HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-03-18, Page 8Clearing Sale STOCK TAKING LS OVER AND 1 WE HAVE NOW PREPARED SEVERAL BARGAIN TABLES FOR YOUR INSPECTION, IN THEO TIMES OF HIGH PRICES. YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SOME OF THESE FIRST CLASS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICRS. HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THEM; - LADIES COATS 1 Only LadiesCoat, Black Baby Lamb Cloth Reg. 30.00 for $23.00 1 Only Ladies' Coat, Black Baby Lamb Cloth Reg. 34.00 or$28 Os se only Ladies' Coats Reg.38.50 for $21.00 'It large assortment of coats, your choice at each $4,00 MEN AND BOYS WEAR A FINE LOT OF MEN'S OVERCOATS AT BARGAIN PRICES. All 4 ; . new Coats. 6 only Boy's Suits at each 0.00 to $8.00 Si only Men's Sheep Skin iined Coats Regular $15.00 for $13.50 Men's fleeced shirts and drawers only a few sizes at each 75c DRESS GOODS, ETC• 5 pieces only Dress Goods at reduced prices. Extra Value, come and t , see them. 'About 1O0 -yd. of Gingham 40 in.wide, reg. 40 and 45c. now for 32c White flannelette Sheethig Regular $L25 now for $1.00 Wool Underskirts. Regular price $1.40 now for $1.10 REMNANTS SEE OUR REMNANT TABLE FOR BARGAINS IN SHORT ENDS OP DRESS GOODS, PRINZ'S, GINGPIA.MS, FLANNELETTS, ETC. 3 'All Sweater coats at reduced pricce0., Lot of toques at 25 cents each. Men's wool socks at 40c a pair. 4 dozen only, brooms at 50c. each. AND MANY MORE BARGAINS Come Early for best Choice. J. Casa() & Son 4111••••••11111MMIlit I have taken the contract to handle Ford parts and will stock a complete lime •of genuine Ford repairs, • Bring your Motor ear 'trmebles! to WI. We specialize on any make ... ._ . ._ . . Al! repairing guaranteed. We repair not experiment. 11. Niousseau • Zurich GARAGE STAND AT T. JOHNSON 'S FORMER IFURNITUilE STORE ••••••••• A wry* .mmolopams - LOCAL MARKETS ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST , sCorrecteol every Thursday.) 1M r, Mr, H. G. Hess spent the week - Butter • , b81 end at London. • - Eggs • 62. . Mr. Roy Weber has opened up a Dried _Apples. 14 genertil shoe repair shop in Ren - Potatoes per bag ... ... . 1.50 nie's Block. This ads another Dutch Setts ... ... ..., ... 6M-7 business to .our progressive vil- Wheat 1.95 lage, Oats , 1.00 4--44 Esti ley 1.60 PRESENTATIONS Buckwheat 1.5 Fleur 0.00-700 Bran 50.00 Shorts 55.00 Hogs • 11.00 Itiasseyallarris Implements WE HAVE BERN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOF THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ;...' ; 'SI ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC. GIVE US A CALL, Casper Walper Zurich ig - Cont. HYDRO ON FARMS Hydro -electric power has been used in some parts of Western Ont ario for several years and it is rapidly being introduced into the rural districts for farmers' use. The actual cost of the service has not yeat been determined as there are factors entering itno this phase of the supply which vary under different conditiions, sothat there is an element of experiment or Speculation in the matter of expense which will doubtle3s be adjusted satisfactorily before tong. But there is no doubt existing with regard to the utility of hydro-el- ectri( or its convenience for ,many farming purposes. One of the localities where el- ectrie sevrice is most popular and commonly u,sed by farmers is at Norwich in Oxford County. The sub -station here serves 130 rural users and these are a 1 ;aine.swih the exception of -14 in the Village fo ,SpringfordS Norwich is wh- ere the experiment of supplying hydro to farms was first tried, and Sup. Walker Daykin still talks of the venture as an expermient, although the customers have Ina. - .:4++++++++++++++44+++++44+.1-4-1-44+4•44+++++++44+++++++++.' ess THE LEADING HARDWARE STORE Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is such that we can supply evenybody's Requirmets. PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- A surprise presentation took pl- ace at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mittleholtz on Saturday after- neen when a number of friends gathered and presented Mr. ands. iVirS. Mittleholtz with two hes.ut- ifel mahogany chairs and their son Claytus with a handsome rocker, ere their departure for Kitchener. Following is the address; rl'o Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Mittle- holtz;- tWes your friends and nei- ghbers, have heard with deep re- gret that you are making prepar- ations to move away from our midst. During the time that you have made your home here yon have made many warm friends by your pleasant and joliy 'ways and your fair. dealing, and we feel that we are losing good citizens, the kind that help to make a com- munity more pleasant to live in. We ask you to accept these gif- ts as a remembrance of your old friends and neighbors in Zurich and vicinity. May you both be spared many years to enjoy the comforts of the samei ' Wishing you much prosperity in your new home and assuring you a hearty welcome when at any time you may visit us. Signed The immediate Friends. Mr. Mittleholtz, was taken soby i eased from 118 last year to 134t.ifir- surprise, as he was sointerested year" and applications are on file in his auction sale, hwich was he - from many morel , ing conducted at his piece at the - Y same time, that he 'felt the task The average bill for power paid o by the farmers throughout thi,sf making a suitable reply too , district is $52.03. This amount in- great . Therefore he wishes thr- eludes a service charge of 0, .ough the cOlumns.of the Herald to $3so' express his appreciation for the, that the average amount of pow- henor and respect showed to him ear used is $e2.03: For this sum; and family, and is pleased that he less than $2 . a . nienth ; the. farmer lights his house and barn, pumps