Zurich Herald, 1920-02-26, Page 4THE HERALD
Issued Wednesday afternoon
tram the
Effective after Jan. 1st. 1923
Terms of subscription ;31.25 per year
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if not so paid, U. S. imubseripti-
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Stray Animals—One insertion 50e
three insertions $1.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
60e. each insert h for one month
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subsequent insertion,
Miscellaneous articles of not
snore than five lines, For Sale, To
Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc„
each insertion 25a.
Local Reading notices, etc., 10c.
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Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
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Address all communications to
,ey Walt Mason)
The dairy cow's a thing of
charm; she lifts the mortgage of
the farm, and makes the farmers
life more sweet, and sets him down
on easy street. Where'er the
dairy cow is queen, a country pro -
sire' ;us is seen, and dairymen, in
joyrui raves, are packing bullion
Ito the t•;nks. Why plug along
the old cad way, producing niut-
nic-gs, corn and hay, and putting
up a bankrupt wail if one year's
,crop should chance to fail? There
is a better method now, the me-
thod. of the dairy cow; this crit-
ter always earns her keep, and
piles up riches while you sleep,
and pays the taxes and the rent;
and here in Canada, gents, we
have the climate and the feed, ind
all conditions dairies. need. So
let us boost the dairy cow, which
beat: the old breech-loadhng plow,
the Holstein nad the Jersey, too
as smooth as any cow in view.
Let's talk up-dairies,r milk and
cream. the safest money -making
Pte J W. Wilkinson, ,lf Tucker-
sroith,,late of the Princess Pats,
died at the Carling Heights barra
eks, London on Feb. 12th: The
remain; n ere brought home for
Clinton has 276 domestic and 135
commercial users of hydro.
Drink lots of water and stop eating
meat for a while if your B1:adder
troubles you.
When you wake up with backache and
&lull misery in the kidney region it gen-
*rally means you have been eating too
:much meat, says a well-known authority.
Meat forms uric acid which overworks
the kidneys in their effort to filter it
'from the blood and they become sort of
paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys
/get sluggish and clog you must relieve
*hem, like you relieve your bowels; re-
anoving all the body's urinous waste,
+else you have backache, sick headache,
dizzy spells; your stomach sours, tongue
le coated, and when the weather is had
you have rheumatic twinges. The urine
5s cloudy, full of sediment, charnels often
get sore, water scalds and you are obliged
'to seek renef two or three times during
the night.
Either consult a good, reliable physis
•than at once or get from your pharmacist
*bout four ounces of Jad Salts; take
s< tablespoonful in a glass of water
Before breakfast for a few days and your
kidneys will then act fine. This famous
salts is made from the acid of grapes
and lemon juice, combined with lithia,
end has been used for generations to
clean and stimulate sluggish kidneys,
selso to neutralize acids in the urine so it
no longer irritates, thus ending bladder
'dad Salts is a life saver for regular
meat eaters, It is inexpensive. cannot
injure and makes a delightful,. get -
torment lithia water drink.
(Too late for last week.)
111x1. Jno 'Sherritt of St. Marys,
was a visitor in town a. few days
last week.
Mr Isaahi• Tetreau purchased
the 125 -acre of grass land from
Mr, Mo. Sherritt near Grand Be-
nd for the luradsorne price of $5030
The Ai ' Ladi sthe d of t re I,trtheran
church held their monthly meet-
ing at the home of Mr. :And Mrs.
Otto Miller on the 14th con„ last
Mr. Norman Cook of Stratford,
spent the week -end in town.
Miss Evelyn Howard entertained
a number. of her girlfriends to a
Valentine party, Friday evening,
Miss Olivia Welton left for
Windsor on Saturday.
Mr Leels.nd Guenther of London,
Visited at his home this week.
'Mr. Fred Baker is on the sick
list. We hope for a speedy re -
co very t, r
Mr. R. Callfas is visiting in Thed- and 75 such schools. And in ev-
ford, ery case good satisfaction is en-
Mrs Preeter, who has s been sp- hosed. The trareportat:on of the
ending lthe winter in oeen, is pup•1s need nto be a difficulty. In
visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. G. the latter province the children
are drisen to adn from the school
in comfortable vans driven be re -
Messrs F..Uenttner and W.Stire liai le men; and I believe the Gov
Jr., left on Monday for Linwood. ernment pays one-half the cost of
Several of the members of the such van transportation. There
family of Mr, N. Stire, Sr., are ill shc•uld bel ots of discussion at
with flu and pneumonia. Mrs present re- our rural schooi sys-
Fitzgeraid of Kippen is attending ten and our needs put before the
Owing to the outbreak of flu, Drury Government.
the Board of Health closed our
Mr and Mrs. R. F. Stade of Zur-
ich spent Sunday in town. Mrs,. Lane has disposed of her
The creamery opens for the dwelling property on Wm.. St., to
season on Monday next. A. A Spencer of town for $2,0.0.
