HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-26, Page 2MUCH SUFFERING DUE r1t , THIN BLOOD Rich, • Red Blood Necessary to Health and Strengths If more people knew how many ills and pains are canted by thin, watery blood a great deal of suffering would be avoided. Men and women often suffer for long periods from stomach trouble, headache' palpitation of the heart, and nervous complaint: such as neuralgia, without suspecting that anaemia or bloodlessness is the cause.. The blood goes to practically every part of the body, carrying oxygen and nourishment. The efficient action of every organ is directly dependent up- on the quality of the nourishment it gets from the blood. If the blood is thin it becomes weak iu nourishment and health fails. The best way to keep the talood rich. and red and thus enjoy good health is through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. At thh first sign of weakness these pills should be taken and good robust health will soon follow. The state- ment of Mrs. J. J. Murray, Corbetton, Out,, shows the value of Dr. Willianns' Pink Pills in cases of titin kind. She says: --"A few years ago ley daugh- ter. Lillie, was in��`very1 dlytrun :town condition. was hin, alyd scarcely able the go about. The least exertion made her heart palpi- tate so• violently that we were actuai- ,�•„�..^_..._...-..airs, Perfumrle Manufacture a most HEALTHY DREN Poetic Industry. 'i'k i history or: perfumes is a part ARE HAPPY E history 1 lerfnnlecl. salla t Cleopatra. down the Nile to the scent- ed bath of milk that was the daily ens joyrnent of the Empress Josephine, or the sweet emelling fountains in the 'oyal palace of St. Petersburg, in the days of the_ Czars, the essence of flowers has been indispensable to the luxurious existence. The perfume centre at the present time is the quaint old French town of Grasse, in the Maritime Alps, the poet- ic industry of which is the basis of its prosperity. In ascending to the town of Grass(' from the picturesque little station, the visitor finds his path lying through beautiful terraced plantations of jas- mine and the lovely Provence rose, and past orchards of olive trees, be- neath the shade of which are milli - 'sited Violets. The area devoted to flower culture covers 145,000 acres. During the mouths Of April, May, June. and July the fields are literally alive with sunny -faced men, women and children gatheringethe fragrant harvests. They pick the blossoms by hand into baskets and then carry thein to the factories, where they are di- vided ivided and sorted. As the women conal iu from the ad- joining fields they empty their loaded baskets out on the floor until it is kneedeep in flowers. tied to walk eercl'r•: it would mean the crushing of thousands of rose{. In one season a ly afraid one of thes=e spells might entitle establi. iune'lt uses 1.900 tons earrr her off. She slept so badly that of crane blestouts. 1) 0 tons of roses, often .,he It ould lie awake nabs ::.urn- 147 tons of violets and 127 tone of las- ing. "' Treatment dill not ecesin t0 help mine, to Fay nothing of glial q(1a11ti- her and we, were almost in despair tit's of st'euted woods. 1= After the tia�•'t'.Iig SY lit' t 1•; done long b eche, by score•, of white -cap- I NC h3c ie pe`d ,.lis, the fie Wel go to the distil- .z a, 9 ��It pangs to ..,..