HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-06-03, Page 4It amazed all SOME OF YOUR FRIENDS MUST HAVE BEEN IN' THE HUGH diZP, AUDIENCE HEARD CLAIRE LILLIAN PETELER AND SIBYL ANDERSON FAGAN IN THEIR TONE TEST RECITAL AT THE TOWN HALL, HENSALL. ASIC Tann PEOPLE ABOUT IT. . THIS IS THE ASTONISHING DIS COVERY THEY MADE The keenest musical ear cannot dis- tinguish ny difference between the voice of the living artist and the RE- CREATION of that voice by the New Edison. 'Andicloes It not amaze yoff, too, th lat Mr; Edison has succeeded in producing an instrument that cap ptures every subtle sweetness o the human voice --that gives y ion all the ear acn give you of the art of the World's great artists. No other Phonograph dares to make this direct cornparisone ke N ) N "The Phonog,raph with a ,Soul" The New Edison* alone can RE-CREATE music for you. Come in and hear for yourself, Make t he great discovery for your-. eelf. • J. well la Ex ter The instrument used in the recent Tone -Test is the regular model -which sells for $431. It is an era et duplicate of the Laboratory= iModel which Mr. Edison perfected after spending Three Million Dol- lars in experiments. 'tSIESSEIRFillIENSMEINSEZIMir 31611111iMilli "0001000105EIVatralle f11ji ii': VINWITHE AIMS DASHWOOD. Mr. D. Tiernan and family were visitors in Thedford Sunday, Last Friday evening the memb- ers of the Evangelical Y. P. A. spent a pleasant and profitable ev- ening M the basement of the chu- rch, It was a red letter day, one which will be long remembered. %and hcerished. The Zurich Y. P. IL. motored over and gave us a a. rich musical treat under the eaapable leadership of Miss E. Ren - elle, Mr. W. H, Pfile ably filled ,the chair. The Dashwood Alli- ance furnished a social entertin-a invent and lunch. Mr, end Mrs. G. 5, Howard, and 'daughter Miss Evelyn, and Mr. and Mrs. 3. S. Delgaty were visitors SA"terday, " Mr, Milford Koch of •Detroit, ' lvielted his parents over the week - en ; The local creamery has a fine askew truck on the route now. Mr. and Mrs. D. McCormick of Bridgeberg attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Wolper held on Sat- irday.. .Mi, nad Mrs. Seth Brown —Of itExeter spent Sunday with Mr, mod Mrs. Wm. Snell. Me. Alfred Zimmer and eosin I Of Detroit visited his parent a or - Er : Senday, M. G. Koch is buoy with a gang, erecting a cottage on one of his lots at Grand Bend, Mr. send Afrs, H. England, Mr. and 'Ore, Z. England Iliad Mr. W. Devine; aftenbc1 the funeral Of a rotative 30%4671 Oil Sunda Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Totigh of St- anley visited with Mr. and Mrs, G. S. Howard on Monday. Mr. mad Mrs. 0. W. Graybiel and Miss Beatrice Graybiel of Toronto, are visiting their pareets, Mr, arid Mrs, 3. W. Graybiel. DEATH OF MRS. WALPER There passed away on Thursday morning last, the wife of Conrad Walpet of this village. The de- ceased had reached a good age and leaves beeides her husband, a son and daughter both of whom are married. hTe remains were interred in the Lutheran cemetery on Saturday afternoon. Services were held in the hcurch by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Grupnaer. She leaves to mourn her demise. four sons and three deaghters;— Geo. and john of Grand Bend, Theo. of Parkhill, Wrn. of the 14th con., Mrs, P, Defore and Mrs. A. Oration, Grand Bend, and Mrs. Tetreaute Mrs: Devine was esteemed and respected by all who had the pleasure of her acquain- tance. BLAKE Mr. R. Athan of Brikefield called Ion friends in this viciniey on Fri- day. PREVENT APPLE SC B, Much of the Loss Through This Disease Is Needless. Careful Swaying Will Do the Trick --Three Sprayings Necessary— Either Lime Sulphur or Bordeaux Mixture May Be Used. (Contributed by Ontario Department or Agriculture, Toronto.) THIS is