HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-26, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS PROCIDF00T, K1LI,O1 AN, & COOKE: ° Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public &o, Offico, on the Square, °Lad door from Hamilton St, t;roder•iclr, Private funds 4o loan at 1owe+et rates W. Peewee:en, X. 0. J. L. KILLorrAN. H. J. 1). Coolsrc. Mr. Cooke will be in Honsall on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Public Com missianer, Conveyancing, !Fire and. Life Insurance, Agent Corporation and Canada Trust Co. Herald Office. Zurich. Dr. E. S. Hardie DENTIST[ At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFPICR - HEN° 1 LL. Zurich Meat MARKET Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausages, etc ,Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & AIDES Tiuigbiut & Doi Chert Delaware & Hudson Co.'s LACKWANA COAL Also soft coal. Om berms are cash on delivery EL A. TM;nten NENSALL ENT. LJVE POU LT ICY WANTED TAKEN EVERY SATURDAY FORENOON Do not feed fowl came morning 'when brought in. Highest Cask Prices --CASH FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94. Zurich The HIME 1nsuranc Cl PAID-UP CAPITAL $6,000,000 SURPLUS TO POLICYHOLDERS $1.9536,177.25 Insures your barn against dam- age by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 30 cents per $100 for 3 years. No premium note and no extra assessment guaran teed. G.n Agent - Durick DEALER IN LIGHTNING RODS Salesman Wanted To Represent 'TRE OLD RELIABLE FONT - HIL NUSERIES The greatest demand for Nursery Stock in Years. 'British. and European Markets a- gaiir open for. Canadian Frnit. Lergest 1'sl of Pi:Wien:lid Ornamen- tal Stock, Seed Potatoes, etc., grown in Canada Write for Particulars Stone & Wellington Established 1837' MMRONT% ()NT. I'UT YOUR Wants, For Sale, Lost, Found, Notice, Etc. Ads IN THIS COLUMN FOR SALE About 100 bushels of ki'ango:dr and a quantity of Hay, apply t John Galster, Zurich.. LOCAL NEV'S eel Ward Fritz returned to. Kit- chener on Monday.. It is better to patch up a quare rel today than your face tomorrow Mr and Mrs, R..F. Steele viel'e.'l relatives in Dashwood over Sun - o day Mr. Harry Thur of Elora, wa•3 a la'it week. Mrs, Gormley of Clinton is vi..- iting at the home of Mrs. A. fit, Ehnes, Mi. .A: Gingerieh of the Bron- son Line visited friends nown Fast over Sunday). Mr. F McCutcheon of London spent the week -end at the home of Mrs, S: Rennie. We are pleased to learn that Mrs. Dennis Bedard, who had been ser- iously ill, is improving favorablj. ,Mr. Harry Weber of Galt, who ,was a resident of Zurich, some years ago, is renewing old acqu- intances. M s , Dane.! r Ruby has taken the pc sition of operator at the switch board oft he local telephone cen- tral here. Mrs. Q. Taggart of South Bend, Ind., attended the funeral of the late Mrs Geo. Mess un Tuesday. moval to prevent blood poisoning. Mrs. C. Price returned from the The disease has been known in Europe for many years, lint 't was NOTICE. We have just received a car- load of cedar shingles. F. 0. Kalbfleisch, Zuri .h. NOTICE Our Accounts are ready please call for yours. If not called for within a short Lime, we will mail them. J, GASCHO&SON NOTICE $5,00 a day the year around, send for yearly contract and sam- ple case free,. II, V. MARTIN, Windsor, Ont, NOTICE. Our accounts are now ready. If not called for by Feb. lat, they will be sent through the mail. T. L. Wurm. FOR SALE Sleigh shoes $7.00 a • set, cutter shoes $2.50 a pair and all other general blacksmithing repairs at reduced prices while it lasts. Louis Prang, Zurich. NOTICE I am offering my propertys for sale in Zurich, my residence on Mill St. that I ani now `ocenpying, and what is known as Geiger's Confectery, pro- perty- For particulars a,pplp to D. Koehler. --+---- FOR SALE Frame building, 25x40, and 16 feet high, in good condition. Suit- able for straw shed or driving shed Apply to W. L. Seb:.ert, Zurich. FOR SALE In ,Zurich, my property consist ing of 6 acres of land, good com- fortable house and new stable. All in A. 1. co edition. 