- h levy. Some yield their perfume after The well child is always a happy child ----it is a baby's nature to 'be hap- py and contented, il1othees,. if your little ones are cross and peevish and cry a great deal they are not well -- they are In need of medicine -some- thing Haat will set. their bowels and stomach in order, for niue-tenths of all childhood ailments arise from. a disordered -state of the bowels and Stonlacle Such a nledielne is Baby's Own Tablets. They are a onild blit thorough laxative which regulate the bowels, sweeten the stomach, and thus drive out constipation, colic, indiges- tion* break up colds and simple fevers and snake the baby healthy and happy, Concerning them, Mrs. Albert Hamel, Pierrerille, Que., writes: --- "Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicine I know of for little ones. They relieved my little girt from constipation when nothing else would and I can strongly recommend them to other mothers." The Tablets are sold by niecllcin i - dealers or by mail at 25 cents a_bpx from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont, No Atmosphere on Moon. The title, Venus, Niers. Jupiter and Saturn, like the earth, have atmos- phere surroundiug the globes, but the mope i;' believed to have no atmos- phere. A eOmpary has been formed its Newfoundland to give Saint John's and other cities a modern awl effi- cient telephone 'erviec. wh'tU a friend advised the use of Dr, i ' 1 Fit n e,„tiw+,"✓,n,w,ti..ri-...,,r,ren.•„..•.tiwesee,n•••^•^.,Ld� Williams' Pink Pills. '. few we ks' & ;-e of till" medicine showed a decided lmpr• e•ny ,-`, and a further use of the piI1 fullyrestored her to h ;'1th, and -he has -eince been a strong healthy girl. Some tine later I wee taken ill Illyself, being badly run-down from hou.•e1W d care. A doctor IVa- called in but hie medicine did not `.cervi to brie.' rack my strength, and remem- distillation ;with water or stearal; others endergo what 1.s called macera- tion. In tilt' process; the flow.:s are ste:•pe:d in heated fat, e here they are left lulls ell thole fregt once is ex- trasted. Next they ftre1f• dt t(d oft In wood (: -.T .truy5 and 1 =11 are i, 77, 4444 04444.444.4 0444,•44. 1 i't 441 ignut BETTY good milking you wilLadniit! 'Set it is by no means unusual for one Iran with a M:acartney double- unit to milk et herd of' this -size in less than an hour. What this means in dollars and cents is easily illustrated. The average person milks about 8 cows in an hour, by hand, Figur- ing wages and board at 25 cents an hour, ilandmiliting one cow costs about 8 cents or 75 cents for the entire herd. Twice a day for 365 days means a wage expense of $547.50. At 25 cents an hoer the labor cost per cow with the Macartney Milker works out at 1. cent, or 25 cents per day. Twice a day the year 'round this would mean a niillcing cost of 8182.50, or a yearly saving of 5365,00 through the use of the Macartney Machine Milker. Simpple figures but very expressive. And remember that lvlacartncy mean profit in other ways. It means more milk per cow, longer lactation periods, lees hired help and more time for other important work in the fields, The Macartney. Machine Milker is a. real money making investment. You are losing money without it. You gain in every way when you adopt it. f 'tree Particulars 3 urther information concerning the Macart- ney Machine Milker will le mailed you on receipt of the attached coupon filled in as indicated. Thisinformaidonwill not obligate You in any way., Even if you are not con- templating an immediate purchase our literature will prove helpful and Interesting. The Macartney Milking Machine Co. Limited OTTAWA ?lease send me full particulars about the Macartney Machine Milker NI erne he Macartney>< a a Address. Machine Co. Limited . 315 CATHERINE ST. O T'a'AWA i { Have . -...