HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-05-13, Page 5BUSINESS CADS
1larriesers, Solicitors, Notarise
Public.&e. Ounce, on tbo Square, 2nd
door from Hamilton St. Goderioh.
Private funds bo loan at lowest rates
W. Peocnifooe, K. C. J. L. 1Snemi s%
Mr. Cooke d�Satu daySoaturday ltll on week, Friday
ANDREW F, HESS, Notary Public
Com Inissioner, Conveyancing,
Fire and Life Insurance. Agent
Corporation and Canada Trust
Co. 'Herald Office, Zurich•
rn. S. Harale
'11+IATN . OFF1Cle —
Licensed Auctioneer for the Co-
unty of Huron, Sales conducted
in any part of the County. Char-
ges moderate. Satisfaction guar-
anteed or no pay.
Several fine farms have been
placed in my hands for sale.
Zurieh, P. 0. Phone 18-93
Licensed Auctioneer
Wants, For Sage, Lost,
Found, Notice, Etc. Ads
I have taken out Auctioneer's
License for the County of Huron
And am in a position to conduct
any kind of Auction Sale. Give
me, a trial and I will assure you
satisfaction or make no charge.
Arthur Weber, - Dashwood.
Phone 31r 13.
Lula ee
f�N19 R S lin
Fresh and Salt Meats
B0iGee a E.aleee,£a^.e, etas
Highest Cash Price for Wool
C.ASII F011 e lams & 111DES
Fresh barrel shipment of Tele-
phone and Ignition Columbia bat-
teries. Best by Test, W.G. Hess.
A rubber -tired buggy, ball i.ear-
ing Wire wheel, cushion tire, one of
the latest styles, good as new. Ap-
ply, Chris. Eilber, Zuribe.
No cows or cattle will be allow-
ed; to run at large on the streets
within the corporation of the
Police Village of Zurich. Any
running at large will be impound-
I am in a position to do all
kinds of high elevated work such
as painting high water tanks, chu-
rch Steeples, erecting steeples, etc.
45-4 R.R.2, Zurich, Ont.
Between my farm and I Iensall
1 HOW WE SPENT ARBOR DAN(By 1lleda burt:•rus, Z,P,a
On Aron Day Wt' plain -eau to dc)
i something worthwhile, as .ether
Mr. Oundell of the nail Dent Lt.1years Wo. only visited the neva-
London, was a business visitor is louring swamps and bustles to ht -
town on Monday. udy Nature. Thrive of us reoei-
We are thankful to ne :ort that vel permission front our parents
to take the cars to Grand Reuel.
Mr. Chas. Eilb:r, of Kitchener,;vho Of course we needed. the whole
was very ill with pneumonia, is day nal in that case also lunch.
convelescent nicely. This was prepared by the girls.
Mother's Day was observed in On that morning we carne to
the E, angel c tl church on Sunday school quite early to do the nee -
There was a good program pre- eseary work in cleaning the yard
pared by the ladies and the at- and school room. This was none
tcndance was good. mote quickly than usual as we had
Any members of the Theory class the vision of a great day before us
desiring to tape the exuminat,o.l in 'Then the cars were brought to
are requested to hand in school and at nine o'clock we were
their nameit to Miss i . Rennie no On our way. Ata we were passing
later than May, 20th.different school houses, we coaid
not hold back from 'waving on.
Mr. Oliver Davis, who has been seeing through the windows the
emp.o,,e1 in the Moll.oes Bank eere _school children toiling at books,
for some four yours, was trans- while we were having a greattime
ferrel to the branch of the Mol- Besides this we saw the farmers
sops .Hank, at Waterloo, and left tilling the land. This again bre
for that place last Friday. kr' ought happiness and you can im-
Davis acted as teller the last agine how we made the dust fly.
two years', and wish his obliging dis Soon we reached that wonder -
position has made many friends,
ful place, Grand Bend, and at
once had our cars come to a stand
and we regret to see him lease:.
