HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-19, Page 8Cie lila SSTOQK TAKING IS OVER AND WE •HAVE NOW PREPARED SEVERAL BARGAIN TABLES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. IN THESE TIMES OF HIGH PRICES, YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SOME OF THESE FIRS'P CLASS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES;, HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OF THEM;— DIE' 1 Only Ladies' Coat, Black 13aby Lamb Cloth Reg. 30.00 for $23.00 1 Only Ladies' Coat, Black Baby Lamb Cloth Reg. 3.4.00 for$28 01 2 only Ladies' Coats Reg,28..50 for $•21.00 A. large assortment of coats, your choice at each $4.00 MEN AND BOYS WEAR A. FINE LOT OF MEN'S OVERCOATS ATBARGAIN PRICES. All , new Coats. ii only Boy's quits at each $8'.00 to $8.00 2 only Men's Sheep Skin lined Coats Regular $15.00 for $13.50 Men's fleeced shirts and drawers only a few sizes at each 75c DRESS GOODS,ETC. 5 pieces only Dress Goods at reduced prices. Extra Value, come and see them. now for 32c $1.00 $1.10 'About 100 -yds. of Gingham 40 in.wide, reg. 40 and 45c. White flannelette Sheeting Regular $1.25 now for Wool Underskirts. Regular price $1,40 now for REMNANTS SEE OUR REMNANT TABLE FOR BARGAINS IN SHORT ENDS OI' DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, FL AINNELETTS, FITC. All Sweater coats at reduced pricces'. Lot of toques at 25 cents each. Men's wool socks at 40c a pair. 4 dozen only, brooms at 50c. each. • AND MANY MORE BARGAINS• Come Early for best Choice. 1 sic o & So Massey rr.is Implements WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOE THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR MAOHINERY, PLOW POINTS. ETC. • GIVE US A CALLS Casper al Zurich - Onto e �1� I� OI11dQElV:e. I have taken the contract to handle Ford parts and will stock a complete lime of genuine Ford .repairs, Poing your Motor ear troubles to us. We specialize on any make Ali repairing guaranteed. We repair not experiment. Zurich H. Mousseau GARAGE STAND AT T. JOHNSON'S FORMER FURNITURE STORE LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Butter 5$ Eggs ... ... 62 Dried Apples ... _._ 14 Potatoes per bag 1.50 Dutch Setts ...... 61¢-7 Wheat: Oats .. ....._ -.. 1,95 .,. ... 80 Barley .-......- --- Buckwheat ...... . Flour ... ... ... -- Bran Shorts ...... Hogs _........ 1.25 1.25 8.50-6.10 45.00 50.00 18.00 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST IN MEMORIAM Rrichert:—In loving memory of Samuel L. Reichert, who passed a- way February 7th, 1919. The deapths of sorrow, we cannot tell, At the loss of one, we love so `well; And while he sleeps in peaceful sleep, His memory we shall always keep His smiling face to as so. dear, His gentle footsteps no more shali hear. His willing hand and face so sweet, In Heaven some day we hope to to meet. Inserted by his Niecel. SCHOOL REPORT The following is the Report for Following is the report for S..S Nu. 15, Hay, in order of merit for the month of January. Sr. ITh—Gertrude Schilbe 95%, Lilyan Rose .93. . • ' Jr, ITh—Beatrice Klopp 90, Greta Sehilbe 87, Ervin Schilbe 82 Myrtle Masse abs. Sr II; — Margaret Schilbe 92, Harold Klopp 80, Hazel Masse 79, Agnes Meidinger 78. Jr. II.: — Melvin Schoch 91, Norman Fleischauer 90, Gordon Miller 82, •Elizabeth Badour 79,2d- gar 9,Ld-gar Masse 71,, Sr. Pt,. II;—Howard Klopp 95, Leonard Merner 70. Sr. Pr. - Leonard Becker 88, Elmer Masse 80. Jr. Pr.—Edith Klopp 97, Leon- ard Stinebach 96, Ora Schoch 95',x, Irvin Fleischauer, (Erna Fritz, Teae,her* 4. + yyy j� . 4. e 4 ' ~ 4 + � Z�; 4. 4. + + .d° + e wish all our marry f + + ++ Friends and Customers • -F f a Bright and Prosperous a i a +Tr YEA • + , ... . ,.:: . „ . -,: + ST A WE1D, ZURICH *. PREETER BLOCK COMMUNICATION Hockey News Ar+ interesting game of hockey was played last Thursday evening between Dashwood and the ''Bear Cats" one of the town teams, Some ti ery promising plays were made, especially by the visiting boys, who have no excess to' prac- tice. However the famous "Bear Cats" won by a small margin. Following is the line-up; DASH WOOD Goal, Willert, 1. d., Edighoffer; 1. d. Guenther; c. Guenther; r. w. Siiie; 1. w., Callfas, .ZURICH BEAR CATS; -- Goal T. L. Wurni, r.w., Cl. Hof- fman; 1.w. H. G. Hess; c. O. Davis r.d. E Oesch; 1.d. G. Koehler; Some subs. were used in the latter's line-up. L. W Hoffman, Umpire. BLAKE 6 •ZURICH 4 Last Friday evening the autmos- phere was filled with endless che- ers and enthusiastic cries, when a selected team of Blake came to Zurich and played a picked team of town, an exciting game of hoc- key, This evidently, was the first game that a ;Zurich team lost this season, while playing with an outbids team, and is somewhat humiliating to our fans. This , gives the readers some idea of the speed and calibre the visiting team possessed. Following is the line-up BLAKE Goal, Hy,. Zapfe; r. d., •S. Hey; 1. d., Carl McLinchey; c. A; Keys;. r;. w-., J. Bechler; 1.'w. R. Parks. ZURICH