HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-04-29, Page 11 ti • • ZURIC Vol. XX No 43 ERALD ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING, APRIL 29 , 1920. • NEW . STIOE- ST „/.1.1faii.M.mipini,opurowomeam,••••meffm. WE HAVE OPENED UP ,A. GENERAL SHOE STORE IN' TIARTLEIB'S BLOCK. ON MAIN STREET, AND ARE READY TO SHOW TOIT SOME OP THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRING F 0 0 TWBAX ' ) Our Stock Consists of entirely w Stock, and have a large aseortment to choose from. Giee Us a call and We will show you what we have. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS W. H. PFILE - .ZURIOH lefammumoornaucwascriaao' 110.0=1,3M6011/SiUMAIPHIP1111111IVIIMIWC.11114110:4.1=11130403.11M.1101111111.5•11MOIll 4.000600.6060.0000000000 efeeeseeeeeeeneeeeeeceemmesessoseeeseeetteseeeeseeee .00 , .,.." 0 0 i!, ;;; • , . . 1. k il 0 , : . 1 11 e ,,, Aaplay of ','•i:tiring as 1 Materials, Serges, Silks, V • 1 anBroadcloths 1 S. :00 1 ty..!1 RAY' All -Wool Serge Dress Goods Pine allwool Serges 36 and 49 inches wide, colors black, green, navy and brown, very suitable for spring suits or Separate skirts. Prices from $2.75 to $3.50 per yard. Broadcloths :A. nice range of all-woor Broadcloths, especially for spring suits.'54 in. wide, colors, black, navy, brown taupe and ' Green. • i '10 Velours 2 • We are showing a splendid range of Velour coatings for spring wear in all the latest shades 54 in. wide. Silks • A big display of Silks in all colors. Also'Silk poplins 'iand Silk Georgette in all the newest shades. • 10 0 fe F a 1 •• • • • • • * e • • se • • • • 1 •o * 0 • al 40 '..: ..) AN Velvets A beautiful quality corduroy velvet suitable for spring suits a full yard wide in white only, 1 Dress lours e • • e • a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0• 0 e- 0 e • '• • • 2 • To, work at the manufacturing I' ' of iFabric Gloves. A fine opp.e.- • tunity for desirious workers to • auake good wages. • • Apply; Hall Dent Limited, se IZURICH — ONT. • • • TEACHERS FORM FEDER AT N a 4.44,A.: outstanding feature of tile . '7.'seme eVfieual\ coa‘cittion of the Oa laelo • Edutatien Assoeiation at To.o.,to • O was the formation of a fee,: et tea • for the avowed purpose of s.eur- 0 • ing salary increases tor public s..h- • ool teachers. Charles G. lera.or • • of Toronto, secretary of the new Mrs. T. L. Wurm is on the siek list. • Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Stade spent Sunday at Dashwood. Whee one makes a hit then is Aust the time to start going. ...The recent rains and cold Weather have delayed seeding and is practically at a standstill. The local merchants of town are this week disposing of the balaace ei their dutch set onions. Appar- ently there is a good demand this year for. this product. A. Farmers' Club near •Strathrey has decided to take half holidays se.e, Wednesdays between April and November, andea penalty of $2 is Au be placed on the man that Worked between 1 and 6 p.m. One of the interesting features 02 the eeeniug programme to be giv- en at the parlor meeting in the Eve angelical church on Monday even- ing is a debate, "Resolved that reading is more educational than .;:travelling." by some of the pro- minent men of the town. GIRLS WANTED MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RAIN COATS These coats are not merely a rain coat. We have them in fine fancy tweeds, belted styles, which give the appearance of a • spring overcoat and being ruber- ized, makes them waterproof. All sizes and colors, • organization, gave an • address in I • the public school section of the association on "how to conduct a • salary campaign." He expressed the belief tnat the trustees would • respond to the movement and pay! • better salaries, but declared; "If • they do not want us to form a I • • labor union and threten to strike, • • they should do the fair thing with • outcompulsion. • O In the "Contest open to every- one" in last week's Herald we are sorry to say that no answer came to hand. We presume the schol- ars are very busy at this time of the year nad find a few minutes of different recreation much more desirable. 