HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-04-29, Page 6Pure, Clean, +.cm�w�or.:c�x •a;a:a:.�ernur�:.K:•ea, Ecnomicai . . .. ,,.......asu,. . ay...,..a,... ]Preserved 81 sold only in S�u;l'rd a,ar-Lagh1C �a4.iliiets Ito presf,,'rve its native a9odi", s, Used in Millions o2 Tea -Pots Daily The Duchess intervenes By CORA LINDA. . • . PART I. !met his, he whistled. He didn't mean "Earl's son files his petition in; to be rude; he just couldn't help hini- bankruptcy. Liabilities £15,000, as-' self. sets nil." She was like a dainty bit of. Dres- WilIiam Dysart Farquhar, known; filen china, all pink and white and to his intimates as "3111," thrust his delicate, with eyes that were of dark hands deep into his trouser pockets! ,brown velvet shaded by thick curling and withdrew the linins, thereby; l -slice' exposing to view the fat that they ! " Bill beamed upon her reassuringly. were empty. Dont be frightened: I brought you "Not a stiver," he remarked to him- in here because it seemed about the self, far he was alone in the luxurious- Imost sens:b.e thing to do; you've had ly fitted and madly untidy sitting room' a deuce of a shaking. I bet you feel as if you'd been played football with," of his suite in Piccadilly. ' She sat up and a peal of Iaughter Then he read again that engaging broke from her red lips. "You bet I paragraph in the morning paper which I do," she replied, with equal slangi informed all and sundry that yet an- ; flees. other scion of an ancient house had I come a cropper. She clasped her hands in her Iap. Casually Bill's eyes drifted to some -.I like this room no end. It's so thing by the side of that portion of'homey'," she .e:iid. There was a touch the paper which he had all to himself ' of wistfulness in her voice.gill seated him -elf beside her. —an advertisement. It read as fol- "The way you said that snakes me lows: "In a select suburb a high-class "The you aren't used to being grocery business for sale. Absolutely ink he said. a bargain. A gold mine to an enter- < "No, we're much too rich to be com- prising young man, Price £300." ; fortable," she replied, naively; then Bill glanced at himself in a rnirrorj she added quickly, and the warm blood opposite, athis sunburnt skin and it dyed her cheeks: "Oh, doesn't that regular features, the wide humorans; sound horribly snobbish? But you mouth, the decidedly rugged nose, the' understand, don't you?" She smiled mass of dark hair plastered straighti into Bill's blue eyes, and he smiled back from his forehead. back. "Are you an enterprising young "Absolutelyi" man, Bill?" he inquired of his reflec-!Presently the visitor seemed to real - tion. The most noticeable thing! ize the unconventional aspect of the about his face his chin, cleft and! whole affair, for sire jumped up in square --stuck out aggressively, as! some eorifesien. "I mustn't trespass though to answer his question. It i on your hospitality any longer," she wasn't difficult now to realize that! said' "I'm quite all right now." this foolish young spendthrift could) Bill's face expressed blank astonish - give a creditable account of himself, meet and chagrin. I say, you simply where it was necessary, for things to 1 can't be all right after being chucked Crying For Lack. if the first person yon meet as you are going to work is a woman, you will have no luck that day'. Such was once the strong belief of Cornisli, millers. it was considered unlucky for a wo- man to "let. the New Year in.", A tva• man who read the marriage Service through in its entirety before her mar- riage' was said to be fated to spinster- hood. It was also unlucky for a bride not to shed tears on her wedding day, whilst it also brought ill -luck to mar- ry in May, A. double share of ill -luck was promised' for these who `wed dur- ing Lent. • No one can give any reason wily a horseshoe is considered lucky, The original belief was that it kept out witches. A novel wart silo is 'she- plaeiirg of a iuriiiber of pebbles in a bag, corresponding^ with the number of warts. The warts are supposed to disappear when the bag is thrown away, and the person who finds the bag is expected to find the warts as well, DYES HER GARMENTS - BU T NONE CAN TELL "Diaarond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabby Apparel into Nev4 Don't wo: y