Zurich Herald, 1920-02-26, Page 3Why We Raise Our Hats. Do you know how it came about that ii non t.t1::e:s eft' his flat when he meets a. lady he knows. In the olden day;, whe,l a, knight. arrived et. i Ucighboring c•:ist.le, h*• took off his lc+lniet to show ]lis host and Mende that ler .01d not suspect them of ulterior lnotivun, and did not anticipate a bang 0i1 the bead with a sWord or a mace! To enter helmeted aumented to paying that: he preferred to run no risks. From this has coins:" the custom of 4). lean baring ills Head as greeting. That a 4505 should. lake oft his right glove before shaking annuls with a woman comes from the salve period, when travellers wore iron gauntlets, which were removed to avoid injuring an uncovered hand, The (easteni of firing artillery aa - "Mee comes to us from the time when guile were first uset1. Tt was then con- sidered polite and t'on:I.1ous to any great personage who liappelit d to ar- rive fit your castle to load all yoiu grins with s;hutted ruulids not. blank __-and to lire thein off as ho arrived at your threshold. The Tension for doing tbts was to show how You trusted your guest by emptying all the guns ;ilea before he came into their range. '1'his practice was not kept nix very Ate. Blank rounds were soon aired insta. d of real ones, They were aoi so dangerous! The. origin."of siilutill;; the quarter- deck when one boards a plan -of -war is thee in days gone h . «.tcruci- fix a-r ci - t. wee always placed at the stern of the veered, it was, of e•oulse, sainted by :1I1 who e9.2210 011 !lc't1'u. Though the t'rueiflx has disappeared, the cus- tom u -tons rein2Ias, and null still salute the place whore it. used to 11=. '1110 vU ton of‘dfcrice r,-(• right hard hi t.,, acne. pt. (•t.l( 1.,c tis, that of baring the eceel ee of Canoe .solutes. Wiwi' t onC: t a.!it met anotio.r in long - ago times. E):t held out his un.eruled R.bea1 eha>1 i. to vilOW :.alit 111-1 iote'11- in )ile Wel';* 11(4 '. l 11 • 11:1111' 1.1 111tm i.o1`; U litig a' on the twat'„, Ie ,aunt ,,boat because: a mot!',vote 1,1 sword on the rawly! his borer: • r sTomorrow will be clear end bright, if you take ?. ((Cascarct5,” tonight Feeling half -sink, biliuus, coesti- Pal Amhit'on way below zero? liere is help! `fake Cascaras to -night for your liver and bowels. You'll wake up clear, rosy, and full of life. Oascarets act without griping or in- convenience, They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, 011 o1' nasty, harsh pills. They cost so little too•--('•as- carets work while you sleep, SAPSFYING RELIEF' FROM LUMBAGO Sloan's Liniment 1ta i the plinth that relieves rheumatic twinges !'iris warmth -giving, cougestiem- sc1tterie circulation -stimulating rem- . c;cly pcnctr'ate,c without rubbing right to the aching spot and briar quick relief, surely, cleanly, A wonderful help for external pains,. sprains, :.traits, stidues+; headache, lumbago, bruises, Get your bottle today—costs little, means much. Ask your druggist for it by came. :Keep it handy for the whole family. Made in Canada. The big bottle is economy. 360„ 70e., 11.10. e Butter Churns Mattie in . , , , a,. — -M .� British Arsenal. 