HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-05-13, Page 8Goods Now arriving almost daily. New Serges, Poplins, Velours, Etc. VIOLES A fine lot fo figured Voiles in a large variety of colors, dark as weli as lighter shades. Just the thing for summer wear. SILKS Silks and Silk Poplins in leading shades from $150 to $3.75 a yd. Galateas and Prints Now showing a nice range of prints, galateas, shirting. Also a few pieces of nurses' cloth, a ex- tra good wearing cloth, suitable for house dresses aprons, etc, Come and see it. House Furnishings We are well stocked in Linole- urnn, oil cloths, curtains, Window shades, curtain poles and Curtsin Scrimms in new designs. New Spring Wall Papers A LARGE SHIPMENT OF WALL PAPERS NOW TO HAND., BEAUTIFUL NEW PATTERNS FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT ROOMS OF YOUR HOME. WE TAKE SPECIAL INTEREST IN WALL PAPERS, AND WOULD LIKE TOSHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES Ar ANY TIME% J. Gascho & Son ANNO'UNCEMENT WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOR THE CELEB- RATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS, IF YOU ARE IN NEED OF ANYTHING ALONG THE LINE OF FARM MACHINERY FOR THE, 5,EASON OF 1920, GIVE US A CALL AND WE WILL CHEERFULLY SHOW YOU WHAT WE HAVE AND GIVE OUR PRICES. WE SOILCIT A. PORTION OF YOUR BUSIN- ESS AND .CAN ASSURE YOU' ENTIRE SATISFACTION{ J. E. DRUAR, -Zurich LOCAL MARKETS Corrected every Thursday.) 55 Butter .. .. Eggs ............9 46 Dried Apples ... ... ............ 14 Potatoes per bag ... ... 3.50 Wheat ... ... ... ... ... 1.95 Oats ._. ... ... 1.00 Ear fey 1060 E uckwheat 1.45 Fleur ... ... ... ... .. 0.00-7 00 50.00 Shorts ..r ...... ...... ... ......... 55.00 18.50 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. Con. Thiel of Seaforth is visiting in the village t his- week. Mrs. Ed. Wurm left for Crediton last Thursday, where she intends staying for some time. Miss Roxie Eilber, who spent the past- 'week at Kitchener, returned to her home here on Saturday. A petition is under way to have a half -holiday for the summer 1 months every Thursday after- noon. We all look for the blessings from above, but when one of the two greatest, sunshine or rain, descends upon us we shield our- selves with umbrellas. Mr. Peter Corriveau of Drysdale made some improvements to the interior of the Zurich water sup- ply tank, last week. Mr. and Mrs, Alex. Wild and Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Link of Stephen vis- ited at the home of Mr. and E. Bossenberry recently. Mr. and Mrs. Will Pfaff and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schwalm. Martin & Son of Exeter placed a fine new Gerhard Heintzman piano into the home of Mr. and Mrs, B. Pfile, 14th con., which was very much appreciated by their daugh- ter, Miss Peart. Mr. E. Bossenberry has recent- ly purchased the entire roadster horse. ".3-reat War Mel inny." All lovers of light horses should take advantage of such a splendid bred horse. 1 , A Quebec man complained of sto- mach trouble and surgeons found 40 nails, the handle of an alarm Clock, a button hook and a small monkey wrench in his tummy—No wonder he complained, Zurich's Garage Our Free Air Outfit is now Ready WE HAVE INSTALLED THE ABOVE OUTFIT FOR THE CONVEN- IENCE OF THE PUBLIC. BATTERY TESTING ALSO FREE. LET US ATTEND TO YOUR MOTOR CAR NEEDS, FIRST CLASS AUTO REPAIRING Any make of Car a Specialty OILS, GREASES, ACCESSORIES, TIRES, GENUINE FORD PARTS. H, Mousseau Zurich THE LEADING +€- 4. •F+ ARE STORE 3 Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 4th day of June, 1920. for the conveyance of His Islajest- ty's Mails, on a proposed Contr- act for Four Years, Six times per week., Over Zurich No. 3, Rural Route. from the Postmaster Gener- al's Pleasure. Printed notices conta:n:ng further information as to conditions of proposed Contr- act may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Zurich, Hensall, ,Dashwood and Kippen, and at the Post Office Inspector, London. • CHAS. E. H. FISHER, Post Office Inspector's Office. London, 23rd, April, 1920 Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY T. LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE T. WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 1O% ANI) PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY+ AND SAVE MONEY We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS ++ Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices. • +a+ .f+ WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVErROUGBING AND REPAIRING 4. 