-. sorra (II -1) Much Oil in Mexico. Phosphate in Holland. Of Mexico s oil Milch' estimated to *11 Average o; have a total area cleat to that of Average et ^saintettt1tp• Time4rs5 re.,aq' ? e- s on Po- France, only about 1 1.3 per cent. are salts on tti.ie t fact , i 28 Years • i 21,6 Eu tv fs - 179.19.:0,31811.1% .1e - t '118:5% berinS nkat Dr. Williams' Pink Pills d ti,; til 1t, It 111.0 ia:.., my ab- for dee hter I decided t11e e , c1(.e .if the /lowers is I...a. Z..lt. lead done .f Wib., to deop the doctors teed-leine and try Balled I' ii-lt t and is :tele in title f(trm ;hent. The resuite thet followed were t() peeformers 01i over tilt. ,votici, who Hite rho, e in :sly daughter's case, and Ilt' i le +.n, ,ti ala:,?'t it ens etee it:+ tinetee. through the use of the pills 1 w is es• eti. a well won... I 'm glad to giveT 1P jasmine,t - t C'tviolet1;areso dt.itt tt, that (:;ey s Caireeit g;ve out ether sufferer may find the way to any esteence by diet1l1atiOil Gild must health." be subjected 10 enfieurage, You can 1'locum;:Dr. Williams'Pink The most ex1Jc1u 1vr piifllme is of P1115 through any dealer in medicine, colts C Attar of enees, for it requires lr they will be sent you by mail at 50 110 lose then furry lgiti pounds C+f- :entr e box or Six Melte-s for '+3.50 by stills^. It,1''r?r top nlllk(p 'p.14 ,, is of on. -writing direct to The Dr. Williams' _ le di ee Coe Bred; vinC,e, ee my experience in the hope that some 597 Tools Needed. Niue hundred and ninety-seven cut- ting tools alone are required in mauu- facturing a modern rifle. The twist drill is one of the beeiest of these. To sepply 1.000.000 ehles [t(11i,fl0u holes must be drilled,GIRLS! A I"iLt•::ills:. fai' WAVY, gam, .nl: ..'2"e J E1"i•# I T I£' UT4-: 1.1' Let `1T i??l.i;'rine' glorify" yolk bait In a few moments you can trans- form your plain, dell, flat hair. You can have it abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. just get at any drug or toilet counter a small brittle of "Dad - derive" for a few cents. Then moist- en a soft cloth with the ceanderine and draw this through your hail' taking one small eta'and let a time. Instant- ly, yes, immediately, yon have doubled the beauty of your halt'. It will be a "Hass, so soft, 111stt ds, [iuffy and so easy to do up. All duet, dirt and ex- cessive oil Is removed. Let Danderine put more life, color. "rigor and brightness In your hair. This stinielating tonic: will freshen your scalp, check dandruff and falling hair, and holp your hair to geow long, brick, strong anti. b1aetiiui. Ph•. ottra phs utamach. .k ( apses 1 `lli•:ill euoughi to Ile S l l - lo'. ed and pllotn:;reph the Ulterior of a stone:u ll i'- the levo ltioti of a Danish surgeon. Zong Time 4 Iteauhto on +r eying nes 2 Corn sults on Sugar 013 Yearn ,beets _„a Y(ELD1 LH c, �cl a r : iu&.98o^3 ti.• p• l.;i'I'•.,t, Not r.!.rt,lot:.iliyd, ti„t ia37.:' }• *Tests of Oe- •'-‘'f't-oh, of Ohio, 1lstra. and ()hie. :all• nv u•i ;. averaged. in.ii;ln and i'l'e::t at Meno- Vi Tinto, iminre 5t'hc.'a1 of avi::'age.1. .Ague, Mich. aai and Gnu`s • .i. -j rOVe n e.nt Bureau t7 tri(; Canadian Fertilizer, Asan, 1111 Temple Bldg., Toronto, Ont. Gu ., vdw+.now..v^�,.r,.erwro�.enuvae.+•aw*+w>we.� •.*'Lr-1,F,";�s,'^'x. `v' ^Yn�,�� �r y._ ,.iF �a3r`* - 1. ;.x+. "`.y.x. Every Crop Ore(' /6,-', .31 W A p1 ..•3aR'^,a� im-•�'��•F��'t';Ni'� a ,i 34. n . r t. ppP P1� I �. GG. G 6 - •1 ,4^ !� pq C7 ca LJ ...Eeteto�•r.�`! a !ratios hieb-grede SIiFR-h \1\ fertilizers will give seri hulloes (Twin( to a a -h in on. eine- men- dollers and tent';- Order your Still s (GAIN now, - �` Don't Delay -Om Stock is Goma east Bring Bumper Props N .o_i ,. 16'" r"a a."7<s to HUR C AIN users citf1 1 re- port r8 all $4 gain for every $1 spent on it Why not get this youreelf? [he SrHLIiI-GAIN furuluhl for every 'rop. l,itrt-estlug literature gladly sent on re- ciuest. GUMS METED West Toronto hawsers, s ,j. ! "Making two bla.lcc firow tt'; ons;,- else gr(cA bee,,; :• Aepreoentatives. Wanted in Unallotted Territory, e, � 111 tisthl ,y,P„i ;:i .I`, - 11 Yi fi e x r'RY _ _ ``^•, ;5.., n...,.aiw la• .S77,' 'a 0.c aur ah, .