HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-03-11, Page 41' C. • • ME HERALD tested Wednesday aftereoon from the THE HERALD PRINTING OFF..CE Effective after Jan. 1st. 15-23 Terms of subscription ;%.1..2,5 per year In advance ; $2.00 may be charged it not so paid, 17. S. subscripti- ons $1,75 strictly ie etivance.No paper discontinued until all ar- rears are paid unless at the option .tof the publieher. The date to which every subscription is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISINee RATES AUCTION Display Advertising -Made known en application. Stray Animala-One three insertions $1.00. Farm or Beal Estate .f or sale 150c, each insertion for one month of four insertions, 25c. for each subsequent insertion. Miscellaneous articles of not more than five lines, For Sale, To Rent, or Waeited, Lost, Found, etc., each Insertion 25a. Local Reading notices, etc., 10c. per line per insertion. No notice less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a Auction Sales, $1. for one inser- tion and $1.50 for two insertions if moderate size. Professional Cads I thch. $6 per year. address all communications to THE HERALD insertion 50e SALE or -farm stock and implemente, on Lot 20, eon., 7, elay, sei miles west of Hensael, on Tuesday, Mar. the 2srd, commencing at, one o'- clock, p.m. sharp, the following; HORSES; -1 Agr. Mare rising4, in coal to King Thomas; 1 Agr. gei dime rising 5, sired by Lor Armst- rong, this team is well matched; 1 exalt gelding rising 2, sired by Cmemoeure; 1 Gen. Purpose gel- ding rising e, by Voltaire;, ditto rising ;3, by Voltaire; 1 Agr. colt rising 1, by Nard; 1 driving mare in foal to .Silver McKinny, quiet and reliable, 1 driving horse ris- ing 5 yrs. old. CATTLE; -1 cow with calf at foot; 4 cows due in April; 2 .cows due in May; 1 COW due in June, 1 cow. .due in Aug.; 1 Jersey cow due in June; 3 heifers rising 3, due in Aprii and May; 4, 2 -yr. old steers; 5 yearling steers; to year- ling heifers; 5 spring calves; 1 fall calf, 1 calf 5 weeks old. 1 registered Shorthorn Bull, Pine Apple Diamond, -128332-,born Sept. 7th, 1917, dam ; Pine of Hay, not. exceeding ZURICH. ONTARIO. DRUGS EXCITE YOUR KIDNEYS,. USE ITS if your Back is aching or I3laddet bothers, drink lots of water and eat less -meat. DA.SHWOOD • - Mr, Edvin Rinker, who was worke ing i% Sarnia, returned home to Dashwood and is ill, se-Ae • DASH WO OD :BREEZES Our shcool opened again on Monday of this week. It is to be hoped that it will be kept open, that no epidemic will visit us again this winter. Tho two motor lseds ownetby two of our citizens are on exhibit- -ion frequently flying up and eown the Main street. This is. surely a" age of invention. The aeroplane' is well imitated 'by these motor sl- eds nad are good clever invent- ions. They are driven by a pro- pellor fastened in the rear part o1. of th sed, nad it is wor.derful how the drivers steer the sleds so well as to avoid collision .with eutters and sleighs. _ The rain and general thaw of last week left the roads in rather a bad condition, but since the snow. storm and cold weather have re- sumed their places, roads are a, again improved somewhat. Grand Bend is now., an incorp- -114904-; Sire Diamond Star 2nd, orated village, and will now as -s -101179-. eine the reigns of government as Pure Bred Yorkshire Swine;- an urban municipality. Fishing has been pretty good on the lake lately, and loads of,herre ing are passing along the Lake Road frequently. S S. No. 15, Hay is having amens er debate op Friday afternoon of this week. .Sab:ect; Which prove') till. more !profitable to man • the horse or the cow. Th.e pupils take a lively interest in these de - bites and find them interesting a and educational. 2 sows, Exeter Queen -62811- and Exeter Queen 3rd -62812-e bornTeb. 