Mr. Ira Tieman of the Bank A quiet wedding took place at.
Staff is confined to the house with t.bs James St. parsonage on 'thurr-
an attack of flue. day eve Feb. 12th, when Mr. Albert
Mr. Lockhart of Parkhill was a E. Andrews was united in r.narr:age
business 'visitor in town on Tues- with Miss OIive Treble. They
day. w 11 make their home in the west.
Several from here attended the Wlr.l< chit ing went on Huron St.
funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Hess Saturday evening Mr. F. Hogar.hs
at Zurich on Tuesday. h ,rst•' and cutter collided with G.
t-1• I Wesson's and then ran away. Some
DASHWOOD BREEZES ci:stance further it collided with
(Too late for last week.) 1 11. Gowers' cutter, and both of the
The storm last Sunday !eft our! cu tar.; we:e cons:de:ably santahel
roads in rather a bad condition, i 'the same evening E. Wilson was
The scarlet fever, which was en 1 driving into town from the south
unwelcome visitor in our burg, isand the cutter upset in a pitch
now a th'ng of the pae1, i hole, and become frightened„'the
Only one or two cases of "flu” 1 horse ran away, and in front of
repotted to exist in this vieiret;-. I Mr. W. Kuntz's shop struck the
Our town is quite elated. over cutter in which was H. Coates.
the fact of a creamery to be in 9 he impact freed the horse from
full swing here in a few weeks. the cutter and the berst continued
Mr J Guinan Stephen's popular its mad run through to Hensel],
Assessor, was the guest of J. S captured and brought home,.
Delgaty one evening last week. Leonard Abott of the Molsons
The f'shermen are catching large bank staff has been trasterred to
quantities of 'herring at the Pend Harrow, Ont.
lately. r Miss Minnie Merner returned to
The Forward. Move -stent is mak- Seaforth, after ; esiting for a fete
ing progress here. The Grand days with friends in town.
Bend Presbyterian circuit. which
is billed for some $1400, will likely
exceed their objective.
There- is considerable talk . of
Con: olidatecl Schools around a ',
when out ratepayers becorne per-
fectly acquainted with the great
benefit derived from such scho-
ols, there will be no difficulty in
quite modern and gave the aud-
ience an idea of Palestine life,
The choir gave several choruse=s,
and Mrs. Grattan esang a 'beauti-
ful solo just when the views of
jthe sits_, of Calvary came on. The
chairman, Mr, J. S. Delgaty, also
gave a talk on Palestine, dealing
more particularly wii'h the need of
spiritual recruits to -day, and the
great need of true rnissiunary work
both at home and in foreign lands.
Ir: the Huron Expositor of last
week, we noticed that the rate-
payers of Colborne Tp. were ad-
dressed by a (Government agent
re the building of Consolidated
schools, Would it not be wise if
Stephen and Hay request tut agent
be provided to address their rate-
payers similarly? Instead of
butlding,new schools as heretofore
possibly it would be wine to con-
sider, first the suitability of con-
solidation. It is quite certain
that consolidated schools will be
the schools that will do this
province in the near future. In
Manitoba there are brtween 60
The Elson saw mill his Leen Eo:d
to Mr. H. Willert of Dashwood,
who will convert it in a flax mill.
Mr. Herb. Filber, in on the sick
placing such schools throughout 1 Win. Colwell sold one of his
the county of Huron. I farms being lot 6, con., 1, Biddul-
\It is to be hoped that the U., Iph to Mr. Brown of Seaforth for
F. 0. Government will so en make i W12m
known to the public their deal- I Herb. Hanlon, travellor, in home
ings with the Educational Syste n + on the sick list.
of Ontario. As the present syst-+I August Hill, who has condue'.e.i
em is in great need of readjusts -1 a successful hotel business for
ent A more practical adjustment! thirty-one years. has retired. And
is much needed needed than the' his successor, W. J. Mal'ett, has
pt,st 'tight or ten years have giv- resumed his place.
en. Some such dealing with otr• I
rural school system as will induce ! e—
the farm and agirls to res=in he I sApE �g�■ BEAufinEs
th.� fern. instead of o rem• to the' TEA
chi's would find a welcome plane
in the affections of the Agricu1-1 RNA DARKENSHAIR
rural class.
