HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-03-18, Page 440.04.0,0.0.0,000*0110004000000
Issued Wednesday stfternoon (By A. F. H.) ''
from the ,
THE HERALD PRINTING Usborne council is making pet -
Municipal Matters
ons for securing hydro power
OFFICE for farm%
Stephen Council gave a grant
of $50.00 to Grand. Bend for side-
Exeter council gave a grant of
three hundred dollars to the hand,
payable quarterly, the band to fur-
nish sixteen open-air concerts dur-
ing the summermonths.
--1---- .
Met for its regular session o- n
Saturday,' March 6th. All mem-
bers were present. The minutes
of the previous meeting were read
and adopted.
Mrs. B. C. Edwards was appoi-
nted School. Attendance Officer for
the Eastern Division of the To-
wnship and Mr. Wm. Edighoffer
for the Western division.
Bylaw No.. 3, 1920, abolishing
the Statute Labor in t he ioeve-
ship and providieg -for commut-
ation of the same, money so col-
lected to bo spent as nearly as
poseiblc' in the divisions wherein
raised, was read a first and sec-
ond time,
The Reeve, Mr. J. Laporte, was
authorized to invest the $1,000.00
in Dominion of Canada Victory
Loan due in 1939, the interest of
which is to furnish the funds for
the awards in the project to be
known as the War Memorial Sch-
olarships of the Township of Hay
The matter of apportioning such
awards to be dealt with by the co-
uncil at a later date,
The following were appointed
Effective after Jan. lst. 1920
Verses of eubscriptioa ;.11:2.6 per year
In advance ; 42.00 may be charged
if 'sot so paid. U. S. subacrinti-
e a $1.75 strictly in advance. No
paper discontinued. Until all ar-
rears are paid unless at the option
set the publisher. :Tire date to
which every subscription is paid
Ss dexsoted on the label.
Display Advertising -Made known
am application.
Stray Animals -One insertion 50c
three insertions 41.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
We. each insertion for one month
of tour insertions, 25c. for each
subsequent insertion.
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
tdo+n and 41.50 for two insertions
V moderate size.
Professional Cads not exceeding
1 Inch, 06 per year, '
Address all communications to
'Of farm stuck and implements„
on Lot 20, con., 7, Hay, 3% miles
west of Hensall, on Tuesday, Mar.
the 23rd, commencing at one o'-
clock, p.m, sharp, the following;
HOrtSES ;-1 Agr. Mare rising4,
in foal to Kira ;• Thomas; 1 Agr, gel
ding rising s, sired b,; Lor Armst-
rung, this team is well matched;
1. draft gelding rising 2, sired by
Commodore; 1 Gen. Purpose gel-
ding rising 27 by Voltaire;, ditto
rising 3, by Voltaire; 1 Agr. colt
rising 1, by Nard; 1 driving mare
an heal to Silver McKinny, quiet
and reliable. 1 driving horse ris-
ing 5 yrs old,
CATTLE; -1 cow with calf at
foot; 1 cows due in April; 2 cows
due in May; 1 cow due in June,
1 cow due in Aug.; 1 Jersey cow
slue in June; 3 heifers rising 3,
clue in April and. May; 4, 2 -yr. old
steers; 5 yearling steers; 12 year-
ling heifers; 5 spring calves; 1
fall calf, 1 calf 5 weeks old.
1 registered Shorthorn ?3uli,
Pine Apple Diamond, -138332-,born
Sept. 7th, 1917, dam ,; Pine of Hay,
-114904-; Sire Diamond Star 2nd,
Pure Bred Yorkshire Swine; -
•S sows, Exeter Queen -6381.1- and
Exeter Queen 1rd -63812-, born Feb.
5th 1918, due in March and May,
2 solve born June 15th 1919, due to
farrow in Apr.; 9 young pigs born
Dec 15th; 1 hog, Meadow Brook
Roy, -62384-, born May 15th, 1918;
Sire Pine Grove Boy -53549-, dam
Meadow Brook Jean. -49300-; 1
yearling hog.
IMPLEMENTS; -Deering binder ,
h -ft. cut; Deering mower 5ft. cut
11 disc, Deering drill; Dain hay
loader; M. -H., side rake and ted -
der combined; 10 -ft. M. -H. steel
rake; Deering cultivatior; M• -H.