Mr. Ed. Rrurrn left for" Simcoe still. We then walked along the
the latter part of last weak, where lake shore and found some wond-
he has a few speedy horses in erfully pretty stoney worn smooth
training. Mr. !v um will be great- by the waves. These stones ta-
ly mis.,ed in Zurich, as he took a ught us the work that waves of
deep interest: )n the general Wei- a lake can do. Our teacher also
fare of the ,Mage, and epsecLOILY told us the kind of rock these
1 all team where he has
in the base ,
stones were and it seethed far more
acted as catcher nor a number of interesting than if he had told us
the in the dingy school -room. We
years. .Ed. always played
on Frddne May 7th, a oand
purse gannet to a science, and wizen up tocontinued our course along side 02
bat was "a sura hie." .tlthougil the river and here found frog's
of money, containing about. 1:..00• he was the eldest man, by a con- eggs, clams and the sheli5 of dead
Finder please return to Peter De-
margin, yet lie peel:uf'ril s animals, (fossils) Each of th.
ichert, Sr., Zurich, or to herald
Office. his 'part Well and always showed helped us in our Zoology, rt sub-
- himself a clean athelete and a jest so easily forgotten. The
good spurt. and needless to say, shore of river was cut away
EGGS FOR HATCHING will b: greatly missed by the boys, to give us a splendid view of the
Setting!, of Duel: eggs, I cents
each, or a setting of li for Tae.
• Hy. C anthills, Zurich.
I have a quantity of Red Cln%'er
seed for sale. Apply to
John Brown, R. R. No 1 Zurich.
Or at my premises Goshen Line.
Any person wishing to grow
dutch sett anions oft contract for
Delaware & Hudson Co.'s
Also soft coal.
c:asolt 1920 Summer Deliveries.
Oaring to the uncertain and un-
settled condition still prevaling in
the coal trade, We are again un-
able to guarantee delivery mimeo
We will: do our best to fill all or-
ders, and prices will be charged in
price ruling on day of delivery.
Our terns are cash on eonlpletion
of deliveries,
Remember We purchese i'nly St in-
dard quality.
the coining season, please make ap
plication at once. As we do not
expect to handle any sette next
fall excel)t what are grown 0I1
contract, You can also con'.ract by
using your own seed.
J, Procter, Zurich.
\VI' are contracting for a lim-
ited amount of Dutch Sets for
Fall de:it ery. Any one wish'.ne, to
grow sante for us please apply
1 soon. We can supply you with
the seed required, or you may 1) '
Phone house No. 10, Office No. 10.1
L D" E •
Do not feed fowl same morning
when brought in.
Highest Cash Prices
Cream and Eggs
W. O' % r i ell
Phone 94,
year (,wll.
J. (leech° es- Son.
` Patties wishing to contract for
growing dutch set onions this
summer, kindly arrange your con-
tract With me, as we will handle
only contracted onions this fall•
We seill supply you with seed, or
you may sow your own seed.
T. L. Wurm, Zurich.
Truly the Edison Amborola is
the World's Universal Musical In-
strument. Colne see and bear
trtaern and judge; for yourself.
Also Edison Blue Amberol rec-
ords in stock,
Also Singer Sewing machines in
stride and agent for Pianos, Of-
fice at my residence,
f. WELL, . Zurich,
Anoonas eggs for
sale from Shepherd,
Gies strains. Price
setting at 13 eggs.
F. B. MEyer,
A seri•!us slump in the generll
pricy! eve! :s regarded as a cert-
ainty w ithitl e ilk? near future not
only*,ie Canada but in the United.
States, accord,ng to a prominent
hatching for
Rate and
$1,00 per
rock, that appears in layers.
When we had been all education-
al things at this place, we still
felt rathi'r unsatusfied and decid-
ed te: cress the falling bridge and
C'anacliun merchant who has just follow the road to the Pinery. At
rrturned from an extensiee bus- last we came to a smell shanty.
mess trip 1e Chicago and other Here WO stopped. the care and Le-
An erlcan centers'. ThtS belief is gen crossing the great sand h:lis
based primarily on the fact that now covered With trees and shrubs
th' largos business houses are' This was great sport and at last honane?; Paid erofessicn
cutting do n their purchases 111 we landed at the calm old river I e --l. gyp- :t•: ' t "� those wishing for ad -
raw mat chide as well as tna.nufact- bed. Here -vas the spot; Tll ara
tired commodities. A further in -'water iilies stood forth with bright tta
diction of a slump is apparent in ^i.,.deaeaves and buds just ready to
the fact that money is becoming I burst into large flowers. Fresh
tight and that the banks are cu: -foot prints of a deer were seen
ting down their loans. • nn the water's edge and marl:' us
!seesw i",e' q 1 4331';f
Children Cry for lile�d ewer's.
