HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-06-03, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS PBOUDFOOT, KtLLORAN, & COOKE Barrieeers, Solicitors, Notaries Public zee, Offico,-on the Square, find door from Hamilton St, Galeria, Private funds ba loan at lowest rates W. pztorevae', K. C. • J. L. KII,S,ohtee, Ii. J, D. Cooxcr;. Mr. Cooke andwill Satu Saturday each week, Friday week, ,ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Coin, missianer, Conveyancing, Eire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co, Herald Office, Zurich. Dr. p S. ai .ie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDA Y DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFF'IC1 — HEN[ xLL O.S.CAR KLOPP Licenced Auctioneer foconducted Co- unty of Huron, Char- ges of the County. moderate. ,Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay.. ,Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. ZuriehP. 0. Phone 18-93 , Licensed Ausoneer I have taken out Aucnty tioneer's License for the o tiaon to conduct 'And am in a p Give any kind of Auction Sale. mei a trial and I will assure you satisfaction or make no charge. Arthur Weber, - Daeliwood. Phone 31r13. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Eau. e gas., etc Highest Cash Price for Wool ,; CASH FOR SKINS & II1DES• DeicitatMassey' 11 orris j,EP.A II tS 1 handle all kinds of Massey - 'Harris repairs for Farm Implem- ents. Also a hill line of Verity Plow points and Plow Repairs, at My Shopt, .opposite Town Hall. 4,J,Barry - Zurich HENSALL G„ T, R. TRAIN CONNECTIONS MORNING Stage leave Zurich •.. 3.00 a.m. 00 a.m. South, No. 162 ... ... 18.58 a.m. North, No. 163 ... ... AFTERNOON - Stage leave (Zurich ......3.00 p.m. South, No. 161 ... .........4.50 p.m. North, No. 165 ... .........6.14 p.m. Delaware & Hudson Co. s p1JT ;YOUR Wants, For Sane, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS COLUMN • t OT CE. No tours .or cattle will be allow- ed', to run.. at large on the streets within the corporation of. the Police Village of Zurich. Any running at large. will be impound- ed. 13Y ORDER 45-3 POLICE TRTi STEPS NOTICE I am in a position to do all kinds of high elevated work such as painting high water tanks, chu- rch Steeples, erecting steeples, etc. PETER CORRIVL:1U 45-4 R.Ii.2, Zurich, Ont. - LOST Between my farm and Hensall on Friday May 7th, a brown purse of money, containing about $12.00. Finder please return to Peter De- icbert, Sr., Zurich, or to Herald Offic'e;. • LACK , , A COAL f' NOTICE My accounts are ready. If in- debted to me Kindly call and set- tly. Accounts wlli be mailed if not called for. Fred Thiel, Zurich Klopp—To Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Klopp of Mattawa, on Sunday, May 16th, a daughter. LOCAs. NEWS LOCAL NEWS lc were Vie-Thursdya, June 3rd is a public • Mr, and Mrs, A. Melic itors to Hensall on Sunday. holiday c all places of business will be closed, Mr, Al.phin Smith of Detroit, is Miss Georgena Etue, nurse, of 'visiting at his home on the Goshen . Windsor, is visiting at her home on Line south, the Bauble Ling; , • Mrs. Hy. Weber nad daughter, of Preston visited relatives in the tril Mr. A, 1Vleliek is installing mad-' ern conveniences in his house such cage over Sunday, as water works, etc. Mr. Jos. Druar of the village ex- changed his Chevrotette auto for Mr. Bert St tonend Overland ag 'a new Overland Four, from Mr, Ent of Grand Bendwas in the F. M, Hess & Co. willa'ge ors Tuesday, AT TCTIOrs7 SALE Of the clover grass on my lot in Zurich, opposite the .Molsons Bank, to be cut for hay only dur- ing the season 1920. On •Saturday evening, June 5th, at 8 o'clock, p. m'. on the premiss. Oscar Klopp, T. Johnson, Auctioneer. Proprietor. FOR SALE - Several Thousand Bricks, for quid: sale. First Mass, clean hicks at $12.00 per thousand. Act quick. Apply at St. Joseph. 