111seu1 flat+ gl'ett f'Vuo1w1c1t arti011a) 110.5 tamed from the inaeuraettu'e. of. war material to the peaeefll1 pursuits cif trade, seye a 1,c}radon de'patch.. Ten 1111,0saud butter churn, have been maltnfactured it the great' building which during the year sent out vast cinant.111HH ofee inuhitibne for use agalest the Crerinaiis. The nickel purchased to mant ac- ture 11111015 is being t[sed in the ar- l;enal to make f[vecent pieces for Bri- tish Honduras currency. There is a world shortage of locomotives Mad railway ears, To cre:tel. this it has been decided to matinnfateturo these at'ticues in the arsenal and work already' is an - der sway there on orders for 2,1300 ears, 1,000 locomotives tinct for repair work on 700 cars. This serves a double, purpose. Thir- ty thousand porsens'how are employ- ed In the areeual where 110,000 wore at work in wartime. Thousan;is of these hien are skilled munition wort':. ere. By keeping these busy making locomotives and other peaceful pro- ducts the government not only gives thein work, but retains their services. in event of another war they could return iinnediately to the munition works in witioll thee are Wiled. One of the side -line products of the arsenal since the armistice has been,, the striking iii' 6.000,000 medals. Tenetottairmansma s 5 Mother's 1xe:r s Coughs,r Ai1d Colds Go Quickly She cannoteafford to be sick end neg!;:ct her household duties. At the first symee , ; sterns site prepares the way I "4 '\' t �,. for quick recovery by the f d r� 3 inlnre liate te=e of Gray's tethousehold GS S � ru p —a ho us eh o d I L-�.- 11r. .4.' ' ?»ypreeaprsarsattaionndinogf. sixty 41�t.,+" �`aohoLlwmzeuys NEURITIS So many have Neuritic, that painful, paralyzing inflammation of the nerves. Do not sutler an- other day. If you are a victim, try Rheumatic Capsules Nothing else brings relief so quietly and so surely. Send for free sample to eI'emnletons, 142 King St. W., Toronto. For sale at reliable drug- gists for 11.0.1 /(.box.ASTHMA Women Labor in Japan. Twelve hours a day is the shot,1031 '{{ eta:tiltiug day Japans: e woman have and that although they work eeven days a .week. -icldcrl 4!V'10-;0 thein I ill•}re.• tl:o'l $4.67 l'. Week. 1)0 tire , ''lo. Tide meet t be t( e'0130 • petettieitly 1. "11 ceinetn. f,' :i7,al'de wee- eale -.1013, .;110,1 :tad on the 1 1t „eee even in the h1''t yr';aV<' of tee ( i ?r•.1. t.- :,1 ..itt!; of troll -ors. is also a reeent custom. Evan to this (1413' the greater ))art of tr a 11unI ! 1 (co --when it 15 nett enelolhec• wears .Ousts or draperies c.f some serf. The cassock, or soutane, as worn by *'-ulnen Catho- lie prig: ts, was the dress u..nlally- worn by. .0iitlemCll 1'p ' ii more i. " 1e ;' 1'e - e: out tinges. .s G..'. -.mise a act:: 43 e3 tka r.,ta E.:c .-, tey. t- , Thr 013 p1Ce:: Ut VP.,t:urregi:;- ((„ ci (oe:nee "lt ee and of tile Ad. visor•' Boded 00 Wild l,ifc' Protection tee Second National again eit is 011 (14030 in(1 Wild T ifs Cent elven) t be held at the \i nr c.ur Morel Mont - 1.0111, i'::bru try 19th end 20th. 1 re- ea.ie,2,,, preeen3Gtive gathering 41: flit fat'111er:a 0317 fur deelrr:i and iflilrlillialh'ative of- flt'ho'. will asfonn rle to dl^ cu(5 the 3ar1011:.: IftlqS.!4 of the fur industry in 11riu'uel's'-'ntalent Lurrrl,Arrll n's Friend, Tennpleton's RAZ -MAH Cep- sniae are guaranteed to relieve AST Ff MA. Ili suffer an- other day. WriteTeazpletons,l42iii)g St. W., Toronto, for freesarople. Reliable 1e 10. 