can leave with such a large eircle his water. milks his cows, runs the of ffiends in Zurich and commune separator, chops his fooder, and, itY, . • • 4--+ in some cases, fills the silo. A This, was not a money -,making very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. ipr.) B. Cam - proposition for hydro.. As a mattei of fact, such rates could not pbell, on Friday evening, March 12 l be maintained, and it will not be -when the members of the ocal long until there is a revision.But, branch of the Women's Institute. met to convey their thoughts of as Mr. Daykin said, the whole friendship and esteem in which she thing was • an experiment, particu- 1 ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE 01JR SUPPLY LASTS, WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS .ADVANCED 10% AND :11: PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY AND SAVE. MONEY larly the rates, It was though at' is held by the Society. first the farm user would take most power when the load was lightest, but it turned out that the rural consumer seemed to want most power when the load was heaviest, Consequently the rate fixed for power was too low. The average motor used by the farmers is a five horsepower, 3- phase motor. It does all the little jobs about the farm, but cannot accomplish heavier work, such as threshing. However, before long there will be 10 -horse power mot- ors in general use, with corresp- onding changes in the power equip ment.and these will be able to un- dertake the heaviest of farm wrok, be it filling silo or threshing At present there is a transformer at every farm gate to step clown the power from 2,200 volts and it would only -require slight chleges in such equipment to accommod- ate the larger motors. The rate paid at Norwich is $38 per horse -power. This will give an idea as to what municipalities similarily situated could sell it to the ruraf•parts for when similarly situated. • The farmers on the rural lines pays 1 \ Five and one-half eents per kilowatt hour foe first 50 hours; 2.75 for all over that. For domestic and manufacturing' us" in town the rate beg'ns at three cents per kilowatt hour. It would seem, then, that rural districts near a town could be. We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring. Call and see our 'Goods and get Our Prices. . 4; WE DO ALL KINDS OP RVEPROUGHTNG AND REPAIRING ALL TIMES 4. STADE & WEIDO PREETER BLOCK ZURICH t a e t 0 c Following is the address. Dear Mrs. Carapbell;- 'We, the members of he Zurich Womens' Institute have ssembled here this evening on the .ve of your departure to express o you our sorrow' at the thought f your separation,from us, and to onvey to you our best wishes, or your future success and hap- piness. We individually and as an -Institute shall miss you very much You have always been one of our best workers. You took a keen interest in everything per- taining to the uplift nad benefit of the community, and you were al- ways willing to give your time and energY for the suceess of the In- stitute. We feel that not only the In- stitute but the community at large will sustain a great loss when you, andy our husband and fam- ily' leave our midst. We hope that wherever yon take up your abode, your relations with the pub lac will he as cordial and as happy as they have heen here. AS a slight token of the esteem hi which you'are held by us and as a tang- ible remembrance, of. our Instit- ute we present you with this St- atue, adn we hopeyou will return often to visit us sq that the bonds 'of friendship which have existed between us shall not he entirely broken, , Signed in behalf of the Womens' Institute, RA UN;EAE.11T., FURNITURE' Inst. .airived -two carloads of fur- niture, including Bed room suits, Dini411pOm suites, and a num- ber. of quartered Oak Library Tables in fumed and gloss finish. THE SHREWD BUYER WILL ACT QUICKLY AS THERE IS A STEADY TREND UPWARDS, ON ALL LINES OF FURNITURE, AND WILL BE VERY DIFFIC- ULT TO SECURE LATER ON. Buy now, while the Assortment is best Zurich's Busy Store Melick raun PHONE 63 1110111111111111111111111111111EMMEEMIIIIIMEIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIIIIMIEIMNIMIN11111111111 Get Tour Raincoat Zero yes, we sell Raincoats, gurrauteed to protect you 523.ow,sleet, rain andstorm. It is a real weather-proof garment that will give you long pawl satisfactory everyday service. Get your quality shirts, underwear neckwear, 'hosiery, etc., at this storee I I DEN.01YIY BROS. - ZURIOE Produce taken in. exchange for Goods Great Stock - Reducing Sale Come here Saturday. Reap the Profits which go with everypurchase • FURS 25 per cent. discount off all Furs including Wolfe, Coon, Marmot and Sable. supplied for similar rates, tut as I Mre Campbell replied 'n i few has been pointed out these have well chosO'n wordsf impressing on not been paying, and with cost, °tithe benefits and many pleasant transmission construction seeriee, !soiial gatheringe she engaged with it may well be consides +Ia th,31, the Institute, wishing it ,the best eost shonli be considerably high- of success and continued ProsPu- Pr. ity FELLEX SQUARES Size 2x3 at $8.50. Men's Dress shirts all sizes. EV- ery shirt a Bargain. Men's fleeced Underwear, Reg. 2 50 a suit, Sale Price Men's Sweater coats all colors and sizes. Big Reduction. Dr.. Hess Stock food and poultry LADIES CLOTH COAT panacea. only aize 40,.reg, $40, sale $25.00 Big reduction in all Ladies' Under- wear. • Ladies' Cloth Coats reg. 12.00 and $15.00. Sale Price $3.00 Don't miss this bargain. Men's and Boy's suits at a 'Big Reduction. Feltix- Floor covering 2 yde. wide 2.20 Si yard. JAPANESE MATTING 25c. yd. EVERY ITEM A GENUINE BARGAIN Sale begins „Saturday, Feb. 14th Sale ends Saturday, Feb. 28th Butterick Patterns For Sale Phone 18 WORM .P11°110 78