Goal, A. Melick; r. d., R. Stade; 1!, d•., Wm. O'Brien ; c. A. G. ' Ed- ighcffer; r. w., J,. Smith; L. W. C. Fritz. L. W. Hoffman, Umpire. •B0RN Daters;—In Hay township, on ;Feb. 17th to Mr. and Mrs. Gar- net Deters, a daughter. The Weather Bureau states that Jaruary, 1920 was one of the col- dest on record+. During the present year single men will be taxed on incomes of $500 and over; married men 81,- 509 1;500 rind over; It is believed that the Government intends raising • this assessment during the present year to $700 for single min and $1,700 for married men. A REFUTATION In reference to the communicat ion signed "W. C. T. U." which ap- peared in last week's issue of the Herald we find it our duty to state that it did not emanate from, nor was it inspired by, any of the representatives of the lozal W. C.. T. U. The signature was not aut- horized. It is strictly against the rules of the Women's Christian Tcnii eranee Union to identify thembelves with any political party or to allow their name to he used as the handle of a political weapon. We do not wish to find fault with either of the contending sub- scriber's letters, but in the case of the latter, the signature "W. C. T. 'U," scarcely could have added force to the arguments and state- ments made therein, while on the other hand some members of the iW. C, T. U., felt the name was us- ed in vain. To clear oursel eel of every blame we offer the follow'in, explanation; Through an oversight the clip- ping sent by the press correspon dent was misplaced and the offen- ding article, destined elswhere, ap-' peared in its place. In conclusion, the W. C. T. U.; Notes are always open for di ces- sion and criticism through ther columns and we'll gladly take ears: of any coming our way, but any contributions signed 'TW. C. T. t7." must first meet with the approval of either the President, or the Press Correspondent who, in turn, is responsible to the County, Organization„ An Inside Bath Makes You Look and Feel Fresh bays a glass of hot water with phosphate before breakfast keeps illness away. Thle excellent, commonsense health measure being adopted by millions. Physicians the world 'over recom mend the inside bath, claiming this is of vastly more importance than out- side cleanliness, because the rich pores do not absorb impurities into the blood, causing i11 health, while the pores in the ten yards of bowels do. Men and" women are urged to drink each' morning, before breakfast a glass of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phosphate in it, as a harmless means of helping to wash from the stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the previous day's indigestible material, poisons, sour bile and toxins; thus cleansing, sweetening and puri. fying the entire alimentary canal be- fore putting more food into the stom- ach. Just as soap and hot water cleanse and freshen the skin, so hot water and limestone phosphate act on the elim- inative organs. Those who wake up with bad breath. coated tongue, nasty taste or have a dull, aching head, sallow complexion, acid stomach; others who are- sub9ect to bilious attacks or constipa.tioa, should obtain a quarter pound of lime- stone phosphate at the drug store. This will cost very little but Is suffi- cient to demonstrate the value o1 In. r side bathing. Those who continue It �_.78 each morning are assured of pro- nounced �Ill� pounced results, both in regard to health AIld i 1?1?81 A :tr Signed ;— Official Press Correspondent( ' i r W.L C. T. tf, MI.DWi NTER ANNOUNCEMENT Fu-, it Re Just arrived two carloads of fur- niture, including Bed room suits, Dining Room suites, and a num- ber of quartered Oak Library Tables in fumed and gloss finish. THE SHREWD BUYER WILL ACT QUICKLY AS '1111ERE IS A STEADY TREND UPWARDS, ON ALL LINES OF FURNITURE, AND WILL BE VERY DIFFIC- ULT TO SECURE LATER ON, Buy now, while the Assortment is best Zurich's Busy Store �! clic & &aun PHONE 63 FEW We are offering in Winterwear, before our Spring Stock arrives. Ir. the mean time your accounts are ready for I919. Call for same. D NOVIT BPOs. ZURIOII Produce taken in exchange for Goods Great Stock. Reducing S1e Circe here Saturday. Reap the Profits which go with everypurchase (FURS 25 per cent. discount off allFurs including Wolfe, Coon, Marmot and Sable. Men's Dress shirts all sizes, :Ev- ery shirt a Bargain. Men's fleeced Underwear, .Reg. 2 55 a •suit, Sale Peice $2.001 FELLEX SQUARES Size 2x3 at $8.51. LADIES CLOTH COAT 1, only size 40 reg. $40, sale $25.00 Big reduction in all Ladies' Under- wear. Ladies' Cloth' Coats reg, 12.00 anr' '15.00. Sale Price $3.00 Don't miss this bargain. Men's Sweater coats all colors and sizes. Big Reduction. Dr. (Hess Stock food and poultr7 panacea. Men's and Boy's suits at t. I31c Reduction: Feltix ;Floor covering 2 yds. wide, 2.20 a yard. JAPANESE MATTING 25c. yd. EVERY ITEM A GENUINE BARGAIN "e begins Saturday, Feb. 14th SqIe ends Saturday, Feb. 28th Butterick Patterns For Sale T. L. Phone 78