HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-03-11, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS PROCIDFOOT, K1L[,ORAN, & COO1U 13arrh,00rs, Santana Notariot Publio &o. Office, on the Square, ere] door from liunriiton Stn, t nio(•iee. Private finis to loan at lowest rates QV. Peo n voo`r, K. 0. J. L. Krfa,t)itee, 14..1. D Cooiu . Mr. Cooke will he in lionsall on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Public Com rnissioner,, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office. Zurich. Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFICE — HEN° \LL. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pay. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0. Phone 18-93 Zurich . Neel MARKET _ Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASK FOR SKINS & HIDES Tungblut & D oielle 't F Delaware & Hudson Co.'s I•:'UT YOUR Wants, For Site, Lost, Found, Notice, lEte. Ads IN THIS COLUMN NOTICE. We have just received .a car- load of cedar shingled, lF . C1, ICalbfleisch, Zurich, LACKW NA COAL. WANTED Cattle for pasture for. ceasnn 1920 about 120 head. Apply to Geo. Schroeder, R -R2, Zuri.ch NOTICE Our Accounts call for yours. within a short them, $5.00 a send for p1e case Our are ready please If not called for Lime, we will mail J. GASCHO&SON NOTICE day the year arorriad, yearly contract and same free. 11. V. MARTIN, Windsor, Ont, NOTICE. accounts are now ready. If not called for by Feb. lst, they will be sent through the mail. T. L. Wurm. — --+---- NOTICE I am offering my propertys for sale in Zurich, my residence on 1MIill St. that I am now occupying, and what is known as Geiger's Confectery, pro- perty- For particulars applp to 1). Koehler. FOR SALE LOCAL NWS Mrs. C. Fritz is on the sick list, Mr. 'Wm Fee of Hensel' called on friends in the village on Satur- day, Mr.' Harry Weber, of Pre:tan, call:d on friends in the ti`i.1-age o\-• er Sunday, .Ari average man is one who thinks- he is away ebu ve the eve era ger Mr. Herb Bloch., who had been at Kitchener for some time, has SWEET CLOVER I have a small quantity of yel- low blossom sweet clover seed for sale, order early., as the sup- ply is very limited. For partic- ulars apply to; Fred. J. Haberer, R.R.I Zurich. Phone 11-94 33t,f. —.—_..-. �•---- FOR SALE LOOAJ NLWS Mr. Jul'.us Wel, who is employ- ed at Seaforth, spent Suns lay at his hc.mi^ here. Mr. Jacob Steinman of New Ramburg,s sprint the past w'.wk vis iting friends here. Miss Erna Fritz who spent ths1. last few weeks at her home at London, has resumed her duties as teacher of S. S. No, 12, 1411h coir., Hay, returned homes. The Ontario Dispensar:ei are Miss Ruth Hartle b, -daughter ofraising the pri:e of Canadian wh- Mr. and Mrs. C. Hartieib, of Water- i. key 29 per cent, to take care of., loo, formerly of Zurich, has pas the increased price; asked by (Es - sec' the final exams. in the .Railer. tillers. Business College, Kitchener, us as- Dr. Campbell, who has rceontly tonographer, and has ;accepted a disposed o,f his practice to Dr. position with the Charles Miller C. O'Dwyer, advises us that he will Ltd., Whciles.:l � Mfgs., of Waterloo, be associated with Dr. O'Dwyer at a handsome salary for a beg- ;for a few weeks et least. Also soft coal. Entire herd of Pure Bred bona Cattle. h+hart- Our terms are caste ora Consisting of 4 females, 2 males delivery 3 pure Scotch, and 3 Scotch Top- ped. All abdve mentioned are registered in the Canadian Herd Book. For particulars epply to W. H. Pfile, Dashwood, R R. 1; or phone 7-85, Zurich Central 30 D. nt 1 IENSALL ONT. LIVE P O U L, T RY WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON Do not feed fowl same morning when brought in. Highest Cash Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich 4t Advertise in the Herald and aiotiice the results. G. tory B • inner. QUESTION TO ,THE HERALD Would it not be a good motto Bought and Sold Any Issue. Par and accured interest. ' A. F. HESS, - Zurich Mr. Dun Koehler of Kitchener, has returned to !Zurich and is slaking preparations to move his for ladies to remove their hats in .hpusehold effects to that place in church as well as men, in order a few weeks. Mr. Koehler hoes- ing the entire congregation can .ing purchased a residence there. see the minister instead of large The local branch of the W. C. headgear? Ii the burden of hole T. U. will meet in the Evangel - ding your hat during services • is ical church next Wednesday the toe great, T would advise 'wearing lith of March, at 3 o'clock.r Miss a cap, as it would be much more Morton, the Evangelist, will add - comfortable especially for the ress the meeting, and Mrs. Beae- country peopls in the cold winter. ers, of Exeter, the county Presi- months .dent, will