HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-19, Page 1ISEINSENITAMSEFAIMESIMUZIM222 WA'01821M4135,1EM ZURICH Vol. XX No 33 1 ERALD ZURICH, THURSDAY 'MORNING, IF'BRUARY 19, 1920. „._ • YOUR HARNESS NEEDS • Will be promptly attended to here. See:us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS J. Ben's Rugs, Blankets, Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited FRED THIEL ZURICH ++—+++—+++ ouswasurassmossrmashosassews.bussmoapantussisoosof Chester L. Smith, Publisher $1,25 a Year In Advance 1P174%,^sZ4Z 47..6r,045Ws , ' eeeesseaseelesek- - Miss Lottie Galster is attending the millinery openings at Tor- onto. We'll be glad when the Spring time comes once more, as it has been a long cold, trying Winter. As a result of the recent storm from the east, the fishermen of lake Huron, sustained great loss to their nets going away. The loss is estimated at about $500. 30 00000 00000000000000000.000 00000.0000000,000000000000 0 2 2 • • Many Exceptional • • •• • • • As 1110000.000000000•000000 Values t Preeter's Store 0 • Men'sand Boy's • Overcoats • -0 Right here young men are the smartest Overcoats in town With 2 waist. seamed and form fitting. Men's Suits All will find chosing easy; from these suits Min rich dark cloths smartly cut and thoroughly tail- ! cut and thoroughlyt ailored, Br- owns, grays and fancy stripes and mixtures, all sizes. • CORDED VELVETS 111 A splendid range of corded vel- vets in all colors, price from 75c . • •10 .• 0 • • WOOLNAP BLANKETS few pair of fine quality wool- : nap blankets extra large size and very fluffy at $10.00 a pair, to $1,00 a yard. FLANNELETTE GOWNS , Ladies' heavy quality, White flannelette night gowns made very roomy in all sizes. • Men's Underwear Men's Wool Combination suits, Stanfield's brand, all wool suits, sp- lendid good values in all sizes. Men's heavy Wool Ribbed shirts and drawers, sizes 31 to -44„ Ali— Woo 'underwear -.front- $2.00 tip. Men's Heavy Wool Socks A. large range of Men's heaVy everyday wool socks in khaki, from Dress Goods 36 -inch Silk Poplins, $1.35, a yd. This price is less than wholesale cost' to -day and these are very superior qualities and the color range is complete. 45 inch All -Wool Serges, Navy Brown, Black and Green. All - 'Wool English Serges for dresses and skirts) very special value, $3.00 Wool Sets grey and • 35c. to 75c, a pair. In all wool ,Skating Sets, with tleiVi',:e4 large scarf and touques to match, in all colore. , 0 LAD1ES' AND CHILDREN'S • 1 gip SWEATER COATS ese ,• Ladies' Sweater Coats in all col- ors. with "V" necks, all sizes. LADIES' CASHMERE HOSE Ladies' black and brown each - mere Hose in all sizes, from $1 to $0.50 a.epair. • ,te 1110 tg, 10 0000 sse • 00 • 0.4" • Phone 59 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S • HOSE \Voinen's heave trotton hose for these cold days. These stockings are most comfortable, fast black, splendid quality; Children's Cashmere hose all wool cashmere, black, white, red and ten, sizes for Kiddies e to 7 years, extra warm, durable fast colots. • • • • • • • • • a a • .0 • • • • • es cs • • • a 6 a Mr, and Mrs. E. Weido spent the week -end with friends in S 113.1r. Moses Geiger left un Wed- nesday morning for Pieeen, lef ch., to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. John Geiger. Mr, Milton Deitz, the newly ap- pointed manager of Zurich C of tfiC Hay Telephone Syeivm, commenced his dutiss on Mo. day. Miss V. Siebert left last w„.e's. for Toronto, where she has securrd position with a wholesale fi m Lor a... short time. She has accepted a position at Jarvis, as milline •,for the coming aeason. ANDREW HICKS Us P. 0. PARTY' WHIP Recently Mr. Andrew Hicks of 'C'entralia, M. P. P. for feouth Pu oa was chosen U. F. 0. party wh p in the Ontario Legislature, Mr.Ilicks is capable if any man is to fill the duties of this office satisfactsrily. It will be no snap job with the GOeernment having a very small majority, and Mr, Hicks will be am busy man during the session, which opens on March 9. W. .0 T. T.T. NOTES We like the ring of Premier Drury's declarations regarding the question of Prohibition of the hor tiaffic. No "beating about the bush" in connection with it as compared with the "wobbleg done by some public men who ap- pear to desire to be on both sides of every question. The ratepayers in the vicinity of Greenway are agitating for a consolidated school. Four scho- ol• sections, probably more, would be united and the cost to the tate payers would be less than antler the present syetem, while the ss. i.- deen would reap many advantage- .a.nnual busisress..meeseng .