HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-03-18, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS eROUDFOOT, K1LLORAN, & COOKE, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public see. 011ico, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton. St, Goderich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W..PRQUPFOOT, K. C. J. L. KILI.ORAN. H. J. A. Comae Mr. Cooke will be in Hensel' on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW F. HESS, Notary Public Com missioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co, Herald Office. Zurich. Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST .At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY WAIN ()MCP - HENQ ALL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer fer the Co- unty of Huron, Sales 'conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my' hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0. Phone 18-93 Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc • Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Tu�,gblut & t Deicher. Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACKWANA COAL Also soft coal. Our terms are cash on delivery D. A. Oantelon HENSALL ONT LIVE P O U LT RY WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR-- CreamandEggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich Advertise in the Herald and notice the results. I'UT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS , COLUMN ,�o, LOCAL NEWS NOTICE. We 'have just received a car- load of cedar shingles. II Q Kalhfleisch, Zurich. WANTED Cattle for pasture for Season 1920 about 120 head. Apply to Geo. Schroeder, R.Ree, Zurich' NOTICE Our Accounts are ready please call for yours. If not called for within a short time, we will mail them. $5.00 a send for pie case I have J, GASCHO&SON NOTICE day the year around, yearly contract and sam- free. H. V. MARTIN, Windsor, Ont. NOTICE._ opened up a 'cobbler and general shoe repair shop ;n Renes nie's Block, on Victoria street. Give me a sere •of your business and I will assure you .satisfaction. ROY WEBER! - Zurich --40 LOST A. gauntlet glove, between Hen - Ball and iZurich. Finder leave at Herald Office, Zurich. NOTICE. 'I ant ready for all kinds of cem- ent work. No job too large. Call on me for Silos, Bridges, Foundat- ions, Etc. ALEX FOSTER - Zurich AUCTION SALE • MORTGAGE SAEL OF FARM LANDS Under powers of Sale in a Mor- tgage there will be offered for sale at Public Auction by Thomas Gundry. Auctioneer, at the Dome inion Hotel,. Zurich, on Saturday March 27th,.. at 2 p. In. SIX lot. 9, and W'4 lot 10, L. R E. Hay,, formerly owned by Nelson Masse. TERMS',OF' on clay of sale days:. ' For further.. part'eculars ers or apply. to Proudfoot, Killoran de Cooke, Goderich, Vendors' Coticitors. Dated March 8th; 1920. 40 SALE; -20% down nad balance in 30 see po3t- Victory Bonds Bought and Sold Any Issue. Par and accured interest. A. F. BESS, - Zurich COST -C. P.A:EXECUTIVE Tho Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for ad- vancement to qualify as accountant. 'Tome study training, not interfering with your present occupa- tion. Booklet free. we have trained more Certi- fied Public Accountants than has any otherinstitu- Non. We have helped hundreds of others secure good paying positions. We can hep you. International Accountants Society, Box352 Toronto ill...111111111.111111111.111111111.1.T.I. • Make your Will! Avoid disappointments, dissatisfaction, worry and litigation by 'making your WILL now, when in good health and of sound mind.. Many thousands of dollars are wasted annually in law costs where no wills were mend to dispose of the estates~ • ANADATPIJST COP✓iPF. `1Y 'Helloed ire conseeilon tzu•:`• The 1-kwara & Erie Mortgage ° ; •-;poration. HEAD OFFICES i LONDON, ia,.pplicatione for Guarenteod..lnvastrnent tit received by ANDREW HES S, le ZURICH, ONTA .;r:(1,:.ter r- azzammarA,L. 5 Mr:. a S'. E. Faust left for Nater -1 loo on Tuesday morning.' Mr. Ed. Axt, of London is spend- ing the week at his home. Messrs 'Amus and Simon Geiger of Pigeon, Mich., are visiting at the home of their father, Mr. Ab.; Geiger. Mr. Harry aoldon and daught-' er Elsiae, of Hensel' were visitors at the home of Hr. and Mrs. J. Hey, Jr. on Sunday. Mr. Ed. Fisher of Kitchener, 1 LOCAL NEWS Mr. Eldon Howald of Kitclener is .visiting friends in the vi.lage. rlA9;. and Mrs. Jos. Druar, of St. Clemens, attended the funeral at the .late Fred Krauskopf. Mrs. C'. Wagner, who had been staying at Hensall for the Winter has returned to her home hetes' Mr. Ezra Koehler left on Wed- nesday for Kitchener, where hen- tends to be for some time. The sad death occured on Mon - spent the week -end at hi s home day, March 8th at Seaforth of here. ' Harry William Walper, at the age Mr. W. H. Pfile has received his' of 1 year and 3 months and 20 stock of boots and shoes and is days, being sick for only two