1 bdruggists sell them at ..,.mss."..aA�,a _....._......_ --Rebuilding Belgian Roads. In its reconstrnet.ion program, :Bel- gium is preparing extensive road provelnents, the announcement coin- ing from the Minister of Public Works that it is intended to make the new Belgian roads the finest, if possible, world. Ile presentprogram till. SSUl d. in inctudes the remaking of a network of roads which will connect Brussels with all important towns and centres, and will afford rannitnnication by means of good mous-country roads be- tween various tourist resorts, the principal devastated dlstrict5, 1,lvI the battlefields of Flanders. The cost is estimated at 60,000,000 franca, on indicaticn that good roads are regarded 0..s 13 v:lhlallle national asset. airvi. a Sept. 30, 1901 lginurd•s l...ii.ve rat Co., Limited. Dear Sits,- WA w:,t.a to inform ycu that leo ,.e .,Hier your 31INAPD'S LINIMENT a very i,uperior article, alld 'Wer 050 it as a sure relief for store 1 When 540. :. you /CIS --+.aatilrr,at , ±el Blest. W.,en 1 felt , <u I Ca tela rola to piolrote the fullte.;t an(t 1 t t tle.vcloplu ?t of the valnat>141 : o. 317—Child's romper;. Price, ulced of file Dominion in flu' iletnr_ 20 cents9. 1111110110 sleeves; dropped big :' uilnalc . The rapidly, growing frl- 1 back, with or without buttoning under i the leg. Cut in li sizes, 6 months, 1, AIuSIry of fur farming elhas ba'come 2. and 4 years. Size 1, with long thoroughly e 15.hltsiled to (':t1 0tlal/Ina r sieeVes, ITS yards 132 inches hide; 'with 'to waist. In 6 sizes, 6 to 11 years. Size 10 requires 3 2% yards 30 inches wide; collar, cuffs, belt, cs yard 3G inches wide. No. 8808—Child's Coat. Price, 20 cents. Body and sleeve in one. Cut it is nntfe•.'pated f1 4 1 Leahy flu' ram-! short sleeves, 1% yards 32 inches 111 b sizes, 1, 2, 4, 6, 6 and 10 years. e1'rt will re'ta'rd the Conference. The wide. SSize. 4 requires, one material, 2"H will fuc'lulie patl,gl'l. and No. 51325—Girl's ;Des,. Price, 20 yards. 36 inches wide, or 1%.. yards 51 discuss (('1:3113, t'), 111 The care { rents. With or without collar turd 111(1105 wide; with contrasting collar, and 50'0:1: ;(1le'llt of foxes and other Peplum; two-piece straight skirt. 21`s yards 86 inches wide, or V.I. (2) t''' t'1 'l.tloil 01 Silver 1 Cut 111 6 i/eq, 6 to '1.1 years. ;ii. e 0.8, dards '14 inches wile; collar, ":y yard lay i'e. rrr . .cg with peplum2?il yards fill inches 3d inches wide; inning, 1 11. yard/ :'li wide; withou,t peplum, 1"•s yards 36 inches wide. inches wide. No. 9054 --Boy's Double -Breasted No. 9226—Girl's Dress. Price, 25 Overcoat and Cap. Price, 20 cents. cents. With or without collar and; Cut in 4 sizes, 1, 2, 4 and 6 years. belt; straight pleated skirt; attached to I Size 4, with notch collar, cap, 1% waist. Out in 5 sizes, 6, 8, 10, 12 and' yards 42 inches witk', or 1% yards 14 years. Sire 8 requires, -lith. belt! 54 inches wide; with round col - and collar, 34 yards 32 inches wide, lar, sap, 1% yards 42 inches wide, or or ':icl} yards 36 inch..; wide; without •.yards 51 inches wide. belt ,and collar, 2'"!;4yards 32 inches These patterns may 110 0111., 001 wide, or s?a).1 yards, 86 inches v✓itis. from. your local McCall dealer, or from foxes, (3) The rearing et fur bearers • other tf1011 silver foxes, (I) Methods • o;: marketing 151:4 and their improve - viola. (5) Canadian auction sates. (6) 'Prado name= for fun, (7) The sale 1)f 1;'0100, (S) (aa,no protective legis- lation, (;i) 000th protective e,S5acie- tioi s. and 011303 kindred yubjecte. It i5 'ontfdtntly eepected that this N.etit'nti1 (:en0a.enne will be of the greatest service in l rhiginr; sur e th l sac. ti240w..