4+ d+ 4. Ar ALL TIMERS STADE & WEI[O= Messrs. L. W. Hoffman and W. F. Braun attended the County Baseball meeting at Clinton last Wednesday. A County league was organized, divided into two sec- tions namely the North Huron and the South Huron. The teams that will play in the latter are; Goderich, Seaforth, Crediton, Zur- ich and Clinton. A schedule hese also been ar- ranged which will appear below this article which will be of int- erest to all lovers of the sport. Now, to select a good strong team for Zurich and win the co- unty championship. As these games are strictly amature and non-resident players cannot com- pete. This will be a big advant- age to Zurich, as they have this past year played practically all their games without outside assis- tance. ssis-tonce. Following is the schedule Lor 1920 READ Goderich At G ederich� THE Seaforth Crediton June 16 Aug.11 Mail Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 18th day of June, 1920, for the conveyance of His Maj- esty's Mails, on ,proposed Cont- ract for four years, Six times per week, Over Zurich No. 1 Rural Route, from the Postmaster Gen- eral's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contr- act may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Offices of Zurich, Hensall and Dashwood, and at the Office of the Post Office Inspector, .London. CHAS. E. FISHER, Post Office Inspector's Office, London, 7th, May, 1920. 1135 MEAT If I3ACK AND KIDNEYS HURL Tato a glass of Salta to Sash Kidner if Bladder bothers yon—Drink lots of water. _eating meat regularly eveataally pts duoea thkey trouble in some form or other, eayi a well -Em authority, boy cause the uric acid in meat excites the kidneys, they become overworked; get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particularly backache and mis- ery in the kidney region; rheumatic twin- ges, severe headaches, acid stomach, con- stipation, torpid liver, sleeplessness, bladder and urinary irritation. The moment your back hurts or kid. nays aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jed Salts from any good pharmacy;, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grape and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kidneys and stimulate them to normal activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urine so it no logger irrii tate,, thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts cannot injure anyone;l makes a delightful effervescent Uhl*. water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to keep the kridntiya and urinary organa cheap, ti muting so/me kidne Om* At At , AtSeaforth Crediton Zurich June 23 June 3 July 7 1 July 30 May. 25 July 7 ZURICH May 31 July15 ------- Zur ieh May 24 July 12 M>F14+++++++++++++++++++++++1..+++++++++++++++++.1.++4++++4Clinton June J Aug. 2 ... ✓.. .a4.µ.. «..•": H+N,', r , v y"'< '<. r.".yr. June 17 Aug. 5 Aug.. 19 June 24 June 3 July 28 HERALD June 9 July 9 June 20 Aug.10 At Clinton June 14 .Tuly 28' May 24 July 14 June 7 Aug.12, June 11 FOR - May 31 7 TO'1° .WURM Phone 78 22 Arg. 5 h Jung 17 NEWSJuly t) - .. PJ rs ➢U..srEZrzaaa+Nfyr, ,llanDr=1 .M.F1 GscangsWd2?bl.'xs$E6SAL - ttOKYalizA Auto Tires and Tubes, We are agents for Dunlop and Vanderiine. Line. Sizes to fit Ford, Chevrolet, Gray Dort, Maxwell,. We also carry a complete line of Accessories, Give us n trial in this line. CAR OWNERS aOIHcI amavriOd 'iVIOSdas AT BELOW PRESENT COST, GENUINE POLARINE (GUARANTEED) 5 GALLONS UP TO 25 GALLONS AT THE REMARKABLE LOW PRICE OF 85C. PER GAL. POSITIVELY NO SUCH BARGAIN WAS EVER OFFERED. (NO MORE THAN 25 GALLONS TO ANY ONE CUSTOM-R.—TERMS; STRICTLY CASH. COAL OIL STOVES Two, Three and Four Burner, with or without oven. We handle only the New Perfection, Guaranteed to be fool proof. CALL AND LET US EXPLAIN THEM TO YOU„ GET AWAY FROM T AT HOT WOOD OR COAL STOVE THIS SU,MME$. ,M" SPECIAL FAINT BR1 GHTEN UP! Preserve your Buil- ding, in such times of high prices, and save future expense This is our National Cry. We offer Martin. Senour 100 per cent pure paint for a short time only at S4.50 per gallon, only in gallon lots ,present price tp7.50 per gallon. Order your twine while it lasts at prices ,below Cost. Melick & Braun, 650 feet $20.70 per 1001b. 600 ft. Special Price 18X -e. lb. 550 ft. Special price 17c.Ib TERMS;Strictly Cash. PHONE 63 JUST ARRIVED: A Shipment of New Men's Fine Summer Shirts, of the Latest Novelties for 'Style and Comfort for the Hot Weather. Also a fine Assortment of Men's Panama Hats to choose from, [EVERYTHING 1N GENT'S FURNISHINGS. DENOMY EROS. - 2URIOI Produce taken in exchange for Goods Spring Arrivals Wall Paper BEADY TRIMMED WAL L PAPER. THE SEASON FOR PAP- ERING I5 NOW HERE. WE HAVE IN STOCK A BIG ASSORTM-: ENT SUITABLE FOR BED ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, HALLS DEN, ETC. OUR PAPER IS READY TRIMMED, A BIG LABOR SAVER. Curtains CURTAIN GOODS AND SIDE CURTAINS IN CREAM, IVORY AND WHITE. LADIES' WEAR High grade Silk Hose, a full SUMMER KNIT VESTS , range of Colors and Sizes. A special line to clear at `J5e. RAIN COATS FOR SPRING each. Just arrived, a large new range of nifty Crepe, Gingh- ams at 85c. per yard. A Beautiful line of Gingham Dresses for Girls from 6 to 12 years old at $3.00. Ladies' White , Voile Waists, Sizes 36 to 44,, SHOWERS A Special line in Gray Tweed effects. Smart pockets and belts, at $10.00 to $25.00. Silk double tipped Gloves, 1Sillci Gloves in purple, grey, White and Black, itis._.-�..vt✓s,.. MEN'S WEAR Don't forget about your Spring Suit and Overcoat. We arta Agents for the Celebrated Broadway Styles, and have many at- tractive Simples to choose from. Dr. Hess' Stock food, Poultry Panacea, Wise Killer, Dip, Etc. None better than the Hess Line. FRESH GROCERIES AND FRUITS ALWAYS ON HANI) Butterick Patterns For Sale Jtine i May 27 July 7 Aug. 11