the most common a.nd most serious disease of ap- ples in Ontario. It occurs wherever apples are grown, and the scab spots on the fruit and leaves are familiar to almost every fruit grower. In wet seasons it causes a financial loss of many thou- sands of dollars to the fruit growers of the Province. This is to a large extent a needless loss, for Apple Scab can almost always be prevented no matter how wet the season may be, by thorough, timely and intelli- gent spraying, in combination with the proper pruning of the trees. The 'scab only develops and spreads dur- ing wet weather. The times of the year therefore when we get our wet weather are the times we have to spray if we are going to Prevent scab. One spraying with either lime sulphur or Bordeaux mixture is not sufficient to prevent scab, as the rain gradually washes the spray off, and as the leaves and fruits by growing larger develop more surface to cover. In (min, to be sure of preventing the disease we must spray from three to six times during the season, the num- ber ;of sprayings depending UpOa whe- ther the weather is wept or dry. The first spraying should be done just as or soon after the leaf buds burst. For ; this apelication use .commercial lime- , 'sulphur, strength 1 gallon ;commer- , tial to 7 gallons of swater. If the grower :is t ertain that there is no San Jose Scale in the orchard and very little Oyster Shell Scale, a weak- , ex solution may be ,used, 1 gallon to about 20 gallons of water, or 2or- Amur mixture 4..4.4,0 1 ormula naay , he substituted. The :second spraying should be given lost before th.e blossoms open, .that is, just when they are :showing pink, using commercial linae-sulphur strength 1 .gallon to 35 gallons of water, or Bordeaux mixture 4..4.40.t Mokliaula. 11n average seasons rthe third apple- ; cation ohoeed he :given immediately, ;after the blossoms have all ,or nearly all fallen, with lira e -sulphur .strength, i I. gallon to 4.0 gallons .of water. This is generally the most inapartant spray tor the oonittol of Apple Seale and al- i ways or Zodling Moth, and at must be promptly applied, as a delay :of a; day .or two may make all the differ- eace between success and failure, Bordeau mixture should not be used at this thne,, as it is almant mare to ' cause the fruit to be russetecl. Arsen- ate of lead should be added for the second had third sprayings to :control Codling Moth and other biting iMenc.tse .lseasons :of normal weather eon- .ditions these first three sprayings should controi the scab completey. I, some seasons, however, additional applicatiees are absolutely necessary if the scab is to be prevented. The tithe of these wili depend upon when we get our cold, wet weather. In some seasons there is a long period of cold, wet weather between the date when the blossoms begin to burst and when they fall. Sometimes the length of thistperiod is three or four week,s.. In such cases it is neces- sary to give an intermediate spray- ing between the second and third, ich and Mrs. F. Turner of the Hence, if the grower finds at the end aforth. in Seel of twelve days or two weeks after aa.uble Lane spent Thursday ( , i he has applied the second spray that -....... I the weather is still cold and wet and Mr. Lorne Nicholson, aecompan, development of the blossoms is very id by his .raother, and sister, Mrs, slow, another spraying should be Pearl Salanidt and childred, of London, called on friends in this i given at once to protect the young blossoms and foliage. This should be eiminity recently. . . Mrs. English spent the week- end with friends near Brucefield‘ Mr, and Mrs. Deitz of Kippee-, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.1 "21:31)137 this spray when necessary. Miss Kipfer, who spent several' insurance against late infection of ' n