HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-04-29, Page 8oods Nw arriving almost daily. New Serges, Poplins, Velours, Etc. VIOLES A fine lot fo figured Voiles hi a large variety of colors, dark fle well as lighter shades. Just the thing for summer wear. SILKS Silks and Silk Poplins in leading shades from $1450 to $3.75 a yd. Galatea and , rims Now showing a nice range of prints, galateas, shirting. Also a few pieces of nurses' cloth, a ex- tra -good wearing cloth, suitable for house dresses aprons, etc. Come and see it. Huse Furnishings We are well stocked in Linole- umn, oil cloths, curtains, Winnow shades, curtain poles and Curtain Scrimms in new designs. New rinrrk Wall Papers A LARGE SHIPMENT OF WALL PAPERS NOW TO HAND., BEAUTIFUL NEW PATTERNS FOR ALL THE DIFFERENT ROOMS 'OF YOUR HOME. WE TAKE SPECIAL INTEREST IN WALL PAPERS, AND WOULD LIKE TOSHOW YOU OUR SAMPLES Al' ANY TIMEL J. Gascho & Son Zurich's - Garage ;We have installed a complete equipment for charging Storage Batteries, and are now ready to give you expert battery attention. Try us for Service on first Class Auto Repairing, and notice results. Any make of Car a Specialty H. IVlousseau Zurich 1.4.e•++++++++++++++++++•II••F•.Fk+9-+++.+$cE•++++++�'r+ ++3•+4•+++ 4• 4. 4 4. 4. 4. k 4. 4. 4 4. 4. 4e 4. 4i 4. Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply everybody's Requirements. PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING VMS SPR- ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY LASTS, WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGIIT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10% AND PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARL? AND SAVE MONEY We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring,. Call and see our Goods and get Our Prices, r t WE DO ALL.KIND$ OF EVEFROUGHING AND REPAIRING AT ALL TIh11 S STADE & WEIDO PREETER BLOCK - ZURICH " j4isfsb4,44+ l°++++++'13,°x +41-1. i4e+' q^ ''3'°g°'$,• +41.14)1"d"f + +r,^i,+ t, :•,j,«x.141 LOCAL "MARKETS (Corrected every Thursdays) Butter .. ... ... ., 55 Eggs Dried Apples ., Potatoes per bag , " .,•N ,.. Wheat .. Oats .,.... .._ Earley . , ...... Buckwheat ._. Fleur ...... ... Bran ... __. .._ Shorts Live; Hogs • 16 14 3,50 1.95 1.00 1.60 1.45 6.00-" 00 50.00 55.00 18.50 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Milton Holland, 19 -year-old son of George Holland, farmer in Tuck- ersinith Township, was`,.found dead in his father's barn on Saturday h hanging by a rope. A fatal dose of carbolic acid had previously be- en administered. Although the young man evidently took his own life, the tragedy is surrounded by considerable mystery. Nothing can be learned as to any possible' motive for suicide and it ,s known that Holland purchased in lIensall the night before a hymn book for ,service on Sunday and some' new cellars. Indications are that be- fore swinging himself off in the rope he drank the contents of r four -ounce bottle of carbolic, wh- ich members of the family say they are poli*ive had not been kept in the house. Lvangelmai Iionftrance The bbul annual conte'rerice of the Evangelical Association of Can- ada was Held at Alsieldt for the past week and closed on Monday evening, A recommendation of a special commit,.ee, was presented calling that the ordained elders, in the ministry have an increasein' salary of $300, making the total $1,400 a• year. The next confer- ence will be held in Aprix 11921 at .Straford, The conference adopted a new plan under which. six districts are formed; each 'With a presiding el- der as superintendent. These will be known as follows; ,Crediton -S, M. Hauch. Hanover -E. D. Bedker Ottawa E, Bohn Stratford -W. J. ZiMmerman Hamilton -J. G. Litt Kitchener -J. P. Hauch. Following is the complete- list of stations; Bridgeport -S. R. Kne,?.'