4'r, 'fie' �'^,�"'�-la�,-
Fletcher's Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared Thr babies. A baby's medicine
is even more essential fcr Baby. Remedies primarily prepared
Mr grown-ups are not interchangeable. It wa. the need of
a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children
-that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
ai1�,d_,, no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
yi�ars has not proven.
h Via' t i S O tett
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains
neither Opium, Idorphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising
therefrom, e,,.d by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signatureof
In Use For Over 30
COST'-C.P:.•-�: EXtCUT1VE`
A good wooden pump with 2e
feet of logs at a bargain, act
quick. Appply at Herald Office.
We 'have in stock Primisory Note
Book blanks, 25 to the book, also
a quantity of vest pocket receipt
book blanks, for sale.
Herald Office.
ery excited for a minute, Then ----s - -� •°---ees
c • ' r • ,v came to another shanty which
4.j .r
Township of Hay i♦Iun _,1'a 1'; < . T a Zurich
1 Debentures fclr sine •t ' i 1 used every year 1)i' some of r gel 0+ 1
l` 1rrP tet L 1 ti'. 1 ,1,001111 Horne study'
luta t �t 1 t�, -+ I t•tt t Snnr pre cn o:.t I handle all kinds of Massey -
Massey -Harris
tion. Build,, Ir -e. We have trained m ue C erti-
fied Publ(r ' s•000t td> than has any other institu-
tion. We have h;.
,tri hundreds of others secure'
guar paying r.1••iri:,t,:. 1,x'.-• -,gin help you. ,
Int.'rnati,tnal a,.:ouaian'' S'ck ty, Bora 12 Toronto ,
Harris repairs for Farm Implem-
ents, Also a full line of Verity
Plow Points and Plow' Repairs, at
My Shop; opposite Town Hall.
tip cn(' . . n
o• $I '' i -.e ,•ill; yiili,:.' eel
father's and frir.'.nd, when '>11
r•untine, to 8 i„ui, 4 �['
cs o_ I
t at ' er cent • pe annum 1 '1 ••• cinch hunt ' On following to ri, •- to
hl' in ten equal ann:l :nsta m- •1 short i er
e '?
1 It
distance we (Aught
tints of $261.37 each. .For fur- I small painted -turtle and I.er: h 115h Lc.us ht: and 51114 Any Issue, Par
then partii:vapple-
1 These we studied by examining
P1;Ed's'1'ERZurichand at last �0dti1y
• c �1 back t11,.;,u. 1 1
it 17 r') • and accurecd interest.
J. . . l
Treasurer of Ha;: Town 111ip j the Pinery to the cars.
Dated, Zurich, May lull, lees. j nut this wee not play 00 this
I part of us girls. for we wore tic -
til out and t;<) hc)t. We at duce,
c'pened boxer: anti prepared the
hutch ready to "dig in". A, so:.'11
KS the boys cnmt', whn were wcan-
dering in all parts of the P:
w•c:ndering w•heth01' they ivuulcl
fin dthe ears or not. Of course;
our appetite Was 1 ery good and
how WO dict eat; But one thing
was lacking and blot wee water,
for we wer0 so thirsty. Some-
thing had to be done before we
could eat o11r lunch. This was
settled by two swallows of vine-
egar, each from a bottle of olives:
the best substitute for water that
we had. I cannot explain to you
how very easy it is if one will only what great joy we had taking our
adopt the morning inside bath. meas in a wilderness. Joking and
Folks 'who are accustomed to feel .laughing all the time.
