HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-12, Page 8'1. ,, • t” Cie STOCE TAKING IS OVER ANI) WE HAVE NOW PREPARED SEVERAL BARGAIN TABLES FOR YOUR INSPECTION. .IN WIESE TIMES OF HIGH pRICES, YOU SHOULD NOT MISS THE OPPORTUNITY OF PROCURING SOME OF THESE FIRST CLASS GOODS AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE'S. HERE ARE ONLY A FEW OPTHEM;- 1 Only LadiesCoat, Black i3aby Lamb Cloth Reg. 30.00 for e23.00 1 Only Ladies' Coat, Black Baby Lamb Cloth Reg, 34.00 for$28 01 2 only Ladies' Coats Reg.28.50 for $21.00 A large assortment of coats, your choice at each $4.00 MENAND BOYSWEAR A FINE LOT OP MEN'S OVERCOATS AT ,BARGAIN PRICES. All A new Coats. . 8 only Boy's suits at each $5.00 to $8.00 2 only Men's Sheep Skin lined Coats Regular $15.00 for $13.50 Men's fleeced shirts and drawers only a few sizes at each 75c DRESS 00 S, ETC. 5 pieces only Dress Goods at reduced prices. Extra Value, come and see them. About 100 -yds. of Gingham 40 bewide, reg, 40 and 45c. now for 32c White flannelette Sheeting Regular $L25 now for $1:00 Wool 'Underskirts. Regular price $1.40 now for $1.10 REMNANTS SEE OUR REIsINANT TABLE FOR BARGAINS IN SHORT ENDS OP DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, FLA.NNELETTS, ETC. All Sweater coats at reduced priece5. Lot of toques at 25 cents each. Men's wool socks at 40c a pair. 4 dozen only, brooms at '50c. each. AND MANY MORE BARGAINS Come Early for best Choice. Gasc o & Son AN OUNGEIVIENT I have taken the contrast to handle Ford pales and will stock a. complete lithe of genuine Ford repairs. Bring your Motor car troubles to us. We specialize on any make Ali repairing guaranteed. We repair not experiment. Hs Mousseau Zurich GARAGE STAND AT T. JOHNSON 'S FORMER FURNITUeE STORE 14011.00110: r ampaammlemadln. Massey irris Implements WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENTS FOP THE CELEBRATE!) MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO AN- NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN THE LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ALSO REPAIRS FOR AIAOHINTIeRY, PLOW, POINTS, ETC. GIVE US A CALL, alper Zurich Onto We wish all our many rend and Customers a Bright and Prosperous 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. E El D LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Thursday.) Butter 581 Eggs ..i Dried Apples Potatoes per bag . Butch Setts Wheat Oats Barley Buckwheat Flour ... - Bran Shorts Flog:; • 4. Hockey 63! 14 A large number of hockey enth 1.1hillEitri attended the Seaforth - ee.-.7 London game last Thursday even - 1.95 ing at Seaforth, which resulted in 80 favor: of Seaforth by the score of Lee 10-2, Messrs. Clayton and Clar- ence Hoffman were very promin ent placers on the Seaforth 41-4 Arrangements are under Way to have a hockey match between 'Zurich .and London teams at Zur- ich some evening next week. This should be the game of the season. Watch for the posters for furth- er particulars. eviis ....... 1.50 • 1.25 e.50-5.1.6 45.00 50.00, 18.001 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST, MORN Hudson -At Seaforth, on Jan 31st Mreand Mies. I. Hudson, a da- ughter, eAlice May). Canadian eggs will bring 2 to t 3c. more in Great Britian than .11 Si. stocks. Rigid inspection re- quirements in this country ha.ve had this good effect. COMMUNICATION Dear Mr, Editor; - 1 notice in last weak's Is- sue of your paper a Communica- tion fiorn a "Subscriber" in which he tries to show how Sir William Hearst kept his promises to the people of Ontario. Now Mr. Editor, the Subscriber must either be a very young man, who has forgotten about the Pro- vincial elections that were held in 1913, or he must live in some rocky out-of-the-way place where he sees no one, and therefore is our of touch with public sentiment. For since the election last Oct- ober we have not heard anything or read anything anywhere in fav or of Hearst or the Government of which he was the Leader. Your Subscriber tries to show how the women of this province after being given the right to vote, and after being given the Ontario Temperance Act, turned against Sir Witham and stabbed him in the back after he had done so much for thein. - To get at the truith of this mat- ter, Mr, Editor, where was Sir. Wm. Hearst on the Temperance question at the election in 1913? Did he not proclaim from every platform that to abolish the Bar Rooms of this Province would be a calamity, and were not the Min- isters of the Gospel, who took an active part in this great Moral Question at that time denounced in the strongest language from the platforms of the Conservative candidates? And furthermore, a motion was brought up in the House by the Libel al party to give the womou of this province the franchise. Thee laughed at the idea of such a thing. Did not Sir Wm. Hearst after accpeting the support and money from the liquor party, to put him into power, turn on thein and give us the Ontario Teniperanee At. But he says in his election uddress of last fall; I only pase,1 e, as a war measure, :consequerely if there had been no war he would passed it at all. The fact is, after being comprrei by tat.. Liberal party to give the wo- eeen the franchise, he thought by patiemg the Canada temperance A t would give him a little more • ereetige with the women, anti help to keep his Government !! peer, he must have thought wernee had very poor •menior'e But he got what was coming him from both parties, and wbee the continuation at Ottawa 's kicked- out, as they surely wet err, at the first opportunity, Mr.Re7ost with his Six -thousand dollar joe which he got from them for whice he does practically nothing shouirl. go with them. As in the Worth of the Groat peeeident Lincoln, who said "y'i,' can fool all the people part otthr* 4. PREETER BLOCK - ZURiCH :T: .444:444.