Keys, haul - 1 s PUMPS. PU MPS•• • WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS AND PIPING, a WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMPS. •5 • 11O f a LIM £vrEfilai • •• • o • O • N•a•••N•••••• m000mpomo i •M••ta•••••••••t!emosoo••••e4 SHINGLES SHINGLES Parties requiring Shingles this season will do well by bying them at once. As after April lst all shingles will advance 10per cent. in price. ill Kaibfieish, Zuric i 3 Million Dollars but --- It brought MUSIC ?:u finer example of courage is kuown to the world of science than T,homas A. Edison's work in perfecting the phonograph. The skeptics rose in full chorus when he proposed a better phonograph: —an instrument "that could prod uce music as human as the artists, who first gave it utterance". .a Mr. Edison's experiments exha usted the entire field of research in• sound reproduction. He rebui It until his final, perfected model, cost him Three Million Dollars. I iAND THE RESULT? . ; ' ' T i n Ask some one who attended t he Claire Lillian Peteler-Sibyl Sa-s nderson Fagan recital Tuesday ev ening May 18th, - ' There was the public proof. Miss Peteler sang in comparison with the RE-C'RE-. IATION Of her voice by the New Edison. Miss Fagan played in comparison with the recreation o f her art by the New Edison. And. no one could distinguish the living voice from its Re -Creation. ENS N "The Phonograph; with a ,Soul" If you love music, you Will agree with T'uesday's enthusiastic audience;—The New Edison represents 3 Million Dollars well spent,. fThe soul of song is cheap at any price. Yet it is now' brought within reach of your. pocketbook The instrument used in Tuesday conclusive test is a duplicate of Mr, Edison's Three Million Dollar Model. It sells for 8446. J. MU :•0111 ( 1111, si ;N �...t ..-r..�..::Ld.i •. t^ we 11 Tit 111:. I� Nr �� i ratii 1 1E11:1111, I 1' I i,f illllllteNiil'