in a position to do business, weeks, with Influenza -pneumonia, Mr. Emanuel Fleischauer Of and everything was done for the St- ratford attended the funeral of his father, the late Hy. Fleischauer The auction sale of Mr. A. Mit- tleholtz on Saturday was well at- tended and good :prices were re- alised by the proprietor. Mrs. J. Gascho, and daughter, • Marjorie, who had spent the past ix weeks at the home of the 4 former's parents, in Pigeon, Mich.,' in an returned on Saturday. �fa Mr. A. Mittlehoitz moved his household effects to Hensall st- un little fellow possible, but of no avail. The remains were brought to IZurihc on Wednesday 10th and entered in the lutheran cemetery. The bereaved parents have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. The Evangelistic meetings ;n the Evangelical church are increase in power and interest. Men d women are brought face to ce with Christ as never before. st Sunday morning twelve yo - 6, 1 reople 'knelt at the Altar atiorl on Wednesday where they seeking Salvation. Church mem- will accompany Mr. D. Koehler's, berg who have been Christians in who moved on Tuesday, for Kit-' name .only, are renewing their chener.. We are indeed sorry to cotenant with God. see both families leave the village, Misx K. Morton, the Evangelist, as they will be greatly missed.is a woman blest with great tact. Another of Hay Township's pi faith and power. eller appeal oneera passed away on Wednesday March lath, in the person of Fred- erick Krauskopf, at the age of 64 years and 19 days, at his home' here in the village. He had been in fairly good health until the time of his death, which was caus- ed by heart failure. Deceased was well known here, being born in the Township and resided on a farm on the Goshen Line south, nearly all his life, until four years ago, when he moved to Zurich. Besides his widow and one dau- ghter, Mrs. J. Druar of St. Clem- ens, a 1 arge number of friends rno-1 urn his loss. whe remains were laid to rest on Saturday in the R. : rem cry, ow -hi c lure. ems a devout- member. • The following appeared editor - ally in the Kitchener Daily Teleg-' A few sparks from the anvil gaph under date of March Lith, ,i„Miss Morton, Evangelist. 1920; 1. some people pray a grea "The election of Mr. Erwin C. deal but God may only call Grel.� to the Presidency of the Kit- "Much speaking." chenet Board of Trade is an assur- 2. We need more life ance of the application of that' church. We are almost enterprise and business energy to to death now. he wor1; of the Board that has' 3;. (Ever - church has halt and withered. ' 4. Your religion is in your will and not in your kerchief. 5. Education, unless it is con- secrated to God, cannot save souls. 6. It takes less bravery to step across the front line, and to .be shot to "blazes: then to step out and follow Christ. lIGIIIIVIilIIW1111181�IIHh1NVlNllNifllllflHI1181Vd1p}lIi11�IIIII�I�I�IH1tIN1111!I11�9II1fYdlll�lli 11flIIilla6ti1iII11111111111111N1lIMlI;IiiINIII!IllfllliilllllVllllllil!8111i1il�lll6i I Het Appeal;- Jesus raised both hands on Cal- vary. won't you raise one for him C et f h' h 1 h he for consecration at the Sunday service was wrought 'with good re sults. Next Sunday morning she will speak on the subject; "The last words of a great man," and in the evening will be her farewell sermon'. The Sunday morning service Will no doubt be the greatest ser- vice during the campaign. Friends will kindly come about 15 minutes before 11.00 o'clock. so as to sec- ure, a seat, for the seating capac- ity of the church will be tried to the utmost. The choir, which has rendered such splendid service, during the meetings, will be in at- tendance every night, and is pre- paring for special music for next Sundaes • t t y characterized the career of this successful young business man. Under his Presidency the Board niay look forward' to a year of accomplishment." Mr. Greb is a man of whom we may well feel proud and is just another example of Zurich's young men who have made good in the business world. As is well known Mr Greb is engaged in the Shoe manufaeturing industry, andonly, lately purchased a large new pant which is now in operation. We of t it in the organized its blind, .YBiinl!u;;,'•P:7,,GI!7CL::fId7lAlluln,^.Nlu�a,' 7'17:: l_2--.,-•jr7-_-,i' ;-1 =�.