about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed • to givci a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton ar mixed goods, — dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts,• eh.Idrew coats, feathers,, draperies, coverings- everything: The Direction Book with each pack- age tells how to diamond dye ever any, color. To match any material, have dealer' show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. A dairy course lasting eight weeks was conducted by the dairy depart- ment of the University of Saskat- ehewan during Jarruary and February: • Keep Minard's Liniment in the house. Many a man who talks of kis lost opportunities never made one to lose. The Great WestPermanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St. West 4% allowed on Savings. Interest computed quarterly. Withdrawable by Cheque. 51/2% on Debentures, Interest payable half yearly, Paid up Capital $,2,412,578. happen—and he had done things i out of a ba'11y car into the road. It lemee "Somewhere in France." But Bill I —it was a positively awful adventure; wanted to forget the time when he you niust sit stilt for a while." g had laughed at death and made others I Then the girl burst out laughing. iaugh through his dauntless pluck. i Good gracious, it's not the first time His brow was wrinkled into a' I've been chucked out of a car; I drive, frown; he was doing what was a very I you know. I've done that twice be unusual thing for him—thinking. fore. Daddy said he wouldn't Iet me "Hang it all, r11 do it," he exclaim- out any more on my own if it happen- ed, excitedly. ed again, so, of course, I shan't tell He sat down at a desk, took up a I hien. pen, and rummaged for notepaper? For the seeund time since lie had among a medley of pipes, cigarette I made the acquaintance of this aston- ends, and matches. Finally he settled i ishing young lady, Bill whistled. down to the laborious task of writing! "Well, I'm hanged," was all he could a letter. Bill's calligraphy was his ! say. weakest point. , It was when he was walking beside When he had finished he sat back her to the car that Wits standing by, in his chair; his smile was. cherubic, the curb that he remembered he didn't' but at the corners of those wicked; know her name. eyeslineere lurked a twinkle of pure !the She corners ed at hhir e roguishly out of "The poor old Duchess—if she only; "Ninette." knew; but she'll do it, God bless her, i What a jolly name," Bill said, en- she'lI do it." ; thusiastically; at which she hastened * * * *: ' to add: "Ninette Parsons." Some people are inclined to the! "Parsons." He wrinkled his brows. opinion that clothes make the man. i "I seeni to know the name." Lord William Dysart Farquhar was ! "You do," dryly. "I saw it twice as the exception that proves the rule. In'' we were peeing through your shop a spotless white apron, his shirt j -on the jam pots; that's us, Parsons' sleeves rolled to his elbows, he looked I lams." a fine specimen of a young English- "By Jove, so you are the Jam King's snap. daughter!" Ile stood behind the counter of a She bowed with mock neat, well -stocked little shop off the "At your service." Fulham Road, the shop that had been "Deli hted to meet you, Miss Par - ceremony. described in the advertisement as "a gold mine to an enterprising young Ulan." Over the door was inscribed in sons," ha said, gravely, taking her hand in his. "I suppose this is good-bye?" he asked, as only Bil'1 Farquhar could large letters the name "William Dy- ask, and those wicked blue eyes were sart," and sometimes Lord William pleading. would stare up at the sign and a Ninette held her head at a bewitch - queer pride would stir in his breast. ing angle. Then very demurely she He'd say to himself, "Bill, niy lad, it's whispered: "Well, perhaps it's ,only making a pian of you." —Au revoir." Of course, it was all very irregular. 