'At a 'bargain for quick ,.ale, A. Mittlehoitz, Zurich, t,1-31. OSCAR KLOPP Licensed Auctioneer for the Co- unty of Huron, Sales conducted in any part of the County. Char- ges moderate. Satisfaction guar- anteed or no pity. Several fine farms have been placed in my hands for sale. Zurich, P. 0, Phone 18-93 FOR SALE SWEET CLOVER I have a small quantity of yel- low blossom sweet clover seed for sale, order early., as the sup- ply is very limited. For partic- ulars apply to; Fred. J. Haberer, R.R.I Zurich. Phone 11-9483t.f. COTTON GRAIN SACKS FOR SALE Owing to having sold out our milling plant here, we have a quantity of cotton Grain bags for le sa,_ which the will sell at 50c each as long as they last. This is on - 1y one half the price you will pay for them at general stores to -clay. Also have some feed beans which We illw sell at $1.50 per bush while they last. Call at Cecile Bros., Garage, ?Jensen. FOR SALE Entire herd of Pura Bred hr•t- horn .Cattle, Consisting of 4 females, 2 males, 3 pure Scotch, and 3 Scotch Top- ped. All above mentioned are registered in the Canadian Herd Book. For particulars apply to W. H. Pfile, Dashwood, R R. 1i or phone 7-85, Zurich Central 30 FARM FOR SALE Being; composed of lot 19, con, 15 and sr, lot 20, con 15, Hay, con- taining 150 acres. Good house and bank barn and other out buildings. This farts must be sold to Wind up the estate of the late Mr, Stephen 1Vleidinger. Must be sc,icl by 1Vl'areh 1st, 1920. For pc.rti ular; apply to Nelson Masse, John Hartman or Mrs, et.. Brisson, executors of said estate. • Dated at .Zurich, rob. 13th, 1.920. visitor with friends here CONTAGIOUS ABORTION A Too Common Trouble With Some Farm Mares. re - Cause of the Disease Discovered-- 'Method of Spreading Described-- Measures for Control Oyster. shell Barli Louse With Its Treatment. (contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) ONTAGIOTIS abortion of nares is due to a specific bacillus (Bacillus ahortivus equinus) which gets established in the uterus, fetal membranes and foetus, setting up local inflammation leading to expulsion of the foetus plead or alive at any time during pregnancy. The symptoms of approaching abortion are not'usually in evidence until just before abortion takes place. Then the animal is seized with colicy pains, restlessness and strain- ing, and a swollen vulva with a mu- cous discharge is noticeable. After abortion, the symptoms are more specific. There is a chocolate brown fluid discharge from vulva which has a typical offensive odor, and the foe- tal membranes are inclined to retrain intact, thus necessitating artificial London Hospital last Friday, where not found on rhe American ontin- ent until 1886 when it appeared in the Mississippi valley. Since' then it has spread far and wide in the Unit- ed States and Canada. Although themany investigations were made both serious illness of his daughter, in Europe and America, it was not Mrs. Geo. Hess, who passed away on Thursday, she had undergone an operation, and is much improved in health. Mr. John Weido was called to Detroit last Wednesday owing to until 1912 that the cause of the dis- ease was discovered. In that year A large number of cur citizens ;rt- E. S. Good, o Kentucky, discovered tended the Seaforth-Wiarton hoc- the bacillus which causes the disease. The same year Dr. Schofield, of To - key match at Seaforth on Tuesday• ronto, discovered the same bacillus in some cases of ' joint ill in colts which had developed in districts in OMr. F C. Kalbfleiseh has dispose ofnmares. asrio re contagiousyalenand abortion Mr. prevalent the Pol- ed the black Pereheron team he lowing year found the same bacillus purchased from Mr. Wm. Decher in cases of contagious abortion of two years ago, to Mr, Gormley of (nares in Ontario. near Dublin, the consideration be- ing $450. Miss Lottie Galster left on Tiu- esday for Toronto, where she will be for a week in a wholesale department, after which she will resume her position as milliner, at with the bacillus and spread the dis- Bcwmanville. ease to other mares which he sub - Messrs. Clayton and Claience.tiequently'serves. If the discharges Ho�mart were last week snow- from an aborting mare are allowed