HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-03-04, Page 4ItittOlittrkWr'411!* ..„ THE HERALD 'hatted Weeitetesty afternoon flearts the riE HERALD PRINTING OFFICE Rffectieta after Jari, lst, &MO Warms of subscriptiongt,,,25 peataear In adseance; $2.00 may be charged if not so paid. 11, S. irabscripti- ent3 41,15 strictly in advaaitc.No paper discontinued lentil all ar- rears are paid unlese at theeeption of the publisher. The .date to - which every subecriptlan is paid is denoted on the label. ADVERTISING RAVES 'play AdvertieingeAked.e known .02.3 application. Stray Animals—One 'insertion ftOe; three insertions $1.00. Farm or Real. :Estee for sal& E. each insertion Inv onemantra ei steers; 5 yearling steers; 1.2yeere e heifers; 5 spring oalesese of four insertions, enc. for mesh ling fall calf, 1 calf 5 weeks exkl. 1 registered Shorthern .Pine Apple Diamond, --1.344h3,2a,boon Sept 7th, 1917, <lam ,; -114904-; Siete Diamosea =1Star -rd, -101119-. Pure Beed 'Yorksbabse :Swine: - 22 sows, Exeter Qaeen .4611,911- .and Exeter Queen 3rd -163e12--, bora-a:Feb. PaRia 193.8, due in sMaroh and -Mas. .2 Sows born June .15th 19.19,.4ue to farrow in Apr..; ,young .piegs born Dec 15th; 1 hog, _Meadow ..Brook Roy, -623534-, hoenn -May 15tih, 1918; Sire Pine:Grove Bey e-53549-, dam Meadow Brook elestre -49300-; 1 yearling hog. IMPLEMENTSo—Jeteaving %beerier , 6 -ft. cut,; Dearing .mower,a5ft. cut 11 disc, Deering d.rill; Dain hay loader; M. -H., side rake and teal - der combined; 10 -ft. Me. -11. steel rake; Deering .oultivatiore . M, -H. 2-tew corn cultivator; Frost & Wood bean enlevator:ilmid. M. -H. -corn binder; Blizzard cutt- ing bo; .Deerieg disc; set dia- mond harrows. Oliver ridieg plow; no. 2' emery Piowo No. 17, tVillt- mean plows. gang 'plow; Clover Leaf manure .spreader; pea harv- ester; grass seeder; _zink,clover table, grain cradle.: atone boat, gring stone; heavy wagon . with 2 sets of wheels; lumber .wagon; combination hay and stock rack; wagon box; gravel ;box; ;set -hoe i WagOn. hv rubbe o- g v ; cutter. ecewee e .ea grnd,ei- Cin'Joe f oa* ningmill, scales, sugar laect.e, feedl cooker. Stewart. Clipping 2tachined set of brass mounted harness new;l made from oak tan teatber,.2 sets double harness; F.et single harness, long ladder, 15e -ft hay fork rope; horse collars, quantity of cedar posts, some end posts; forks, sho- e -alp, hoes, whiffietrets, oleckyokes, chains pails .and other numerous articles, Household Furniture:— A.tera ion taTl's, 2 hungering lamps; cupbo- ard, sink 2 couches',. heater, Pen- insular Range, sealers, pictures, 2 easels, clock, 2 milk cans, bracket lamp TERMS;—All sums of li;h)a).0 and under cash, over that amount 9 1 months credit will be given on 'fur- nishing approved joint notes, A discount of 5 per cent off for .cash r on credit amounts. Geo. H. Gram, Frank Taylor, , Proprietor..t AUCIWN SALE Wrn Johnston end C. A, MeDon-1 ell, Clerks, : aggpr- wow,- • AUCTIQN "I) isiseesenea • - Wfarm steck -ano implements,: -on •rt,ot `20, CQ41” 7. -Liay, mhos Nkr+,•$11 of .iltr11411.1i, on 1. ne4titiy, ho Auar. -t2an rct, coonenciug at one o - -clock, p.m. saarp, toe lc:wowing; HOliSES:o-1 Agr, Mare iesaue4, in Joel to King Thomas; J. Agr.ge. ding rising .5, sired Lor Armst- rong, this .team is well matened; 1 ctraft gelding rising 2, sired by Commodore; 1 Gen. Purpose get - ding rising 2„ by Voltaire;, ditto rifting 3, - by 'Voltaire; 1 Agr, eon. rising a, by Nerd; 1 num in nra in foal to Silver MaKinny, quissa and reliable. 