HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-03-04, Page 8Cie ri g Sale STOCK TAKING IS OVER AND WE HAVE NOW PREPARED SEVERAL BARGAIN TABLES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. IN THESE TIMES OF HIGH PRICES; YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SOME OF THESE FIRST CLASS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES; HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THE11I;- LAIE'S � i. Only Ladies' Coat, Black Baby Lamb Cloth Reg. 30.00 for $23.00 1 Only Ladies' Coat, Black Baby Lamb Cloth Reg. 34.00 for$28 01 2 only Ladies' Coats Reg.28.50 for $21.00 A large assortment of coats, your choice at each $4.00 MEN'AND BOYS WEAR A FINE LOT OF MEN'S OVERCOATS AT BARGAIN PRICES. All t • new Coats. 8 only Boy's Suits at each $6.00 to $S.00 2 only Men's Sheep Skin iined Coats Regular $15.00 for $13.50 Men's fleeced shirts and drawers only a few sizes at each 75c DRESS GOODS, ETC. 5 pieces only Dress Goods at reduced prices. Extra Value, come and see them. About 100 -yds. of Gingham 40 in.wide, reg. 40 and 45c. now for 32c White flannelette Sheeting Regular 1.25 now for $1.00 Wool Undershirts. Regular price $1,40 now for $1.10 REMNANTS SF,E OUR REMNANT TABLE FOR BARGAINS IN SHORT ENDS OP DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, FLANNELETTS, ETC. All Sweater coats at reduced pricces'. Lot of toques at 25 cents each. Men's wool socks at 40c a pair. 4 dozed only, brooms at 50c. each. AND MANY MORE BARGAINS Come Early for best Choice. J. Gascho & Son Massey.IIarr•is Impleinents WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FO,F THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MAOHINtERY, PLOW POINTS, ETC. HIVE US 'A CALL, ti Casper Walper Zurich - - Ont -.'.3 +++4.++++44+++4++++++.H4.* `i'°fi4+++++++444++HH4++++++4r+• 4• + THE LEADING 1 +.... i+ HA c.,' i ,: til ■ 1!a wA..,.,,,.++ WARE .. �. .g. ,,,,,. 4. Our Supply of Heavy and Shelf Hardware is 4. such that we 4. can supply everybody's Requirements. 4. + 4. PARTIES REQUIRING WIRE FENCING THIS SPR- .et ,i, ING WILL DO WELL TO SEE US WHILE OUR SUPPLY + + + 4. LASTS. WE HAVE A CARLOAD ON HAND, AND SINCE 4i. T. WE HAVE BOUGHT THIS, WIRE HAS ADVANCED 10% AN'I) 4. ANN OD NCENiE1V T I have taken the contrast to handle Ford parts and will stock a complete line of genuine Ford repairs, Br:ng your Motpr car troti:bles to us. We epeci.alize on any make All repairing guaranteed. ' We repair not experiment, .. ousseau Zurich GARAGE STAND AT T. JOHNSON'S FORMER FURNITURE 'STORE LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) IButter 58 Eggs 621. Dried Apples ... ... ............ - 14 Potatoes per bag ... ..: ...... • 1:.51 PROSPECTS FOR TO GO STILL HIGHER. BUY EARLY ± AND SAVE MONEY •+l. s + We also have a large Stock of SHERWIN WILLIAMS 4+ Paints and Varnishes in Stock for Spring,. Call and see + +• our Goods and get Our Prices, WE DO ALL KINDS OF EVEPROUGHING AND REPAIRING kr ALL TIMEiS + + d+ re 4+ +Q+ PRE.ETER BLOCK - ZURiCH + .l. 1:44+++4.4.+4,+++++ ++44 + 44 ++ 1" ++++++++44+++++++++++++46R Dutch Setts ... Wheat .. ... ... Oats ... Ear ley .. Euckwheat Fleur ... ... Bran ...... Shorts ....... Hoge ...... 1.95 1.00 1.60 y... .......