<s Nv goie .'1 '„ , Pnie1 1 or a t '. A b�Foodb3'ua- f in$the5tcaiaclis eadBonts ''' l' IS ritsT5 iLln f'N iiThembgP °tine heeiiutnessrandResttGodins, w, neither O� um,Mo'phirien�,+ '� iiiera 1. riOT ItiL�dO'fI Rest oeofeld alla Senna RackikAstra .Srda ass saaareaarem '2 A amAdhFevner is llt sytaonr d,ti !mi:atonO�r JOSS Ftindtfathetnretorininfluttl rllTHSid o.. tiEtoR.4m- OmyY .1t 6snittit, ll T ' Enact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature of 0� Use For Over Thirty Years CAST THE CENTAUR CORIPANY NEW YORK CITY. Salesman Wanted To Represent THE OLD RELIABLE FONT - HIL NUSERIES The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in Years. British and European Markets a- gain open for Canadian Fruit. Largest fast of Fruit and Ornamea- tal Stock, Seed Potato.s etc., grown in Canada Write for Particulars Stone & Wellington Established 1817 TORONTO, ONT. Tiuly the Edison Amberola is the World's Universal Musical In- strument. Come see and hear them and judge for yourself. Also Edison Blue Amberol rec- ords in stock, Also Singer sewing machines Ira stock and agent for Pianos. Of- fice at my residence. H. WELL, - Zurich. wish him further continued succ- now? ess in his business and public car- eer. 1 i Mr. Charles Greb is also taking • a part in the public life of Kit- chener, and is now in his second year as a city Alderman, and this year holds the responsible position of Chairman of the Kitchener Board of Works. SAGE TEA IJAIIKENS HAIR TO" AMY SHADE Don't Stay gray 1 Here's an Old-time Recipe? -t itit` Any- body can Apply. The use of;Bage and Sulphur for re- storing -faded, gray hair to its natural color dates back . tograndmother's Urn*. She used It to keep her • hair beautifully ,dark, ,glossy and attrac- tive. Whenever her hair tooly on that dull, faded or streaked appearance, this simple mixture was applied with wonderful regi. But brewing at home is mussy and out-of-date. Nowadays, by asking at any drug atore for a bottle of "Wyeth's Siege and sulphur Compound," you will got this famous old preparation.• improved by the addition of other in- gredients, which can be depended up. on to restore natural color and beauty to the hair. A well-known downtown druggist says It darkens the hair so naturally and evenly that nobody can tell it has been applied. Tou simply dampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this through your hair, taking one strand at a time. By morning the gray hair disappears, and after an- other application or two, it becomes beautifully dark and glossy. Wyoth's Sago and Sulphur Com- pound is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire a more youthful appearance. Yt is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. DRINK HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST Says you really feel clean, sweet and fresh inside, and are seldom ill. It you are accustomed to wake up with a coated tongue, foul' breath or, a dull, dizzy headache; or. if your meals sour 'and turn into gas and acids, you have a real surprise await, g you. • To -morrow 'morning,' latmediatolf upon arising, drink a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it This is intended to Brat neutralize and then wash out of Your stomach, levet, . kidneys and thirty fq®t of iatestinescall the indi ,gestible waste, poisons, sour bile and toxins, thus cleansing, sweetening and purifying the entire alimentary canal Those • subject to sick headache; backache, bilious attacks, constipation or any form of stomach trouble ars urged to get a quarter pound of lime stone phosphate from the drug atoll and begin • enjoying this morning in+ side -bath. It is said that igen and Women who try this become enthui elastic and keep it tip daily. It is a splendid health measure for it is more important to keep clean and pure on the inside than on the outside, because the skin pores do not absorb impuri" ties into the blood, causing disease; while the bowel pores do. The principle of bathing inside is not new, as'millions of people practice it. ' Just as hot water and soap cleanse, purify and freshen the skin, so hot water and a teaspoonful of limestoil phosphate act on the stomach, liver kidneys and bowels, Limestone phos) phate is an inexpensivewhite pow l24 and almost tasteless. - 1 073 Fstil The Herald's 1920 Clubbing List Herald and Daily alobe ....... ......... ............ $6.00 Herald and Weekly Globe ...... ... ... ...... 1i'erald and Daily Mail and Empire ... . Herald and Weekly Mail and Empire Herald and Daily Star Herald and Weekly Star , ... ... Herald and Daily News Herald and Free Press, evening edition ... Herald and Free Press morning edition .. Herald and Advertiser, morning edition ... herald and Advertiser, evening edition ... Herald and Farmers Advocate ... ... ... ... ... .........2.75 :Herald and Farm and -Dairy ...... 2.00 Herald and Farmers Sun 2.75 Herald and Family Herald and Weekly Star 2.65 Herald and Canadian Countryman ... ... 3.00 Herald' and Weekly Witness, ... 2..75 Herald and Farmer's Magazine •.2.59 Herald and Youth's Compalni,on ... ... ,.. ..........•3.50 2.60 5.00 2.60 -$4.00 2.60 $4.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 6.00 Renew your papers with us''and save money The H=` ALD Zurich llllnl!111i111111illlllif E1111ilk)ll11111Il0ME111011J m I1i'l ni iP IPl lipu ",;�: h ll,r�,�I�iilIV111111111111@lliiliilllliiIIIJ ll111L' lilllllifllii1iii11111111111h11111111111111li iVu�ilI;III1IlllllllllllfllllnllnlllllJlllalllllllllnlllllll..IL,,IiIJiIIIIIIIiIh.,.J,,n, IINII ! Y