HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-05-20, Page 8Goods Now arriving almost daily. New Serges, Poplins, Velours, Etc. MOLE'S A fine lot fo figured Voiles in a large variety of colors, dark as well as lighter shades. Just the thing for summer wear. SILKS Silks and Silk Poplins in leading shades from $150 to $3.75 a yd. Galateas and Prints Now showing a nice range of prints, galateas, shirting. Also a few pieces of nurses' cloth, a ex- tra good wearing cloth, suitable for house dresses aprons, etc. Come and see it. House Furnishings fWe are well stocked in Linole- umn, oil cloths, curtains, Window shades, curtain poles and Curtain Sc•rimms in new designs. New Spring Wall Papers A. LARGE SHIPMENT OF WALL PAPERS NOW TO HAND., BEAUTIFUL: NEW P AT,TERNS FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT ROOMS OF YOUR HOME. WE TAKE SPECIAL INTEREST IN WALL PAPERS, AND WOULD LIKE TOSHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES AP 'ANY TIME J. Gascho & ..Son Zurich's Garage Our Free Air Outfit is now Beady WE HAVE INSTALLED THE, ABOVE OUTFIT FOR THE' CONVEN- IENCE OF THE PUBLIC. BATTERY TESTING ALSO,FREE. . LET US ATTEND TO YOUR MOTOR CAR NEEDS. FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING , Any make of Car a Specialty TILS, GREASES, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, GENUINE FORD PARTS. Our Gasoline filler is now installed. H. Mousseau Zurich e.4+++3••++++•b++++++++-1.4+++i•1-44d••k•t-lff+ii•+•!•+•F++++++++14 THE LEADING R E + v ' 4. Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is 4. 4. such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. 4. 3 PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR - 'f' ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY + f LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE t WE RAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE.AAS ADVANCED 100 / AND PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY •'- AND SAVE MONEY w. We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS . paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices. ' ' t .. WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVErROUGRING AND REPAIRING 4. 40 DE &WE1DO ,.3,, P E T R BLOCK - ZURICH 1 ar ".44++++++++++++++++++++++401e++++0444++++++++++4 -0:1++444 r 1" ,+++++++++ ++++++ +4014++++0444++i+k.II.°4.^3..1°~$^0•°+0al i"4°h AN NOUNCE1v1ENT WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEB- RATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS{, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OP ANYTHING ALONG THE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY FOR THE SEASON OF 1920, GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL CHEERFULLY SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE AND GIVE OUR PRICES. WE SOILCIT A PORTION OF YOUR BUSIN- ESS AND •CAN ASSURE YOU ENTIRE SATISFACTION. J. E. DRUAR, Zurich . • • • Overland Cars! Overland Cars! R Overland Cars! The Overland 4 NOTED FOR ITS EASY RIDING QUALITIES. ECONOMY AND DURABILITY' WE WILL GLADLY GIVE YOU A DEMONSTRATION 'ALL OR PHONE F. M. HESS Overland Sales and Service Station Is.iuD pLiulaa.AO isJIO DU 3 Jany isieo pu1laaAO LOCAL MARKETS tCorrected every Thursday.) U Butter 90 47 Eggs Dried Apples .. 14 Potatoes per bag ..• --• 3.50 Wheat ... ...... ... 1.95 Oats........................................ 1,18: Barley t.. 1.65 Buckwheat .. 1.65 Flour ........................... 7.50 17.90 Bran J,.. 60.00 65.00 Shorts 19.00 Live Hogs A'I' ALL TIMES ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. and Mrs. John Bender of Dashwood, called in the village en Sunday. Dr. W. J. Stevenson, of London, called on .Dr, O'Dwyer of the .vil- lage, viillage, on Sunday. ` Miss N.anyc Gingerich is visiting at New Haanburg, ..Baden, and.ut.;•. her eastern points. of .$epsail, Mr. Holland Little, is doing some decorating in the home- of. Mr Louis Prang Bev. S. M. Hauch of Crediton, conducted services . in the Evan- gelical church last Thursday even- ing. Mr. Dam Smith is spending a few weeks with relati ies and sner fri- ends at New Hamburg;" and Hamilton. Mee. E. W Stoskopf felt for their home at Kitchener, on Mon- day morning, after visiting at the, home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Johnson for a few weeks. There passed away at Brucetield on May 5th, Grasilda Pearl the sec- ond eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor. The little girl had been sick only about ' a day and was stricken with pneu- monia at the age of 4 years and s months. The funeral was held at the Brucefield Presbyterian cemet- ery on May 7th where intermnte took place. Much sympathy is felt for Mr, and Mrs. Taylor in their sad bereavemennt. rtb rs =•r•,•e w Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 18th day ut June, 1920, for the conveyance of His Maj- esty's Mails, •on a proposed Cont- ract for four years, Six times per week, Over Zurich No. 1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster Gen- eral's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to Conditions of proposed Contr- act may be seen and blank forma of Tender may be obtained at the 9st....Offices of Zurich, Hensalland aehwood, and at 'the Office, of the Post Office Inspector, London. • CHAS; E. FISHER, poet :Office Inspector's Office, Loudon, 7th, May, 1920. .The o aerali fad has hit many towns nad cities throughout Can- ada and the United States in an endeavour to bring down the price of ether clothing and thus admin- ister a