HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-12, Page 7a rtryoyearromorn....wam....nomiuxuargialmma,.......mcgovenommameimv...e.var..,-," 'OA NEW WHEAT ,AND FLOUR PRICE SET BY CANADIAN"' WHAT BOAR Price of Ontario, Quebec an Mills Advncvd 25 Cents P of FLm Now d British Columbia. Wheat to er Bushel -Wholesale Price 11.25 Per Darrel. Winnipeg, Feb, en -Effective from inidnight on Saturday last and until further notiee, the Carnelian Wheat Board has ordered changes in the price of wheat arid flour. Tho price) of Britieh Columbia., Oetario and Quebec eteet to millin. Canada is now raised. by 25 centaer "melee!, and the Board also inereneee the inaximum wholeeale price of Govern- ment standard Winter wheat flour from $10.10 per .barrel to $10.25 per. barrel, basis f.o.b. ears, Montreal. The new regulation, No. 85. eays the following pri-ec now obtain: $2.80 per bushel, including 5 cents -per bushel carrying chargeN, basis No. 1 Manitoba. Northern and No, 1 Alber- ta red Winter in store, public terminal elevators, Fort William or Port Ar- thur. $e.70 per bushel, including 5 cents per bushel carrying charges, basis No. 1 durum, in store public: terminal ele- vators, Fort William or Port Arthur. $2.58 per bushel including 5 cents per bushel carrying charges, basis No. 1 Spring, No.- 1 whiteWinter, and No. 1 red Winter wheat in store Mont- real. $2.56 per bushel, including 5 cents per bushel carrying charges, basis No. 1 mixed Ontario and Quebec wheat in store Montreal. $2.49 per bushel, ineleding. 5 cents per imehel carryiug eberges, heels No 1 eotemercial gverle Nvivq0; In stor "Moist real. eteeeite pee ;alga, Inelneing 5 cent per beehel cat:eying eilareee, beets .lon 1 Britieb Columbie ,it in star Camtaien Covesunteet elevator, Van coliver. The eleven: ;or lower grottos gnu hose above Iiu11 he the eeme an th speeads in the melees of the board re- lative to ea littylOCUltS to paw. t tho Jaw:icer. T maininum whohssele price or tiered in rceulation No. e9 are as fol lows: 1. That the standard of flour menu fee:lured in Canada for sale in Caned be the standard set by the Canadian Wheat Board and designate as (a) Government standard. Spring wheat flour. (b) Government stendard Winter wheat flour. 2. That the maeimum wholesale prices of flour from midnight Jan. 31 1920, inclusire, until farther notice shall be: (a) Government standard Spring wheat flour, $.1.3.15 per barrel, basis 98 pounds net, jute bags. (h) Government standard Winter wheat flour, $11.25 per barrel, basis Oe pounds net, jute bags. These prices'oare basis to.b.. ears, Montreal. 0 0 0 a MILLION PAID TO OUT -OF -WORK MEN • Total Grants to 'Veterans Will Not Exceed 3 Millions. A. despatch from Ottawa says: --In the neighborhood of one million dol- lars has been paid to ex -soldiers out, of work since the opening of the Federal Emergency Application. Re- turns from all Canadian centres are not yet complete, but the esthnato in- cludes the cost of adminietration as well as the unemployment amounts paid to the men. In the first week of January alone there were 17,000 applicants who lime- fited to the extent of nearly 5600,000. The cost of administration was $6,737, it was the holiday season then, and firet pnyments were made without une:h investigation, because it was feared hardship might be worked if officialc were too strict. As soon as there was time e1e17 (:101 was inves- tigatea, until now the list of nreeetteit- als"--those who 00010 back weekly for - money---TF,said to be almost wholly deiterving. General A. E. Rose, C.11, who ha charge of the administration of th fund, said on Friday i1 was fairly cer tate the total spent would net bt more. Hum three minium,. "The firs month was our heaviest, mei we re quired just abcut he stated. "The relief is withdrawn at the end of Marele and the lists are much smaller now than in Jannery, owing