to contaminate the bedding or other bound at Seaforth, while on their materials that other mares conte in way to Wiarton, where Seaforth contact with, then the mares are li- was scheduled to play hockey on able to contract the disease. If the Tuesday evening. This game was discharges are allowed to contami- played off on Friday evening at nate watercor food materials that are. liable to that place and was won by the green to htr maree, the latter are contract the disease. Seaforth team. ( Measures for Control. -1. Three The sad news was received here months must elapse between abor- last Thursday of the death :., f tion and subsequent breeding. 2. Mares that have aborted must Ethel, wife of Mr. George Jless, not be bred if there is evidence of which took place in Detroit at 6 uterine catarrh, even after three o'clock that evening in Harper's months. Hospital. Deceased was taken i11 3. Mares that have aborted must the flu a few weeks ago only be bredt at the end of the stal- withg lion season. which developed into double pne-I 4. Application of an efficient dis- umcnia, and although everything i infectant to the external genitalia of possible was done for her it proved the stallion after each service in af- of iso avail. The remains were Tested districts. brought to Zurich and the funeral Measures to ]3e Employed at Time was held on Tuesday, interment ' of, or Subsequent to Abortion.- taking place in the Lutheran cern-, •Iso mre at first sign of approachingiabortion. etery, She leaves to mourn her 2. After abortion the foetus and loss her bereaved husband, her membranes should be burned, if pos- sible, or buried deeply in quick -lime. two sisters, Mrs. Geo. Smith of I 3. Those handling the foetus and near Varna and Ariel Laura at home I snare hould disinfect hands and and two brothers,Wilfred ;rnd I clothing. 4. Bedding 'should be burned and Elmore of Hay Township, :vh'n the stall washed with a strong-dis• - evening which resulted in favor of Seaforth, score 7-4. Method of Spreading. -The disease is spread mainly by the discharges from the vulva of aborting animals. If a mare that has aborted is served before all discharges from the vulva have ceased and the genitalia have been efficiently disinfected, then the stallion is liable to get contaminated have the sincerest sympathy of a host of relate -es and friends. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Nelson Denom- me, Late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, Farmer Deceased, NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims ag- ainst Nelson Denomme, who died on the 7th day of January, 1920, at the Township of Hay, at'e r: qui e l on or before the 13th day of March 1920, to send by Post or deIivei to Mrs. Rachel Denomme, R.R. Zurich, Ont., and William Ruches me, R. R. No. 2, Zurich, Ont. Ex- ecutors of the Will of the said de- ceased, full particulars of their claims; and that after the said last mentioned date the said Executors will proceed to distribut the as- sets of the said deceased :among the persons entitled thereto, hav- ing regard only to the claims of which they elnali then have hal notice, and that the said Execut- ors will not be lilible for the said assets or any part thereof., to any person of whose claim they shall rot then have reet'ive 1 ant - Dated at Ooderich the 51sh clay of February, 1920. Proudfoot, I{iloran and Cooke, Solicitors for said Executors. i I DIED Deters -In 'Cray Township on Feb. the: 19th, the infant daughter of I 1 Mr. and Mrs, Garnet Deters, age ,22 days. , , i infectant. 5. External genitals, thighs and tail of mare should be washed daily with a good djsinfeetant. Two per cent. bacterol, lysol, or cresol, is sat- isfactory for this purpose. 