Union S. S. No. 15, Hay and Ste-; -
phen have, organize i a ri:er•ary so -I Don't Stay Gray! it Darkens
cicty which furnish a hoodpro- So Naturally that No -
gram every two tveelts. Last I body can Tell.
r day afternoon a debate was he
bate was held, subject; Resolved You can turn gray, faded hair beau -
that summer affords better prix-- tifully dark and lustrous almost over
ilege for amusement than White:. night ifyou'll
ppget a bottle of "Wyeth's
h,• affirmative was led by Cora drug store.Millionso t bottles of this
l :it.`r as Captain, and the iegat- old famous Sage Tea Recipe, improved
'vr' by Marion Turnbull. Ther; by, the addition of other ingredients,
w re four speakers on each side
are sold annually, says a well-known
druggist here, because it darkens the
MI( :;, age range from 10 to 1' hair so naturally and evenly that no
".'rs The pupils enjoyed to, one can te11 it has been applied.
•,t d tl 1 �'^ 1 Those whose hair £s turning gray or
e an the c eb _ . tttnd'ers c becoming faded have a surprise await-
thrir pointe splendidly. The do- Ing them, because after one or two
et was given in favor of the applications the gray hair vanisher
and your locks become luxuriantly
• ' 1ve- darks and beautiful.
Dr Aikens of Ripphn ;;av•- This is the age of youth, Grays
i les"rated Ie^' u , ' on Palestine 'haired, unattractive folks aren't
• Presbyter' •n ch trclt e7r wanted around, so get busy with
Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound
send to ' e t','. M. S. o" to -night and you'll be delighted with
your dark, handsome hair and your
youthful appearance within a Yew
This preparation is a toilet requisite
and is not intended for the cure, miti-
r; p tzsln 'away,
' `1'9tr'iet. There was a good
:ss n^.ut to sage the views and iia -
t" Dr..Aiken':s remarks on `h't
','i"ingo land. The views were
atton or xevention of disease
,Tames McDiarmid, aged 69 yearn
died at his home Lot 1, Con. 4, St-
anley on Sunday February 15th,
after a short illness front pneum-
onia. Deceased was well known
and respected by a large circle of
friends having lived on his farm
for many yearn, :EI€ was elected
to the council beard in Stanley and
also occupied the Reeveship Chair
in 1903-4. He was also chairman
of the Managing Board of the
Presbyterian church, Brucefield, of
which he was an active member for
years. He is survived by his wife,
anc.l one daughter Katie, at home
v. ho have the heart felt sympathy
of the community in this thei'hour
of sorrow. The funeral took
place on Tuesday Feb. 17th. In-
terment in Bairds Ccmeters.
On Thursday of last week, de-
ath came as a welcome release to
Mrs. J. Hagan, Parr Line, Stanley.
She had reached an advanced age
and was an invalid for a number
of years. Her husband prede-
ceased her about 15 years ago.
Interment took place on Satur-
day in the R. .C. cemetery, Sauble
A meeting was called in the
Town Hall, Varna, last Saturday
evening in the interest of Hydro
Power for Stanley. After some
consideretion it was decided to
make a canvass of the township.
Mr, Orval Stephenson of Mar-
lette, Mich., is spending a few
days with his "friends in Stanley.
Mrs. 5, Stephenson Sr , who has
spent some months with her son,
Wm. H. Stephenson of Marlette,
Mich., has returned to her home
OD 'Monday Feb. 16th death came
as a welcome release to Mr. John
Tough of the Bronson Line. 1-fe
had rcached the age of 84 years,
and has been laid aside front the
activities of life for some years.
He was ono of the pioneers of St-
anley Tp and many were rhe
tales of hardship and sacrifice he
could relate of those early days
whert our country Was a forest, al-
though he was farming all his life
yet when his sons took charge of
the farm, he assessed our town-
sbih for 25 years, and few knew
the township as well as he. His
annual visits were looked forward
to with pleasure by the residents of
Stanley, `and it is with kindly rec-
'7illections that we think of Asses-
sor Tough.
Mr Sam Oesch spent the we&
End with friends in this vicinity.