1 driving horse ris- ing ea. yrs. olds le.AT .TLE; -1 cow with calf at foot; 4 cows due in April; 2 ((Nowa due .in May; 1 cow due in eTatzie4 cow due in Aug.: 1 Jersey cow; eine in June; 3 heifers rieioig -clue April and May; 4,-2-eete old ‘'i eudiug eesla eon eu misagpigssa ‘100AL NEWS finis .ieleice. ii.: An a x.i. -in,Pen uey L&4 aeaesieg beet. tire toe oder to. toe 1141-.)-1, air, .i.u...'c' eauentleee lonteresta ae Loosioe essoocie„‘ 4.....tOr spencleare.toisa kk.....-,h. 4,... aliti .i�ae alere. ..4.4.0 ....----oe. .adeelievrausi, he°. a9sn, .,r .1-1.1.4 IkArat, ii,04.t. ,:stka.,yt,,pr, a eleao,-4,,..e. • DASH,Se 004) ina.B.olZ ;SS (-*r schoot A/41.t. -bet-xi eioatal. for the avecond time -this winter, owe ling ao sickness. -it was closed in Jan because of sthe lieu ease:Jo-IOW .telsere are not eetaoy cases, but it .le wise to use „feill precautions, Our Vet, Mn;. Cott, has been on -the sick list -for the past week, .but -we are .pleased to see him on his eounciS .again. ., There is 'ocrnsiderable sickness a- mong horse ,s and cattle th*,, past two weekseend our up -to -due vet. -kept1 has been quite busy. . e Our creamery opens Mond 'essuadi will be lesepared to receive ream' in abundonce. It will be a awlsei step for the patrons to feed their cows- ll and reap the be‘nefit, ! from the good, pri ices . of ratIser I waa at fires -ewe 1 W' Understand the Flu hazeasse...ties SOM. '....4k.,...I.11 •.a' 'U -aa .t......„^...."'aied as: a consequence the churches there! have been closed, -- Ey observing the precautions gir en in the Herald two weesk ago,; much of the evil coming from th-e! Flu could be avoided; "An -aunts preventive' of is worth a pound ofi 'I cure," 1 HENSALL. • • Mena Fee, who has been on Ile' sick list, has resumed her dale:4;11-h T. C Joynt's. Mr. G. C Petty left last -week : for the West, where she will visie for some time. Miss Erma Rennie of Dateeit is viFiting her parents here. : - Mrs J. Balfour of Regina, ISTiZ' iting at the home of 0. .1`,71ctErono ell. Mrs. (aro Hardie is visiting hes persnts at Tillsonburg. Miss Crooks, who has liad 'Aa- re . ot Ortwein's Millinery for the p- s': three seasons, has been Again enga gale . : Jas. Petty, who recently underel w-nt an operation in Dandies, 're • turned home greatly impreared. T.. J. Berry recently puectesed, B7)4 imported an entire horse •ihrain J Kerr, of Red Hall Cumherlench 1 Eng., This is one of theafineer il• tem of Clydesdale ever owneclin' '-'--se arts. and weighs eansider- able over a ton. E.24.1 'I'ER L Dow, shipped a ear -load O. horses to Montreal. bless Snell is making a lal' shipment of heavy steers to tie e New York market last week- . John Northcott of Hay, who has sold his farm, has purchased the residence of J.. B. Brickwood .Alf Hunter, who had been stay - ng kith S. Hunter, of Usborne,'et ast week, for England, where he falls heir to several thousands of i dollars, through the death of a elative. Dr, Hadley Williams of London, I performed an operation on New- i on Baker recently..' e it s subsequent insertion, Miscellaneous aette.lee of reet more than five lint% For Sale,Te Rent, or Wanted, 'Lost, Found, tc., each insertion '25s. Local Reading 'notices, etc,, reec. per line per insertion. No notice less than 25e. `Card of Thanks' 50c. Legal adeseirThieg 10c, and 5e. a Ahetiom alee, $1 for one inser- tion and $L50 for two insertions it moderate Size. Professional 'Cards not exceeding 1 !melt, $6 per -year. Address all communications to THE 'HERALD YeeHICPI, ONTA• R' CO DRENTEY,‘'Llsl.' TEA rail A BAIli4001,V let, a small package of Ham' earg at Tea at any pharmacy. Ta ke a Iespoonful of the tea. put a et' ,p of 1+, ling water upon it, pour throu gh a • ve and drink -a teacup full at any sl;ring• tb.o !day or before reti ring. he mo -t effective•way to bra san a d and t -grip, as it open:, 1 the res of tlo skin, relieving conge: .;(-) loosens the boweis,,thus drir ing a d from the..s,vstem. z'ry it the nex:t time...you suffer from .ola or the grip. inexpe =sive z ; entire1:7. Ter.etable.'therefore safe rraless. 