HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-05-06, Page 6THE HERALD Issued Wednesday afternoon from the THE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Display Advertising -Made known 1n application. Stray Animals—One insertion 50c three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real Estate for sale 60e. each insertion far one month of four insertions, 25c, for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not tore than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25a. lOc. Local Reading notices, etc., per line per insertion. No notice tees than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a these Effective after Jan, 1st. 192 Terms of subscription ;'x;1.25 per year In advaince; $2.00 may be charged if not so paid. U. S. subscrioti- oiis $1,75 strictly in advance. Na paper discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option o4 the publisher. Tee date to which every subscription is paid lis denoted on the label. ADVERTISING RATES Auction Sales, $1 for one inser- tion anil $1.50 for two insertions 11 moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding 'd inch, $6 per year. ,Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO. rCI Clear, Peachy Skin Awaits Anyone Who • Drinks Hot Water Says an inside bath, before iireak- fast helps us look and feet clean, sweet, fresh'. Sparkling and vivacious—merry, bright, alert—a good, clear skin. and a natural, rosy, healthy complexion are assured only by pure blood. If only every man and woman could be induced to adopt the morning inside bath, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of the thousands of sickly, anaemic looking men, women and girls, with pasty or muddy complexions; insteaa of the multi- tudes of "nerve wrecks," "rundowns," Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. "brain fags" and pessimists we 1W. S. Johnston, Clerk. nhouicl see a v*il'ile, optimistic throng' Bertha Squires, Propritoress. 'cof rosy-cheeked people everywhere. An inside bath is had by drinking each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a tea- spoonful easpoonful of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, kid- neys and ten yards of bowels the pre- vious day's indigestible waste, sour fermentations and poisons, thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal befor hutting more food into the stomach. t i Those subject to sick headache, bil- iousness, nasty tlreath, rheumatism, colds; and particulary those who have a pallid, sallow complexion, and who are constipated very often, are urged Ito obtain a quarter pound of limestone phosphate at the drug store which ;will cost but a trifle, but is sufficient to demonstrate the quick and remark- able emarkable change in both health and appear- ance, awaiting those who practice in- ternal sanitation. We must remem- ber that inside cleanliness is more im- portant than outside, because the skin doe:• not absorb impurities to con- taminate the blood while the pores in the thirty feet of bowels do. AUCTION SALE top buggy, pair sleighs, 2 cutters, cutter pole, buggy pole, set heavy breeching harness, 2 sets plow har- ness, 8 horse collars, set light driv- ing harness, 3 sets single harness, pastho1e auger, cowhide robe, pair horse blankets, wheelbarrow, lead- er churn, several yds carpet, 2 bed- room suites, 3 sets bedroom crock- ery, 3 mattresses, set bedsprings, set curtain stretchers, 3 rocking chairs, Morris chair, 2 small tables, Doherty organ, diningroom and kit chen chairs, 8 -day clock, some pic- tures and picture frames, couch; kitchen table,kitchen cupboard, so- uvenir wood range 6 rl.it, 2 hanging lamps, forks shovels, whiffletrees, etc. TERMS—All sums of $10.00 and under, each; Over that amount 6 months credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 4 per cent. per an- num for cash on credit amounts, J, McNaughton, Proprietor; -G. Elliott, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Household effects on Lot 18, con. 8, on May 11th, commencing at 1.30 O'ci c ck, Horses ;-1 mare 11 years old. Cattle ;-10 yearling steers and heifer. Hogs; -2 young pigs 12 weeks old. Hens ;— 1 dozen pure Rocks, 1 dog. Implements, Etc.