Mr Sam Hey•accompanied by
Mrs. :Chas. Meyers spent a couple
days with Mr.. Chris. Meyers, who
is in ,St1 Joseph's Hospital, Lon-
Mr Robt. Allan entertained a
number of friends on Friday even-
Miss Anna McDonald spent the
week -end at the home of Mr. nad
?virs, J. A. Manson.
P.6.6-6•.6.•.•4d.FM.►.W W..6M.N W«MM..h.N.6•.6..M
•..6w6r/..6.,6.H.6.6•••• •F.11..1. ....... .........N........
Get a small package of Hamburg
Breast Tea at any pharmacy. Take a
tablespoonful of the tea, put a cup of
boiling water upon it, pour through a
sieve and drink a teacup full at any
time during the day or before retiring.
It is the most effective way to break
a cold and cure grip, as it opens the
pores of the skin, relieving congestion.
Also loosens the bowels, thus breaking
up a cold.
Try it the next time you suffer from
a cold or the grip. It is inexpensive
and entirely vegetable, therefore safe
and harmless.
e joints and muscles
Rub Soreness s from �
with a small trial bottle of old.
St. Jacobs Liniment
Stop "dosing" Rheumatism.
It's pain only; not one ease in fifty
requires internal treatment. Rub
soothing, penetrating "St, Jacobs Lini-
ment"'right on tke "tender spot," and
by the time you say Sack Robinson—
nut comes the rhemnatic pain. "St.
Jacob's Liniment" is a, harmless rheu-
matism cure •which never disappoints
and doesn't burn the skin. It takes
pain, soreness and stiffness ;from ach-
ing joints, muscles and bones; stops
sciatica, lumbago, backache, neuralgia.
Limber uu 1 Get
old-time, honest "St. Jacobs Liniment"
from any drug store, and in amoment
you'll be free from pains, aches and
stiffness. Don't suffer l Rub Alcmene,
r•••st•tr••ss•Atrerrtoesetast® setteasettoaaaeretsoseas•osers4di
a s...
a to
eFewi� �4•,� .
., ! a �� : ` n •
e •
as • ...
t) • •
Cream Separators have advanced
i $ 10 iii price. Buggies 20 per cent. We
have on hand one D eLaval. Cream ••
Separator, also two Gray Buggies:�
which we will sell at pre -advance=
prices for quick sale.
• .:
a O.
a icAN DO IT FOR YOU. te
a •
• A
• `.
®Ls AN PG, Zurichi
...., .
r40060000000000000000000000000009erD•x.•R settemetoBttoloossato..)
SAW LOG'.`:y:
RYn>ny 'fes.
ii tt,ti' f e s 1.1.' "
i < tib 43t!!:
Do you carry enough insurance?
Material used in constructing buildings as well as furniture
clothing, etc., has greatly advanced in price. Therefore
you should be insured higher to protect yourself against
Serious Loss.
A. F. Iles_ = Zurich
1116.31.1••=111111610RM••=31117.10, •11.1511111•11.0.1111M11111111
Mr. Alex Murdoch is having the
building on Main St. recently vac-
ated by Messrs. McDonald, over-
hauled, ?dr. H. H, Little is doing the
A quiet wedding took place at
the Presbyterian Manse, London,
on Monday of lest week, when Miss
Nona, youngest daughter of Mr,
and Mrs T. Sherritt became the
bride of Capt. W. S. Caldwell, The
ceremony was perforated by Bele
D, C, McGregor. Capt. and Mrs.
Caldwell left in the evening for
Toron10, where they will niake
their future home.
Mrs, Owen Geiger and daughter,
Verry, attended the funeral of the
lute lies, John Geiger, Pigeon,
Mich., last week.
Mrs. W Shillinglaty, aged 67 ye -
Ars died at London on Feb. 3rd,
She was a resident of Chistehirst
for many years.
In memory of our dear Grand-.
mother, Mrs, El zabeth Sclulb.eretho,
died on February 17th, 1919.
Asleep iri Jesus, blessed sleep,
From which none ever -wakes tee
A calm and undisturbed repo'et.
Unbroken by the last of foes..
Asleep in Jesus, Oh how sweet,..
To be for such a slumber meet.
With holy confidence to sing,
'That death hath lost ,his ve'.om-
ed sting.
Asleep ie Jesus, peaceful reit.
Whose waiving is steh'emelY
No fear. no woo sine' dim that ho •
That .n,an'fss' s the S'avioer's •>
_;sloop ir, Jesus, far ''r t'tl the
Thy kindred and tires gra..
may be,
But thine is still 0 blessed sleep,
rr•otn which non ever wakes to
—The Grandchildren;,