46-3 Also soft coal. Season 1920 Summer Deliveries. Owing to the uncertain and un- settled condition still prevaling in the coal trade, We are again un- able to guarantee deli very or price We will do our best to fill all or- ders, and prices will be charged in price ruling on day of deli very. Our terms are cash on completion of deliveries. Remember We purchase only Stan- dard quality. sr D.A.. �+��"ntelon Phone house No. 10, Office No. to. HENSALL ONT. LIVE POU LT RV WANTED FOR SALE _. We have the following varieties of High Grade seed corn for sale; White Cap Yellow Dent, Wiscon- sin No. 7, Imp. Learning, M. S. Sweet and Lo;,gfh:.11ow. J. Gascho & Son. TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORINOON Do not feed fowl same morning "when brought in. Highest Cask Prices ----CASf`I FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. ,Pho'ne 94, Brien Zurich Mr: HarryRandall, who has '.& few second hand washing ma- chines at' a bargain while they, been visiting in Zurich the past last. Stade & Weido. few weeks, returned to his home in London last Saturda Mr. Jos. •Smith of London, vis - y. at the home of his parents, Children's Day will be observed' Mr. and Mrs. Wendel Smith over in the Evangelical church on Sun prepared for by the Children's Sunday, ; day. A special program has been Mr. Elmore Klopp of the Bron - Choir in the evening service. son Line has purchased a new Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman of the. Overland Four from the local ag- erillage and son Mr. Simon Hoffman ants, F. M. Hess & Co. of the Babylon Line, are attending Messrs. E. Boysenberry and P. the funeral of n relative to Kit- Koehler, and daughter, Miss Lydia, ehener this week. motored to Wroxeter on Monday. Messrs, E. Boysenberry and p, Miss Koehler will remain there for Koehler motored to Port Huron some time. last week, Mrs. Koehler, who had Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dahms and been at that city for some time, family, and two uncles, Louis and returned with them. Frank Dhams, of Mildmay, were ' Williams Bros„ the local millers, Visitors at the home of Mr. and have purchased a 1 -ton Ford truck pars. N. E. Dahms last Friday nad to use for conveying' their prod- d d Saturday. ay. Th ey spent Saturday Acts to Hensall and will be a great in the Pinery fishing. conveyance, Mr. Feld M;' Hess, the local carriageamker, last week eomplet- Mr„ Wm. Lamont of the village ed a 1 -ton ford truck for Bissett shipped last week, the well-known distinguished Holstein cow "Annie Brook De Kai" to Mr. R. T. Dun- • lop, Frankford, Ont. Mr. Dun- lop is to be congratulated of being the owner of such a fine animal as the price realised by Mr. La- mc•nt, we understand, is well up ,in the three figures. NOTICE As I have recently- purchased the lie ery business, I wish to inform the public that I ant in a position to accomodate all requirements a- long this line, Aux also a licensed chauffeur and have an auto for hire. Anything done in the team- ing line GED. J. THIELt Phcne 58 Zurich. NOTICE. Parties iwshing to have auto tires vulcanized can leave them with me, as `I have made arrang- ements With Mr. Taylor, of Ex- eter, to have the same done. A- wwill be called for three tines a week. 46-3 H. 1`IOUSSEAU, Zurich - Garage. NOTICE. iCOU.I T OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF IIAY NOTICE Is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the Assess- ment Roll of the Township of I•Iay will hold its first erecting in the Town Hall. Zurich, on Saturday, June 5th, 1920,, at. 10 o'clock a.m. ANDREW P. HESS, Township Clerk, _Zurich( EGGS FOR HATCHING Anconas eggs for hatching for sale from Shepherd, Rate and Gies strains. Price $1.00 per setting of 13 eggs. F. B. MEyer, Zurich. Prof. Luther Kekoa, the Hawai- ian musician has taken up rooms for the summer in the Walper 'House and will become a resid- ident of Zurich. People who are lovers of the charming Hawai Ian gutar music should avail them selves by taking lessong from this splendid artist, and it is his most desire to have a class of pupils in Zurich. Further information can be had at the Walper House. With 200 delegates, including 12 ministers present, the annual Sun-' 'day school convention of the,First district of Canada Synod of the