25th 1918, due in March and May. 2 sows born June 15th 1919, due to farrow in Apr.; 9 young pigs born Dec 15th; 1 hog, Meadow Brook Roy, -6250-, born May 15th, 19143; Sire Pine Grove Bey -53549-, dam Meadow Brook Jean. -49300-; 1 yearling hog. IMPLEMENTS ;-Deering binder , telt. cut; Deering mower 5ft. -cat 11 disc, Deering drill; Dain hay loader; M. -H., side rake and ted - der combined; 10 -ft. M. -H. steel rake; Deering cultivatior; M. -H. 2-rew corn cultivator; Frost & Wood bean cul'evator; land roller, M, -H. corn binder; Blizzard cutt- ing box; Deering disc; set dia- mond harrows; Oliver riding plow-; No. 21 Finery Plow,; No. 17, Wilk- inson plow; gang plow; Clover Leaf manure spreader; pea harv- ester; grass seeder; zink clover table, grain cradle; stone boat, gring stone; heavy wagon with 2 sets of wheels; lumber wagon; combination hay and stock rack; When your kidneys hurt and your back Seale sore, don't get seared and prooeed to Weil year sereeeeh with a lot of drugs that excite the kidacyn and irritate the tiitire urinary tract. Keep you kidneys .4elean like you keep your bowels clean. by flushing them With a mild, harmless salts which removes the body's urinous Waste and stimulates them to their nor - anal activity. The function of the kid- neys is to filter thc bloods In 24 hours they strain from it 600 grains of acid and waste, so we can readilyunderstand the vital importance of keeping the kid- neys active. Drink lots of water -you can't think too much; also get from any pharmeeiet about four ounces of Jad. Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast each morning for a few days and your kidneys will act fine. This famous Bans is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for genera- tions to clean and stimulate clogge4 kid. neys; also to neutralize -the acids in urine so it no longer is a source of irri- tation, thus emei g bladder weakness.* Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot in- jure; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everyone -should take now and tbon lo keep their kid - ions clean =el active. Try this, also keep up the water :drinking and mo doubt you will wonder what tees= of you kidney trouble and badkache. AUCTION SALE M muNERsy romesesseemo.useesue„ eeeeeue I 9 0 0 09 • Cream Separatorshave advanced: • I $10 in price. Buggies 20 per cent. ;have on hand one DeLaval and one S, :Melotte Separators, also two Gray/ !Buggies which We will sell at pre -I • - :advance prices for quick sale. • • • • • • • • 44Y ,<Fp, • • 0000000.00900.0000c.,4 0 a r s • 0• • • 0 0 • - 0 0 We will have no formal openings this season, but invite our many customers to call and inspect our stock as we have a large and tasty assortment to chose from. M. E. Routledge, Zurich SCHOOL REPORT The following shows the stand - of the pupils of Dashwood aiUOi for February. Tnose mare ...ea with an 1/4*) were absent all the month or part of the time. Sr, IV; Arith., Grans., Geog, de le markings-4f.0-Verda Fas.old eel, Louisa eirauprier *219, Herman Ir. land *104. [Jr. V; same subjects etc. 450-- 11.1..rvyri Tiernan 329, Czar %tenth- agen *266, ,Evelyn Howard *250, learjory Jennison *. eir. IV same subjects etc. 450 - Ferrol Hartleib 401, Alice Hoffman _SCHOOL REPORT The following is the report of S. S. No. 3 Hay for February. Jr. IV; -.L Ziler 76, A. Kuntz 13, A, Miller 71, III; ---A. Miller 78, E. Shcu- macher 60, A.. Bender 56, P. Hart - Man 49, F. Quackenbush 38. Jr. Miller 70, E. Becker 60, E. Wiegand, absent. •• Jr, Th -E. Miller 73; R. Becker 62. Pt II; -A. Walper 83, H. Weber 79: Sr. Primer;-AlZiler 84, P Miller 84, L. Rader 66, E. Wiegand 40. Jr. Primer -J. Hartman 70, A. Be- cker Ce E. Rader 65, L. Wiegand, ab gent. A V. Guenther, Teacher. SCHOOL REPORT Report for February for S. S.No. 6, Hay. Names in ordeneof merit. Sr. 1V ;-Lylyan Martin, Oscar Greb, Discola Smith. Jr. IV ;-Charlotte Farwell. III; -Anthony Regier, Luella Farwell, Dorsena Foster, Bruce Rose, Sr. II;- Lela Witmer, Edith Gr- eb, Leonard Dabus, Lawrence Re- gier, Arthur Brisson, Edgar Fos- ter. Ji.