HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-05-27, Page 1ZURICH Vol. XX No47 HERALD ZURICH, THURSDAY MOONING, MAY 27, 1920. SII0E STO k WE HAVE OPENED UP A. GENERAL SHOE STORE IN HARTLEIB'S BLOCK. ON Milli STREET, AND ARE READY TO SHOW YO11 SOME OF THE LATEST STYLES, OF SPRING FOOTWEAR ' ! Our Stock Consists' of entire!-' N+: w Stock, and have a large assortment to choose trona.. Give us a call and We will thew you what we have. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS W. H. PFILE ., - ZURICH 60's l•••••same•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••essetemebees.eoe••••ell • t • • Preeter's May Store News Values that will make many Friends A NEW SHOWING OF GEOR- GETTE BLOUSES. A SPLENDID RANGE OF COLORS AND STYLES MODERATELY PRICED AT $10. WHITE VOILE BLOUSES White Voile Blouses, made from splendid quality white .Voiles in sizes from 36 to 44; at $2.50 each. WHITE WASH SKIRTS White wash Skirts made from good quality of middy cloth and pique finished with pockets and belt. All sizes. WOMEN'S AND GIRL'S MIDDIES to splendid range of Womens' and Girls' Middies with long and short sleeves, plain.white and with fancy collars and cuffs. LADIES' COTTON VESTS Ladies' cotton vests short sle- eves or sleeveless and comfy cut styles, LADIES' COMBINATIONS Ladies' Combinations in a range of styles with short sleeves and lace trimmed yoke.. • MISSES' GINGHAM DRESSES: Made from good' quality plaid, Ginghama in pink and blue comb- inations, square neck and pockets. FRENCH GEORGETTE CREPE 'A splendid quality in Navy, white black, flesh, tan, brown, grey, full 36 inches wide. A. Speical at $3.00 a yd. Also crepe de chene in' all the latest colors, FANCY (MOLES AND CREPES A splendid showing of figured Voile and flowered crepes in all colors, These voiles are of good quaality and no two patterns alike in 5 yd. dress Lengths. Prices ranging from $1.25 to $2.25 a yd. ANDI±.YLSOS'S SCOTCH GING- HAMS. A few pieces Anderson's Scotch Ginghama in plaid and check pat- terns 38 inches wide. -Splendid washing quality. Special at 75e. yd. LADIES' SILK HOES Ladies' Silk Hoes, colors; black, white, brown, taupe, blue, grey, and champagne. 1VIEN'S WEAR Our Clothing Department needs no 'word of remembrance, as every- one knows the splendid assortm- ent of Men's, Young Men's and Boys suits always kept. on hand. .A.11 We want you to do is look them over and we know you will be surprised at the different patt- erns we have, ranging from $20.00 to $50,00. And a better line of young h'en's Form Fitting. Single and Double Breasted, cannot be seen elsewhere.. MENS SILK SOCKS Men's Silk Socks in white, black, .brown and grey, sizes to 11X. IsHIRTS lA full line of shirts always on hand including the W. G. R. Re r- ersible cuff, also some real fancy Bilk shirts at reasonable prices.• Sizes 123E to` 17%. Seed Corn Our Hats are here waiting you, but you'll have to hurry as our hat stock is limited, and we want you to see• the different sha- des we have on hand. for We have a : limited quantity of Choice Selected Seed Corn Learning, White Cap and Golden Glow, which we are selling while it lasts at $3.25 per bushel. in Gardener's Pig Neal A SPLENDID SUBSTITUTE FOR MILK FOR YOUNG PIGS. PUT 'UP IN 251b. BAGS. TRY A TRIAL SACK. 'bone 59 aniumessesimmeresseimmia ,i. PREETER Produce Wanted n • • • • • • • i l exec Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance Spend your 3rd of June at Zurich, for some real good sport. Mr, and Mrs. Wes. Kibler of Kit- chener visited at the home o. C. Fritz over Sunday', -Mr. Albert Stelck and daughter .Misr hazel, of London, called on relatives here over the week -end. Mrs, P. Haugh underwent a a rather critical operation on Sunday, by Drs. O'Dwyer and Mac- Kinnon, and we are pleased to state the patient is progressing as fav- orably as can be expected, and hope that Mrs. Haugh will soon be able to be around again. NOTICE The accounts of Dr. B. A. Cam- pbell,l etely of Zurich, have been placed in my hands for collection. All parties. indebted to him will please call and settle 'same at Once. - 46.4 Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. GIRLS WANTED To work at, the manufacturing