-� Elmira -G, F. Brown Kitchener -J. P. Hauch and A. Y. Heist. New Hamburg -W. 0. Hehn St. Jacobs, -M. L. Wing. Wayterloo-E. S. Schrader Hespler-J. B. Dengis Morriston -A. T. Nash Milverton -E. H. Bean. North Easthope-W. S. Henrich •Sebringvilie-W. J. Zimmerman South Easthope-C. I. Tauth Stratford -A. B. Lawson Tavistock -A. D. Gishler Blenheim and Zorra-L. Wittich and 0. G. Hallman. Hanover -William Grier Chesley-A. Kellerman Elmwood -E. W. Hemmett Normanby-G. L. Gross Port Elgin -H. H. Liebold. Wallace F. Meyer Listowel -E. M. Gishler Mildmay -E. D. Becker Walkerton -J. M. Grensebach Arnprior-E. D. Burn Kilaloe-E. H. Dorsch Rockingham -L. H. Pletch. Pembroke -W. M. Dippell Golden Lake -N, H. Reibling Aldboro-J. C. Morlock Dashwood -W. J. Yager • Maitland -W. H. •Campbell Zurich -F. B. Meyer Crediton -S. M, Hauch +Camden -A, W. •Sauer S. Cayuga -E. N. Mohr Raynham-J. F. Wettlaufer Hamilton -A, E. Pletsch. Gainsboro-A, F. Stolz Toronto -J. G. Litt Toronto Miss, -W, Krotz `Dillingham -H, E. Ruppel. Pelham -W. E. Geese 'Parry Sound -J, T. Doman NORTHWEST DISTRICT Bruce -F. I3. Martin( Didsbury-A. Clemens Edmonton -J. S. Daumn` Hannah -E. F. Finkbeiner. Happy Land -J. S. Burn Hilda -S, Senft Kenaston-N, R. Ernst Medicine Hat --K, Greitzenger 1Vlelville-N. K, Eidt Morris -N- SaMt ' Neudorf-H, G, Iloltzman Pakowki Lake and Good hope--- J. Holding Tennent -A. S. Caugheii Regina -J. T), Senner Reihn-,T. Schwalm Sebringville and Ayton Bander; Weirder --.W 13. Dengis Wilicnghb +-J. G. Burn Wienineir_E. 'Roth Ii'osthern-Gee. Soec1`oft Marl Contract SEALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, Will he received a.t Ottawa until noon, on Friday, the 4th day of June, 1920. for the conveyance of His Majest- ty's Mails, on a proposed Contr- act for Four Years, Six times per week., Over Zurich No. 3, Rural Route, frorre the Postmaster Gener- al's Pleasure. Printed notices containing further information as to conditions of proposed Contr -ct may be seen and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Poet Offices of Zurich, •Hensall, Dashwood and Kippen, and at the Post Office Inspector, London. • CHAS. E. H. FISHER, post Office Inspector's Office. London, 23rd, April, 1920 5006 FACTS. ABOUT CANADA "Canada in a nutshell" is an apt description of the popular "5000 Facts About Canada," the thirte- enth annual edition of which is out for 1920, as compiled by Frank Yeigh, the well-known Canadian authority, It is a most striking illustration of the trade, finances, industries and resources of the Dominion in concrete form, and will prove a revelation to even.the hest informed. This new issue contains a wealth of new matter, including final War facts. It con- tains no less than 50 chapters of; facts all told, ranging alphabetic- ally,frorn "Agriculture" to "Yukon. !Copies may be had from newsde- alers, or by sending; 25 cents to the Canadian Facts Publishing Co. 588 Huron Street, Toronto. The Seven Dispensations Of Time -„ (By J. S.4 Delgaty) To the Readers of the Zurich Herald ;- Dear Readers; :is a reader of the Herald, I think it advisable to talk to you through the columns of this paper, if your Editor will per- mit, ocaasionally, .on topics which, 1 believe, are not as well known or understood by you as they should .-be; And, believing that discrimin- ation is not ordinarly used sin the proper diversion of God's Word, I decided to prelude these talks by, a short conversation of Dispen- sational Truths. These seven periods are marked; off in Scripture by some change in God's method of dealing with man- kind, or a portion of mankind, in respect of, the two questions "Of sin'', and "of man's responsibility') Each of these two questions is de- alt with in the several Diapensat- ions-each "showing..a test of the natural man, and ending in judgm- ent by the Dispensation. 1. Man, innocent. This dis- peneation extends from the crea- tion of Adam, Gen. 2;7, to the ex- puIsion from Eden. Adam, or man created innocent and ignorant of good and evii, was placed- in the garden of Eden -put under re- sponsibility to abstain from the fruit of the tree of the Knowledge of good and e' il. Mna, thus placed failed, which failure has,' in its far-reaching effects, pro ved most disastrous. Here, you see, this age closed in judgment. "So He drove out the man," see Gen. 1,26;' 2,10,17; 3,6; 3, '22-24. 