`rr,, ,aa.•wr..4 (s(.ry'Wt ,Haff ^•.,, u n tt lr Gws„ `4 ,....,l.p,sfEin ..t'.,.aM, ,y J Y fir••-=-��., -` =-�i5�" `�'1�C�..,.'E�'Ka You Require a'Gardeta to Reduce the High Cost of Living BRUCE S YA 4.18' l (J"W „ h. EDS will do the rest. They not only grow, but also produce the largest and best crops. Are for the aslclug. Our 128 -page catalogue of Seeds, Pl ,pts rBul s, VouWriltry Supplies, Garden Iinplenaepte, et JOHN A. BRUCE & CO. LIMITED Hamilton Drat. listablisherd 70 years. 22.111 1A& ALL (*TY Extensive plate:Thaw reel. dmeetito in plac=es (;xt6 dreg i, flu nrf:tce 0 the ground, 'neve beim l let cit• r0(1 0 • I the earn -ere part of Iitllend. um] or d(�velor�ul_a.nt. 1 it health 'rwSM�44'sei�:r#��' ��'►-sW���1+31.�t�tA� 1. Diet for the Anaemic, la catering for children or adults suffering front anaemia those foods which are rids in iron are desirable, and each menu, While nourishing . in character, should also be of a nature to be eaeilyy assimilated.. As a rule, women ertfler more from emeriti). than mien, afid for systemic i'ceson•s they also require: a larger per- centage Of iron even in a normal diet. - Beef jUi,e (made fronia fresh beef} is nmert'' always erdercd by a phvai- C•iao fee an aligwie pa hs:lt, a11(1 as every CPO dies not 1i1..ow just howto prepare it the following direction,: are given: Purchase half a pound of round steak and broil ,it just enough to roar it lightly an both sides, then remove from the fire, cut in pieces and dust lightly with salt (this starts the: juices). Piece each piece he the meet press and screw clown the handle as tig•iltly as possible. Let stand far three cr four minutes and turn the handle' two Or three times more; then pour off the jeiee that forms in the cull, and continue with the meat until ail is mend. By lG t 11? ' 1t stand in this way consioetahle more Of the juice will he extracted. Sot the juice .., ide and remove the fat that. will form in a..t:.:ike no til 1'he meat ma he P.P 1 ,,)cal d put 1' .(.ugh a r:ii:tt ehept i , i() h ,..t Leine; lf; e (d. 1)11011 really to 050 the; 1(a est tate veeredcent; hill:; it in a ler-;et ...: eel of \eme 1101 water. Never heal' in a Fame -teen by t'On:c.(;. with d'irec't - 1)1)11t, .15 110 j will (-Li+,nal .e, 'turn a dark hrewu and he i 1 v t.e ally suit i ai;)ti : t.. t(.r .'1 p:t.I" il• not .ere r.••li le iC 1, a1 �1 tyre' het11 f 11 in: f Vemesehne toe , . f (dulls 1?.; , r to , 'i'n ,:1'_, .r0 the 1,.(2.. :(' -.i)t :'h with t , ,:,;'_ ti,1 l:i :1.4 lit. tll. Yr-ttt'1' a- pI.:.: 1 ,. ii=':1 '1,.;.1,11.;:: c110,) 0,141 I'( t'1 ;l c::.t£ :-i(•'• e,. Add emit. ;mallet and a 111.1 tJ10 :.1 driep:ete le heat end tO each - (least of lid .1,t.: . h .i eceetelds 11(1.1 a tentin yeteme.! hard in ',:n1 (• fi' 5.11e, well befere t ,.eving. +10 11,1:"1lei:T one, viteicey 1'e 171.t7'H from la t ( d a1 i is i( P with a Fi'' _lt -i (1'. eesing aud. melded 111 mall ( .iso stieee ef hard boiled eg t bed of the eine' t;mi? (:e laid (:,1 the 5019;1 U1altel'-iareZe til;i3 of es•.uiani esquertment laid ever t1it: lee end ,i., whole me',t^_,.:,1 ttith e .:7 .alt . a ire !11 tel 1}r, if itt •rames the • se,d he le eat el mtM ,. eertich iP- (, (el a t el' fed i l:;t:ch at 11 0.111. anti allutiltl' ..efc=r: I "etiring May be neeeseery. 'x gaase I ,0' 111)0le milk with a i)c sten ogee. ;vi 11•., 1 1 ettl)ftil of i.o.. Mulls ,,•it11 the same 1 eddation, or illi e ct,li.c.+ cul) of heel •:sl ice with .t ::lice .01 1011Sti'(i systole i't heat. t) ',ad( -1.'a- ail 1,c el:mi, 1(1r ih1?9= heteseau meal h'nah,,," a,ill:di help et . nereltfl the guard 11y IIIId (uOity of the bleed eumele. �t�v i i'iS,"'�.'a' ^ t' . .a n L r,ith i A` • t. .V,'71it tee to the Settht1fh I-tenni. 