31 Ni11314 a • :tato 41 41E AND, :BET OUT R Fain Laza Stiffness away wit.b aTrmal Abottle of'-.11ahonest S.t.cobs Lrzent clone yourahack is -soreaand lame or 1' abago, RetaIlca, or rlitrannatism has yl a stiCened ;up, don't..stiEer I Cet 2' cent hott; of old, :honest "St. !culls Lininavat" at any. drug store, pr ur a little in -your hand and rub it • rht into the:vain or acheiand by the ti ae yon etuar -fifty, the sfe.eness and , k neness is gc. Don't ..stay This. soothing, pcoetraling, 4.1ineeds to be -used only e ce. It take: -.the ache ant:14min right • of your lagkk and ends the misery. 1. 4 magical, et absolutely hat_aless doesn't lvtira the skin. thing else stops lumbago, seiatica a.. lame beet- eeery so pron9tlyl Mr. Jos. Smith left for Kitchen- er oat Wednesday morning. Mr. Jacob Howald of Kitchener is spending the week in town. Mr. David Schnell is fipending few days at Kitchener and Guelph.. Miss Margaret -Hess of Clintonii; spent (last ,week at ner home I here,. Miss V, Siebert left for Wing -ham on Monday, where she has taken! a position as milliner, Mr and Mts. Emerson Smite (of; Kippen visited at the home of! the former's parents, Mr, and „Mrs. John Smith, on Sunday. Mr. Albert Schnell of Calgary, Alta,. is visiting at the home of his father, Mr. J. H. Schnell, who still :continues in poor health. Miss Maida Routledge returned taxon Toronto last week, and es getting ready to ee-open her mil- linere parlors in the village. s' Mr. Andrew -Mittleholtz is haate Ong an auction sale on March 13th and intends moving to Kitchener, his son _Ted,. of the village with acecupy his residence. Mrs. Sol. Gingerich of the Goa- .heo Line, south entertained a• number of her Leends to a rag bee; las.t Thursday, a very enjoyable i time was spent by all present. _Avery pleasant time was spent' at' the home of Mrs. S. McBride! on Saturday evening, when a nunee ber Of girl friends of her daughter,. Miss Maud, met and surprised heri ateth a Misceleanous shower. Ev- erybody present enjoyed them- selves greatly. .Lunch was also served. ,Mr. C'has. Hey, who spent sev- eral -weeks visiting relatives and friends here, recently returned to his herae in Bad Axe, Mich., and adaiees us upon his arrival in that place, the Flu had made gieat . headway, ',but pleased to state that it .is again under control. lean .monthly :meeting .of the Wunien's Institute will he held at, the home of -Mrs. C. Fritz, on Wed- nesday, March 10th at _2.30 p. m.• Each member will kindly bring some good -receipts for our new crok book also bring your Jam which will -be backed and eent to the Military Hospital in Toronto. RICH TEACHERS The Public and High School tea- chers of Toronto haee made a re- quest of a 25 per cent. lncreasein eiteir sahuies. ilia cost of he - mg has gone up these ;ast duet; years 100 per cent. The wageof mdustr,y- workers have be:m raised so to 100 per cent. But teacher's salaries have only been advanced 11 to 122 per eerie In those good • old days, when we all knew what eggs and real butt v tasted like, no one said our teachers were overpaid. .ehey had nerve -trying and responsible work, and they were paici, enough to make _teaching equally attract- ve with other brain work; so that tilie bright book -loving boy or girl in many a fernier's home naturally became a teacher. liut f we did not then call our teach- rs overpaid, what of now? not evident that