of Fabric Gloves. A fine oppor- tunity for desirious workers to make good wages, —28 Apply; Hall Dent Limited, }ZURICH — ONT. • iSt. Peter',s R. C. churhe, Dry-- • dale, was the scene of a very-pret �•.wv<<edding last -Wednesday, May • •19th, when Idella, daughter of Mr. •• and Mrs.. Maxime Denomme, Hay • Township, became the happy bride • of Mr. Fred Regier, of the Goshen • Line,' south. A large number of' • • relatives and friends witnet,sed the ceremony, which was perforni 'd by N by Rev. Father Rondott. The • Bride was assisted by Miss Te2nie • Regier; sister of the groom, while Mr. Ted Denomme asced as best • man. After the ceremony the couple went for an auto ride af- •ter which they returned to the • home of the bride where, needless to say, everything was of the best O and the party enjoyed themselves • until the early hours of the morn- : ing, in dancing and music. ' The ® bride looked charming in a dress • of white satin trimmed with pearl beading and wdre the usual Bridal • • veil, and was also assisted" by two a flower girls. They will reside on • the groom's farm, Goshen ;Lne, and • have the beat of wishes from a • large number of friends. • • ••• • • CASTCRIA • For Infants and Children • ® hi Use For Over 30 Years so Always bears • the • Signature of' GRANOMA USED SAGE • • 'TEA TO DARKEN NAIL • • • She mixed Sulphur with it to w Restore Color, Gloss, • Youthfulness. • • • • • • • • • • 0 0 41 a '0 0 '0 ail • • • A 1 eeMMO n garden sage brewed Into a heavy to with sulphur added, will turn gray, .streaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a flew applications will prove a revela- tion if your hair is fading, streaked or xray. Mixing the Sage Tea and Sul- phur recipe at home, though, is trou- blesome. An easier way is to get a bottle Of Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur compound at any drug store all ready for use. This is the old-time recipe 4snpro'ed by the addition of other in- gredients. While wilan gray, faded hair is not sinful, we all desire to retain our youthful appearance and attractive - neem. By darkening your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound,. no one cin tell. because it does it so naturally, ao evenly. You just dampen a epo;nge nr soft brush with it and art* this through your hair, taking ono small strand at a *t ne,'by morning all gray hairs have disappeared, and, after another application or two, your heir becomes beautifully dark, glossy, Sett and luxuriant. This preparation le a delightful toilet f equleite and 1e not intended for the :cures, xnftigatien or prevention ot dla- Just Arrived • The New 1920 Models Full Line orBicycle and, Auto Accessories Hess the Jeweller THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated in 1835 CAPITAL and RESERVE ' .$9,000,000 I Over 120 Branches Industry and Thrift are Essential to Success Ambition will prompt you to industry and a weekly ,lep- osit to your Savings account will help you to thrift. It is surprising how quickly reg- ular deposits grow. Open a Savings account Today W. B. COLLIES Manager Zurich Branch + + + + + + 4—+ +—+ 4-4--+ + r- + + YOUR HARNE.SS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. See®us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS Rugs, Blankets, Bells Fall line of Whips, Sweat Pad's, Curry Combs, ete + • 4. FRED THIEL ZURICH f—t - —+—•! + + A Trial Solicited • :0-4,..+++++++++++++++++++++++++++.4-14+++++++++++++++++44+4 + + 4. .�4 + rr J'i.. + 4 3`' -r 4. 4 o , • +❖++++ +++++++++++++4i'+ N+++++ + ++++++++++++++ + +.14++ala OurSpring Stack of Shoes Has Arrived AND OUR STOCK IS COMP- LETE, WITH A LARGE AS- SORTav1E,NT TO ICHOOSE FROM 4. 4, 4, 4. 4 We Also Carry anything in 44 Rubbers, and can tit you up. Look our Stock over. BUTTER AND EGGS WAI3-TED G. FRITZ The Shoeman rm: Spring and Sum. er Goods We have a nice Assortment of Ivry .Goods in stock. SILKS, POPLINS, WHITE SUITPGS, LADIES' WAISTS, MIDDIES, HOUSE DRESSES, SUMMER UNDER WE AR, HATS,, CAPS, ETC. ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS 'AND ROOT SEEDS ON HAND LEAVE YOUR ORDER HERE FOR SEED CORN Fresh Groceries always in Stock R. Ne DOUGLAS PHONE 11 - 97 2LA K, . el