++++++++++++++++4,44 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ time, and you can fool part of the people all the time, but you can- not fool all the people att the t The Ladies' hockey team play- ed off their first game some time ago, but" owing to Leap Year, we presume, they will net give us the score and line-up. +-+ A number of town attended the Seaforth-London hockey match at London on Tuesday evening, which resulted in fever of Sea - forth be _7-6. The Carnival at the local rink held here last Friday evening was indeed a fine success. The at- tendance was certainly large, and the costumes were also a credit to those so represented. Following is a list oft he prize winners ;- Ladies' Best fancy Costume..Mrs. T. L Wurm; Irish Lady. Ladies' comic costume, Clayton Hoffman, Negro Lady. Gent's Fancy costume, S, 1. McArthur, Sailor. Gents' .Comic custome, Mr. W. G. Hess; Bolshevika. Girls' fancy costume, Dorothy Campbell; Fairy. costume, Beula Koeh lcr; .Dwarf. Girls under 15. Boys under 15 ]3oys' fancy costume, Willie Neeb; Negrcl. Boys' comic costume, Earl Yun- gblut. Oldest Man on Ice, C. Fritz; Clown Fun Makers, 1st. T. L. Wurm; 2nd Dorothy Fritz, Liela Siebert , 0. O'Brien, V. Siebert. Judges; -A. Melick, Jas. Den- ornme, Mrs. W. B. Colles, Mrs. H. allman. Not a Bite of Breakfast Until You Drink Water Says a glass of hot wafer an phosphate prevents illness and keeps us fie. • Just as coal, when it burns, leav behind a certain amount of incom bustible material in the form of ashes So the food and drink taken day after day leaves in the alimentary canal a certain amount of indigestible ma- terial, which if not completly ted from the system each day, be- comes food for the millions of bacteria which infest the bowels. Prom this BASS of leftover waste, toxins and ptomain -like poisons are formed and sucked into the blood. Men and women who can't get feel- ing right must begin to take inside baths. Before eating breakfast each morning drink a glass of real hot water with a teaspoonful of lime- stone phosphate in it to wash out of the thirty feet of bowels the previoug day's accumulation of poisons an, toxins and to keep the entire alitneA tau canal clean, pure and fresh. Those who are subject to sick headu ache, colds, biliousness, constipation, foul breath, backache, rheumatic tress, or have a sour, gassy stomach after meals, are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate front the drug store, and begin practicing2 internal. sanitation. This -will cost very little, but is sufficient to make' anyone an enthusiast on the alibied. Remember inside bathing 15 more Important than outslac bathing, be. cause the akin pores (to not absorb lthpuritles lnto the biond, catising poo'r, ,healthNwhile the bowel pores do:, just as soap and bot water cleanses, Sweetens and freshens the sain, so ot 'water and . limestone phosphate ct'on the Ertottach4 liver, kidneye altd eteetel " STOCK TAKING TIME We are taking Stock, which will take approximately 2 weeks In the mean time, your ac- counts are ready, and we would ask you to give them your pro- mpt attention. As we cannot carry any accounts over to our 1920 Ledger. (Accounts mailed after Feb. 15th.) Watch thisspace for Bar= gains in two weeks. Zurich's Busy Store eliek & Braun PHONE 63 FEW AnGAINd We are offering in Winterwear, before our Spring Stock arrives. 112 the mean time your accounts are ready for 1919. Call for same. DENOMY BROS. - zunion nloduce taken in e ollangiorGoods Great educin bock - Sale 01.1.10111, Come here Saturday. Reap the Prolits which go with everypurchase FURS V. per cent. discount off allFurs including Wolfe, Coon, Marmot and Sable. Men's Dress shirts all sizes. ery shirt a Bargain:. Men's fleeced Underwear, Reg% 2.0 a .suit, Sale Price *OR (FELLBX SQUARES Size 2x3 at $8.51. LADIES CLOTH COAT 1, only size 10 reg. $40, sale $25.00 Big reduction in all Ladies' Under- wear. . 3 Ladies' Cloth Coats reg. 12.00 and $15.00. Sale Price $3.00 Don't miss this bargain. Men's Sweater coats all colors and sizes. Big Reduction. Dr. Hess Stock food and poultry panacea. Men's and Boy's suits at a 'Big Reduction: Feltix Floor covering 2 vie. wide 4.20 a yard. JAPANESE MATTING 25c. yd. EVERY ITEM A GENUINE BARGAIN begins Saturday, Feb. 14th ends Saturday, Feb. 28th Butterick Patterns For Sale P lone Y. 78 T. Phone 18