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Zurich Herald, 1920-04-15, Page 1
1: Vol.,XX No 41 H RALD 'ZURICH, T-HUR$OA? MORNING, APRIL 15 , 1920. ammo Noma H. °e Of9 • • • • 0 • ,0 • 0 0 K• • 0 • 0 • • • • • s • • 1.0 • ;>0 0�. 1 E.,b —� 0 0 •• 6'te 00®-i2:600000000® GOO e 11301110425.11111112110M4=1E=2 Sli()E STORE WE HAVE OPENED Up A GENERAL SHOE STORE IN HARTLEIB'S BLOCK. ON RAIN' STREET, AND -ARE READ'S.' TO SHOW YOU SOME OF THE LATEST STYLES OF SPRING. FOOTWEAR Our Stock Consists of entire(; N.: 1r Stock, and have a large assortment to choose troa!, Eire us a call and We will chow you what we have. EGGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS' P F fL E - ZURICH 410a040000 peaaassmeaseseee amine *00009 09060 is jr: ay 'naffs erg lin Sil s, O Cl t d All -Wool Serge Dress Goods Fine al wool Serges 30 and 44 inches wide, colors black, o+'green, navy and brown, very suitable for spring suits or • .Separate skirts. Prices from $2.75 to $3.50 per yard. 0 ' °a A nice range of all -wool :Broadcloths, especially for spring • suits; 54 in. wide, colors, black, navy, brown taupe and ' Green. '•eelm • Velours a We are showing a splendid range of Velour coatings for es ' Broadcloths ,0 ,0 spring wear in all the latest shades 54 in. wide. Silks ``le A. big display of Silks in all colors. Also Silk poplins and Silk Georgette in all the newest shades. 0 ar a • '0 10 4 0 R' 0 -0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a+ 0 0 ,0 1• '• ,0 10 10 ,0 • 0 • • 0 • Velvets A beautiful quality corduroy Velvet suitable for spring suits a full yard wide in white only„ ®000® •• •• • a • 0 0 • d • O e O • • • • • • • •. • 1 tress elo-rs MEN'S AND WOMEN'S RAIN COATS These coats are not merely a rain coat. We have them in fine fancy tweeds, belted styles, which give the appearance' of a spring overcoat and being ruber- ized, makes then waterproof. All sizes and colors. M:n We have just received our ship- ment of new Spring Snits, and we can nay without the shadow of a doubt that we have the best as- sortment of 11Ien's Suits ever shown in (Zurich. We have all the different styles that can be thought of, in fact all of our New Spring Suits lave "Up To Date" printed all over them. Don't take our word for it. Ail we ask "BE FAIR" and come and see for yourself. We take great pleasure in showing our large assortment whether you buy or not • ALL STYLES ALL PRICES Watch.. for our hip ent of New Hats ETE Produce Wanted seseeseseenrenizeteelatiat 0 O • • 0 • • • O • 0 • O • 0 • O • 0 • 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 Mr•. C. Fritz was a business ;:s- itor to London last Thursday. A Meeting for the purpose o ' or- ganizing the Zurich Baseball `' u!r for 1,920 will be held in the AI eee Leaf 'Club rooms this Thursday ev- ening at 8 p. in. A full attend ante is requested as matters of importance will be discussed. FOR SALE - 1 have a quantity of Red Clo ; er seed for sale. Apply 'to John Frown, R. R. No.1 Zuri•.:h. t0r at my .premises Goshen Lew. AUCTION SALE Of •household effects will be l:c:d at Dominion Hotel, Zurich •an Sat urday April 17th at 1.30 -p.m. sharp A Johnston & Son Proprie.or,. SHAVES 15 CENTS - Qn and atter Monday, April .2.h,' the -price of shaving will be. • 15 cents, this includes neck sha•; The same price will also be e.1 -ug - ed fpr trimming whiskers. Oesch and Edighoffer, barbers, Zuz ihe. • GIRLS VWANTLTD To work at the manufactu eng of JY abrie Gloves, A fine oi,poe- tunity for desrrrous workers to make good wages, Apply; Hall Dent Limited, - IZUIiICH — ONT. • e.e0S.ALl'e SPRING' SHOW Our 1920 Supply has arrived, FII Line of Bicycle and Auto Accessories Hess the Jeweller Chester L. Smith, Publisher $7..25 a Year In Advance THE MOLS NS Jle. BANK Incorporated jn 1833' CAPITAL and RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches • Industry and Thrift are Essential to Success Ambition will prompt you to industry and a weekly dep- osit 'to your saving 'account wit: help you to thrift. 