(1ir1'3 I)ress. Price, 301 i;11c: ibacda1I to., ^10 bond St. .laronto. ref) 3105elltatites of the various inter- cents. Straight I:;aib^rcd skirt attach-; Dept. W. `ti rr;:, 41 t* i'.-i.i en,.."�11A,., 111 the e°.'lil(!:LtLltl(}re or _._ .. ,........,,--......,•..<,�•-„.....,.oP.."..,,»..........�-..�..-r.."..r».w,.....,..,....».rm,.r,=.,...,.,u.,�."„� .:�."`»".:..-.._..... r, our fur reeourcee end will feint to a 1.. ;t•.' 1144 10'1511 4l'pt'wt•ialtion of 311e1 prot„lems to 140 9(3131031 '1} planing nit 110 C'0l.:311111(1 1'n” inAdts•try ic'' 1 1`.. :.;1104, . 0113141 Jt'. ,( .1do, 1 „•;•;;"•••1 "( e.iit, 1 f yl , t 0.F 0;4:1 i-.� i ':e) 1 313 "17;;;-.',..N., 1 1 , 1110 170',tr-f.ene.41,. 1...11t; ,.•,. .. ....►,. t.i,i 1: li::i, ( S;edil:':iir jeheac 111a1), wheel rauidlialg, s, eetrn- gx(7i1i1'1 oats, 3114(1 meet. ',:i11(1, ted in self -feeders arid left before the birds art ,111 timet. Tieing dry, I would f(.e(1 .111 they will east. It will be 114.' e..sary that :you give so1110 kind -(1i oyster or 010111 obeli to (213 b d . If. 11013. 1 would give p t tyed:i rc d bone. The beet kn1,1 of. rtee is 1 herd limestone grit or beav;y, G'oatl5e and end gra:v„ 1. R ii ii. 'te^'ia, C drink ,, * > 477.4.gt. heti ' aafind it if:13-th• "Zh err ei `.YJ a Reayon on a.t'�ri:,^a:i�•��iiF""'tru,;-xtr:-„a."e'Kea�a''.''t�'icn�tw�r,.^S. „ ;C would not ,e without it if the price was 0r,e •10+113,' a bottle, 111meaI1 it. Yours truly, CHAS. F. TILTON. Just a Waste. A.] the wagonette from the village iglu swung found a earner, with a deep drop (gi1 one side. the visitor involun- tarily drew ('10500;' 3'0 00 driver. "Tiis 5ee11111 to be a very dangerous preciplee," he remarked. "I wonder why they 1033',7 no: put 1111 a woofing board?"board?" "Yes," answered the drivel', "it is dangerous. They kept ;t, warning board up for two year;.:, hut no one fell over, so it '<"a`• tale 11 !1ow11." EATS 1' FROM t HERE &THERE d in a Worse Plight. To save transport, 1z certain 1`.+ingiisl'. landowner decided to iioat bis timber down a river ' like he'd read about then doing in Canada, So he ex- plained the method to his foreman, 01d Bob. lint, like everything else, such work needs experienced men. Old Bob did his best, but managed finally to fall into the river, making a wild grab at a log as he went, Ho tried to lift himself on to the log, and as he did so caught sight of his own feet, whieh had risen to the surface on the other side of the log. Help was at hand. The other work - rowed to his res - heroically waved leen got a boat, and cue. But 01d Bob them off. "Never mind rale; he said. "Save that in head first!" L can clang on!" other chap who's �- 'u--,4'-•.a—o--® o 0 —m er--m•-'0. Lalgll When People Step On Your Feet Try this yourself then pass 1 it along to others. it works Ouch ! ? '. ? 