they are gros- ly underpaid? We certainly don't want our school teachers to be forced to 'hike for justice. If we do not ay them their :very moderate.de• land, we shall find it increasing- ' difficult to get teachers. Tempering his voice to the pr - ria breeze, Hon. A. Meighen pr - s for "moderate tariff for rev- ue" while Hon. r. A. Crerar, th a blizzard bhaind, tries to ow down the whole tarriff atr- Lure. Blow, ye west winds ow, We are indebted to Mt. E. H. dley of Duluth Minn„ an Exeter cl Boy, for a cony of the Duluth p-Sries The !i9 -Saw is a por devote 1 t expose the wr- gs and seen;e1 of that city— d they are • e few—and it oks thews', he HeadeSaw- r is very en the job.—Ex- 01' Advone Of Farm Stock and Implements on March letb. at Lot 16 cpn. 15, Hay, or know» ,aa St. Joseph .eosick yard Cann; commencing at 1 o'- eslock sharp, the „following; HORSES;— 1 heavy clyde mare 8 yrs. old, in foal: 1 heavy hors,e, l'ers. old , 1 heavy horse 8 yrs. old - 1 carriage horse. 11 yrs. old; 1 !Oslo.. purpose colt ris.ing. 2; 1 yearling colt; 1 brood mare 12 vrs. old in - foe's. CATTLE; -1 cow ,due to calf in jute, 1 cow, due ie May; 2 farrow., .cows;: 4 steers rising 2; 2 heifers rising 22; 1 heifer tieing 3, 1 stee.r. thing 1; 2° heifers rising 1,,2 pigs 3 months old, IMPLEMENTS;— M, -H, binder ft -ft. cue; M. -H. mower 6 -ft cut; steel hay rake le -ft; fertilizer drill '2 walking, plough; Fet of harrewe cultivator. disc good wagon, wars. - on box 16ft. with comhinatten ra-' ton bugess, .Clinton fanning ; lisava eets brags mounted Men' s heheleighs whillletrees, neck s-ok arid rumerous articles, • Ali the above implements seeee eitraehased three. e -ears ago. NO reserve ne the proprlean • giaine u",), fnrroing. '1'`PRIVf5; all alma of !?10 a"" aire4er r.1811 over that amount 7 -111 be cieen -b Thasosess -sonee-ad joint note' Alselonet eer eent -ff fee • or. -crrlit 7.8 etrre -• Aurtioreseel. Props;e''. ,• EAT LESS AND TAKE John Manning, a farmer resident of Exeter, died at Crystal City, fan, nad was buried last Wednes tl SALTS FM KIDNEYSI'A'N'R 'Take a glass of Salts before breakfast4 if your Back harts or Bladder bothers you. Ile American men and womert muse guard constantly against Kidney trouble, lbeCantO we eat too mach and all our food eich. Our blood is tiled with uric add \which the kidneys strive to filter met, they weaken from overwork, become eltigeah; the eliminative tissues clog and the melt is kidney trouble,bladder weakness and a general decline in health. When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; nehr back hurts or the urine is cloudy, Lull of sediment or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the eight; if you Golfer with sick headache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid stoma.* or you have rheumatism 'when the weather is bad, get from, your phar- raaciat about four Ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before lereakfaat for a few days and your kidneys then Stet fine. This lemons salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has heenaused for generations to fele. and stimulate clogged kidneys; , ,•,e the seids in the urine so it a source of irritation, tints r disorders! 