3u11 and heavy when they arise, split About one o'lacek we. pushed
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath, acid stomach, further on to the big Tran bridge.
ran, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy This vas the prettiest place we
by opening the sluices of the system had as yet met and were soon
each morning and flushing out the climbing the hills of white sand
whole of the internal poisonous stage�vhicll formed the shore of the
sant matter. ri'c'er. which flowed very slowly. A
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
well, should, each morning, before few boats which needed caulking\
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot wore lying on the shore, as sub -
water with a teaspoonful of limestone stitutes, were not hard to find and
phosphate in it to wash from the the next: moment two of our lar -
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous day's indigestible waste, ins boys were in the centre of the
tour bile and poisonous toxins; thus river singing the old time songs,
cleansing, sweetening and purifying While we girls were lounging 00
the entire alimentary canal before the side in the sand talking of past
putting more food into the stomach, eters, As evening was drawing
The action of hot water and limestone nearer, the river seemed to be
phosphate on an empty stomach is
wonderfully invigorating. It cleans more beautiful, coaxing us to re w
Look and Feel
Glean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink a glass of real hot water
before breakfast to wash
out poisons.
Life is not merely to live, but to
ive well, eat well, digest well, work
well, sleep well, look well. What a
glorious condition to attain, and yet
out all the sour fermentations, gases, n,ailr a little longer In the inea
waste and acidity and gives one a time the rest of the boys return-
etur n-
• - �~ splendid appetite for breakfast. 'While cd from. amarch brin;;inl
FORD GARAGEyouareenjoyingyourbreakfast t r and phosphate is quietly ex• with them .1°1111103.v
stalks mf wild
At The Old Stand
„ at . 'nat'.,Zur
wa e
treating a large volume of water from rice. After we had our tallies
the blood and getting ready for a written o11 the iro11 bridge, we silt
thorough flushing of all the inside off for Grand Bend. On our way
organs. we took notice of several uhf 1m -
The millions of people who aro
bothered with constipation, bilious flier bi1•ds AM.!. C ode chucks travel-
� ac to
spell9, stomach trouble, rheumatism; see so man, wood
others wino have sallow skins, blood ling to their homes in the, ground.
disorders and sickly complexions aro 1t Cin 1nr1 T3� nc1 w (' wt I e 1;1 ,
••inn a
urged to get a quarter pound ot
time few minutes to renew old ac11u-
stone phosphate from the drug store
which will cost very little, but is aintances after whirls eve again
ificient to make anyone a pro s111i1c d off for home feeling quite•
F«Y ,t LT.i'$T N17G 4?�t! Wanted
To Represent
a-�- ---- The greatest demand for Nursery
Stag:' leave Zurich ... ii,) a.m.
,Stith, No., lee ... ... ... 5..�aril.
Nc i th, No. 163 ... ... ...10.33 a.m.
Stage, leave Zurich ... ...3.00 p.m.
South, No. 164 ... .........•1.50 p.m.
North, No. 165 ... .........6.14 p.m.
Stock in Years.
British and European Markets a-
gain open for Canadian Fruit.
le:vast 1's' t,r Fruit and Ornamen-
tal Steck. S, el Potatoes,
etc., grown in Canada
Write for Particulars
!ono & Wellington
Established 1837
�n.1�:a�tl-'S4i�C�.'iJ��11�3�.,L 1�..��.1�'C��•i���,ed..",,.,�..�"�'..,,�r.,:t,«.e �J
Of your estate is one of the most important considerations when
making Your WILL, Do not put this responsible position upon
any of your relatives or friends unless they are satisfied to act in
this espacity,
Oftentimes the duties as executor are unwelcome. Appoint
the Canada Trust Co., as Executors and your estate will be looked
after carefully, and advantageously
s, bounced crank on ;the subyeot pf c'+'rtnie filet one (ir('illns th 1t eight.
r, ,. , ... realisation.
woniet be very happy.
Al.teicped In co nnectton't�'tt1V
111e ti i t"i:"1IS Erie Mortg-at oCore .bcTr'd.
1 r .1 0 r . :1 :. ?::r
• �,4i j ,• "yrA.
,•p t �, ,ra
ti y 2,4JAa.UCH, ONTARIO
M1•1w. � . MHlKYT,c.S,'I,' V1:.R.31..?Yef At-, �MCYX'31:1A•Y1 .AR.NSI,ltete .'911 Yrflr. -G.tt lytt, . .,