• 0 4 the Evangelical church choir was helti laet.Friday evening. This organization, under the capable leadership of Mrs. C. Heyroc , has rendered a most blessed ane ff- icent• service, at entertainmenLs and hcurch services. Owing to re- movale and changes of residences it was considered advisable to in- crease the present meniber..hp and have a mixed choir, The following officers were el- ected: Honary Pres, Rev. F. B. Meyer, Pres. Mr. C. Heyrock, Sec. Miss O'Brien; Treas. Miss M.. Pre- eter, Leader, Miss E. Rennie. Through the assistance of th Men's Adult Bible Class, the choir was able to secure the ser- vices of Miss Rennie. The choir will, D. V., sing next Sunday ev- ening. To Avoid Influenza Avoid contact with other pea- ple as far as possible. Especially avoid crowds indoors, in street cars, theatres, motion -picture hou- se a and other places of public asse mblege. Avoid persons suffering from • "colds," sore throats and coughg. Avoid chilling of the body or living in rooms of temperature • ms1o low ,65 deg. or above 72 deg. F. • Sleep and work in clean fresh air Keep your hands clean, and ke- • ep them out of your mouth. • Avoid expectorating in puld:c • • places, and see that others do like- , • a Aveid visiting the sick. Eat plain, nourishing food and • • avoid aleholic stimulants. • • Cover your nose with your laud - kerchief when you sneeze, your • mcuth when y• cough. Change handkerchiefs irequently. Pro- mptly disenfect soiled handl:el:ch.- -. efs by boiling or washing with soap and watery • Don't worry,. Keep your feet warm. Wo' eel 'demand prompt attention. V -'t clothes are clan- titinCINIUMMT MEM 40 ,„valboke, , ...46-44144,4-ast6stitt• '1,44,41W°04tesoetittste Produce Wanted *.';'; '7"; ss A' • • • 1 gerous and roust be removed ai ° soon poesible. a • • • ia as 0 0, 2 F.% At (Ettll, GS: 'r47Vin 0 tenT Ld Children ill USG 11V or 30 Yea's Always bean 1 Signtulte•d•Z;e4-4 the 441P. P1 SEtes Sharper;ed Every Evening 15,Cents a Pair Hess the Jeweller Phone 67 THE MOLSONS • Al< Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL and RESERVE $9,000,000 Over 120 Branches Oportunity Shuns Those Upnprepared toGrasp li Btart a Savings account today, en The Molsons Bank, and be ready for opportunity when it Comes along. W. B. COLLES Manager Zurich Branch ,E-7.11111111111H111101111111111111111111111111111t111111111111411111111111101111111111111111111111111111BIlliliililiill01111111111111111Pi'lliElllitillitION11111111111111111111111011111111tliitRilEllilltIRIIIIIIRMIIIIIIII y_. We are offering Special Reduced Prices on the following lines for a limited time® Misses and Girl's 'Scarf and CCap Sets; Men's and Boy's Sweater Coats. Men's and Boy's Winter Ceps Men'a Wool line.d leather Mite. Men's and Boles Heavy 1ubbersL Men's anti Boy's Hee cry Socks. Common and Fingering Yarn R. N. DOUGLAS a m a PHONE 11 on 97 BLAKE 5 1111!:-,1:111t1611111111111111t1111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111111111tIllit1111111:111111111111111:1111111111111811111$19111111illItitIllittlIfilitillili111411111itiliiiitlitEllilMtliNIIIIHIllitti f Was KssisamOlt ffee*elleelltoteszaf tiDLOROf tata001.1}403400,4 itilassisake 4. tt. NEVER IN THE HISTORY OF ZURICH WAS SKATING SUCH A NOVELTY AS THIS SEASON. BE SURE YOU HAVE THE oes 4. 0. 4. 1 4. Best Hockey Shoes WE HAVE THEM ALL SIZES, 1 PURSEL AND TO SUIT BUTTER, AND EGGS WANT ED L. FRITZ Shoeman .40o. 088002 41-6.400141-661000010180100024004fessaieftegmeret.00NO444., YOUR Thanks are extended to the many serbsetibers .of The Herald who have renewed their aubece- iptions for 1920. We will be pl- eased to keep on extending thanks s Neispaper reports claim that the mysterious signal registered by the Marconi Wireless stations are not from Mars, Venus, or the moon but arc merely the echo of' tele: riffle thunderen the solar regions. If the thunder at the sun can ef- fect the atmosphere of theirarth ninety mil'ion mies awey, we have no personal ambition to he a resi- dent of the sun. — EXF-COTIVE he, , Paid Profession • nook-lreerx,rs WEttitS sd. Only those 'wishing for ad. vancement to quaiti'y as accountant. Home study training, r.,;t interfering with your.vresent occupa- tion. lir,11,1.0t free, We have trained more Certi- fied Pubtin Accountants than has any otherinstitu- tion. \e have helped hundreds of others secure good paving possttiOrits. We can 'help van. International Accountants Soddy, Box3Ca Thront• Bought and Sold Any and .accured interest. F. HESS, - Zurich. ds Issue. Par SHORT COURSES IN JUD- GING HEAVY HORSES: AND BEEF CATTLE The South Huron Board of Age. riculture will hold short courses ire judging as follows; -- Creditor), Monday, Feb. 16th, Zerich, postponed. Turntr's church she :1, Tunkersmethe Feb, 18th. liolmsville, Thursday, Feb. 20th. Judging in charge of J. M. Mees Callum of Shakespeare and Ss De Strothers, Agr. Rep., Judging at 2 p. m. Evening meeting at 8 p.m. Jas. T, Keys, President.. A. H. Doupe, Secretary. iss 41