Lutheran church was held. at Zion .Church, Stratford, or, May 25th In all some 21 churches were rep- resented, and the instructive ses- sions were held morning and after- noon. Rev. 0. Klaehn of Strat- ford, was re-eletced to the Pres- idency as a mark of appreciation of his good serviceec, and Rev. H. R. Mosig, of New Hamburg, was re- eletced Secretary MEETING OF HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The meeting of the Corporation of the County of Huron will meet in tho council Chemises., Goderieh, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 12':h day of June, 1920 All accounts against the C:xunte must bo in the hand] of the C'.erk not latei than Monday prece soling the meeting of council. GEO. W. HOLMAN, County Clerk. 1920 FOR SALE A, good wooden pump with 20 feet of logs at a bargain, act quick. Appply at Herald Office. FORD GARAGE WE ARE AGAIN IN A ROM - ION Z'O DO ALL KIND OF RE- PAIRING ON YOUR CAR. \VE HANDLE NOTHING 33UT GENUINE FORD PARTS. At The Old Stand °ich Gcderich, May 14th, Hot Water for Sick Headaches Tells why everyone should drink hot water with phosphate in it before breakfast. Bros. Goderihe to use for gtaher- ing farm products, nad is certainly a 'fine piece of wokrmanship and a credit to Mr. Hess. Last Frdiay evening the Y P j A. of the Evangelical church jour- neyed to Dahswood numbering a- bout fifty. The proram was fur- nished by the Zurich Alliance,whieh was very much appreciated by all present. The Dashwood yo- ung people serveda very dainty 1 lunch which was enjoyed by all. 1 ZURICH AND CLINTON TIE f Zurich baseball team journeyed 1 to ,Clinton on Monday evening and 'played the first league game with that team. This was indeed a very exciting game and it looked 'at the first few innings as if Zur- ich was an easy victory for the Clinton team. But our boys tightened up and soon hit the Clinton Star Southpaw when they pleased and he had to be t talgin out of the box for the t last few innings, while Dr. O'Dwyer twirled for Zurich to the benefit of .our team. He certainly put up a fine game considering hav- ing not played for several years, 1 and having 17 strikeouts to his credit The line-up was as follows; ..Zurich Clinton catcher Neil .L W. Hoffman S.S. Draper Clay Hoffman ' 1-1,, Tasker T. L. Wurm 2-b Cooper ,Clan, Hoffman 3-b McCaughey Callfas R -F Huller i A, Hess c -f Johnson B. Siebert 1-f McEeven Clinton 101 000 021 Zurich 000 310 010 Owing to some disagreement in the teams this last score by Clin- ton was protested by Zurich and -the official score will be given lat- hildrre i Cry for Fletc is Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for In •.nts and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine: is even more essential fcr Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children. that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. What i ;., CASTU Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. it contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcctic substance. Its age is its guarantee. •. For r:::Z3 than. thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, a, d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food ; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CAST RI ( ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Ian Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY estate ,ae-seeeSeee" UT COST-C.P.A: EXECUTIVE The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for ad- vancement to qualify as accountant. Home study raining, not interfering wish yourpresent occupa- ion. Booklet free. We have trained more Certi- fied Public Accountants .than has any otherinstitu- tion. We have helped hundreds of others secure good paying positions. We can help you. nternational Accountants Society, Box362 Toronto i Dr. O'Dwyer pitcher Butler W. F. Braun Headache of any kind, is caused by autointoxication—which means self- poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons called toxins, sucked into the blood, through the lymph ducts, excite the +heart which pumps the blood so fast that