4 * * A discharged bankrupt had no right Ninette carne very often after that to start in a business, but no one. to the little shop In Fulham, drawn knew that "William Dysart" was a thither by the age-old magnet called bankrupt—he wasn't. It was the son Love. She didn't really reap a it; of the Earl of Melton who was tile' „i,,, 41c+ 1.1141Y that: the world was rankr'til9t, mill h8, adcording to his fairer•, twat t e sun sholie in her heart distracted family, had gone abroad even when old London was wrapped until things blew •over. To -night, as he stood at the door preparatory to starting for his cus- tomary evening stroll, he felt a twinge of loneliness. With a sigh he lit a cigarette. Then something happened. Round the bend in one of her special fogs. It isn't necessary to add that Nin- ette's papa was blissfully ignorant of his daughter's charming romance. And then one night things came to a head, as they had bean ordained to since Ninette made her startling en - b, car swept at a frightful angle. trance into the life of Bill . Dysart There was a crash, and the next mo- Farquhar. anent the form of a girl was flung (To be continued.) Disraeli was much treublcd by literary aspirants sending him their books to read. The formula he adopted in acknowledging wast "Dear Sir (or Madam) ---I am much obliged for your. book, which T will lose no time in almost at his feet. Bill Dysart never lost his head; he Itieked her up in his arms and with- out more ado carried her into the shop, In a few seconds she was 'Y- en on the sofa in his little parlor. She stirred uneasily. Then her eyes opened and she stared up at him. Bill was standing over her with his reading." hands thrust deep into his trouser pockets. Involuntarily, as her eyes Minard's Liniment used by Physicians. n 1 [His WANTED Experienced and Learners vol. Underwear and Hosiery Depts. Guaranteed Wage to Learners. Saturdays off in July and Aug. Cafeteria with Meals at Cost. Clean, Healthy Work Steady Employment. Good Wages. •\Vrite for further information. ZIMMERMAN RELIANCE, Limited HAMILTON, ONT. �4�rrv'wwu .lc/.nN"' The Joy Of A Perfect Skin t' Know the joy and Vii\ happiness that comes n to one thru possessing ' a skin of purity and 'beauty. The soft, dis- ((� tinguished appearance it renders brings out your naturalbeauty to its full, est. In use over 74 years, • sists Wear and Water ' Every floor needs its protective coating. Get satisfaction with gate Floor c VarG r is ASK YOUR DEALER :•3•`: V - r. S -n: r ninnfisisiott a Nan Your gleaning Dna by Experts Clothing, household draperies, linen and 'delicate fabrics can be cleaned and made to look as fresh and bright as when first bought. s � � m Glee a } is Properly Done at Parker's It makes no difference where you live; parcels can be sent in by mail or express. The same care and atten- tion is given the work as though you lived in town. We will be pleased to advise you on any question regarding Cleaning or Dyeing. WRITE US. arkersIyeW&kTi Cleaners& ers c7S1Yonge Stq Toronto GAINED IN Tl -!E 1811' CENTURY RETAINED IN TUE 20'' CENTURY EAGLE, lair i e e t o a i s ze flaw tr vette. iia fi d le"' RIZ E CATALOGUE. showing our full linesofBicycles for Men and woolen, Boys au, itl'1OTOiw OYaCLE,:3 MOTOR ATi"t OHMENTB 'fires, Coaster Brakes, Wheels, inner Tutees, ',amps, delis, Cycloiuete:s, Satiates, Beralp.. 'anent and tarts of Bicycles. ltini eau buy your suppiies front ns at vvholeord, prince. 'T.W. BoY1) & SON, .^i i4oteo bavze Street West. Montreal, COARSE SALT LAND . LT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0, J. CL'1F1' TORONTO **it ro.ihn,151.14kont.i.,41.051.0.tei0.604t1.14y•Altikt.00464. HEY used it for the stage -coach of olden days in. England—we use it in Canada today. Compare it with any other white lead or white paint, and you will decide that your house—or anything you wish to have truly white and remain white—must be painted with this brand which has survived as the leading white lead for nearly two • centuries. Thinned with lin' seed oil and turpentine, it Makes a perfect white paint. Combined with coloring matter, it makes the satisfactory tinted paint of any shade. It is the basis for that finest of ready -mixed paint, E -H "English", Paint. Made in a modern Canadian factory, and by the same process as was employed for its manu- facture by its inventor in England, it is today the only survivor of all the patented white lead processes of that earlier generation. It has survived because it results in a white lead of .exceptional fineness, whiteness and durability. Look for the a -H stealer in your territory ---the yy) B-H Sign hangs outside his store. set,*ie.14 A, war t.tr . ►AGN1`FICAL H:At.ir'AK 47.J£7N0.1 TOE ON?O' wNiNN16Q MCWPt CI NC. HAT '4IALGa . "comogeole VAN*ALIVE