August is an . John Thirsk. Spraying early i weeks with her brother, in the vii .; agelengicab a Sootyra iFnung lagle, has returned to her home.g isu Fungus. e c eIsn- The regular eneeting of 1 Bary prevent. latepadacks of scab, ma asnudchs The especially with varieties such as Mc - Blake Women's Institute was held Intosh Red and Snows, which are on Tuesday May lith, at the home very susceptible to scab. For this of Mrs. A. Clarke. The report 1 application use a weak lime -sulphur for the year was read, which.was follow. solution, 1 gallon to 40 or 45 gallons very satisfactory. The ing officers were elected; mrs.ovfoiwsoanter, or Bordeaux mixture. No should be need at this time. 'Zapfe; 2nd Viee-pres. Mrs. G. Fre- Often if the SpraYing is done later r inlay, Pres; fist vice-pres, Mrs.1-1. tAhen the erst or second week in eltleton; Sec.-Tveas., Mra , ugust there is a chalice o the fruit Tough, Directors, mrs. J. Manson Should being discolored at picking time. and Mrs, Ross johnston; Aeditors, Should the dust method prove satis- factory it could be used at any time Gladys Douglas and Clara Eapfe,. in the fall without danger of staining After the eleetion' of officers', Mrs. the fruit. If the early sprayings aro D. Tough gave a very interesting thoroughly done, and the tall is not reading and the ollection for ol- extraniely wet, usually the crop -will die's comforts was tam it be- eS$.. This tollectiou is earemain clean without this last appll- ing 2425k- 'c'at'll'ilim en up monthlo.rougliness In Seraeine.--Vere few men sway thoroughly enough The l'ext y, mem will be heldmat to got the best results. The ebjeet the home di Mrs, J. Manson, on (Jane iith, in response to the roll- of spraying is to cover the surfaves p1 the &twee and fruits Ishii a good :call, we will take seeggestione fro fungicide (a substance,•whicli destroys hot weather, alesoffs or drinks, MI the, spores of feagi), such as Mile - the ladies are cordially invitee to aulphur or Ilordelfux mixture, so that Attend theme ,xteetiougm. when a spore reaches .leaf or fruit ." ' 41 ie u.teio.vive, iW4.104 •+‘,......1,Vot AL..4,74 ....". of the same strength as for the third regular spraying, but poison should be omitted because of the bees. It is very important to observe care- fully the weather, conditions .end Mr. and Mrs. Rois-johnston -ac- companied by, Mr4, Weide of Zurk, , . ....... .. .. . . ,,,....., ' 1100.000001100.00.1000,900.00.0.010000.00000000 -0060090000.0,640 #174, . • • • • .; e argain • . as •, • , to , ei 1. * • SO '. 0 • 0 86 • Cream Separators have advanced 1$10 in price. Buggies 20 per cent. Weil !have on hand one Delaval and one't :Melotte Separators, also two Gray/ 21 Buggies which we will sell at pre-/ :advance prices for quick sale. • • SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY INSTOCK AT LAST• ▪ YEAR'S PRICES. • • • 0 • • • a • • • • 0 • • • SEE US ABOUT NEW AND GOOD SECOND DRAG HARROWS: 0 • BRING ALONG THAT PERTICUI,AR BLACKSMITH JOB, WE IP • WILL TRY, AND DO IF FOR Y OU. • 00 0 0 0 0 0• 0 • • BLACKSMITH WORK PUMPS PUMPS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS AND PIPING, WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMPS. • • 00 00 0 • s • seoeeeemeeeetoaceseee ye goes e em et Ives eaceolkIat, SHINGLES SHIN G -LES. Parties requiring Shingles this season. will do well by bying them at once. As after April fist all shingles will advance lOper cert. in price. albileish, i zurich uausr suau. we bee, imert..11J1 if.sprayIng is to accomplish it's obj,.h..1 it :ruust he Very thoroughly do.te; every fruit and leaf must be com- pletely hovered with the fungicide bt) that there is not the least space 4).1 which .a spore can germinate. ibor- ough spraying neceditatos the eral use of the spray iuiyaure. A huge apple tree will require from six to tij,0 gallons or more to cover it propirly. Care must be taken to ret;cli over, side of the young forming fruit oi (in other wen's) or the Lalycos flower cup. which develop Imo ill, fruits.