2 -retic• corn cultivator; Frost &
Wood bean cultivator; land roller,
M, -H. corn binder; Blizzard cutt-
ing box; Deering disc; set dia-
mond harrows; Oliver riding ploy;
No. 21 Fluery Plow,; No. 17, Wilk-
IDelaved in the mails)
Mr, Fred White, who has pur-
chased the Klumpp confectionery,
took possession last Monday,
Miss F. Preeter is visiting in
Mise Plaine of Newbury has ar-
rived tb take charge of the mil-
linery department for Reid Edigh-
offer & Son,
School re -opened Monday after
being closed two weeks owing to
the flu epidemic,
rM Roy Neeb has returned from
Pontiac, Mich., where he has spent
the 'past few months.
rM A. Tiernan has accepted a
position with Mr. Pederson at the
Miss Florence Turnbull, who has
been under the parental roof for
the past four weeks, returned to
Exeter on Monday to resume her
studies in the High School there.
Several good horses were bou-
ght around here by a Parkhill buy-
er: Among those delivered last
Tuesday were two horses owned
my Mit. Wm. Turnbull, and one
by Mr. Patterson.
Our old time friend, Mr. R. O'-
Dai. has been very poorly for the
past three weeks. We hope to
see him soon recover and meet
his pleasant face here in the near
Much care should be exercised
by all during the month of March
as the raw winds and changeable
weather act severely on weak con-
The debate on Friday last in 8.
S. No. 15 Hay, ended ine a victory
for the negative side. The de-
bate was captained by Wilfred Tu-
rnbull for the affirmative and Ruth
Turnsull for the negative.
Pound keepers for 1920; J. Ross, The snow has disappeared very
,S. Greb, Elmore Weido, W. S. John
ston, Geo., Becker, J. W. Horner,
T. F. Turbull, L. N. Denomme.
Fence Viewers; W. Caldwell, J.
Pfaff E. F. Klopp, H. Steinbach,
A. Hendrick.
Sheep Valuators; W. D. Thomp-
rapidly during the past week, and
from appearances, the cars will
soon be running again on some of
the west roads.
Mr. Emmanuel Bauman, has been
quite poorly the last week, but is,
ag in on the mend and around on
,.We will have no formal openings
this season, but invite our many
customers to call and inspect our
stock as we have a large and tasty
assortment to chose from.
M. E. Routledge, Zurich
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A. W. E. Hemphill, is slowly re-
covering from a serious attack of
Harry Price has purchased the
pool tables and equipment at the
Commercial hotel,,nd will cond-
uct the pool room in the future.
Miss Mattie Ellis, who has been
on the teaching staff in our public
school for a great many years, has
Mrs. 0Dr.) Hardie, who has spent
the past few weeks at Tillsonburg,
has returned home.
There passed away at Winnipeg
on Thursday, March 3rd, Mrs., .V
H. Crouch, daughter: of Reese
and Mrs. G. C. Petty of town.
Wm. Cole of Kippen, recently
sold a heavy horse for nearly
son, P. Haberer, F. Kading. duty as usual, as caretaker of No.
Mr Wm. Lamont was papointed 15 schoolhouse
by the council as one of the vale - ---_-g.----
ators to valuate the property pur- CREDITON
chatted by the Council from Mr. Jacob Holtzman has returned
from visiting friends' in Detroit.,.
Frank Taylor celebrated
birthday on Feb. 29th, 1 This
occasion happens only once every
four years.
Robt. and Harry Dyer of De-
troit are home visiting their fath-
er, who is ill.
Our band had its first practice
last Thursday evening.
A meeting of the base.ball fans
met last Thursday evening to or-
ganize a team for the coming sea -
A. F. Hess, and known as the
Zurich Central Telephone Office,
and the land and stable belonging
The following orders were pas-
Men. World suPp. $12.15; ditto
advise re st. labor 1.00; Hydro for
for hall, 3.00; War mem. Fund, V.