°. $.45 6.00-" 00 50 00 55.00 ir.e0 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST tAs a result of the scarcity of news print, some of the Canadian Western papers, do not advertise but publish only the news. Maj.; R. W. Schroeder, chief pil- ot' a,' McCook Field, Dayton, 0.,. in an aeroplane Sell over fivemiles last. Friday. He reached the he- ight of 36,000 feet, said to be 5,00u feet higher than the world's rec- ord. The thermometer showed 67 degrees below zero. EVANGELIST COMING Next Sunday, March 7th will be. the biginning of an Evangelistic campaign in the Evangelical, ch- urch The Y. P. A. have engaged Miss R. Morton of Toronto, ' to. conduct the services. Mise Morton comes highly rec- ommended by the General Con- ference and her wide experience in Canada and the United. States gives her great power of service to the people. Service on. Spue morning at 10.00 Evening.7.0.0 anal during the week 8.00 except'n, Sat- urday when there will be no ser- vice. T4s NIVAL AT Zurich Rink ON FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH. At 8 o'clock sharp To. the lovers of Carni c'a1s, this will be the last chance to see one -this. season.. Be sure and be here on Friday evening. For particulars see large post- ers.. The services last night at Lin- coln avenue church exceeded any week -night, service in attendance, interest and power. The people turned out until the church was nearly filled: The gospel Songs are becoming familiar and the hearty manner in which the aud- ience sing is splendid, Miss Mor- ton's address was on the i°Five Circles of the Christian life." She pointed out ;t:hese several circles of devotion and service to Christ and urged Christians to press in to that relation to Christ, where Christian experience was a joy and power, -Galt Reformer. LATE MRS. JOHN GEIGER Mrs. John Geiger died at the Hubbard Memorial Hospital, Bad Axe, Mic...h, on Saturday night,' Feb. 14th She was Maggie Mot ter, was born in Hay Township., fifty-one years ago. She spent- her girlhood days in the viicinty of hes birth. In 1891 she was united in marriage to John Geiger and they made their home in Say Tp. until seven years ago when they moved to Pigeon, Mich., About' two years ago she began ailing in health and on the 29th of January was ltaken to Bad Axe hospital, and on the following. Monday she was cperated on for the removal of a tumor', Her condition ;was so weaken- ed that she could not combat the effects of the operation, and on Saturday night, Feb. 14th she pas- sed away. The late Mrs. Geiger was highly esteemed in Hay town- ship, having lived for a number of years on the Zurich Road, 1 mile west of the village„ and with her friendly and pleasing disposition was admired by all who - carne in contact .with her. Deceased is survived b'' a hus- band, four children; Mrs. John flasheo, of town; Mrs. Henry Gra- ho of Sebewaing; and Verne and Leona at home; one. grandchild, Marjory Gascho; also three sisters Mrs. James Brooks, or Xerwood,; Mrs, Allred Mathers of eLthbt'id- ,fe, Alt.; and Mrs. Noah Geiger of Pigeon, Mich:. The funeral service was oondu- ete..d at the Evangelical church, n February 13th, nnrl t 111 rem- sins were hitt to reit it, ,Pif.eof cem9teryt - CARD OF THANKS The husband and parents of the late Mrs.. George Hess wish to ex- press their thanks for the assist- ance and sympathy extended to them during their recent bereave- ment. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT • Report for Room IV. Subjects for fifth classes; Alge- bra, spelling, composition and geo gr appy. Sr.