—Prof. 3. 1, Ilowitt, 0. A. Col - 'lege, Guelph. AUCTION SALE Of Real Estate and Household ef- fects on Saturday June 12th at Dashwood, at 2 o'clock p. m.the following.;— iA frame house with kitchen, good stable for horse, cow, etc., in good state of repairs, good loc- ation, on Main St; heater for coal or wood, good cook stove for coal or wood new neoleuna for two rooms. Any person wishing to bee the above mentioned property may gain admittance from Mr. D. Tiernan, Dashwood, TERMS;—Cash, Real estate $100 down, on day of sale, $200 in 30 days and balance may remain on mortg- age at 53, per cent per annum. Oscar Klopp, Mrs, Arletta Walper, Auctioneer, Proprietoress. COUNTY NEWS The Steamer "Greyhound" will run an exeurtion to Detroit on Tuesday Jane 16th, and return on atstez.fag-rth h,„ the nurses of Goderich Alexandra Marine and General Hospital will on Thursday, Jane loth, at 8 clock. The public are welcome Tb-ursclya 17th. The price for be held en the Oddfellowis Hall the round trip is $3. The graduation exercises for a band of 22 mete- . bars. • A distressing accident occuteel at Goclerich, on 'May,e2na, when Harry Edwards, dnly son of Mr. and Mrs, H, T. F.,tiwards of town 'rat his life in company with two other lads he was swineining ' in the Maitland at the butts. The other two were returning from the far side when Ed -wards mew rotised to be in difficulty. One await back to him and made a, heroic effort to bring him ashore , - but was forced to let go by the d( sperete struggle, and the young met sank, Assistanee Wee Soon brought to the surface by Peter McDonald, who arrived en the scene with a boat. Ir ,is belie aed that death was caused from l.eart 'failure more than from droetednaa. EXETER The Exeter school board at their; regialar meteing recently granted g bonus of $75 to each of the puba, lie shcool teachers and $100 to each of the high school teachers. Last Friday morning while work. ing at the Salt Works, Hy. Robe inson met with a serious accident. He evas standing on a platform and! Veiling on a wire to raise a trap door when the wire became det-i ached and he fell back off the 'platform, a distance of several 1 feet. ...Assistance was secured as sood as possible and he was tak- en to his home. It was found' 'that his collarbone was broken; his head injured, and his body parallyzed on one side. He neve er ullfy recovered consciousness and died on Tuesday night. Digory Braund, an old Exeter business man passed away on Wede nesday morning May 25th, at the 'age of 82 years. The County of Huron Good Ro.1. ads commission were in Exeter on' Tuesday of Net week on road in. 'inspection. The party consisted' of Warden Petty. Messrs. Artikee ong, Hackett, Laporte and Coune ty Clerk Holman and County Env. ineer Patterson. ?TEM 'T. Neelands of Stratford was a' visitor in town. Dr. and Mrs. Crooker and son' Dr. Harry, and Mr. M, Hamiltotf and the two little Miss needles of tPillsonburg, spent the ,holiday with". I.Dr, and Mrs. Hardie here. hTe many friends of Mrs. Thoa.. iSherritt will be pleased to learn that she is improving hi health. On Wednesday evening, June 8, .1Vriss Morton, Provincial Organieete of the W. C. T. U, addressed a' meeting in the Methodist Clutrehe A good program was rendered. Dr, Peck has taken down his ta the rear of his residenne and is replacing same with a emee; one with all the latest impr'0:04 merits. 1 The band stand which ste ' front of the Pown Hall for ' "past two years, has been no wed of Acheson'e hotel, The. stand was rnoved to make too& for the memorial monument whit io to be ereeted shortly.