HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-05-06, Page 3WHAT"
This Article Views the Ques-
tion From a Variety of
when is woman 1no,St attractive?
The most obvious answer to this ques-
tion is: "It all depends upon the man."
To one man a woman ----some particular
woman- could neeer be attractive.
She does not appeal to him, To an-
other she is the one woman in the
If it were not so, mating would be
a difficult problem. "For the life of
me I can't see what John sees in that
girl!" What a common remark! Yet
the fact is he saw enough in her to
marry her, and he seems perfectly sat-
isfied. That is enough for John, and
it ought to be enough for his friends,
Through Life's Stages.
But that is not quite the answer to
c'ur question. Taking woman as wo-
mac. as an entity, a sex, an idealiza-
tion if you like, at what age, or in
what situation, does slhe show at the
best and highest? Is it when she is
just blossoming into ripe womanhood,
before her heart is lost and won? Is
it when she is betrothed to the man
she loves? Is it when she is a happy
young bride? Is it when she has
tasted the sacramental cup of mother-
hood? is it when she has a growing
family around her, and is the centre
and soul of her home lite? Is it when
the is the idolized mother of young
ten and women who have scattered
all over the wide world, and look back
to her as the ideal woman? Is it when
her hair is silvered and she sits with
her grandchildren on her knees?
- t wonder!
That each of the, e stages of woman -
heed has its charms needs little argu-
ment, But which. has most? A. wo-
man is often very sweet and appealing
in her days cf courtship, when she is
preparing her "bottom drawer" and
looking wistfully into the future,
But she is very mature. Her ap-
peal is mainly to the man of her
choice. The other men pass her by.
She is "just a girl."
Charm Lasts Longest.
I have heard men declare that a wo-
man is at her boat round about the
age of forty. There is something in
it, Some of the most beautiful and
t harming women of history and ro-
mance reached the zenith of their
power and attractiveness, not at one -
and -twenty, but at one.and-forty. A
delicate compliment from a mature
woman has far more value in the ears
,,f a man than the same compliment
from the lips of a woman half her
It is probably a matter of mind de-
velopment. The woman of forty
knows life. She sees things in their
right relationship. She has compared
and measured, and her opinion is
worth having.
But this woman who can keep her
influence and charm when her hair
is grey, and when the subtle attrac-
tion of youth is no longer hers, scores
a great triumph, Yet one has seen
such women the centre of attraction
when young girls have been left in
the cold.
Tlius we conte back to the fact that,
after all, everything depends upon
the W011lall, There was never a truer
saying than that beauty is only skin
deep. Beauty is a bad stayer in the
race of life, but charm lasts to the
Not a Matter of Marriage.
"But," says someone, "the most at-
tractive woman at every stage of life
1 ever met never married." No, she
was that old maid, that spinster lady,
who was everybody's friend, the sol-
ace of the sad, the comforter of the
sick, the comrade of the lonely, the
helper and friend of everybody who
needed her ---the general mother!
For, believe me, one does not need
to be a mother to be motherly, A wo-
man is often more attractive mother-
ing somebody else's child than the
mother herself, for the sense of
motherhood is inborn, and if it is not
there it cannot be brought out even
by the rearing of a dozen children;
arid many a woman who will never
know the joy of motherhood possesses
all its sweetness and grace,
But that sweet picture of "Princess
Pat" comes back to me. Yes, woman
is most attractive—to everybody, and
not only to the man she loves and
who loves her --when, Madonna -like,
ehe bends with moist eyes adoring the
face of hor first-born.
i �fw
Who wants an enemy, let him lend
some money,
A good many ax -}leads are battered
up pounding iron wedges. Too bad
to spoil a good ax that way. .If an
ax must be used that way, take one
that is old and worn out.
But They Are Nearly Alway
Due to Thin, Watery Blood.
Do not think that because you
stomach is easily upset you are ti
victim of some serious malady, On
of the most common predisposin
causes of indigestion is anaemia, o
thin, watery blood. In fact it has b
come generally recognized th
healthy activity of the stomach is i
possible unless the blood is rich an
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have bee
found most valuable in cases 'of ind
gestion, nervous dyspepsia and stom
ach weakness, just because they ar
a blood builder and nerve tonic. Th
rich, red blood they make not onl
imparts a healthy digestion, but ca
ries color to the cheeks and lips an
gives vigor to the muscles, One im
portant point to remember is that D
Williams' Pink Pillscontain no harm
ful drugs or opiates and are thus to b
preferred to preparations that merel
stimulate for a time. Before you b
gin worrying unnecessarily about you
state of health, try the tonic tree.