2,, Man under conscience. 13y the fall noted in the preceding age Adam and Eve transmitted to the the race, the knowledge of good and Evil. This gave conscience a •basis for right moral judgment, and hence pian came under the measure of responsibility to do good and eschew evil. The result of the Dispensations of conscience from Eden to the beloved was • that, "All• flesh had corrupted his way on the earth,' that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thought of his heart was only evil gcntinuously," So Grid closed the 2nd testing age of Man in' judg- ment -The 'Blood See Gen. 3,7- 22; 6, 5-11-J2; 7, 11-12-0. 8.. Man is authority over the Earth. Out of the fearful judg- ment of the Flood, God saved eight persons, . to whore Tie gave the purified earth, (after the flood. abated) with ample power to goo= ern it, Here again in Man, Noah and his disceneltinte were respon- sible to do, This disrensotioe of Hunran Governm"n` resulted, tr-on Shiner Plain. in the attempt to be ernrie independent of Cod and. Bios ed in judgment, 'The Confusion of Tongues. ' 'See Gen. 1, i-2; 1i, 1- 4i lis A-8 - (Ta be CoefinuNii Auto Tires and Tubes We are agents for Dunlop and Vanderline Line. Sizes to fit Ford, Chevrolet, Gray Dort, Maxwell„ iWe also carry a complete line of Accessories. Give us a trial in this line. wir WIRE FENC7 NG suppply ...Feneing 4 Brace, Col l Bail) and Blaaik ;.wilda,e• ,-t ext ose: from, a e beat grade' (03in'See;3leltaxie • .' er1,b e � ,peand: ,COA14 OI STOVES .' Two, Three and Four Burner, with or without oven. We handle only the New Perfection. Guaranteed to be fool proof. (CALL AND LET U5 EXPLAIN TEEM TO YOU: GET AWAY FROM THAT HOT WOOD OR COAL STOVE THIS SUMMER,. D ler 4 in B - T, u " Ata 'n } u, s, Fzpr :g pe tart D. sock ..,\,,, niticonshl, the ,coming Utensil of all iouse- holds N We. carry a complete Line: HQ\ B0 -0-T THA•Z-; LLM'IS G , $,. YOrU ,,,, 4Wt N$ TM ONG IME, '''.ASO E LTENACE:-•.` NCjW IS '1''HE 'TIME"' TO T +i:;TK, NOT NEXT FALL.. • !Call and, make ..ai rangements for .you, Cement, w having car oe road n i`"Canada brand" none Betters settled for on delis'ery in Cash. ":"-s,PHONE.,YOUR IREQUIRB,MEN'T�c.( AI I �T�/.��'�1/WI C�"T..,.vF "`� . i ."gym.-,�,r AND bE•LIVER:' •SAME''PROMPTL"Y;. Order your twine while` it lasts at prices below Cost. 650 feet $20.70 per 100lb. 600 ft. Special Price 18(e. lb. 550 ft. Special price 17e. Ib TERMS ;Strictly Cash. We are Sacks TR Melick & Braun PHONE 63 Young Men and Boy's Clothing For the particular Young Me n who desire perfect fitting -clothes we rae showing some exclusive styles in Greys, Browns and Twe- eds at moderate prices. A full complete stock of Boy's Suits, ranging in price from $8.00 to $18.4 We also have a large variety of samples for suits to choose from which are tailored by expert workmenl. j . DENOVIT BROS. - ZITRIOII Produce taken in exchange for Goods Spring Arrivals Wall Paper READY TRIMMED WAL L PAPER. THE SEASON FOR PAP.. BRING IS NOW HERE. ,WE HAVE IN STOCK A. BIG ASSORTMA ENT SUITABLE FOR BED ROOMS, DINING ROOMS, LIVING ROOMS, HALLS DEN, ETC. OUR PAPER IS READY TRIMMED, A BIG LABOR SAVER. Curtains CURTAIN GOODS AND SIDE CURTAINS IN CREAM, IVORY AND WHITE. LADIES' High grade Silk Hose, a full range of .Colors and Sizes. RAIN COATS FOR SPRING SHOWERS A Special line in Gray Tweed effects. Smart pockets and belts, at $1100 to $25.00. ,.Silk double tipped Gloves, Silk; Gloves' in purple, grey, White and Black. EAR SUMMER KNIT VESTS (A special line to clear at 25e. each, Just arrived, a large new range of nifty Crepe, Gingh- ams at 85c, per yard. A Beautiful line of Gingham Dresses for Girls from 6 to 12 years old at $3.00, Ladies' White Voile Waists, iSiees 36 to 44,. MEN'S r • EA Don't forget about your Spring Suit and Overcoat. We are Agents for the Celebrated Broadway Styles, and have many ales tractive Samples to ',choose from. , Dr. Hess' Stock food, Poultry Panacea, Louse Killer, Dip, Etc. None better than the Hess Line. ' FRESH GROCERIES AND FRUITS ALWAYS. ON HAN7) Butterick Patterns For Sale Ph". 78 . Ts L. WURM P{IOIIE t 1 c: