HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-04-29, Page 4THE HERALD,, Issued Wednesday aftlernoon from the ThE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE 'Display Advertising -Made known ken application. Stray Animals—One insertion 5Oc three insertions $1.00. `arm or Real Estate for sale Mc. each insertion for 'one month sat tour insertions, 25e. for each Subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not snore than five lines, For Sale, To heist, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25a. 10e. Local Reading notices, etc., par lige per insertion. No notice Saes than 25c.. Card of Thanks 50e. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c, a E▪ ffective after Jan. 1st. 1920 !tarsus of subscription ;l+1.25 per year ltxa advance; $2.00 may be charged if not so paid. U. S. subecrinti- e,sts $1.75 strictly lea advance. Na paper discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option cif the publisher. ,The date to which every subscription is paid le demoted on the label. ADVERTISIN a RATES Auction Sales, $1 for one insee- tlon and $1.50 for two insertions It moderate size. Professional Cards not exceeding t inch, $6 per year. Address all communications to THE HERALD ZURICH, ONTARIO. Consider it lie fish; he never gets caught so long as he keeps his mouth shute The following parties purchased autos from Cook Bros. Hensall, during the past two weeks.; H. .Arnold, Mgr. of the Molsons Bank and el, Drysdale of the firm of 33onthron"- & Drysdale, both pur- chasing Fo.•d Sedans; David Bees- wax, Ford Truck; Sohn Sturgeon, ;Wm. Sparks, J. Richardson, Hugh McKay, Andrew Sturgeon, all of Bayfield purchasing Ford touring Wm. Callfas Ford ton truck, Geo. J. Thiel, touring car, Zurich; M. Farquair and S. M. Wickens, J. H. Price of Hensel] purchased Ford touring cars; Moses Erb and A. L. Sreenan of Zurich Ford touring cars: J. F. Aikenhead. Brucefleid; touring; W. E. McLaren, Staffa; touring;. Cook Bros. advice +hat stew Ford cars are very hard -to get and that there will be an atl-- Vance in price very shorty. DMZ II IOT IIF MU DES ROSY COMPLEX= 5r.ya we can't help but ±took better and feel bn after an inside bath. '.Co look one's best and feels .e'e best is to enjoy an inside bath each morn-, lug to flush from the system the :pre- vious day's waste, sour fermentations And poisonous toxins before it Is ;ab- sorbed into the blood. Just as coal; when it"burns, leaves behind a cer- tain amount of incombustible matt in the form of ashes, so the food and drink taken each day leave is the ali- mentary organs a certain amount of indigestible material, which if not eliminated, form toxins and pollens which are then sucked into the blood ;'through the ver: ducts which are bee ;tended to suck In only nourishment ,to sustain the body. If you want to see the glow"of •healthy bloom in your cheeks, to Bee yens skin get clearer and clearer, you are told to drink every morning upon ,arising, a giass of hot water with a ,teaspoonful of limestone phosphate In ,it, which is a harmleas means of wash - dugs .the waste material and toxins from •'tale stomach, liter, kidneys and bowels, thus cleansing, sweetening and Verifying the entire alimentary treat before patting more food kite the stom- ach. Men and women with sallow' skids; liver spate, pimples or pallid com- .piexion, also those who wake up with a ,coated tongue, bad taste, nasty breath, ethers who are bothered with headaches, b11t(uis wells, acid stotaveli or constipation ebauld begin thio; phos - 1 bated hot water drinking and are assured of very pronounced results In one or two'weeks. A quarter pound of limestone pb3s= pbate ,costs very little at the t drug sto. e.but is sufficient to' demonstrate ;that ;just as" soap and hot water cleanses, purifies and 'freshens;,the skin on the outside, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the inside organs. We must always consider that! internal sanitation is vastly moreim, portant than outside cleanliness, ,fret, cause the skin pores do not absorb impurities into the bloody while the AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements and Hoixsehold effects on Lot 18, con.. 8, on May llth, commencing at 1,80 O'cic ek, Horses; --1 mare 11 years old, Cattle ;-10 yearling steers and heifer. Hogs; -2 young pigs 12 weeks old. Hens;-- 1 dozen pure Rocks, 1 dog. Implements, Ete. M -H. binder 6 -ft. cut; Deering mower 6ft. cut, Deering drill, Deering disc, set harrows, Fleury plow, bob sleigh, light wagon with pig rack; all the above Imprements are new nad in gc:od condition. Set double har- ness, Stewart horse clipper new, wheelbarrow, lawn mower, cross cut saw chains, shovels hoes and numerous articles. Household effects -• New Hein- tzman piano, Buffett, Renfrew Sep- arator, new; drop leaf table, ex- tension tab:e, 6 dining room chairs, kitchen cabinet; quarter cut oak parlor suit, Mahogany; 2 iron bed- steads with springs. and matress, 6 kitchen chairs, Gramaphone with 2.1 records, churn, box stove., 4 burner New Perfection coal oil stove, lounge, sewing machine, fold ing clothes rack, ironing board, 3 dozen celers, rug, washing mach- ine, curtain poles, 2 hanging lamps 'brass lamp, a quantity of carpen- ter tools, 9 bags potatoes, counter •scale. Terms;—$10 and under, rash, ov- er that amount, 8 months credit on approved joint notes. r% per annum off for cash on credit am- ounts. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. W. S. Johnston, Clerk. Bertha Squires, Propritoress. DASHWOOD Addres es will be 'gis'en every ,Sunday at 7 p, m. by Is%r. Delgaty and others, on Bible' topics, that are not always understood by our people as they might 'be. Jae there, everybody who can, bring your bible and enjoy. the address. 'Some of the subjects will deal with The Signs of the Times. •Every- body welcome. • (bone but the initiated know the accuracy required in a printing of- fice, The. average reader .who detects a mispeiied word or a let- ter upside down, feels that his mission on .earth will not be fully accomplished tall he has _abed the attention of the overworked ed- itor to the glaring defeat. • He does not notice the tens of thous- ands of letters in the right place, nor the multitude of words cor- rectly spelled, but his eagle eye is glued to the one that is out of place. (So it is with deeds. Man does a thousand good deeds and on attention is paid to them, but he makes one mistake and that is flashed all over the world. A life may be spent in building up a reputation that may be wrecked Tir. and Mrs. G. S. Howard and daughter, Miss Evelyn, spent the week -end with friends in Tucker - smith. A new bank clerk, Mr. Murdoch of Cayuga, arrived to replace Mr, C. W. Yager, but as Mr. Yager did not care to move and petitioned headquarters to remain, he was granted leave and Mr. 11iu.rdoch was sent on to Thedford. Messrs T. Klumpp and G. Keller- man paid a business trip to Bay- field and Brucefield on Monday. The services held in la. S. No. 15 and conducted by the tea.^_her, Mr,. J. S. Delgaty are being well attended, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. .Schade and family of the Sauble Line were Sun day visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Schade. rMs. Edmeston is at ;present on the sick list. We wish .her a site, edy recovery. Mr. and reds. J. Preeter and daughters, Mabel and Merle and Miss Elva Heyrock of Zurich,spent Sunday with friends in town. Mrs. J. Eidt and daughter ,Mil- dred, returned to their .home in, Ailsa Craig after spending the past week with Mr. and. 'Mrs. C.. ,Stade. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smits of Zpr- • ich spent the week -end at tthe 1 ,home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. ;,Schatie. i Mr. Frank Arnold of Seaftertht',vias ea visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. Klumpp on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade of :yiuruieh ,spent Sunday with the formerls parents here. Mrs. Halbhine, Mrs. McCormi•r_le ;bpd daughter of Seaforth calledbo.0 fiends in town Sunday. DASHWOOD BREEZES i' Spector .J E. Tom, visited S,1 S. No• 15, Hay last week.. Ned much seeding done last we- ek, owing to rain. With cold weather continuing, seeding is bound. ato be late this spring. Sorry to know that Mrs. Jas. Delgate is on the sick list; but with geed care we hope to see her well in e few days. Ales Jrxr+U, :Campbell, her son Colic, ewe Misses Annie and Mag- gie Sparks of the Bronson Line, Stanl'y, were guests of Mr, and Mrs J. S. Delgaty last Sunday after- noon, and took in the Cosjpel Ser'.. vice here in the evening. Gtad to state the crowd • is in- creasing. at the services, Du:rday evenings. Last, +a Splendid cen- gregatian was peesent, and were very attentive to the addressee given by Mr. Delgaty and Mr. Col- in Campbell. These adclie'ses we- re on the basis of Forgivenees with rt'snits, and De(;ieioit ;fir) much in nt ed. a LOCAL NEWS Arrangements are under way for a celebration at Hensall op June 3rd, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Appel last week moved from Kitchener to Hamburg where they have pueche ased a residential property. Mr. and Mrs. C. Redmond, of Hay Township, who recently sold their farm to Mr. C. Siemon, have mov- ed to Dorchester. Mr. -and Mrs. Morris Weber re- turned home after visiting for a few weeks with friends at Kitch- ener, Guelph and London. A. moving picture show will be held in the 'Down Hall, Zurich, on Saturday, May 8th, when Mr. Cam- pbell will show some real good pictures. See ad on another page. Seaforth Bowling lournaments will be held on June 9cn for the Merner Trophy, and July 21 and 2'2 for the Free Press and Stewart rl'r ophiees. Both the Meruer and Stewart trophies are heid in Ex- eter, having been von last year by in a moment. fir J. Heiman and R. N. Creech. A record breaking run was made • on the Canadian division of the The author of the dieashwood Michigan Central Railroad whet+ a Ereezer" ieels that there is much lacr;ing that snouid nut tee lacking in our rural school. 11any share his opinion and yet have no idea what is lacking and fur that re- ason hit into darkness with many of their criticisms. Now -a -days most of our rate payers are out of amen with the school work aha consequently out oil a good deal or necessary sym- pathy. Usually, where a trustee or rat :payer visits a school dur- ing teeehing hours he is impressed mainly with the discipline which is for to the land common special composing of an engine and two cars covering the 225 miles be- tween, Windsor and Buffalo in 181 minutes. ,a-81:J'ALL. Wm. Vanhorn and family left last week. for London, where he has secured a good position, • Mr., and Mrs. H. White of Sask- atoon, Sasee, are visiting the ror- mer's parents, here.. - Miss Minnie Reid left for an ex- tended visit in the west. Mrs. Thos. Sherritt, who has been visiting her mother,_ Mrs. Miller, at Windsor, returned home 1 he Band boys met last wed- n..:'day evening to re -organize. 1r'. E. Pfaff is making arringe- m:.nts for building another new far sugar in his Boyhood days. He may say, "-,oys aren't as bad as they used t , be". Tree picteees on the walls woad the writing on the black board sometimes attract his atten- tion, buc very sendua.i the teach- ing. With the exueat:on of ag- house this summer. I ric:ulture, the a\ erag: .,,ate payer h. 3 Paterson underwent an op- is scarcely interested ..i what is eration for appendicitis at ..Lon- I taught beyond the Lithe R's in don Hospital. their iuost elementary :arm. This .should not be the e.t.a it is de- CREDITON. Earl Brown friends here We are pleased to see 1I 1 F. Filher out again, after liis ill- mess. ()wing to coal shortage, the grist` mill had to .close down J. A. McDonald manager of the Bank of Commerce, has been tran- sf=ered to Lashbanrn, Sask. rlhe Armenian collection tor tate Evangelical S. School held r:eeeot- ly, amounted to $1B0.00. The dwelling a e.side.nce .of Wm. B. Gaiser, north •of the village was almost entirely fdestroyed by "dine last Sunday. of Detroit visited EXETER The Great Wra.r Veterans and the Land have arranged to hold a big celebration on d -ay Zith, Fred Elieringteu attezided the Liberal-Conservati\,e party meet- ing at Toronto last Friday. While unloading freight at the depot here last Thursday afternoon Brakeman Thos. Manning of the Grand Trunk had a narrow es- cape from de .th wenn a Et :el plate between the platform of the frei- ght shed and a box. ear fell :nom him. Manning stepped a•iren;the steel plate which slid into the car precipitating him to the ground 'between the car and the uletforrn .%ind the heavy plate fell upon his chest bruising him severely. NDMA NEVER 111• HER IlFiIII GtE 61U1 She Vept Her Locks Dark and Glossy, with Sage Tea and Sulphur. ,, whim you darken your hair with Sage Tea. and .sulphur, no one can tell, because it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparl,ng this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble- some. At little coat you can buy at any drug store the ready -to -use prep- aration, improved by the addition of other ingredients called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compoued." You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with it arid draw this through your hair; taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair disappears, and, after another application or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark- ened, glossy and luxuriant. ,' Gray, faded hair, though no dis- grace, is a sign of old age, and as we all desire a youthful and attraotive appearance, get busy at, once With ''Vityeth'ss Sage and Sulphur Compound and look years younger, Thie ready tai -use preparation is a delightful toi- let requisite and not a medicine. 4t Is not intended for the cure, lnitigat plots Ole r • ' The great probie:h ti help the rate payers to see the pr•usent day etmeds. lEducationisL . advocate UUaehers''and parents meetings in the section, but do not reckon with the modesty of most of our rural ;teachers and the antagonistic vi - ewe held by not a few of the par- ents. Here is a suggestion; The school sections of, say, a township, could form an organiz- ation of teachers, trustees and parents for the purpose of, hold- ing quarter -yearly conventions, lasting a day each. If each sch- •ool, in turn, have the convention, every teadher, trustee and parent would leave an .opportunity to earn 'and discuss the school needs. It would start a healthy competition among among neighboring schools sections None would wish to hate the poorest school or the cheapest, 'least efficient teacher. What do you think of it, trustees, parents 'and fellow-teaehor•s?• . A Teacher. T IF YOUR SYS ACT BADLY 'Asks 3ableapoonfaJ. si Salta ;lit Baan h fur Bladder bothers -Skink tots of Tata'. We .fixe is nation ,of meat eaters and our .blood is .filled with urio acid, says a well-known Authority, who warns us to be constantly on guard against kidney trouble. The kidneys do their utmost to tree the blood of tibia irritating acid, bub tbeeeme weak from the overwork; they, get gluggish; the eliminative tissues elm end thus the 'waste is retained in the blood to poieon the entire 3yeteuh When your kidtneys ache and feel like lumps of lead, and you ha.ve °tinging) fsins in the back or the urine is cloudy, ull of sediment, or the bladder is free table, obliging you to ;seek relief during) the night; when you lave severe head• aches, nervous and dizzy spells, sleepleaae news, acid stomach or rheumatism, in bad weather, get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jed Salto; take ae tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning and in a far, days your kidneys will act fine. This famous salts is made from time acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with iithia, and has been used for generations to flush and stimulate clogged kidneys, j to neutralize the acids in urine so it hp no longer a source of irritation, thug ending urinary and bladder disorders. gad Salts is inexpensive and cannot injure; makes a delightful efi'erveseen titans -water drink, and nobody can make a mistake by taking a little occasionally to keep the kidneys clean and active. taiesesS le.OrireOrlWlil/1OYP1Thlet,0011.®Oe!®OeO001400* **014M; q, • • A Few Bargains 1 • ei • Cream Separatorshave advanced. 1.i10 in price. Buggies. 20 per cent. We,, ItY have on hand one DeLaval and one''.: Melotte Separators, also two Grayl !Buggies which we will sell at pre- ! advance prices for quick sale. SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY IN £TOCK AT LAST • YEAR'S PRICES. • SEE US ABOUT NEW AND GOOD SECOND DRAG HARROWS e p _ BLACKS • 1 • IPU P'S 1 UMPS • to • e g WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS AND PIPING. • p WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMPS. 1 • 1LN APnatselIG, Zuriohi I RTICUIaAR BLACKSMITH JOB, WE 0 BRING ALONG THAT PE 0 WILL TRY AND DO IF FOR Y OU. • • • • osee0ee•ee•sseees•ss•seeseersme•seserse•eesesr•e••••3 SHINGLES SHINGLES Parties requiring Shingles this season will do well by bying them at once. As after April 1st all shingles will advance 10 per cent. in price. Kalbfleish Zurich Coming to Zurich Town Hall on Saturday, May 8th BIG MOVING PICTURE SHOW, FEATURING "THE LUST OF GOLD"• AND "A TRIP THRD THE ZOO'' "THE FLIRTATION OF TOM THUMB" AND "A BROKEN PANE" SOME COMEDY AND OTHERS (ALL AT POPULAR PRICES ' T 'ADULTS 35d -'"" CHILDREN 20c. NOTICE to Automobile Owners HAVING PURCHASED A LARGE •QUANTITY OF GUARANI TEED AUTOMOBILE TIRES BEFORE THE BIG ADVANCE IN PR -- ICE, WE ARE PREPARED TO GIVE YOU, OUR CUSTOMERS, THE; BENEFIT OF THE SAME. WE ALSO PURCHASED A CARLOAD OF HEAVY AND LIGHT POLARINE GAS ENGINE OILS, BEFORE THE ADVANCE IN PRICES AND .ARE SELLING SAME AT $L.0ei AND 80 CENTS RESPECTIVALY PER GALLON. GASOLINE AT' 40 CENTS PER GALLON. WE ARE ALSO PREPARED TO RE- PAIR ANY MAKE OF CARS, AND WILL GUARANTEE YOU A. SATISFACTORY 3013. GIVE US A TRIAL, YOU WILL FIND OUR: CHARGES REASONABLE, AND 0 UR WORK 1SATISFACTORY., FRET; AIR AND BATTERY T EST1NG TO ALL AUTO OWN R i:. For1, :.viers sail