Bonds 1000.110; J. W. Horner,. ref.
dog tax, 2,00; Jas. Green ditto 2.00
R. Northcott, ditto 2.00; Herald
Printing 10.75, North. Elec. Co., sup
plies 179.98; J. Haberer, aud. fee
re telephone,, 2.00; W. R. Dougall,
Ditto, 2.00; D. Tiernan refund tel.
tax, 3x00: 10} '-'. Kalbfleisch, lum-
ber for tel. office 14.18; H. G.Hess
comm. on local tickets 82; ditto,
power 5.25; H. Weseloh labor 5.20;
H. G. Hess labor 1.50; ditto nails,..
EXETER ��� e..
Lyman Giauville of Main St.
passed away at the ripe old age
of •90 years, He lived in Stephen
Iock and hinges 1.35, Messen. sery township for many years..
4.30. Salary to Feb. 16th 1920, 150.00
tel. mess. re cable 5.60.
The council adjourned to meet
again on April 3, at 1 p. tn.
A.. F. Hess, Clerk
STEPHEN COUNCIL for their home near Moose jaw.
The council of Stephen con'.en- ,r.w.-bee-seessew.a+-r++
ed in the Town Hall, Crediton, on DRINK ROT TEA
Dr. Roulston has reopened his
dental parlors,
Howard Dignan fell off a heam
in a shed and splintered a bone in
his arm.
Mr. and Mr3.'Wm. Ryckman left
Cream Separators have advanced •:
IS10 inrice. Buggies 20 per cent:W€
have on hand one DeLaval and one 1.
: Melotte Separators, also two Gray!.
Buggies which we will sell at pre -1
advance prices for quick sale.
The S. School scholars of the
Evangelical church, 14th con., gat-
hered and presented Mr. W. H.
Pfile, who has come to Zurich to
reside, with a handsome gift and
the following address ;-
Mr. W. H. Pfile.
Dear Brother and Co. Worker;
The teachers and scholars
of the. Sunday Shcool have. asked
•ou to remain a few minutes to
give them an opportunity to ex-
press their good will toward you
and the high esteem in which you
arc' held by them. With a feeling
which is based on many years' of
acquaintance, it is therefore with
a sense of high regard that we.ad-
dres°s you on this occasion.
You have seen proper to sever
your relations as member and Sup-
erintendent of this school by
moving to Zurich, which we deep-
ly regret. We have found you a
willing helper in time of need. We
realize that our parting is at hand
but what is our loss is Zurich's gain
We therefore ask you to accept
this gift as a slight token of rem-.
embrance and request that you do
not consider the gift, but rather
the spirit in which it is given.
May joy and prosperity crown
your future pathway, is the wish
of your•smany friends.
Signed in behalf of the School.
Monday, Pilar. lst. All members 1 PO$, A BAD COLD
1were present. Councillor Swe- , �. .... ..«.-.:
an plow; Claves 1 itzer duly subscribed to his deal-
. Anson plow; gang p 3 aratiouu of office and property qu
Leaf manure spreader; pea hare- alification. The minutes of the
ester; grass seeder; zink clover Pr ev four+ meeting were read and
table, grain cradle; stone boat, adopted,
Bring stone; heavy wagon with 2 'Iht' aiditor's report ace -
sets of wheels; lumber wagon; epted
combination hay and stock rack;
The following orders
wagon box; gravel box; set l,oe sed;
sleighs; light wagon, new rubber Insurance on Hall 11.25; C. Zw-
tired buggy; top buggy; cutter; key auditing* fiOD T Tre':atlr;-
v'ere pas -
.Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of
toiling water upon it, pour through a
sieve and drink a teacup full at any
time during the day or before retiring.
It is the most effective way to break a
cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores of the skin, relieving congestion.
.also loosens the bowels, thus driving a
;old from the, system.