it congests in the smaller arteries and veins of the head producing vio- lent, throbbing twain and distress, called headache. You become nervous, de- spondent, siclt,' feverish and miserable; your meals sour and almost nauseate you. Then you resort to acetanilide, aspirin or the bromides which tempor- arily relieve but do not rid the blood of these .irritating toxins. A glass of hot water with a teaspoon- ful of limestone phosphate in it, drank before breakfast for awhile, will not only 'wash these poisons from your sys- tem, and cure you of headache but will cleanse, purify and freshen the entire alimentary canal. Ask your pharmacist for quarter pound of limestone phosphate. `It is in- expensive, harmless as sugar, and al- most tasteless, except for a sourish twinge which is not unpleasant. If you aren't feeling your best, if tongue is coated or you wake up with bad taste, foul breath or have colds, in estion, biliousness, +. constipation or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos- phated hot water cure to rid your system of toxins and *poisons. Results 'are quiche and It is claimed. 'that those who continue to flush, out the stomach, liver and bowels ' every sn6rahng never have any he{i,daclfeor ltuo , a miserable ui'onzent. -',,, ... ' er, Clinton plays at Zurich on Jue 7th, next Monday evening. Come and see this game. DRUGS EXOITE YOUR IllEYS USE SATS If your Back is aching or Bladder bothers, drink lots of water end eat less meat. When your kidneys hurt and your bad feels sore, don't get seared and proceed to laird your stomach with a lot of drugs that excite the kidneys and irritate the entire urinary tract. Keep your kidneys clean like you keep your bowels clean, by flushing them with a mild, harmless salts which removes the body's urinous waste and stimulates them to their nor- mal activity. The function of the kid- neys is -to filter the blood. In 24 hours they strain from it 600 grains of acid and waste, to we can readily understand the vital importance of keeping the kid- neys active, Drink lots of wafer—you can't think too much; also get from any pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for genera. Mons to clean and stimulate clogged. kid• neys; also to neutralize the acids in urine so it no longer is a source of irri- tation, finis ending bladder Aveakuees. Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in. jure; makes a delightful effervescent litriia•watcr drink which everyone should take now and then to poop their kid• neys clean and active, Try this, also koop up the water drinking, and no doubt you wilt wonder what borxtine of yew. i,•i'h cy trouble 9.rd backache, Lry onds Bought and Sold Any Issue, Pat and aceured interest, A. P. KESS, - Zurich Overland Cars! Overland Cars! 00..41 The New Overland 4 c) J.. The Car that's got thele all guessing. Come along and •` CI drive it yourself, and find o,ut what it can do. We take (D V your oid Ford or any make in exchange. We teach ""S' you to drive in two lessons. We teach you how to take = care of your car in two weeks.. IV The New Overland Four is right, The price is right. r= We. will give prizes co the three persons that guess nearest ,Cad Ci the number of Overland cars we sell in 1920. 1st prize S15 2nd prize $10. Third $5. Lea ee(your guess With A. F. Hess MADE IN CANADA BY CANADIAN WORKMEN 'per . r Nut hl: F. r' l CA .0 -.ab Overland Sales and Service Station Overland Cars! Overland Cars! EXEGUTIIR Of your estate is one of the most imroxtant considerations when reeking Your WILL. Do not put this responsible position upon any of your relatives or friends unless they are satisfied to act in this capacity. Oftentimes the duties as executor are unwelcome. Appoint the Canada Trust Co., as Executors and your estate will be looked after carefully, and. advantageously ANAD C M.PAN Y j!ana,7 d M Connection The Hi,.l, n ettie Mortgage Cc r erotism 1'i,'.J C.0:T Applications for Glu, a:tco:3 r, o uric. iN HESS, ESa;, A.i�., IO ZURICH, C�S'd'T�iI� VbElobentsetfatatten�1, •F ,.r. a ,,,e 11 ... sevieeeses...,,w, _:,r a.a ,rias