nrent of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
You will be surprised to see hoe
rapidly your appetite returns and you
whole debilitated system revives, a
the new, rich blood courses throng
your body. Here is the statement o
one person among thotfsands who hay
usad Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to thei
own great advantage. Mrs. A. Veniot
Homford, N.S., says: "For about tw
years I was a great sufferer from in
digestion, which seemed to carry wit
it a complication of other troubles
Every meal I too brought with
misery, as it was followed by ain
and sometimes nausea and vomiting
At other times gas would form in th
stomach to such an extent that :ay
heart would palpitate at an alarming
rate. These co.-ditions brought on ex
trenie nervousness and irritability, ant
I found my general health so much
affected that the least exertion would
tire me, and I slept but poorly. I had
been doctoring for several months
with no result beyond slight temporary
relief, when I was advised by a friend
to try Dr. \Villiams' Pink Pills. I de
tided to follow this advice, and got
a half dozen boxes. Good results
soon began to show from this treat-
ment, and the further continued use
of the pills have made me a well wo-
man. I cau cheerfully recommend
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills to similar
You can'procure Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills through any dealer in medicine
or they will be sent you by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
by writing direct to The Dr. 'Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Machine to Trap "Fibs,"
Among the marvels of delicate me-
chanism is an apparatus invented by
Dr. Augustus D. Waller, F.F,S., of the
London University, by which it is pos-
sible to detect liars.
This is done by taking electric re-
cords of the effect of cross-examination
on a criminal's nervous system to in-
dicate whether lie is telling the truth.
Dr. Waller discovered that the re-
sistance of the skin to electricity
varies with the state of the emotions,
and has so developed the discovery
that even apprehension can plainly be
"spotted" by the fluctuations of a spot
of light on a scale.
"This," Ire says, "is how we shall
get the criminal. He will be trying to
Prove an alibi. He will look the judge
in the eye and say he was never, say,
at Chelsea, in his life. Now we apply
my method. Attach the electric wires
to his hands and then show him a
few pictures, including one of the
place the criminal was suspected of
having visited. The others will give
negative results, but when he is shown
that particular one the result will be
that the light will jump—and there is
no power in mortal man to stop it."
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere
Clever Man.
"Dearest," said the young mother,
"I've decided on a name for baby. We
will call her Ermyntrude."
Her husband disapproved of the
name, bet, knowing if he said so, his
wife would insist, he remained en-
grossed in thought a few seconds, then
"That will do admirably, my dear,
My first sweetheart's name was Erm-
yntrude; so she will take it as a com-
The baby, it may be said, was called
for meet makes and models of cars,
Your old, broken or worn-out parts
replaced. "Write or wire the dolrorib-
ing what you want, We carry the
largest and most oomplete stook In
Canada of slightly used or naw parts
and automobile equiptnent, We OUP
d.t7,D anywhere in Canada. Sat1e-
factory or refund In full our motto.
15txateof Ante $salvage Part Supply,
bila -sal. Dafderltt 1st., Toronto, Ont.
Nos. 9474-9145. Size 16 requires
2% yds. 54 ins. wide.
9474—Misses' Suit -Coat (two styles
of sleeve). Price, 30 cents. In 3 sizes,
16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires 1iiz
yds. 54 ,ins. wide; lining, 1% yds. 36
ins. wide.
9145 — Misses' Two -Piece Skirt
(suitable for small women; in two
lengths). Price, 20 cents. In 3 sizes,
16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires PA:
yds. 54 ins. wide. Width, 1$'s yds.
Nos. 9472-9145. Size 16 requires
2? yds. 54 ins. wide; collar, 1 yd. 27
ins. wide; vest, % yd. 18 ins. wide;
ruffled vesting, % yd. 18 ins. wide,
9472—Misses' Suit -Coat (body and
sleeves in one), Price, 30 cents. In 3
sizes, 16 to 20 years. Size 16 requires
1% yds. 54 ins. wide; collar, 1 yd. 27
ins. wide.
These patterns may be obtained
from your local McCall dealer, or
from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St.,
Toronto, Dept. W.
Let the wealthy and great
Roll in splendor and state,
I envy them not, I declare it;
I eat my own lamb,
My chickens and ham,
.1 shear my own fleece and I wear it;
I have lawns, I have bowers,
I have fruits, I have flowers,
The lark is my morning alarmer;
So, jolly boys, now,
Here's God speed the plough,
Long life and success to the farmer.