—M-H. binder 6 -ft. cut; Deering mower 6 ft. cut, Deering drill, Deering disc, set harrows, Fleury plow, bob sleigh, light wagon with pig rack; all the above Imprements are new nad in elie el tiseeLee. John: Pfaff last week moved eto the farm he recently purchased from M, Rennie. Garnet Case, who has been vis- iting with his parents here return- ed to 'Toronto. Judge Dickson of Goderich pur- cha6+ed a Baby Grand Chevrolet from eleDonell Bros. last week. Jelin Chambery died at his home in i;liiselhurst on Sunday last af- ter< a short illness at the age of 02 years and 6 months. For many years the deceased lived on a faxen near Chisselhurst and last year re- uted his farm nad purchased the general store at that place. i3LA,.1eke The regular meeting of the Bla- ke 4Somens Institute will be held pt the home•of Mrs. Emily Clarke on May loth. This being the an- nus! meeting. All members are requested to be present. lir. ants Mrs. N. Kennel are at present visiting friends near Bad- en. • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hay and little daughter left on Saturday for Man Reba where they will make their home. i Miss Helen Tough entertained a number of her girl friends to a qui.ting last Wednesday. Mrs. Thos. Meyers and little da- ughter spent a few days with fri- ends in the village. i\lrs. Brandon and fancily of Bay field called on Mrs. Clarke on Sun- day last. Mr. A. Zapfe spent the week -end with friends in Tuckersmith. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Kennel and children spent Sunday at the home good condition. Set double hsr- of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gingerich Go - mess, Stewart horse clipper new, shen Line south. w'heObarrow, lawn mower, cross Mrs P. Brennerman called on fri- cut saw chains, shovels hoes end ends in the village on Saturday. numerous articles. • Household effects — New Hein- tzman piano, buffett, Renfrew Sep- Mr, S. B. Strothers, Agricultural arator, new; drop leaf table, ex- Representative of the County met tension tab:e, 6 d:ning room chairs, with the teachers on Friday even - kitchen cabinet, quarter cut oak ing and arranged the prize list eor parlor suit, Mahogany; 2 iron bed- for the School Fair to be held this steads with springs and matress, fall. A number of new lines of 6 kitchen chairs, Gr'lmaphone with exhibits were added which should 21 records,- churn, box stove, 4 wake it a bigger and better af- burner New Perfection coal oil fair. stove, lounge, sewing .machine, fold Mr, Elgin Schatz • of Stratford ing clothes rack, ironing board, 3 Normal spent the week -end :vita dozen celers, rug, washing mach- friends in town. ince curtain poles, 2 h•'nging lamps Mr. M. Drysdale of Hensel). wee brass lamp, a quantitv of careen- in town on Ffriday delivering ph- ter tools, 9 bags potatoes, counter onographs. scale, Iter. and Mrs. Herman Eidt and Terms; --$1.0 and un*ler, cash, ov- family of Forest spent Sunda;* with er that amount, 8 months credit Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade. on approved joint notes, 5% per Mr. J. K. Goetz underwent an sip - annum off for cash on credit am- ei ation at Si Joseph's Hospital, ounts• London last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hey and Mies Fovvlie spent Sunday in town. Mr. F. S. Kent has exhcangeJ lois Feed for anew cue of the seine make Mr, H. Tole of Clinton Business College spent the weer. -end with Miss Edaneston. Mrs. J. Kellerman attended the funeral of a relative at Kitchener this week Messrs. Fred Louis and Edwin Rinker, D. Bettschen and W. le e - eland a111 of Sarna were visitors at their homes here over Sunday. Miss Ada Fassuld of London sp- ent Sunday with her parents. Dr, ;Cate and Mr; M. 14IeIsaac made a business trip to Loudon,. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Aderne of Lon- don were also visitors in town Sunday. Oestreicher—At .Dashwood, to see and Mrs. Aaron Oestrcicher, DASHWOOD Of Farm stock and Implements. The uncltrsignuci has received in- etructions tci sell by public auc- tion ae Lot 23, Bayfield Road, one mile east of Varna on Saturday, May tbth, at 12.30 o'clock sharp, the following; Mare rising 6 in foal to Ear; O'Slay, Mare rising 7 in foal to Earl O'Clay, mares rising 10 in foal to Earl of Stanley; Geidin,; rising 2; filly rising 2; 2 colts; 1 heavy road horse; ggod worker: S. R. 1.25; B. Elder labor and team 2 cows newly freshened, Heifer to con 2-3 3,00; R. Munn ditto 3,60; J. treshni, in May; Farrow clow good H. Ross ditto 3.be; 1i. Edwards dill: milker, 16 steers and 2 he;fers r•.is- 3.0; J. D cher, Jr• ditto con 10-11 ing 2; 3 steers and 1. heifer r:s;ng L. Schumacher ditto 14-15 2.10; J rising 1; 1 fall calf; 2 spring cal- B. Forrest, rep. to plow 8.50; N. vves, 80 hens. Implements--M-R. McDonai:1 work at Menom brdee binder 7 -ft. cut; M -H. cultivator; , 1:1,50. *feh-.1,11one;—E, Weido, bin M. IL. hay lu=.der; M -TT. drill 14.11 ,o stone 1.e5, J, M. }iicl'.ard7o,n raa.t: Decr:ung Mower 6 -ft. new; Deer'nand digging 10.50; C'nn. Ind. Tei., Nay rake 1.0 -ft; Oliver scuffler a.,rl C'o. supplies 28.27; North. Mee `bean harvester, Oliver riding pk1+v; ; Co, supplies 61.115; Bell Tel Co. N'v:ton disc. ('elemmn land roller; ' U. tolls Feh. to Mar 65 05, 3)u ?ct•-. c;uffl"r., 4 -see. harrows 3-- e•'. her-' o1 i s 86.25, freight 1.75; P. McT5 w' rows, 2 %',eery walking plow.l, 2- 0.1155, A F. Tress coal. on coll. 9.00. 3tirrow lmper•iral plow, 1;i';n<i4,<r • ', 1 '1116 council acljouraned to meat 4tnv* fork, rope andpulk'cs, "tT. { n*tain on Saturday, Jaaru' `lint:, :at 10 t 1 annin'r rtv;il• 1'rr',t• ;,n?lis,+, O'c:oclt, :1, ,n, no a Court of Re-- pal/4a te' - e, ..1T, ,. ., ,,.q ,,..+tat a';l9-tai ya.tla,. „ '',±,• ;pirrll (Pi'. fly'', 1'120 ittzs'•i::nt'n1' Moll. ',20 li _ ..,c 1 . .lr'ttl:ati, ilrililia:r wc,ga nee 2 hly•; and ;alt*ir' fr::r ,Y,.'',"k uero1 1. nPine s-4. HAY COUNCIL Met for its regular session on Sat- urday, May 1st, All members we- re present. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. A grant of $15.00 was made to the Exeter Agricultural Soc. for com- petition in baby beef at the fall fair for competitors living in the Township of Hay:. The By-law No. 7, .1920, pr7:id- ieg for the issue of debentures to cover the cost of extensions to the Municipal Telephone was read the third tiiineand passed and the reeve and treasurer were instruct- ed to borrow the money authoriz ed under said by-law. By-law No. 8, 1020, appointing eer William Lamont, of the Village of Zur,.ch, road overseer in the Town- ship of Hay in accordance with section 11. of the Ontario Highways "Act, was read three times and pas- sed, and he shall Le ra d at the _ate of $3.50 per day for such time as he may be so employed. The following accounts were pas sed;— B. O'Brien,l abor and team, con 2 $15.90; John Wein ditto con 12-13 8.40 : Hy Wiegaiid ditto 11-15 3 00; Weelould ditto con. 2, 5.70; E. Kru- eger ditto 11-15 2.55; J. W. llornor ditto 10.50; F. •CC.orriveau Fee cul ;^lolrti, gravel box, democrat wagd41 , r xr i ', • -= li on Mr. a ]OMB SAGE TEN IN, FADED OA GRAY IIAIR If Mixed with Sulphur it Darkens so Naturally Nobody can Tell. Grandmother kept her hair beauti- fully darkened, glossy and attractive with a brew of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Whenever her hair took on that dull, faded or streaked appearanoe,this sim- ple mixture was applied with wonder- ful effect. 