black eye. to the profile - ere in the clothing line. It haw been stated on the very best aut; hority that the wool that it takes to make a $75.00 suit of clothes eosts a trifle over $7.00. That being the case, there must he a lot .of stealing going on somewh- ere before it reaches the wearer. The fad has struck the House of Commens at Ottawa, and all the members of the Executive have doused working garb, as they take the stand that it is their first duty to do what they can to re- duce the high cost of living. W. C. T. U. NOTES (BY press -Corr.) SPECIAL FOR EVERY - ) VERY) LOCAL UNION There has been a very valuable book published, "Prohibition in Canada", that in the interests of the temperance cause , should be put in the public libraries all over Canada. It is a memarial volume dedicated to the precious memory of the late Mr. F. S. Spence,who literally gave his Iife in patriotic service for his Country. +p+rohibition in Canada" is a comprehensive history of the orig- itaation and progress of prohibition' sentiment and prohibition legislat- ion it; the Dominion. It is a most valueble book to put on the shelve of a private library, but it should be the duty of every local union to place it in its public library for reference rise. One Chapter as rle- voted tt the Dominion -wide organ - Walton of the W. C. T. V. The price is $4.410, Order iron the Office of the Alliance, 705 Itonnatiden Terontp, ALTS IF BACKACHY AND KIDNEY& NRI Drink lots of water and stop eating .peat for a while if your Bladder troubles you. Whin you wake up with b &sehe aufil dull misery in the kidney region it gen- erally means you have been eating toe much meat, says a well-known authority. Meat forms uric acid which overworks the kidneys in their effort to filter it from the blood and they became bort of paralysed and doggy. When your kidney* gat sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; re- moving all the body'. •urinous wast., else you have backache, sick ,luadaebe dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue it casted, and when the weather is bad you Lam rheum do laringes. tbe urine is cloudy, full of sediment, channels often get sore, water scalds end you are obliged to seek relief two or three times d u=angEither the night. ble Phyei- s at ante or gs get from your phi about four bunof Jain Selte; fake tablespoonful in a glass of water before bre*ldast for a few days and your kidney., will thee set tine. This famous Wei s made trpm .the acid of $1,11,15 sad 'lemon juiee„ oonmbined with eithui, end hee been •'used for generations to clean and stinneate sluggish kidneys, also to neetralies oxide in the urine so it no longer irritates, thugs coding bladder w. Jed Selts is a life sever for regular anent seaters. It is inesgeaasiva; *mot injure and makes as delight}Wa SO'er• Auto- Tires and Tubes We are agents for Dunlop and Vanderline Line. Sines to fit Ford, Chevrolet, Gray Dort, Maxwell, iWe also carry a complete line of Accessories, Give us a trial in this line. CAR OWNERS SPECIAL POLARINE PRICES AT BELOW PRESENT COST. GENUINE POLARINE (GUARANTEED) 5 GALLONS UP TO 25 GALLONS AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF S5C. PER GAL. POSITIVELY NO SUCH BARGAIN WAS EVER OFFERED. (NO MORE THAN 25 GALLONS TO ANY ONE CUSTOMER.—TERl4IS; • URICTL'Y CASH. COAL OIL STOVES Two, Three and Four Burner, with or without oven. We handle only the New Perfection, Guaranteed to be fool proof. ;CALL AND LET U,S EXPLAIN THEM TO YOU;, GET AWAY FROM THAT HOT WOOD OR COAL STOVE THIS sSTJMMER. f.>;. =rip SPECIAL FAINT B ,m GHTEN TTP! Preserve your Buil- ding, in such tires of high prices, and save future expense This is our National Cry. We offer Martin Senour 100 per, cent pure paint for a short time only at $4.50 per gallon, only in gallon lots ,present price $7.50 per gallon. Order your twine while it lasts at prices below Cost. 650 feet $20.70 per 100lb. 600 ft. Special Price Mc. lb. 550 ft. Special price 17c.1b TERMS;Strictly Cash. Meliak & Braun PHONE 63 1 JU$T ARRI4Ea: A Shipment of New Men's Fine Summer Shirts; of the Novelties for Style and Comfort for the riot Weather. Latest Also a fine Assortment•of Men's Panama Hats to choose from. IEVERYTI{ING IN. GENT'S FURNISHINGS. DWDMY EROS. - ZURIOH Produce taken in exchange for Goods Spring Arrivals Wall Paper READY TRIMMED WAL L PAPER. THE SEASON FOR ,'AP... BRING IS NOW HERE. WE HAVE IN STOMA. BIG ASSORTM- ENT SUITABLE FOR BED ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, HALLS DEN, ETC. OUR PAPER IS READY TRIMMED, A RIG LABOR SAVER, Curtains CURTAIN GOODS AND SIDE CURTAINS IN CREAM, IVORY ANT) WHITE. LADIES' WEAR High grade Silk Hose, a full range of Colors and Sizee. RAIN COATS FOR SPRING SHOWERS A Special line in Cray 'tweed effects. Smart pockets and belts, at $10.09 to $25.00. Silk double tipped Gloves, (Silk, 'Gloves in purple, grey, White and Black. SUMMER KNIT VESTS A epeeial line to clear at 95_. each, Just arrived, a large new range of nifty Crepe, Gingh- yams at sec. per yard, A Beautiful line of Gingham Dresses for Girls from 6 to 19 years old at $3.00. Ladies' White Voile Waists, Sires 36 to 44, MEN'S WEAR Dont forget about your Spring Suit and • Overooat. We are Agents for the Celebrated Broadway Styles, and have many at.. tractive Samples to choose from. Dr. Hess' Stock food, Poultry P•a,pacea, Louse Killer, Dip, Fite. Nene better than the Hess Line. - FRESH GROCERIES AND FRUITS ALWAYS ON HAND Butterick Patterns For Sale Phare 78 To L« WDRM Phone