1 1 This kind of rough talk will bo heard less here in town it people troubled with cords will follow the simple advice of tee of th1 authority, who clai1113 that a few drops Of a drag, called freezone when applied to a tender, aching corn stops screneMs at cnco, and soon the corn dries up and lifts right out without Fain. i Ile says freezone is an ether cons pound which dries immediately and never inflames or even. irritates the attr'rounding tissue or shin. A quarter of nn ounce of freezone will cost very little at any drug store, but is ship. tient to remove every hard or ,.'eft corn or callus from, ones feet. Millionth of American womenwomenwill v:efcottie tnis announce/hart since the inauguration of the high heels. tlxuearioa'o PianecZ' .1:50ff f1e rxo iale a 1 t Boo," ors lib 1 E CJ13s1lCell Advertkorncnta. 4........1.•••••••••1••••••••••••••••••••••.• *GEZ(0rp WJ829e9e74 . ••••••..-4 �IU'1' AGENTS1VAi`1'!,Lt'1 good prints and finishos---lowe'4E pprices on 7ranjes—ask for Catalogue.. United -'girt Co„ 4 3tt'uuswlek Ave.. Teo' ronto. ,„EIN:l'5 kir ANTED let,1: 'tSONT)Pf:-. del'ful 10venti0ue, viz.:— 1. 18PE13333 A1:'I'OXLf3 for Fords. etc+(•+ stalling, bucking, enrine ('acini Sells 2. VON,D 1.4114.1.13;,iCrXT 2110-4rT ATal'.N', positively gives bright light at /141 engine speeds. Sells $2.76. 3. 5Tt'8.2Z1 P2',iD'G c.313.3.3121rOILIeIEP.a fi.t' all care, Ii'1re,4 any plug with " 0 (3011114/ left, irrespective of cr'a�:ea porcelain, o rbo21 to. Sells 85 e`ents, 4. P071431 :da YJxtii lir 003TTROL. Nv more quivering and )erl:ing; steering wheel. Saves gasoline and tires, Sells $8,76, All sold on money bask guarantee, iat)T531iPi'IIL't3 AUTO tnZ'EECEA,T1TII13, 53a Richmond St. W., Toronto. ans,xtus dolt SALM. MAi.?, WAIUIIS, FIFTEEEN MIN - 'otos' ride -from Toronto on Metro- politan Radial, from 11 to twenty were*, $360 an acre, with small payment down. Pre0ton, 705 Broadview, Toron(i,o. LAl420 31e3Lra1113? . �7 P" I L Til Ii' O R \ INFORMATION N V about the new modern Ivey 011 selling real estate, (Blei1 your propert1 Yourself with Our help. Our method Only costa you $13.00. Wily pay ct large commission? Write for full psr large eomrn1ssionil Write lor full par- ticulars. Ileal Estate Buyers MotIthi5-, 78;4 Lunda,/ fat., London. Ont. l'O11r1EA •- NL^WSPAPP.`IL, WEEKLY, IN BRUCE: County. Splendid opportunity. Writs Box T. Wilson Publishing Co., Limited. 711 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. IVELL " EQUIPPED NEWSPAPER `1' and Job printing plant in Eastern '' ,Ontario. Insurance ca.iled $1,500, Will $ go for $1,2200 on quick sale. Box 62. Wilson Publishing Co.. Ltd., Toronto. misCk',Y,r, ANEQV8. CHOB`S: SILVER BLACKBREEDING Foxes. Also, we are buyers 0f Raw Furs. What have you—Ivhai ,trice? Reid iir•ns. �n i 11 Ont. !p tai11:'1a�a 1i'(uelt 3VANTi1D. Ix YOU %-; are ablo 10 :mealy. advise us. us wet c.•111 nay the 3:1110141pri001> dry or green from the haw, i`_eenan urea.. Limited. Owen Sound, C CI LN`,CER, Tt'M'jitOi, Lt:111'S. LTC.. 41 internal and external, cured without pain by our10114 i treatment. Write u,e efore too tete 1lr. Bellrnan Medical Co., Limited, C`r..+ iagv oorl, Ont. Chilled flab. fl rl Nt futuldland is prepared in 'eke plant ' can deal *situ :.. +,_C0 lbs. of fish .t day. Ask for ltrina':,1'13 ar•3 tato no other. 1009 D i •-'i~iti,.. f~• ¢"J ia+`'"id 1 c..ni plow to recd. ;,Iailod i'rea tr, anS A d- dreas r y the Anti; .r. 1 iT113 \. Ci:Vesc 37 G10V1ser t 0Si0., tela aw New York. IJ.13.r, t; CHILD' D' X E Look at tenchi t Remove poi- sons from ligle stomach, liver and bowels MONEY ORDERS. The cafe way to wend ,.money- by nail is by Dominion Repress Money Order. 