- Orvil1e Witmer, Georgina Foster. Pt II;• Anna Marie Farwell, Al- phonse Deletes,. Pt. I;- Andrew Foster,' Beatrice Farwell, Harold Masse. D. I. Fowlie, teacher. wagon box; gravel box; set bou 40., Percy Kleinstiver *353, liVeeh sleighs; light wagon, new rubber Un.either *351, Jack Guenther *317 tired buggy; top buggy; cutter; Urban lZimmer *228, power emery gr nder, C ire'.on fan- , Jr. IV; same subjects, etc. 450- mingmill, scales, sugar kettle, feed Leo Eveland 371, Lillie Willert 323, cooker. Stewart clipping machine; Harry Zimmer 289, Lucile Willert set of brass mounted harness new; '''esii Chas. Snell *275, Alvin •Rader ee82, Lorne Tiernan *. G. S. Howard, Prindipal. made from oak tan leather, 2 sets double harness, F. et single harness, long ladder, 150 -ft hay fork rope; posts, some end posts; forks, sho- vels, hoes, whifeletreee neckyokes, chains, pails and other numerous articles, household Furnitur?;- oxteneon table, 2 hanging lamps, cupbo- ard, sink. 2 couches; heater, Pen- insular Range, sealers, pieturee, 2 easels, clock, 2 milk caos, bracket lamp TERMS; -All sums of $10.00 and under cash, over that neuouet 9 months credit will be given on fur- nishing approved joint notes. A discount of 5 per cent off for cash on credit amounts. Geo. H. Gram, Frank Taylor 429, Alice, Willert 420, Almeda Mil- Proprietee. Auctioneer. Wm Johnston and C, AMeDon-ler 419- *Elgin Merner 338, *Edna , : ell, 'Clerks. • I ' I \\ Td 263, Courtney Burmeibter 260 *Aason Restemeyer 254, *Victor herse collars, quantity of cedar • , ROOM II Sr. III; Total marks 670; -Laura Reid 621, Verde. Baker 502, Sallie . Eettschen 149, Adolpa Guenther l.97 *Minnie Rinker 241, *Eimer Zimmer. 239, *Oscar Miller 88, *Gertrude Fisher. Jr. 111, Total marks 670; Verna ' Birk 651, Emma Graupner 612, *A1-• vin Kellerman 5,8 tetrad Keller, man 505, *Loreen Baker 478,"*Har- ry Hartleib 383, *Clara Bender 352 Lambert Witmer 270' *Mabel Sch- ade 266, *Clarence Fisher 10. Sr 11; total 620;- Grace Guenth- er 559, Arnetta Steinhagen 462, Walter Stire 440, Eddie Hamacher Of Farm Stock and Implements on March 16th, at Lot 16 e0a, Hay,. ur known ae St. Joseph brick yard farm; commencing at 1 o'- elock sharp, the following; 1:10.1eS2.8;- 1 heavy Clyde mare 13 yrs old, in foal; 1 heavy horse, 'Jere. old, 1 heavy horse 6 yre. old 1 (ineage horse 11 yrs. old; 1 Gen. purpose colt rising 2; 1 yearling wilt; 1 brood mere 12 yrs. old in foal. CATTLE; -1 cow slue to calfin Juno, 1 cow, due in May.; 2 farrow • SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY IN 1STOCK AT L AST • • YEAR'S PRICES. • • • • • SEE US ABOTJT NW ANGOOD SECOND DRAG HARROWS:NEW :• • • . 0 • BLACKSMITH WORK • • • 0 • BRING ALONG THAT PERTICULAR BLACKSMITH JOB, WE ro: • O WILL TRY AND DO IF FOR Y 011, t, a • • • 0 0 0 • • 0 • • • PUMPS - PUMPS:' WE CARRY A COMPLETE Mica?, OF PUMPS AND PIPING. fs • WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMPS. • 0 : 0, • ee 0 • ILe • I LA,s pn,,A, ,011"19G, Milirjoh, I . • o • • o • o 0 0 .4:0000•0000000000000000000800000110000.,000•00000002000%,.1 Tyler 205, Alice Grigg" AUCTION SALE Jr. II; total 620; -Harry Hoffman Of Farm Stock, Implements, et, 516, Eugene Tie.nan 4,e9, Thelmt El --- - on my premises, East end of Zur- se 450, Kenneth Wein 429, *Nelsen ich, on Saturday, March, 13th at Dearing 349, *Flossie Kleinstiver 1 teelock. 'sharp the following; 326, *Anna Tiernan, *Ethel Hart- • 1 CA.TTLE;-i cow fresh since leib. Dec., 8 years old; 1 heifer 3 yrs, The pusses whose nausea are mai- old .due in April; 1 calf 6 weeks ked missed one or more exams. old; 1 calf 3 months °id; 2 dozee held and some were absent during hens; 1 Thourbred Rock roostee, the whole month. . IMPLEMENTS, ETC.; 2 bugg,- CEdmeston, Teacher - les, cutter, double cutter, 1 -horse wagon, light sleigh, pulper, cutt- ROOM 1 ONVS; 4 steers rising 2; 2 hearers ing box, lire extinguisher, Detroit Jr. Th -Florence Guenther 645, c - f ges rising' 22 1 lei.er riing 3, 1 steerstove, 2 gas. stoves, ch- Milford Stire-539, Edna Sehaus 514, ; .:,i stove, rising 1 2 Milers risin1, 2 p.esT urn, diet aridei nigar barre:s, Em -I Louis 'Zimmer 512, Ivan Lipperd eg i * pli, creamer, sepator, 2 sugar Le: i 504, Margrete Merrier 498, Gordon 3 months old. IMPLEMENTS;- M.