From the Old English,
Children of all ages—whether it be
the new-born babe or the growing
child—have to be constantly guarded
as to their health, Upon the good
health of the little one largely de-
pends his strength and usefulness in
after years. Baby's Own Tablets are
the ideal home medicine for children
of all ages. They are a gentle but
thorough laxative which are absolute-
ly guaranteed to be free from opiates
or other harmful drugs and which
may be given to the youngest child
with perfect safety and beneficial re-
sults. Through their action on the
bowels and stomach they banish
constipation and indigestion; break
up colds and simple fevers and make
teething easy. Mothers, you can make
your little ones well and keep them
well by just keeping a box of the 'Tab-
lets at hand and by giving an occa-
sional close to the baby to keep his
little bowels regular and his stomach
sweet, The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a
box from The Dr, Williams Medicine
Co,, Brockville, Ont.
The Victim,
The lesson was about the Prodigal
Son, and the Sunday -school teacher
was dwelling on the character of the
elder brother,
"But amid all the rejoicing." he
said. "there was one to whom the pre-
paration of the feast brought no joy,
to whom the Prodical's return gave no
pleasure, but only bitterness; one
who had no wish to attend it. Now,
can any one of you tell rue who this
There was a breathless silence,.
Then from a dozen sympatheio schol-
ars came the Chorus;-�-
'Please, sib', it was the fatted calf."
It casts a light on Russian affairs
to know that there is no word for
"efficiency" in the Russian language.
Although some nations exaggerate the
importance of efficiency until it be-
comes a mania,—Germany, for ex-
ample,—the lack of the idea in Rus-
sian speech is reflected in most Rus-
sian activities,
73ey thrift stam(ss,
If you have Asthma, don't
imagine that you must all-
Re10fqc,srans1u suffer
is guaranteed in even the
worst cases by using
li• ilk. A HI
sultswe wilcertaineyou re-
sample of these cap -
will Anconfident elthat have
claimed. Write to Tem-
nletons, 142 ring 8t. W.,
Sold by reliable druggists
everywhere for $1.434 abox.
For fifteen years the standard
specific for
Rheumatism, Neuritis, Gout
Sciatica, Lumbago, Neuralgia
Many doctors precrlbe them.
Write to Tempteton,, 142 Zing St. W., Toronto, for
tree xampie. Sold by reliable drugnleta eYerywbere tor
$1,0: per box.
Careless of Him.
Mrs. Jones' mirth was so pro-
nounced that it attracted the attention
of her husband.
"What are you laughing at?" he
"Maud's letter, She writes that
they had foggy weather all the way
"I don't see anything funny in
"No; but she adds that the captain
must have neglected to take out eleal-
ing papers."
The safe way to send money by
mail is by Dominion Express Money
The British House of Commons
possesses a post office of its own,
which deals with.over two and a half
million postal packets during a single
anish Flu
Claims Many Victims in Canada
and should be guarded against.
Mhianl9s liniment
I14 a Great Preventative, being one of
ti;:. oldest remedies used. Minard's Lini-
ment has cured thousands of cases of
Grippe, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma
and similar diseases. It is an Enemy to
sperms. Thousands of bottles being used
,every day, for sale by all druggists and
general dealer:.
Yarmouth, N.B.
Middlemen don't get much out of
the farmers of Denmark. Practically
all farm supplies are bought and prac-
tically all farm products are sold co-
operatively in that country.
Mabel: "The first time George pro-
posed I didn't accept him." Rose: "I
know that, dear. You weren't there."
Look at tongue! Remove poi-
sons from little stomach,
liver and bowels
Accept "California Syrup of Figs
only—look for the name California on
the package, then you are sure your
child is having the best and most
harmless laxative or physic for the
little stomach, liver and bowels. Child-
ren love its delicious fruity taste, Full
directions for child's dose on each bot-
tle. Give it without fear.
Mother! You must t'ay "California."
g'[QFSC,4J 5
Azaertoa'is 1'ionoet" flog IEtemo8less
foal on
and Mow to 'Teed
1Xailed.Pires tn,anx Ad -
dross by the Author.
I£. Cla (*Soto Co,, 8no.
118 West 3let Street
I'1o% York, 'U.S.A.
ED, 7,
ISSUE No. 18—'20.
Didn't See the Joke.
"Wel]," said Snaggs, "many dogs
have more sense than their masters."
"Yes," chimed in Craggs: "I have a
clog like that myself."
And yet he couldn't understand why
they laughed.
Jimmie Knew.
A teacher was instructing a class
in English and called on a small boy
named Jimmy Brown.
"James," she said, "write on the
board 'Richard can ride the mule if
he wants to.' "
"Now," continued the teacher when
Jimmy had finished writing, "can you
find a better form for that sentence?"