also be present. Every - A Lady Herald Reader, body welcome to attend this meet •I have made arrangements with a reliable brokerage firm in Tor- Two splendid meetings marked onto to act as selling and punch- the beginning of the Evangelistic asing agent for Victory Bonds: services at the Evangelical church Any order, large or small, placed last. Sunday. Miss K. Mortou, the in my hands will receive prompt. Evangel st, although a little shalt - attention. Victory Bonds 'at en up by a cold and tedious trip, the present market price are ab- at once got hold of the people, solutely the best investment that who listened with intent interest to can be made. I can purchase any the simple, but powerful message. issue for you at market price and occuihd interest. .Andrew F. Hess, Zurich. A quiet wedding was so:emnized at the Evangelical parsonage on Tuesday evening at 7, p; m., when bled and from the beginning to the Mise Maud, youngest daughter of close every eye and ear was heed - ,. •The Best Paid Profession Book-keepers wanted. Only those wishing for ad• vance,nent to qualify as accountant. Homestudy training, not interfering with your• present occupa- tion, Bnoklet free. \\"e have trained more Certi- fied I'uhli;..\ccountants than has any otherinstitu- tion. We' have helped hundreds of others secure good Paying positions. We can heh'p you. International Accountants Society, Box362 Toronto 011110111 .11111[110.111mooleR.21•11•••• e Will! Avoid disappointments, dissatisfaction, worry and litigation by making your 'WILL now, when in good health and o.f sound mind. Many thousands of dollars are wasted annually in isw costs where no wills were mand to dispose of the estates': A� COM_ R`�� RUST Managed In cnnnnctton with The Huron & Erie Moi tg ge Corgi orakion. HEAD 4FeleES•r LONDON, ONT Applientious for Guaranteed k,,vcct'rroat Reccipta rectived by ANDREW HESS9gent ZURICH, ONTARIO • The meeting on Monday night was not so largely attended owing to the inclement weather, neverthe- less, the power of the Spirit of God had.not abated. On Tuesday evening a ,large audience assem- Mrs Il. McBride of the village, was united in matrimony to Mr. Albert H. Schnell, of Calgary Alt., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Schne1:1 tclz of her call of the worts. On` of Zurich, The couple were un- Sunday morning at 11 o'clock will attended and left for their home I be Cne of the grandest meetings of . at Calgary, on Wednesday. `t'hey 1 the series "The Secret Of Power" will however, spend their honey- The Evangel'st will point out the m(oe at London and Detroit and i immeasurable resources in God l go west via Chicago., etc, and '• the Father for every one. ing the Gospel message. On Friday night She will speak on "Choice giving also a brief In hat -r' the best wishes through life the evening her subject will be of a large number of friends and congratulations are extended by all echo know them. Ontario Legislature will con- vent' on March 0, with Premier Dr- ury and a U. F. 0. government steering the ship of State. Nelson selves of the opportunity of hear - Parliament Liberal M. P. will be ing one of Canada's most sueees- the Speaker,. One query is to sful Evangelists. whom will the $1000 supposed to be paid to the Opposition Leader go? Will Bros. Dewart and Fer- uson, leaders of the Grit and Tory parties, go '&snooks"? The com- ing session will no dorbt prove a most interesting one as well as important ni many respects. The personnel of the parties concern - eel is numerically su nearly alike that everybody will be on the alert. • A live program is being marked out and we look for a go -1 sanitary science has of late made od share of useful legislation rapid strides with results that are of some of it likely drastic enough to untold blessing to humanity. The lat- est application of its untiring research cause comment, 1s the recommendation that it is as "The.Greatest Thing in The World" The friends who have attended the meetings need no second in- vitation, but to those who have not beenpresent yet we extend a hearty welcome, to avail them - DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. Says we will 'both look and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avoid illness. There passed away on Sunday necessary to attend to internal sanita- tion of the drainage system of the hu - morning on the Parr Line, tidy i peon body as it is to the drains of the Township, Mr. George E.. Troyer, house. • son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Troyer, at l`feThose of us who heaare wacc wemed to the prime age of life of 37 years, 1 M. month and 13 days• Deceased ' splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stem had been sick only