3eop 1lfiinard'B w,lniment in the tongs. Tractors Bring New Plowing Problems. If you want to do your tractor plowing in the easiest and most econ- omical way, it will pay you to give a little thought to arrangement of fields and laying off of lands, say the• plowing experts an the Depart- ment of. Agriculture, While many farmers do not like an idle plow go- ing across the ends, it has been 'found that this method eliminates short, awkward turns, and leaves less $31il'e to be plowed aftc,_:varcl by *horses, The lands should be measured off ac- curately .in the centre of the Icier, having all equal area on all sides for turning. This meed not be over 15 or 20 feet with short -turning outfit-, but' it is better to allow at. ld"t; t ;;t1 feet in the he cliart(l:. A little extra time 3 'e+a1 inI.- 1111(1 off necessary t':1't.:1& e:+ ;rtiul tillg slakes fol 4,;1e :1 ,sift ri' ' 11;:' 11e l.io1'e than t ' CI 1:1 thei s ;airl 1 _,l ',i'�i'`!C fiL rh�i 0l, t••• ca e:0. a j 's n 1 11 011 e;::Ify. trip 1<i .. „rally otto -•r '.1': 1.,. , ff:cull'i I A. );.L lt'- ittilv ,, t 1 U:3Cq ing in tit,, it i •5 t 0 /dews are 1) _tOi'1 at ., to cad for th:, first three or four rounds. awl ,fte'.' that the turns tiee 1i30;l4 Isle ✓ln'.. When the entire area has been plow- ed, if the field has been correctly measured, the last round will plow the land neitt, to the fence ('.n Bald sictc.14. 4 g 11.5° p 1 it A �e 9ii`a'1�1aa r, Keep Your Hair Freln 12"aikg How many times have barbers ga'en this advice to men who are losing their flair because of dandruff and scalp irritation, At Tright rub Cuti- cure Ointment into the scalp. Nelct morning shampoo with Cutic eta Soap and hot water,. A clean, healthy scalp means good Hair. Soap 211c, Oint•nent 26 /furl 50e. Sold throughout the Dominion. Canadian Depot: L meeiatt !Limited, St. Paul 5t.,, Monfree;'I. ;'"C.eticurn Soap shaves without snug. I 5L Accept "Callfcr: ia" Syrup of. Figs only ----look for the lutme California on the package, theu you 0.:e sure your 0111;1 is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the .tee stomach, liver and bowels. Child• ten love its delicious fruity taste. Feil directions for childee c')'.3 en each bottle. Give It witr.oalt fear. Al::ther: You must 9031 "California.'" € 1', r4 (' I1 5 F.: .8' 8 1: Not ri b li 16o “f Fi is t 4.31C.' -m r I Se 11tr ''v no. 1, ';',,m,..;,...., of e,e ;il , tis?Milli Me 3('7, ca 3•:3, it i ea 1'.:Tor u(r ctt 3 t -1,t', ldinti lr: a , '• 1 i" 1- .i ch, l 'A ' , t1' Not. • the :0pi4'll, lt: ,'rol4'ri 1, 1 ,i'I;c Lite,bago, lIlenMIt,1. 1, v'et1111- ler (111'1' 1.131.1..01 31'013(.11.11 pt t- 1.1}•,1• raiuel, cartel 1. .''.1 t (tr 'illiy. Made in ('3,,3d. 'fin boxes of 12, t 1}t " carat but elwx.- ) ee ..n)...z rs.,...t .„o fewwind?. Larger "i' •y -e pt1,cliesi,;e33, e ... 't .:�)1' Thi 1.'e is i'^' ty o ,d.>L t.•t,051 L 04ta 1? 31331, ani" 2° 3/30 Do not delay Dreading a i eels is C,'711,4131.) rap , tda ut, e o '3Sa11e. 333110h harder slain doing it. rt,''tte (''i .:,t 31 'i+ t '•1 k11 t-1 41:..(1.3 A of i a+ '.wlnf13 lleyoS ' p1:1,!•••• act, 7. -. -' ISSUE No. 8'-.'20. • will l+u '.ti 1:..1•,..1 w ti , ( •ii.oe r di, 'no