17 inexpensive; eannot ile- a delightful effervescent beverage, and belongs in he -reuse nobody can make "as,vinga geed, kidney flush. ..1 ay in that city. Mr, A. E Kuhn, manager of the anis of Commerce left last Wed- esday for Kerr Robert, •Seslae Isere he will fill a similiar GRANDMA USED SAGE 1E4 TO DARKEN HAIR She rnixed Sulphur with it to Restore Color, Gloss, Youthfulness. Commoa garden sage brewed into a heavy tea, with sulphur added, will turn gray, otreaked and faded hair beautifully dark and luxuriant. Just a few ispPlicationts will prove a. revela- tion if your hair is fading, streaked dr gray. Mixing he Sage Tea and Sul- phur recipe at home, though, is trou- blesome. An easier way is to get a bottle of Wyeth's fiage and Sulphur Compound at any d lg. store all ready for use. This is t old-time recipe improved by the at' :Ion of other in- gredients. While wispy, gra: tided hair is not sinful, we all dt • to retain our youthful appearane and attractive- ness. By darkenin., .,our hair with Wyeth's Sage and S r Compound, no one can tell, be : it does It so naturally, so evenly east dampen a sponge or soft b .71th it and draw this through T hair, taking one small strand at me, by morning all gray hairs havcd,sappeared, andr after another applzeation or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy soft and luxuriant. This preparation is a delightful toilet Nquisite and is not intended for the mitigation or prevention of clis- s p ly ai ay en wi bl uc bl G -i 01 Ri on an 10 et STA• did we spy cur ag.du IkTrr., Map P1'' t.,.;r1. • .10.466,0ffitil[2409411.11:14111011814.11.• "tWNSHIP. is past, how. It will not 00- qtrs. benson of the very accept - Sunday morn- iS a gifted ap- t years in erk. "nley, avho is at - rich School, sp- , el her home• se •••••••••••••••••••••••••••oesoombeve•••••••••*41•• • • A Fe wit ikky argains • • • • • • • Cream Separatorshave adN7ancedi 1 1$1.0 in price. Buggies 20 per cent.W: • pave on hand one Delaval and one! Melotte Separators, also two Gray: !Buggies which we will sell at pre-! advance prices for quick sale. • • SOME OTHER FARM MACHINERY IN STOCK AT LAST' • 1 2 • • • • • • • • • • YEAR'S PRICES. SEE. US ABOUT NEW AND GOOD SECOND • BLACKSMITH BRING ALONG THAT PERTICULAR CAN DO IT FOR YOU. • DRAG HARROWS,5 • WORK • • a BLACKSMITH JOB, WE I 0 a PUMPS PUMPS WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF PUMPS AND PIPING- • WE INSTALL AND KEEP IN REPAIR ALL OUR PUMPS. a • • • ilea. Zia rnAro, Zuriohi, • • 414 0 soos000000esooess0000000me r000ssooss00000m00000sooet.1 WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR ALL KINDS OF SAW HIGHEST CASH PRICES C. Xaibfieish, Zurich • aaaaeeepoi- • es- ift§.(igim9P73iir eqtV,5ius;!,.; • in! J311! Nksgt".. Ash • Sea • Do yon carry enough insurance? Material used in constructing buildings as well as furniture clothing, etc., has greatly advanced in price. Therefore you should be insured higher to protect yourself' against Serious Loss. A. F. Hess = Zurich AGENT FOR LEADING FIRE INSURANCE C41VIPANIES CREDITON The many friends of Mathew Morleck will be pleased to learn that he celebrated his 92nd birtn- day on Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. L. Geiser and dau- ghter returned to Denvor, elmvisiting relatives here. The 84 -acre farm owned by Jas. Edwnrds was sold by traction, the bid being; $87e5.00. Pose-sio next November. Geol. Holtzman and Mrs. Ct. Heist spent last week in Colbor- ne. Authorized by the "Board of Health the school continue3 e10 ed, while the 'churches are allowed oppen. COUNTY NEWS Michael Carroll, aged 25, Biddulph died on Feb. 20th, and on Feb, 22nd his mother, Carroll passed away from the di' - ended influenza, at the age of 't.0 years The election of Poke Toss ees for Grand Bend took place last Monday. A week pre kr:01111Y lour candidates, were placed ln nomin- ation, and as only three were nee essary the election followed wh: the result that Me.sfirs. .1, N. r Cyrus Green and Bruce 13os 1 - berry were elected, The is- 'atilt candidate was • Grand Bend will step up *iowt*H;t- ,she has her own village fathere.