1t is surprising how quiskl•y. reg- ular deposits grow. Open a Savings account Today W. B. COLLES Mana r Zurich Branch .•i•—+—•9—•I•—+—$—+—+—o'•—+F•-•-4 —,g.-- —y�— ao— r— € _ g — N—•k —� —�T^ f Will be promptly attended to here. See'us about • DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, 1 REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS 1 i.ets Rugs, Blankets, Bells fFull line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc YOUR HARNESS NEEDS A Trial Solicited I FRE -THIEL ZURICH 4. .L .*5 1' 4. -4-4--4-4-4-4-4--4-4-4— +-4--4-4•-4—H—: —•3—�•—•�—^2�— The South Huron Xgric::itur.0 • Society held their annual te e.n • ,_ ,,...y.; ,.L,;».; , ; —e + e+e .. + show at Hensel). on Tuesday, _erg. 6th. There was a i -air nurn ',, entri?a in each of the dilfer:'n c. - asses and some very line stoc r. e- hibited. There was also a ' c•. y large attendance and keen intens.: manifested in the judging. Baker of Toronto, acted as judge e- in the horse classes, and Mr. tluga McDonald, of I-Iensell,' was tilt' 1 4 judge of cattle, both of whom gave' universal satisfaction. The fol- lowing is the list of successful ex- hibitors; HORSES :Clyde or Shire Stallions Stallion foaled 1917 or later—W McAllister & Son, Jas. Smillie. Belgian or Percheron Aged Stallion—H. C. Soldan. Stallion foaled 1917 or later --I;1. C.. Seidan,. Carriage or Roadster Aged Stallion—Toni Murdock Stallion foaled 1917 or later—J. 1. Decher, Jr. HARNESS HORSES :heavy Draft team—C. Godboat.' p Heavy Draft Brood Mare in foal —Wm. McAlister & Son, J. ,Smillie, 3 Agr mare in foal—Dr. Muir, Fr, gl Hagan. 0 '.three year old Agr. Gelding or • 0 { Filly foaled in 1917-11, T. LuI.'r & 0 Son, Robt. Thompson. o , 3le.avy Draft or Agr. colts foa:e.1 g in 19.:9—T. N. T orsyth, W m. WI] .iu- '0 soil. a General Purpose Team —• G. E. O Thompson. 0 Single Carr. Horse—G. .I. Thinl. Roadster Team—J. Decher, Jr, Single Roadster—J. >y„tley, Jr., R • T. Luker, J. Decher, Jr. 0 ISPE:C14LS HuzonExl_os.tor :or spec'a; To- wnship Competiton of 3 horses— R. T. Luker, C Godot of Usto:ne iCATTL l+: .Shorthoz+ass • :Bull calved after Sept 1913—W. 1H. Pfile, Hugh McM,1 as al {Cow or Heifer ow! two ,e'r,— Win Pepper, John Elder. a Miter under two years—William Dougall, Wmm, Pepper. 0 0 a 0 • • 0 • • • 0 0 For Infants a, rM1dre7t En Use For O r :' rO Years Always bars "tae S;g• ausc .mf c AND OUR' STOCK IS COMP- LETE, WITH A LARGE AS- !SORTidE, T 10 'CHO'OSE FROM We Also Carry anything :r -s Rubbers, and can fit you up. Look our Stock over. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED 0. FPITZ The Shoeman p'a + 4 4 o, a .'4•'+ a . a + rD iti h 0 •? +:«••i1•L •: +i'O 1 •. J'?''': +'« + . i i 'C ee YO 4 i 'Cti a .' :+ '4'4••e. lull{dh{1N(I:;(JI1l,ti: �:l,ailild111111111110((,111131151.1,d!11:111"Lr"1;111!el! Iii, 11(iP!�(:.i'r' I'!I!111PBBU!�,i,1+".`>. t U'{sItlU111 4t Vie us offeving S ec ai Reduced 'rices on Me felowla Ens for a kited, R ge. Misses and Oirl's "Scarf and C Cap Sets, Men's and, Boy's Sweater Coats. Men'; and Boy's Winter 'Caps Mtn's Wool lined leather Mit}s. den's and Bay's Heaey Bubb ors. 1119n's and Boy', Heavy rocks. Common and Fingering Yarn R. Ai. bOUGLAS BLA.E- PH©NE 11 on 97 ynrSi'x''ill`JnJ;4fi4iHfiR111ttN,'fg67glRn!kfHf:'dlNglli;iPdilllW1ip111N1)11NIIw1U{lldlibshillillil IR9fllllli!IIIIiJIU,'(1:Wi!m!8.'11WNr•1i!k!1!elidR{d sti 1