•IV Bruce Klapp 71%', Meda Surerus 70*, Iva Kalbfleisch 76, Russell Preeter 64, Ivan Kalbfl- ;eisch 64*, Dorothy Campbell 52. jr. -V ;- Euloine Geiger 76*, Inez Yungblut 66, Gordon Walper 64, Rennie Weber 63, Hide Ncuschwa- nger 62.;5, Albert Siebert 52*, Whit- ney Brolsenshire 59, Dorothy Fritz' 43', Lennis O'Brien 42*. Sr. IV;- Subjects, spelling, com- position and geography; ' Veola Prang 73.,5; Mabel Preeter 70, Mur- iel Etowald 63.5, MaryMittelholtz 6'2. * Missed one or more tests; the marks obtained in former tests on the same subjects were consid- ered. N. E. Dahms, Principal. Jump from Bed in Morning and Drink Hot Water rano why everyone should drink hot water each morning before breakfast. Why is man and woman, half the time, feeling nervous despondent, worried; some days headachy, dull and unstrung; some days reallyincapaci- tated by illness. If we alt would practice inside-batn- ing, what a gratifying change would take place. Instead of thousands of half -sick, anaemic -looking souls with pasty, muddy complexions we should see , crowds of happy, healthy, rosy cheeked people everywhere. The rea• son is that the human system does not rid • itself each day of all the waste which it accumulates under our pres- ent • mode of living. For every ounce of food and drink taken into the system nearly an ounce of waste material must be carried out, else it ferments and forms ptomaine -like poisons which are absorbed into the blood. 'rust as necessary as it is to clean the ashes from the furnace each day, before the Etre will burn bright and hot, so we must each morning clear the inside organs of the previous day's accumulation of indigestible waste and body toxins, Men and women, whether sick or Nell, are advised to drink each morning, before breakfast, a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harm less means of washing out of the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the indigestible material, waste, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweeten°+ ing and purifying the entire alimen• tary canal before putting more food into the stomach, Millions of ,people who had their turn at constipation, bilious attacks, acid stomach, nervous days and sleepless nights have become real cranks about the morning inside -bath. A quarter pound of limestone phosphate will not cost much et the drug store, but is sufficient to demonstrate to anyone, its cleansing, sweetening and freeheri• ing 020 40;1 t11tn B ' t4l4e MID -WINTER ANNOUNCEMENT FURNITURE Just arrived two carloads of fur- niture, including » Be»d room suits, Dining Room suites, and a num- ber of quartered Oak Library Tables in fumed and gloss finish. THE SHREWD! 141.31,7 R: WELL, ACT QU=ICKLY AS THERE IS A. STEAD.M- TREND; UPWARDS, 0.1g ALL LINES OF FURNITURE, ASND WILL BE VERY DIFFIC- ULT TO SECURE LATER', ON:. Buy now, while: the Assortment is, hest Zurich's Busy Store Braun PHONE 63 111.111.1111111111.1111111111111.11111.111111111111111111.11 FEW BGAIT3 We are offering ' 'interweary 'before our Spring Stock arrives. In the meantime your accounts are ready for 1919.. Call for same. DENOXY BROS. - ZURICH Producs taken in exchange for Goods Great Stock- Reducing Sale Come here Saturday. Reap the Profits which go with every purchase FURS 2; per cent. discount off allFurs including Wolfe, Coon, Marmot and Sable. Men's Dress shirts all SAM. Ev ery 'shirt a Bargain. Men's fleeced Underw.ej ', J(teg. 2.51.9 a quit, Sale Price $2.00. FELLEX SQUARES Size 2x3 at $8.59. LADIES CLOTH COAT 1, only size 40 reg. ,y;40, sale $25.00 Big reduction in all Ladies' Under- wear, Ladies' Cloth Coats reg. 12.00 and $15.00. Sale Price $3.00 Don't miss this bargain. . Men's Sweater coats; all colors anal sizes. Big Reduteilb,n, Dr. Hess Stock. Rued and poult47 panacea. Men's and brpyjs suits at. a 41g). Reduction, Feltix tFloAr covering 2 ydee wide .2t.20 a surd. JAPANESE MATTING tte,. yd. EVERY ITEM A GENUINE BARGAIN Sale begins Saturday, Feb. 14th Salle ends Saturday, Feb. 28th M1 Butterick Patterns For Sale Phone 78 7T WORM