-Hbinder tice, longi adder, wagon poi.e, wei fe Bender 440, eLonard -Bender 385, . fletrees, light eingle harness, helve Garnet Burmeister 215* Theada 6 -it. cut; M. -H. mower 6 -ft cut; , 1 I .,..,,n_ 1 at el hay rake 12 -ft; fertilizer drill '6'11W '7'14'''''' " collars, set doe- Hayter *. 2 welk ng ploughsM et of harr) c lines, set blest straps, set Sr. Pt. He -Willie EN -eland 561, ueivalor, disgood wagon, wag- ; f. ows u IN tug,s, onion seeder and sett:- Floyd Wein 454, Pearl Bender 430 cc, ".• ..: , hex .:6(t. ficr combined, dung hook new, et Louise Staubus e, on 'with combination rack ton buggyClinton fanning trill..2 quantity of hard and soft wood, Jr. •Pt. IIHMartha Granpner 591 h ty, ,e,:„:1,,,..ass. mounte T harn.,:$, hoes, ehovele, forks, calf Ain co It Margaret Held 563, Nelda Vassold , 1-heree elow, ,1 -horse harreete 2 5 9, S 'emit Genittier 4 1 Early-Wit- bebele'ghe; Whiiflotre,s, neekeeke aele rwrielvon erticles. •• lvamen eleaners now,. Alto the mer *250, Ada& Stire e follewine articles the P' 'petty o: Sr. Pt le-Eldu Krett 46s, mar- -1* 41v !;} 0,40 implements were Mr. le, Koehler ss 11 1,f, sold; S ne, geret •Willert 410, little De:iring. ptroolllei 11 titeee years ego. ' Ail 'oil stove- 3 burree ners; cun 265*, Lloyd Stir , ele, Tbeen Nadige' NM .regQrVe re4 the proereeee le c'' ' elle tellers., eitieboard, box stoves, er *., Ernest Rinker *. g'':i1.....%,;414. r'..:',',":.,:',',..,4%,, ,,.1. z,11)(1,1 f,r,1 ,-,tand- c,!,•1', w1,1.-ol brrrow, . 2 Jr. Pt I; -Ervine Guenther 320, • e.,,,..'_, , ,, e. ,, 0:""01,,i. aeeptatt,,,, „T ••••leirin wiedow • °non eretee, (ie.. Wellace -Wein See*. Oliver StarikrIS Tril ,41'1.1,, :*; 4,I. ,i..,/,t, riv'i', .:b , in . me nereen 1,n tle3, hidder, Aereen *, Rudolph Vincent *. .....esee,,,, i „owe. -,4 Lees ',-,,•ie • t) Onr 1 11-0,,S. Viiiegnr levee', Clam I; Victor 'Kw& 265, .3erthur minf no t (.011 1f tn, 1,, ., 1 ,!rta' $41-o51 1111,0 beenese, ss Ili ill,*(pn, n.rergt, 1151 Pearl Schack. *40, Sole iirriTni. 2 I. -1),i ' Pleigliti, ,etc. b'l Stire *, • ee neseents. .ass lerree49---e' k cif ' ClII; Hugh O'f,4orinor 185, S r . t, eseeenetesees ()tee eer,-....• ..., ... .,. • , ' pro,priitto„,,... E, llossPtily,erv, A. lefittlehellz, O'C'erirmr 160, II's, rh Schltmdt lee Auctioneer, Ansel 'meet, Prop3ieeer. P., Tiernan, Teacher.* se. WE. ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF - SAW L ,.GS4 HIGHEST CASH PRICES Kal fleish, Zurich Feet That Never Touch the Floor 5 6 MARBLE -ITE FLOOR FINISH If your floors are hardwood, Use Marble - Ite The Floor finish with a money -back guarantee. It wears and wears and wears. It will not mar nor scratch white and is not af- fected by water, A worn floor spoils the look of your home anti is impossible to repair, but if you keep your floors painted, feet cannot touch them. Let the paint wear but save the wood. Save the Surface and you Save all. EN U 'S Floor Pai t is easy to use, dries very hard with a high! lustre and will with- stand a great amount of hard wear. No skill is required in using SENOUR'S FLOOR 'PAINT. Anyone ,,can apply it.. The result will greatly enhance the beauty of your home and much labor will be' saved for the floors will be very easy to keep, clean.. Come. in and let us give you full particulars. We have a full range of shades In this and every other MARTIN-SENOUR Product. There is a MARTIN-SENOUR Paint or Varnish for every need. We will be glad t to advise you. Melick & Braun, Zurich, Ont. .0.. -filer t..