13y asking at any drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound," you will get a large bot- tle of this old-time recipe, improved by the addition of other ingredients, all ready to use, at very little cost. This simple mixture can be depended upon to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says everybody uses Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound now because it darkens so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied -- Ws so easy to use, too. You simply dampen a comb or soft brush and draw it through your hair, taking ons. strand at a time. By morning tho gray hair disappears; after another application or two, it is restored to its natural color and looks glossy, soft and beautiful. This preparation is a ;delightful toilet requisite. It is not in. tended for the cure, mitigation or pre? rai 1cosA. DASI{WOOD BREEZES tailleWeelliellifie000011114000101081000 Ogee*, Notwithstanding the cold we•ith • er and backward spring, our vet- eran farmer, Mr. Jacob Schroeder finished seeding on the 30th of A prii, Mr. Robinson, wife and family of near Ailsa ,Craig, were guests of 0 5 c1 A loo0,•••®••o ili000eA#„r .10 • a ct • f • • ar • • Mr, Wm. Bauman last Sunday. A good deal of sickness prevails �e Cream Separatoi'shave advanced* in .the surrounding neighborhood, • and Dr, 'Taylor is kept very busy, d S10 1n price.ug lies 20 per cent. Mea, ephen lost a valuable cow zect:P.Intlyel DeLava��� one • He. ars ()leered p150 for it a week k Previcus. Mr, Merritt of the 16th con. St- •1 ave on hand one otte Separators, also two Gray: xcul correspondent is pleased t o Buggies which we will sell at pile -,i nttiee that, a, , * t, t least one persue si • .� to ®a Vdilce prices answer the queries i ur one rash- • • gutd teacner, hau file courts , g • d � ces for quick sale. .t • vyvud Breezes or Apr. 2nd. V ld- t ased to see leis suggeat,ori re the SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY IN iSTOCK AT LAST • meeting or ratepayers, trustee, and YEAR'S PRICES. teat.l,ers of atuwnauip, Once • • per quartio, A spienuid suggest- • ion as ample opportunity would oe ; • • 1 SEE US ABOUT NEW AND GOOD SECOND DRAG HARROWS: given to discuss the various needs = • of uuv rural schools. It enouid' A nut: . , forgotten that the schools in • • BLACKSMITH WORK ovr rural districts are, or should BRING ALONG THAT PERTICUI,AR BLACKSMITH . JOB, WE be co.umui•iLY tended—Leat -nevtr; • ' lo , •u • WILL TRY AND DO IF FOR Y OU. es of educational value, of-, ten they are looked upon as petty . centras for the 'kiddies' instead of . • thought product, and literary cal-, •• ue. i • Each school shoald ne a standard • of pure thought, and educational•WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS AND .PIPING, e culture. 'The ratepayers should • WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMP% be made to feel that HERE ;s ou • :• • Aglic•ulttire centre—our boys and girls are here to be trained for to , g be ciez ns—Our Leat interests sho-. uld big felt there, because of the 1 plc duc'. we expect from these sch- cols. Why not have a literary • rcom is connection with each sch- ool, wli re our young hien and wo- ®••91•®91 men coned gather for literary and moral advancement? When our ratepay rs and teachers learn the true va.ue ut the schools, as an educ•atioaai centre, there will be more ii terest taken ;—better scho- ol houses will be built, teachers' e sidence3 exerted; and better sal- aries paid to properly qualified te- achers. Yes our schools will be made attractive centres. And home life, in its true charaeter,will be found in these, and our boys ansa girls Will have incentives, that will encourage them to love the farm, to admire rural life, and there will not be such a foolish craze for the towns and cities, as there has has been. The Gospel Services in S. S. No. 15, aro increasingly interesting and the attendance is wonderfully in- creasing. Last Sunday evening there was a very large audiecne present, to listen to the discourse given. Mr Delgaty spoke from the Book of Jona, taking as text Matt. 12; 41, In his discourse, the sp- eaker showed that Jona was a type of Christ, the sent One rais- ed from the dead, and carrying Salvation to the Gertiles. PUMPS • PUMPS 0008)6006000 9 i•:rs urich r` • 91691091•011.19.9119013199119001919910®0190,9119 cul. SHINGLES SHINGLES Parties requiring Shingles this season will do well by bying them at once. As after April 1st all shingles will advance:-. lope r cent. in price. Kissing has been barred sy some vti ould-be authorities while the flu epidemic takes its course, in the hope of reducing the spr- ead of the undesired ailment. Some will take the risk and continue the practice. ♦.s-m«MaCw•�0..a mw-a...m-m,.m..m..u..m.ww..o..o•.m..m-•m.•�m OLD -MU COLD CURE --- DRINK HOT TEA! ...•.4.11.4.a,.•••m.•-•-o.a••..••...•••.4 .• •. •u•..•••••••-••• Get a small package of Hamburg :Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of boiling water upon it, pour through a sieve and drink a teacup full at any time during the day or before retiring. It is the most effective way to break a cold and cure grip, as it opens the pores of the skin, relieving congestion. Also loosens the bowels, thus breal-ing up a cold. Try it the nest time you suffer h.= a cold or the grip, It is inexpensive and entirely vegetable, therefore safe and harmless. RUB RiiEUMpiIN FROM STIFF ACfflO JOTS Rub Soreness from joints and muscles with a small trial bottle of old St. Jacobs Liniment Stop "closing" Rheumatism. It's pain only; not one case in fifty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, prnetrating "St. Jacobs Lini- ment" right on the "tender spot," and by the time you say Jack Robinson— out comes the rheumatic pain. "St. Jacob's Liniment" is a harmless rhen- matisni cure which never disappoints and doesn't burn the skin. It takes pain, soreness and stiffness :from ach- ing joints, muscles and bones; stops Sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia. Limber up l Clot a 30 cent bottle of Old-time, honest 4'84. Jacobs Liniment" • from any drug store, and in a moment yon 11 bei flet from pains, taches mill stiffness. Don't suffer 1 ,drub rheunia- t:iirn away'. ich Owl to Zuric all Saturday, May 8th :BIG MOVING PICTURE SHOW, FEATURING "THE LUST OF GOLD''' AND "A TRIP THR,O THE Z00" "THE FLIRTATION OF TOM THUMB" AND "A BROKEN PANE" SOME COMEDY AND OTHERS ALL AT POPULAR PRICES. 1 ;ADULTS 35c. CHILDREN 20c. A m rs HAVING PURCHASED A L ARGE QUANTITY OF GUARANA- TEED AUTOMOBILE TIRES 13EF ORE THE BIG ADVANCE IN PR- ICE, WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE YOU, OUR CUSTOMERS, THE BENEFIT OF THE SAME. WE ALSO PURCHASED A CARLOAD OF HEAVY AND LIGHT POLARINE GAS ENGINE OILS, .BEFORE THE ADVANCE IN PRICES AND ARE SELLING SAME AT $1.00 AND 80 CENTS RESPECTIVALY PER GALLON. GASOLINE AT 40 CENTS PER GALLON. WE ARE ALSO PREPARED TO RE- PAIR ANY.. MAKE OF CARS, AND WILL GUARANTEE YOU A SATISFACTORY JOB. GIVE ITS A TRIAL, VOtI WILL. FIND Or?R CHARGES REASONABLE, AND 0 UR WORK SATISFACTORY. FREE ATR AND BATTERY TESTING TO ALL AUTO OWNE!1.t.. o FArcr F „ :.7�<s„ ire