a few days with aeh, can, instead, feel as fresh as a t Influenza -pneumonia, and although daisy by opening the sluices of the sys- everything possible was done for tem y hole ofthe in a nal poisonand ous sitts the trim, it was all in Vain, he was 00 nvnt matter. married pad had his home with 1 Everyone, whether ailing, sick or his parents where he Was a pros- , well, should,• each morning before porous farmer., He was also gree breakfast, dank a glass of real hot ately interested in fast horsed and `i orwith in t to w sh from theestem- had became well-known thrUugh-; phosphate ch, liver and bowels the previous out Ontario by entering horses and day's indigestible waste, sour bile and attending such meetings.. Wi."h: poisonous toxins; thus cleansing his fine pleasing disposition and , sweetening eete i g c d purifying uri y ingitithe ege tire friendliness. to everybody, he wooafood into th stomach.e The action of the friendship of • all w41() came in hot water and limestone phosphate on contact with him.. The last re- i ail empty stamach is wonderfully in mains were entered in the Union' vigorating. It cleans out all the sour i acidity fermentations, gases, *waste -and acz y Cemetery, Hensall, on Wednesday and gives one splendid appetite for afternoon, .. The sorrowing rel- breakfast. While you are enioyiug '.ati1 ea had e the sympathyo.f ,tile your 1)zewl.fast the phosphated 1zat, entire' community in their -•"sad water is quietly extracting a largo vol• time of water from the blood nd ;oot, hour of bereavement. ting ready for a thorough 011 the inside organs. The millions of people rvi•a :are 1;ni'II- . a cr x, eyedwith coasii1),ltiOii 1rilio a ciir, stomach troul'i,', rheumatic ,t,,-nt..;.,; others who havo blood disorders and compVxions ars flei dent to make anyone a pronounced crank on the subject of internal soar • .02w This wilt cost very little., but is stifle '''''"f•° stone pliospbate from the eitug storo 11111, 11 11,1. 111111111,1. No 4079 The Proprleta•yexPato1 tliedinme,lc AVlatingihel odbyltegul y;, sfmiiatiag hits t1ieStomachs l:nd}3owets li TherebyPtomotingpigestla I � Cheerfulness andltest,6ca.ain neither Qpiium,Morphinenor Mineral. 'Nov NARCOTIC', lii�yr a t aipeof 0 d S421111PITC9f11 ihaapkia .feed. senna /torhd!•.S'alls "lase So "VIZrLaaa.eSor& Ica mftd SyamliakTgnen� Ah¢1 1Remedy be Constipationa0dDi a �,) and and of and 'loss therel'tom urlafaney, estain$___ af Tae-Slmi[e'sg IuJ�I ,rR/ it IL- 1 w jfi t s..0505 - For Infants and Children. ethers Ki That Olitthi0 Castilla . Always Bears the Signature t~+i s Foy a, Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. TYE CENTAUR COIYPANY NEW YORK C,TY. resav '1721 eaSeeeeeW Salesman Wanted To Represent THE OLD RELIABLE FONT • . FAL NUSERIES The greatest' demand for Nesser;•:• Stock in Years. British and European Markets a- gain open for Canadian Fruit. Largest 1'st of Fruit and Ornarne,- tal Stock, Seed Potatoss etc., grown in Canada Write for Partio'llars Sia e & Wellington Established 1837 TORONTO, ONT. Truly the Edison Amberola is the ZVerid's Universal Musical In- strument.- Come see and hear them and judge for yourself. Also, Edison Blue Amberol rev- ords in stock. Also Singer ,sewing machines in stc•ck and agent for Piano:;. Of- fice ai my residence. H. \y ELL, - Zurich. Illillflllllllllllfllllllhllllllll!lilllllIliIIICIIIIIIIIII►IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIINllllllflllillJlllli�l!ill►lll illlli!i!IiiNa I'C@!IIIIII�illl�llrlllilllil8ilil!III!i!Ili!Ilia'lIiC!ill!iiflllll�,illi,Ib IIIA,,lJll11111111iilllllilllllllli m E 1.4 i.{or'Infitnt4 a"114 q Always bears I the Ration,. raid's Herald and Daily _Nobe ..,--- Herald and Weekly Globe .,.... ... ._. Herald and Daily Mail and Empire Herald and Weekly trail and Empire .Herald and Daily Star ••, •. Herald and Weekly Star _„ ,-, ... _,_ Herald and Daily News Herald and Free Press. evening edition ... Herald and Free Press morning edition ... Advertiser, morning edition .., Advertiser. evening edition ... ... .........5.00 Farmers Ad vocata .. .- ...... -2.75 Farm and Dairy ,...., ... 2.00 Weekly Sun ... 2.75 Family Herald and Weekly Star ._. 2.35 Canadian Coen ?semen ._. ane . 2.00 2,10 3.50 ist $5.00 2,60 5.00 2.130 $4,09 2,60 $1.00 5.00 5,00 5,00 Herald and Herald and Herald and Herald and Herald and .Herald and Herald Herald' Herald Herald and and Weekly Witness ... ...... ... ... and Farmer's Magazine .., ...... acid Youth's Companion ... _.. ... Renew your papers .with us!and save money �' d ..+li.d3 a�. i . til(iiillillllllllllllillilillllllililllllllll!1<i 1illll1011llllllll!!1I1411RN4iil IlpJi }1tlNlflltnlll!> I11111118I111iIi 1iiiillil'II{IlIIIllilltlhi1118lIhIl"`I!t"iliP!1!;11 ill,;a(lihlille • 4+