to a thorough wee'lineout„by inveselgators," Tho statement that the Govern - talent's grant of $40,000,000 had been exceeded was vigorously denied by General Ross, In the first place, he said, no definite sum was mentioned, and, secondly, they would not require anything like 540,000,009. They drew weekly what they required from the Phloxes Department. Judging from the figures given about as ninny soldiers were out of work in Montreal as in 'Toronto in January. There were 4,000 applicants in Mont - ;eel, who received $140,000 and 4,800 jn. Toronto who took $188,000. Yon Tirpitz and Bethmann Demanded From Germany FARMRS NEAR SOO FORM POWER CO. TO Obtain Power From City and Construct Own Pole Lines. Sault Ste. Marie, Feb, 1. -Members of the U.F.O. in East Korah township have euceeeded in forming an organi- zation to be known as the East Korah Township Light and Power Club. its object is to furnish light and power to the farmers of the rural section close to the Soo. Last fall a deputation of farmers from East Korah waited on the Public Utilities Commission ot the: Soo and asked them to furnish the flamers within a radius of say five miles of the cite- with power. The Public Otititles Commission advised the farmers to erect their own :ine and conduct the business connected with it themselves, and they would supply them with power to their line tt the city 11111115. Tbe onlecre oS the eewly-organized company are: W. W. Lothbridg•e, Presideet; Geo. IL 'Farmer, Vice - 'resident; Alex. A. Scott, Secretary - Treasurer; and the Directors are: N. Sherman, T. W. Farmer, W, 11. 'enno, S. Richards. To commeece with there will be 15 • farmers using power from the now • pine. Arrangements are being coin - 1 pieta for the erection of the pole line h y March 15.. s e Paris, Feb. 1. -In addition to an ready published lists of those who will he demanded from Germany by the allies on charges of violations of the laws of war, the Matin says Bel- gium will ask for Dr, Theobald von tethneann-Hollweg, former ',Imperial German Chancellor, while England will demand Admiral von Tirpitz, former German Secretary of Marine; Admiral Reinhardt von Scheer, for- mer chief of the German Admiralty itaff and commander of the German eet in the Battle of Jutland, and Mace Oscar of Prussia, fifth son ot former Emperor William, Aritish Release German Admiral • A despatch from London says -- von Reuter, the chief officer sig the German float at Scapa Flow, Who gave the order for the scuttling Of the German warships there last $ttne, has been sot frets by the 'British Stithorities. The Admiral line return-, ed to Germany. $325,000 000 Loan linteest Owed to U.S. Government A. despatch from Washington says: -Accrued interest on loans to Euro- pean countries totals pproximately 5325,000,000, according to a table e,ub- mitted to the House Ways and Means Committee by the Treasury Depart- ment, which plans to defer collection for a few years pending reconstruc- tion. Great Britain owes the most 'inter- est, the total on loans to that country being $144,440,837. Interest owed by ether countries is: _Prance, 04,021,749; Italy, $54,256,- 589; Russia, 516,832,662; Belgium, $11,465,278; Ceeche-Slovakia, $1,667,- 088; Serbia, t $917,299; ' Roumania, $609,878, andLiberia, $548. Woman is Candidate For Northampton A despatch" from Londan says: - Mise Bonfield, Secretary of the Nation- al Federation of Women Workeria who was a member of the British dele- gation to the Labor Congress at Washington, has been adopted as the Parlralnentary candidate of the Lab - °rites for the seat of Northabpton, Kaiser's Picture Out of Books in German Schools A despatch from Berlin says: -Ger- man textbooks hereafter will be minus the formerly inevitable pictures of the Kaiser and his predecessofg' oi the Prussian throne. This is the result of an order by the Minister of