121,de . 'li be'oett l7- of 3 graphic ehart Ib' eemperitive length, of the di erent periods of the age of I 1 the earth. The writer's ti Ol)jl?it ie. ali- i tryttently, to convey an idea of 1110 i11 !i ignhli('ant't of human affairs viewed I from the eterelil:lint. of time. '1'o this end he .pl:t5 es the este of the earth ars 1 bitrarily at seventy-two million ye:if.(. represent('(' liy a tlt'i k dial of twenty- four home- :bit't' ru;iib e event to each 'hour. On the /above beide the first six 110are of the clock re.'peeieuts Aztec time. the eneliest vonjer tweet period et' In north's formatter.- •eighteen utilities years; the fleet de hours (''azoic nnfl the next eie t 1':llezoie time- eighteen 0/1111011 end 1 •le.ntY- faul ln1111011 years re epectively--• periods of mineral anis vegetnh1t' for - met -ices, in the next three Holts 8.111. mal life devel0(10(1•-Mesoroic time. nine million years, that is from the twentieth to the twenty-third homU'. Time, 110:1 last hour of the twenty - foul three million years of genteel° timehroneesents i e(la0i(' 111110, which includes the anpt'aranee of lumen life in the quarternary period. It then appears that this haat. divi- sion of the twenty-four flours, the qui rtrlaary period, is •shown itt only ten IhiuuteS- •in other word,,' , one•ltalf million years, The existence of human life on the earth, therefore, bearer the same relation t:0 the ago of the emelt as ten minutes floes 'to t•Svent - o11r hours. But. since the period of writ - tun history is eetiniated roughly at only six thousand year's, tills hist di- visloii would hardly show on our chart, since it would only be Melva seconds in dltra.tion. r, WI 444.4.44444 4.4444.44,444044.44444:4444 2.4.4414.4.44,44 4.4r Ar4444.444.4444444•444.44, 44440.444444•4, 444 ,44444444444444, 44, 4444444. 44.44* 41 re- ssele U et' nen3 , 61 I e 3({ t%.*:1‘...„eh •hineene .-._ ( r;-..,1 e a. - f " r .' q.)1. c aty aP a `)sir• 5..,.� «5� ya ( cthe NS`e. '4.4,4-4 `i's A''lc,• i,=,n??,, SXr_F When cM tl.i_3 1al :ilixl7( e ..`11a c i 22 ibis first i' i33 �begins, C a ;.i i, a r.. sale.' �,isn tt-Idred o F.+w:^b'en ar'J S E..�� theC.7 i1Er a:.t.a States, f. f ..: 1 FF tz. x Erse e and Canada, Lager'iy outbid one another sot . '1' f"• " ?, a t:c. furs eve •e`$a a 2isf..d '1''t. for the I:,'1ta i:TJ i - any sale -- t'pn you'll be glad you have your furs on Onirs loos. '..rid as, day by ;day, lot after lot is told and you realize you are getting more for your fury than ever before, you will resolve alway2 to rand all, of 3P :'v furs .o the la-� t.,ta -to th:s € re lig. iliC, Horne market specializing in fresh, Cr:W5inall. eu,itulled Canadian furs, unmixed with inferior :southern v'arie'ties. Do not hold a poCkage or a bale ailo.l=ea days Ship anyour furs now! They must be svtted, listed and put kite elope it's good time for the buyer's inspection. Liberal advane'2 i +Fill be made, gladly, to any shipper, large or small t .il request. SMALL SHIPPERS --Any quantity is eeceptable. Honest, expert grading carefully supervised yields the best possible results. You will never know how nitach your furs are really worth until you. ship to us. Our sales truly Lest the world's buying etrength. AN INVITATION --Every shipper, eyery dealer, every manu- facturer, EVERYONE i to eeted in raw furs i5 cordially invited to attend this epoch-anarkint sale, Canadian ,k� t . ' a ' ��I'' c.:I onLimited Sales Comp -any,, ^.limited MIN eOl";:'Shctii AND WAflE11OUSZ 130 lir Bauch€til i'e Street Atiest Temporary Offices; Windsor :deli Montreal, (el White Penner is obtained from black pepper -corns by ronlo`ving the outer skill. Nearly 70,000,000 wild nni,uals-are Ici.led ye,.:'y for their far.