Trv•it the net time 'you stiffer from
power emery gr nder, C inion fan- ck, ditto, 8.00, Frank station tvrk., , "ped or the grip. It is inexpensive
ningmill, scales, sugar kettle, feed l ' entirely vegetable, therefore safe
machine' in C*. I3, flra:'ei pit 607; Can. Exp- ,iarmless.
cooker. Stewart clipping { Co„ charges :45; Mimic. World,
set of brass mounted harness new; supplies, 13,00; Advocate Printing
made from oak tan leather, 2 sets • Office, acct. 164.16; J. W. Orme and
double harnes4; set stogie
others, m; uLker insane Indig
long ladder, 150 -ft hayforkroph•i32.Q0; Alderson & Marriott, part
horse collars. quantity of cedar
gravel cont 70.00; C. Seager fees,
forks., ks. sh o-
0 G. pt.
end , r B. sou .r of
t§ , ..take
os,tri caretaker vols hoes whiff'e*rne-, neckyokes, `60.00;7Wm, Ilse and, G. Ecclestone
articls. nrrlq and other numcro.ls grant to sidewalk 50.00; F. F'arn-
Ho„srbe, .1 •F„re„ttlrn;- extol) ion rtices. corgi,. inspecting Haycockrrhelc
drain 14 5o
ta''10. 2 hanginar lamps. culrb ,- 7 in + c,rsneincil adinut niti 1 to mr-
::aria fi'r's ogre -'h heater, Pen- et h. tl.,^ 'ncinrt Hall,a"relit+,11. stn
ira�aullr R�r �n 'f' 'ews ? i furca. 2 Morday • tic2 'th day of :Ascii i"?1
{ n^rtq r1•�^� ” 'r t' C' tTh, bt'ac'Cc't: .0 ,•
- at 1 T,.rr y'i,r:•n tlovncip it+t•.•t•s
Ia ^„ pathmaster s and Feriae Vo'w '1 •
.r,~.r�p;1ff+•.-alt ^rn of x!0.00 :and.
}t t as tit.;11 b2 AppoirtPd.
ur'1n,. (noel rt"a.. ,•,t :tln�rlll I IIair, Eil't'r, C!"rl;.
mn, thq ee l:' „•i't 1 " rrivei nn fur-, . :...:.
sees r„rr "clipsse:c 1 4rr"r,t notes. Al r 0 T I C
(peewees n" ee., n"n1- off for cas10
tmr o.rrai,. .,.•.,inerts.
We h9r' in stock 'Pr misory vote
Gr'-, •u• r1. -..n,., 'Fronk Tevlor, 131:n1: blanks, 95 to the bo mk :.lisp
1rwr.thn:^or, a quantity of vest packet lc eniat
Kx7,,, Y t,e1'''o e ,en -1 C A mc` m., book blanks, for sale. r�
X11 !"!rr,1`�
IL. A. PEI.G, Zi.rioh€
• A•NN•••N••••••N• N
Parties requiring Shingles this season
will• do well by bying them at once. As
after April lst all shingles will advance
10 per cep t. in'rice.
F. C. Kalbileish,
Pain and Stiffness away with
s. small bottle of old honest
St, Jacobs Liniment
Of Farm Stock, Implements, etc.
The undersigned auctioneer has
been instructed to sell by Public
13 B
Auction on Lot 14, Con, , ron-
son iLne, Hay, 3 miles South-West
of Zurich on Thursday, March, 25th
At 1 o'clock p. m. sharp, the fol-
lowing; -
j HORSES; -1 mare 6 yrs, old in
foal; 1 Gen. Purpose mare rising
9; 1 mare, Gen. Purpose rising 6.
.CATTLE; -2 fresh cows, 1 far-
row cow; 3, 3 -yr. old heifers due
in April; 1 2 -yr. old heifer; 4
Yearling calves, 2 small calves, 7
pigs•`5 months old, 1 sow with lit-
ter, 6 dozen hens.
binder, 6 -ft. cut in good condition
5 -ft. cut plower; M. -H. manure sp-
reader; M -H. hoe drill wthi cult.
attachment and grass seeder; cul-
tivator, International snuffler, set
diamond h'trrows; Verity plow No.
21; .No 10 Percival plow; gang pl
c,W, .1.000 lb. scales; root pulper,
grain cradle., 2 sets single harn-
ess, 1 new; 2 sets double harness
1. new; M -H. cream Separator•. cut-
ter, top buggy', wagon, democrat,
2 wagon boxes, buggy pole, hay
rack sleighs. cutting box, disc
asci, e okes. whiffietrees, shovels,
forks, sawing outfil, gasoline ::ng -
inn nnri Pltt'`•`e'rnlifi ertilces,
TERMS OF SALE;- $10 and un-
der cash. Over that amount 8
In membrance of the charge of
the Light Brigade that took place
one year ago, on the evneing of
March, 16th, 1919. When these
"Brave Six Hundred" were easily
vanguished by "Charlie" single-
A year ago this evening, we
a shocking sight,
When the members of the Club
received an awful fright;
For that night we assembled
take home Fritz's wood,
Which cost us too much money
at the price it stood.