Education, who also rules out MI anecdotes of the Holten- zonerns which "might Bern only to glorify the dynasty and foster the monarohiette idea Iii the minds tip pupils" - • • 14SOSSier',, le /pr. HELPING WINNIPEG GET THE NEWS- .. While Winnipeg. papers were unable to publish thrciugh tack of paper the students of Manitoba University issued daily a small paper called "The Manitoban," containing the big news of the day in brief. Here is the staff: I3ack row, left to right: Homer Robinson, Edward Pithlado, H. Ferrier, Norman Young; Sitting, left to right: Graham Spry, Miss E. Willis. niLt4 nee, Weeny itarg::1-1 wepen, 65 SINN FEINERS - ROUNDED UP e U.S. GIFT OF 125 MILLION Arrests Made in Dublin, Tip: For the Starving People of Ar. perary, Limerick' and Cork. mernia, Poland and Austria. Dublin, Feb. total 'of 65 pro- A. despatoOrom Washington says: minent Sinn Feelers and Republieans --Following the appearance ‘f See - have been arrested in Dublin, Tipper- rotary Glees and Aesistaret -Secretary strY• Limerick awl Cork. There were of the Treasury David 'before the Wept end Means Committee relative to an appropriation for the faruished of Europe, which was the subject of discussion on Thursday by President Wilson, it was announced that •the committee would reporta bill which will afford the neceseary aid to the starving in Polend, Austria and Are menia. some eases Fearchlights were used to prevent any attempt to e in the conSfeeerreent.acerwGitihassraid Herali)ertIaltho ethad•ea eecaplast darkness and the .oincers carried elec- night and that the latter had &- trio torches. dared that relief to the amount of no further develepmente in the situa- tion to -day. Ou this oceaelon, the raids were car- ried out by the military, only ane policeman being preeent with each party for the purpose of elentifleation. The soldiers visitel tho Verieus points in motor lorries. They were in field kit with rifles „and ammunition. In The Dublin raids bee -n soon after four a,m„ when beastly I, len lorries began to pass through the Streets in various directions. The streets were empty at the time and tin: whole thing than its morning slumber. 000 $125,000,000, as Canada and Ar - was over before. Dublinorawoke from Seven of the newly-eleeted members gent,ine had offered more than $12,- ,000. i f those arrested. The military alone ' Immediate financial aid for the re- ef the Municipal Council were among lieof these countries cannot be ex, The wife of one of the men arrested ytected of England. Sectetary Glass carried cut the raid, was Informed that the warrant for the said that the officials of that country arrest would be read when the prison- had promised, however, to transport -No. 1 Northern, $°•80; Toronto, Feb. 3. -Manitoba wheat I Breadstuffs. No. 2 North -i tins, 2oc; buckwheat, 60 -lb. tins, 18 to I Heney---Extracted clover, 5-m. tins 27 to.23e; 10 lb tilts, 2'S to 26c; 60 -lb. , Joseph McGrath, Sinn Fein member Panes' Densam of Du n, Nies .a ten to the barbrlainck, s. of the House a Coln mrms for the St. afford not only prompt transportation but greater relief, as there would be would be a great saving and would the grain free of charge and that this ern, $9.77; No 3 N•orthern, $2.73, arrested. also VMS in j 20.c cornb,, 10 -oz., $6.00 to $6.50 doz.; i 10 -oz., $4,25 to $4.50 doz. store Fort William. .. wOA t lm aitoba otets-No. 2 C.W., 94%e;I . Maple prodtucts--Syrup, per imThe priseners ere teken in lorriee per- a7e. 3 C.W., 91%0; extra No. 1 feed,i ial gal., $4.2a; per 5 imperial gals, to the barracks. 91%c; No. 1 feed, 8914c; No. 2 feed,: $4.00; sugar, lb., 29 to 30c. More than twenty of the- arrested Sainte, in store Fort 'William. men were placed In Mount, Joy Prison. Provisions -Wholesale. . . .a, . .mt ey-• ., The arreste eito. 3 C. esed great excitement the relief of the starving in the three to 30c; do., heavy, 29 to 30c; cooked, i in the city. eountries. oe.. $1.83; No. 4 C. W., $1:471e• rejected', Smoked meats -Hams, medium, 84 :31.35%; feed, $1.35%, •in •Aore Fort, to 50e; rolls, 30 to 31c; breakfast I Fla, of Zion Floats . 