6, Isolation of mare should be maintained for at least a month or until all evidence of uterine discharge has ceased. Treating the animal with drugs, as carbolic acid, black -haw and methy- lene blue, though popular in some districts, cannot be recommended as being of any value. -Dr, J, H. Reed, 0. A. College, Guelph. Oyster -shell Scale. This is a very cotiunon orchard insect, It attacks not only apples but also pears, plums, eui•rants and many i ornamental and shade trees and !almost Full grown scales are found I almost exclusively on the bark and are easily recognized by their oyster - shell appearance. They are about Ye ' of an inch long, 1-24 inch wide, taper towards one end and in Color resem- ble closely the bark. i The injury is caused by their suck- ing the juices out of the bark and thus weakening the trees, When very abundant they almost completely cover the bark and in that case may kill either the whole tree or portions of the branches. 3VTost'infested trees, however, are not killed but only weakened. Control. --Spraying the trees just before or just after the buds burst with lime -sulphur solution, 1 gallon to 8 or 9 gallons of water, is a satis- factory remedy. The regular Codling p ay w th one gallon of linre- sull)lrur lee aboAt.30 r4.«.a11.6 oi; wssiaire cu w,rtcu two pounas or arsenate of lead paste or one pound arsenate of lead powder is added will also help greatly, because it will hit the young Beale insects just after they have hatched, while they are stili unpro- tected and easily destrriyed. Dead scales may remain on the trees for • several years after date of killing. Pruning the trees early makes it eas- ier and cheaper to splay them well. --Prof. L, Caesar, 0. A. College, Gueleh The Herald Department is . al- ways:, ready to turn out first-class work at moderate prices consider ing the great increase in cost of production. Every farmer should and many have already, have a printed supply of note paper and envelopes, with No, of Telephone and Rural Mail route, and perhaps whatever specialty he follows in stock, grain or fruit. It looks businesslike and costs little more than the retail price of the blank stationery, Truly the Edition Amberola is the World's Universal Musical In- strument. Come see and hear them and judge, for yourself. Also Edison Blue Amberol rec- ords in stock. Also Singer :,erring machines in stock and agent for Pianos, Of- fice at my residence. H. WELL, Zurich. e'sPr Finn. le r,.y =.; y, ' ^ .+7r.•, AIDSPIkt.r'3,7r s's5.xu t s }l� 3at, Ch9Idrel C for F ett her's Pletcher'o Casto:_a is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children. Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential for Daby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, anti no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. hat is Cr `'.: T ? Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.. The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend. GENWW ' E C STriALWAYS Bears the Signature of n Use For Ovef3O ['ears THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK C'tTY III8IIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111181illei 1111lll1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiINIIIIIIII111111IIIIi111111i1#111111111NIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMillli!Ilililflllllllillllll!IIIINI!!l0ll1111111111111111111II11(IIBIIIIIII1111111111111E Th Herald and Daily Globe ...... ... ... ... $5,00 Herald and Weekly Globe ...... _.. ... ,.,. 2.60 Herald and Daily Mail and Empire .,. ... 5.00 Herald and Weekly Mail and Empire ... ... 2.60 Herald and Daily Star .._ $4.00 Herald and Weekly Star ... ._, 2.60 Herald and Daily News $4.00 Herald and Free Press, evening edition ... ... 5.00 Herald and Free Press moaning edition ... ... 5.00 Herald and Advertiser, morning edition ... .-, 5.00 Herald and Advertiser, evening edition ... .., 5.00 .Herald and Farmers Ad vocate .... ... ... ...... 2.75 Betald and Farm and Dairy .. ...... 2.00 Herald and Weekly Sun 2.7 5 .Herald and Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 2.35 Herald and Canadian Coun iryman ... ... Me) Herald and Weekly Witness ... ... ... 2.60 Herald and Farinefs Magazllne ......... 2.50 Herald and Yotith'a Companion ...... .., 3.50 Renew your papers with us)and save money The AID Zurich G 1111MEG; IMIGIIGGGIIIIGIIMIG !fill(8111111flIIIII81811118111111111111111111IIIllllllellllillllllll1811lllel8111i11188118118111118s I i n 188mr!.Ili!!!1!i.aill1 X1!6;;iii,IlluiG1111iliill6111(m18111✓i1 iiiiliilil!';i;lili6111illllllld