We crept into his shop just as qu-
iet as could be done,
And we • swore to one -another
that we would have some fun,
We now threw down some boxes
and then mussed up the floor.
And then our,dear friend Charlie
just became a little sore.
.en your back is sore and lame or
,wags, seiatiets or rheumatism has
.,a stiffened up, don't suffer! Get a
, cent bottle of old, honest "St.
,bs Liniment" at any drug store,
• ,r a little; in your bund and rub it
t into the pain or ache, and by the
= you count fifty, the soreness and
mess is gone.
,n't stay crippled 1 This soothing,
ti 'l d to be used only
fru ng or needs
He rushed out like a hurricane and
spat upon the floor.
He cuffed us and he kicked ns,
he yelled, he cheered he swore
He caught rias by the collar, he kic-
ked us out the door,
And when it all was over he
said he'd like some more.
1ltr.nths credo- will be given on fur
•, It takes lire ache and pain right Walling approved joint notes,
.if your flack and ends the'misery.
,tragical, yet absolutely iia•aless per cent off for cash on credit a-
.ue,vu't herrn the eein. nit:utwi w
hlvin' e1se slobs lumbago, sciatie44 E, To�scllbc'rrt . Alex. Mousseau,
4cau4 www icuavl�j aJ is..sz.ptly Auctioneer. Proprietor,
In memory of Hazel, Merril, da-
ughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith
who departed a year zgo. 16th,
Mal ch, 1919.
Gone to thy rest dear child
Gone to thy dreamless bed
Gentle and meek and mild,
With blessings on thy head.
Before thy heart could learn
In wawardnest to stay
Before: thy feet could turn
The dark and downward way.
Before sin could wound thy brest
Or sorrow wake the tear,
Jesus took you home
To Ihvell with angels; there:
Parents and Grandparents..
Now Bob, our dear President, he,
played a coward's trick.
For he sneaked out the back
way hanging on to his own stick
And Manny our much praised hero
he showed us how to run,
And Pm sure no one's run fast-
er since this old world begun.
Not so with Roy the jeweller and.
James the blacksmith strong.
They stoodtheir ground like ,
heroes but they didn't last long.
Por the one he kicked and clubbed
until he could hardly stand,
And the other was.••very glad in-
deed when he felt not Charlie's
Now when we all had gathered:
to talk it over now,
We came to one conclusion`n
ely : "That it hall been so
And the lesson we were taught and
will think of evermore,
Is Never, Never start -a row in
Charlie Fritz's 'Store,
Take a glass of Baits if your Baulk herbal
or Maddox' bothers yew -Brisk
mare watt
$f you 'mot liaver,yosrrneat every day
a!t ft, but finch your kii1 taye,with sales
ones+aioneljly; says a noted: authority who,
tells us that meat - forms urin acid which
almost paralyze/sem kidneysin their et -
forte to expel it from the. blood:. They
become sluggish and weaken;, then. yst
suffer with a dull noisery in the kidneyl
region, sharp pains in the batik or sick
headache, &zinew,our stoutish sours.
tongue is coated and when the weather
Is bad you have rheumatic twinges. 'aha
urine gets cloudy, full of sediment, the
clientele often get sore and irritated',
obliging you to seek relief two or three -
time during the night.
To neutralize these irritating• acids, to
cleanse the kidnoys and flush oil the
body's urinous waste get four ounces of
J'ad Salts from any pharmacy hero;.
take a tablespoonful in a glass of
water before breakfast for a few day i,.
and your kidneys will thea act fine. Tti' 't
famous salts is made from the aci
grapes and lemon juke, combined
lithia, and has been used for goners, ' :slat
to flush and stimulate sluggish krc
also to neutralize the acids in „mune,,
no it no longer irritates, time ending,
bladder weakness.
Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot art+
lure, and snakes a, delightful efferveseents
lithia-water drink,