Unconscious Humor of Bri- tish Schoolboys;'' Tho .sense of humor is not, as a rule, accorded to the Itegllsii � t"4 people, but it must he allowed hat the British schoolmaster who claimer-, ately set himself to waric to' gathers the choicest specimens from amorl�, the errors inado by his pupils, posse$ 'i, ed just a trifle. The breaks were mostly made at an examination and,' of course, by different boys. Some of them follow:1 w • '1i Finally James II. gave birth to a son, and so the people turned him off the throne, After twice committing suicide, Cowper lived till 1800, when he died a . natural death. The Tropic of Cancer is a Painful and incurable disease. ' When the last French attack. at Waterloo proved a failure Napoleon turned very pale, and rode at full gal• lop to St. Helena. Much butter is imported from Den- mark en mark because, Danish cows have great', er enterprise and superior technical education to ours. • y The courage, of the Turks • is ext Maimed by the fact that a nian wit1 more than one wife le more willing to face death than if he had only one. The Mediterranean and the Red . Sea are joined by the Sewage Canai.iti. Cataract is the name of the morin; tain on which the Ark rested." An elephant is a square animal will a tail in front and. behind. . Tho Minister of War is the clergy man who preaches to the soldiers in the barracks. The flannelette peril means petti. coat• government. The immortal William is a, phrase applied to the German Emperor. to Where are the descendants. of the Ancient Britons to be found to -day? ' In the British Museum. If Bismarck had lived till now he would have been dead more than tenor. years. The Black Prince died from injur- ies received by his horse. During the Reformation every; clergyman was compelled to receive thirty-nine articles. a.A. Hermia's father threatened her .- that that if she refused to marry the man he wanted her to, he would put he_ in a monastery. Henry VII. should not have been King because his great-grandfather Wasn't really a son of John o'Groats.'s The Gauls couldn't take the cats. putt because Manlius was awoke by the quash ing of the holy ducks, -, e The Australian natives soak the clew into sponges t_ o drink when the water is dry. The Reform bill was presented to Parliament. It managed to pass three Houses, but was then thrown out 'of the window. How would you make soft water. hard? Freeze it. Isinglass is a glass used by doctors to look into their patients' eyes with. The midnight sun is usually calle4 the moon. In the United States of America people are put to death by elocution. e, Probably the -time is fast approach- ing when all gold will take the form' of £1 notes, as in Scotland. F; The expression "chance my aria" means "will you marry nie?", Income is a yearly tax. .a-, The dodo ie a bird that is nearly de.. cent now. Lord, Fisher, the head main of edu• cation, is going to make all people' eighteen years old go to school. , From All Quarters. The Post Office deals with nearly 90.000,000 telegrams yearly. Vienna possesses a unique orchestra. All the members of it, fron'i the honots:I. ary president clown to tine executants, are doctors of medicine. St. Peter's Church, Rome, will age, commodate 54,000 persons, Milani Cathedral 87,000 persons, and St Paul's Cathedral, London, 25,000 psi`:' sons, ' In some parts of China, if a mania fails to pay hie debts, his creditorie carry away one of his doors. It j>y thought that this permits evil spiritf to enter. In Paris there is a corps of profeee sional dinner.tasters, whose duty it to test and pass judgment upon al,. food prepared for banquets and stmt' lar occaelone of State. An insurance company for spinster is popular in Denmark. The premiu • is equal to nearly twelve cents 0,' week from the age of twentyto forty and after that all the members wki6.; are unmarried draw about 82.50 week for life. - Insects are rapacious eaters. 4 caterpillar eats twice its weight ever*; day, and a potato beetle devours every, day at least five tunes its weight a, foliage. The most destructive of alt! insects, however, is the grasshopper;! which consumes in a day ten times Its'. weight of vegetatiot. The deepest well in the world is at Ozuchow, in the coal field of Upper S,ilesia. It has reached a depth o more than 7,848 feet below the suit' face. �'