"Yes, ma'am, I think I can." was
the prompt answer. " 'Richard can
ride the mule if the mule wants him
to.' „
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
Underneath a new chair for chil-
dren is a music box that plays when
a chill is seated.
Classified Advertisements,
'Vaporizer Ontario
k Ford cars. uaranteeuto
save 25 to 50 per cent. gasoline. Andrew
leastie. Jr., Elmwood, Ontario,
1.will pay you. George Stevens.
Peterborough, Ontario.
a virgin soil, surrounding land under
cultivation, near )lat.tleford, Sask. Chas,,
II. Ross, 18 Rutherford Ave., Hamilton;
2'07s SALE
and Sob printing plant in Essterm
Ontario. Insurance carried $1,800. Will
go for 11,200 on Quick Bale. Bos 624
Wilson Publishing Co., Ltd.. Toronto.
.I..I and light sewing at home, whole or
spare time; good pay, work sent any dis-
tance, charges paid. Send stamp for
particulars, National Manufacturing
Co., Montreal.
SICHOOx, 2r:dic rens
A.7 money Tla spare Stime—sed; posh
card to Ratepayer Publishing Co., ?l
Columbine. Toronto.
i7 thicker, shipped green from saw'.
Do not sell until you communicate with
us. Keenan Bros. Limited, Owen Sound,
In Canada there are 4,100 cheese mascinr,a.s.x:Eov>;,
factories, creameries, cream factories, ^� to eczet TUMORS, LtJM1'S, ETO.,,
condensaries, and milk product plants. "U internal and external, cured without
pain by our home treatment_ Write rut
The crooked stick is at the farther
before Limited, Coiltna;wogod..l Out Medical
end of the wood.
"Cascarets" is biggest selling
Laxative - Catha rtic for
Liver and Bowels
Twenty-five million boxes of Cas -
carets were sold last year to irks
who wanted relief without injury from
Constipation, Biliousness, Indigestion,
Gases, Colds and Sick Headacre. Cas -
carets work while you sleep, removing
the toxins, poinons and sour, indigest-
ible waste without griping or inconveni-
ence. Cascarets regulate by strength-
ening the bowel muscles. They never
weaken or shock the liver like calomel
or harsh pills. Cascarets cost so
little too.
--Buy Thrift Stamps.
Let "Danderine" save and
glorify your hair
all Nicurabiffient
The pore -cleansing, purifying and
sterilizing properties of this wonder-
ful skin soap, using plenty of hot
water and soap, best applied with
the hands, which it softens wonder-
fully and the soothing and healing
properties of Cuticura Ointment for
redness and roughness, pimples and
dandruff, if any, will prove a revela-
tion to those who use them for the
first time.
Soap 2Sc, Ointment 25 and 550c. Sold
throughout theDominion. Canadian Depot;
L mors, Limited, St. Paul St., Montreal.
' : Cuticurm Soap shames without mug,
In a few moments you can trans-
form your plain, dull, flat hair. You
can have it abundant, soft, glossy and
full of life. Just get at any drug or
toilet counter a 50111.11 bottle of 'Dan-
derine" for a few cents. Then moisten
a soft cloth with the Danderine and
draw this through your hair, taking
one small strand at a time. Iu-tantly,
yes, immediately, you have doubled
the beauty of your hair. It will be a
mass, so soft, Iustrous, fluffy, and so
easy to do up. All dust, dirt and ex-
cessive oil is removed.
Let Danderine put more life, color,
vigor and brightness in your hair,
This stimulating tonic will freshen,
your scalp, check dandruff and falling
hair, and help your hair to grow long.
thick, strong and beautiful.
Not Aspirin at .A11 without the "Bayer Cross'
The hnme "Bayer" on Aspirin is of "Bayer "Tablets of Aspirin" whket
like 14 Karat en geld. It positively contains proper directions far Cold
identifies the only genuine spirin,-- Headache, Toothache, Earache, Non
the Aspirin prescribed by physicians raisin., Lumbago, Rheumatism, N'euri-
lfor over nineteen years and now tis, Joint Paine, and Pain generally,
made in Canada. Tin boxes of 12 tablets east Mite
Always buy an unbroken package a few cents. Larger "Bayer" paekageel
`Moro ie only ono ,Ashlers$..-d'13ttgoes—You roust nay aBiaye1rt
Jq,prrin Is the t'a"lo mark tregisiered In Canada) of Bayer lttanufeoturo of Mono.
ateticacideeter of Sniteylicacid. whiff, it is well known that .Aspirin moans }Sayet
manufacture, to assist tho public against imitations, tbo Tablets of Bayer Compaq
Will be stamped with their general treat) marls, the "River Cross."