'But what about our I many public school teachers? Have they also dozed off with the drone of drowsy bees, or think only of ! self and the absolute necessities of life? These questions, if properly 0 • • • • • • 44 discussed, would be of great val- e ue and interest to the community at large and are surely worthy of due ccnsideration. A. similiar co n - .1. test will again appear in the near future and eve hope that by by that time some enthesaism may be generated and developed with some of our more educated read- ers. Watch for this one. • Young Men We have just received our ship- ment of new Spring Suits, and we can say without the shadow of a doubt that we have the best as- sortment of Men's Suits ever shown in !Zurich. We have all the different styles that can be thought of, in fact all of our New Spring Suits have "Up To Date" printed alt over them. Don'ttake our word for it. Ail we ask "BE FAIR" and come and see for yourself. We take great pleasure in showing our large assortment whether you buy or not ALL STYLES ALL PRICES Watch for our Shipment of New Hats Phone 59 • 1 PREETR Produce W4nted , PA k .:''' ',.." . ' ****110 • . ., ,,,,,),„V.,..V.,& '''1* .. ,. ,•,- - - -.„...; :ry., 20 0.,,,,,,talf , „„` ..* ,,W 1 i,,, • ..7.,,09,--4,-...'• • ',,t,,, ,1 t 4 0 0 0 0 • Wilson Elliott, proprietor of • • the Commercial Hotel, Clinton, is I) • lying painfully injured and his wife • is in Clinton. Hospital as a result 0 • of a motor accident on Saturday to • afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott, $ with their little child and a well- ▪ known local man, Dick Baker, we- e • re driving past the Schwartz farm tlOar Benmiller, when a deep rut, • suddenly defected the steering to gear and the car turned convict- : ely over. Mr. and Mrs. Milo t we ,e • thrown through the windshield, cut by the glees and severely shave O ken up. • 0, • • • • 0 0 Oar 1920 Supply has arrivedT; Line of Bicycle and: Auto Accessories Hess the Jeweller Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1.25 a Year In Advance THE MOLSONS BANK Incorporated in 1835 CAPITAL and RESERVE .$9,000,000 Over 120 Branches Industry and Thrift are Essential to .Success Ambition will prompt you to industry and a weekly dep- osit 'to your saving account . will help you to thrift. It is surprising how quiskly reg- ular deposits grow. Open a Savings account Today W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch bININEMINIO16.19•11M. 4* 4. 4. i Rugs, Blankets, Bells + 1 + Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc t 4. -41 + + + + + 4 + +—1 + + + + + + + 4 4 • YOUR HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to here. See„us about DOUBLE TEA14.1 HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL HINDS A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH I 4.--+-4.—+ + + + 4. 4. 4-4-4 1. 4. .I P'' -.• 4:::+f+++++++++++.:•+++++.:`+:"H•f+++++:4++44+++++.:••:.++++4411 +"i+1:• 1 .tf Sprin,-:.Stock )boes * Has Arrived + . * . AND OUR STOCK IS COMP- ee es LETE, WITH A LARGE AS- sls, ee ee + SORTIVENT TO CHOOSE .e. - „., -s- FROM •E`. 4- 4, .4- 4.We Also Carry anything in 44 Rubbers, and can fit you up. * + .1 Look our Stock over. + * et + + BUTTER IND EGGS WANTED 44 44 ....f• argga.--Z215:1,_.:. 4. .41.- 0. FRITZ .41. 41. t 4. ,i- :: 4t The Shom1:ean + 4. CASTOR /A For Infants and Children. In Use For Or 30 Years Alweys beera the ee,...seee Alit' /7'121, 4(4 4;6 Spring and Summer Goods We have a nice Assortmeut of Dry Goods in stock. SILKS, I'OPLINS, WHITE SUITXNGS, LADIES' WAISTS, MIDDIES, HOUSE DRESSES, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, HATS, CAPS, ETC, ALL KINDS OF GARDEN SEEDS AN] ROOT SEEDS .ON HAND LEAVE YOUR ORDER HERE FOR SEED CORN Fresh Gro3eries always in Stock R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE 11 -97 BLAK 9 .4 4 44 4 •1 4