'William. American corn -No. 2 yellow, 510; boneless, 53 to tioc. baccit, 40 to 44e; backs, plain, 49 to ! FRENCH DOCTOR , $1.81; No. 4 yellow, $1.80, track, To- HAS FLU REMEDY From Palestine's Marine -ronto ; prompt shipment. 1 Cured. meats -Long clear haeon, 31 Which Also A despateh from New York says: - Ontario eats -No. 3 white, 98e to . to 22c; clear bellies, '30 to :31c. 1 rut t , Lard --Pure, .tierces, 31 to $14,e; 'enjtalm5 Se'ltUri Cures Sleeping, Sickness. templated merchant marine hoisted. The first vei,4sel of Palestine's con- $1.00, according to freights outside. i Ontario wheat -NO. 1 Winter, pen! tubs, :311,4 to :32e; pails, 31% to 32qc: ' No. 3 do, $1.93 2 $1.94, tievees, 281,-S prints, -32 to 321.e.c. Compound 1 . A despatch from New York says:- wthaes 11)•loneanetenttil white flag of Zion and car$2.00 to $2.01; $1.97, ipping points., a.ccor ing to paile, 29% to 2.0e1e. prints, $01e to ' I, r, t tee -quarters of the Valid s popula- eern at Jaffa recently, the Zionist or- e-holutz" (The Pion- ftoo.b$:2.0s31.1; to 29c; tubs, 29 to 294c; , freights. . 131e. 1 tion have been; .1frecteeel with Epanish gentleatee,ii of sernerlea t,ee --ennead. °Atari° wheat -No. 1 Spring, $2.02 i lelentreal Markets. 1 influena, which is now declared to be The veeee, is owner and manneu 1)7.., - .. to $2.08; No. 2 Spring, $1.99 to $2.05; No 1 Spring, $1,95 to $2.01, f.o.b. Iliontree.1, Feb. 3.-Onts-Extra No.! the same dieease as the eIeeping sick- Jews, and is the first of a fleet for shipping paints according to freights. 1 feed, $1.08. Flour -New standard, ness, and a serum hes been' found to which Zionists plan an tiltimate ap- 1 ' - eure both, according to reports to- propriation of $10,000,000. Peas -No. 2. $3.00. • ' 313 05 to $1:3.55. Rolled oats -Bag of Barley -Malting, $1.80 to $1,82, ac -e 90 in, $5.15 to $5.95. Drstiges,e5.06. , day. Experiments are iming carried The vessel was formerly a German cording to freights outside. 1 Shorts -$52.25. Hay -No. 2, per ton,on here and in Paris. craft and was purchased to ply along Buckwheat -$1.45 to $1.48,- accord -A car lots -$26. Cheese-Fiaest east- . Simultaneously with the reeeipt of the Palestine coast, making the ports ing to freights outside. i word. from. Paris that a serum had .1. erns. 30 to SO efic. Butter -Choicest •of Bierut, Tyre, Haifa, Jaffa, Gaza, and Rye -No. 3, $1.77 to $1.80, accord-, creamery,. 67 to 08c; do., seeonds, 80 : been madeb - 1), n 1 r ii which Wou.d cure both influenza and - 1 eo ,,ey, seve,a others Egypt. - IinThe Zionist y 1. attar es ing to freights outside. I to 61c. le‘ggs-Free.h, 80 to 85c; sel- - . , sleeping' sickness came a report from engineers plan to convert Haifa into Maniteba flom•-Government states' acted, 02e; No. 1,t01, 54e; No. 2, tiara, $11,25, Toronto, 1one of the leading imeortant commer- ; do., 51 to 52c. otatoes-Per keg - : teener ae Ile.^sp,ittd that a preliminary report had been issued from Mount tial centres of the near eaet. ...._•_4_,..._......... Ontario flour --Government stan-' car lets. $3.75 to $4.50. Th,. ed •tland, $0,65 - to $9.85, Montreal and hoge-A.hattoir-killa, $25.50 to $26. tion at the -.sleeping siekness tv.rm. - SbEty-hour Voyage Sinai Hoepital of the probable Leah: - Toronto, in Pete bags. Prompt shin.' Lard --Pure, weed "Jails, 20 lbs. net, real freight. bags incluKled-Th per t ! 29 to $Oe. Live Stock Markets. 1 To produce a servie to cure the ' encephalitis lethar 1 ........_ Across Atlantic nient . Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Mont- i gen. as the s3een- A despatch from Ltmdon says: - ton $.1:;• shoine wr tori,$51 e-ed1 Tor 1 to F•1 ° CI, *-• 1 • • . ,• . mg 810,11OSS 16 ;01CriVn to setence, • , . . . . Would be nereseary to segregate the It Four of the largest aV %Ilion firms in feed nettle $n.(;0 to $3.75. i steers, $12.75 to 314.00; goocl heavy Hay -No. 1, per ton, $27 to $n8; I steers, $12.50 to $13.00;)b.htehers' C. alti-- germ of the disease, as eerums are England are negotiating with regard mixed, per tone $25, track,' Toronto. i tle, -choice, $11.50 to %52 23, do.c, ptoct , Made from the disease germs them-. $17 teack, Toronto. Straw-Cer lots, per ton, $10 to $11 to $11.25; do., modiup, '.° so to , . 1510;do., ' common, $7.25 to $7.75; , ea . • Ives the live germs in the blood tic airship service. pose oosae ,oefondileeiltteeioepvnlitehathoef cavetnitaslattitattnr: Country Produee-Wholeeale, bulls, choice, $10,e0 to $11; do.,: being killed by the injection into the tie airship servie.e. medium, $9.50 to $10; clot, rough, $6.75 . blood. of the dead bodies of the same Butter -Dairy, tubs and rolls, 43 to It is said to be the purpose o the 44c prints, 48 to 50e, Crearnel-v to $7.00; butcher COWS, ehoiee, $10.50 ,' germs, -. • • 0., eao! • $t•-:, to s ( • )1 The gtem .. • , of gnenish infl • eombine to purahase all airehips fresh made. Solld8, 60 lo 61e; penile, t� - ' es! e ,e, ! -nuenza ts which the Government does not ni! ra- tomedium$8.00 to $8.50do., com- i • said to have been Ssolated, hut Eggs -Held, V to 55e; new laid,. mon, $7 to, $7.25 ; stackers, $7.50 to : perfeet serene is knot'Vn to have benene nOlueilintes.fohi.a. ‘t.lete Inierenitly allt,tintiliiagee.ec-1. ibo:;;:pettio- 72 to 73e. $10; feeders, $10 to 11$; cannere and Dressed poultry --Spring , chiekens.''-cutters!, $5.25 to $0.50; milkers, good p170011000.Dp170011000.Polley. early Spring, when short trips to . . 32 to 35e; roostere, 25e; fowl, 25 to to choice. $110 to $165; do.. corn. and ' in Paris. Produced the Seandinaria and Renate', will be at 34c, gee, 28 to 30e; ducklings, 12 med., $65 to $75; springers, $90 to serum for the eure of sleeping sick- tempted, after which an 01 ,&1.0l wili doz., $4.5'0. 11 th, . $1,tio; sheep, $6.50 to $12; 111 111, per ness without isolating the eneephath imade, • ' ..‘1,. ', cwt.,..$14.50 to $19.50; calves, good to tie letliaee' to 35c; turkeye, 45 to 50e; ,eica germ at all, but by us- )e to put into etfect a en-weekty service to New York, the telt- Live poultry -Spring chickens, qo Choice, 19 to $23; hoge, fed and water- ing germs of influenza, whieie h teevetee to 25c; rookters, 20e; fowl, 25 to 32e• ed, 510; do., Weighed off cars, $19.25; to assert that the two are twind htliims- . ° 1ours, mg, e l. geese, 22'to 800; ducklings, 22e; tier-, doe f.o.b., $18; do., do., to farmers, - eases and caused be- the same gorm m keys, 27 to 40e. 1 $ um- n 17.75. ler different conditions . Eyes mid Illness. 831 t Cheese -New, large, 311,n to 32c-,1 Montreal, Feb. 3. -Butcher steers, -" The same serum with which he Just as we find the .91"te °1. th° wins; , 12 iltonto 3"1.ec; trip•let"s, 33 to med.ium, $10.75 to $12; commorncured many cases of influenza, was le1811.25n0 weathby referencear to a boeter, St, 84 to 35c; old, large, to $10.50'er butcher heifers 33% to 34c; -do., twins, 24 to 34tec. .Margarine -33 to 30e, Beans -Canadian, hand-pielted, bu- shel, 515.25 to 55.75; primes, $4.25 to, to $6.50; butcher bulls, common, $8 famous Mrs. Mintz case here, where froze the eyes is known as the 'Iris $4,75; japans, 55.50 to $5.75; Cali-,; to $9, Veal calves, good, $16 to $18; the sleeping sickness followed and according to Dr. Ander a se- ' fertile Limas, 171 to 18%c; Made,-; medium, $12 to $15; grass calves, vete attack of Spanish Influenra. scitenee," s gascar Limas, lb., 15e; Japan Lirnas,I i $7,50 to $8. Hogs, selects, $20; sows, .......e.____m _gt elm, of Denmark, le the only really reliablemethod by whieh the seat of lb, 11 $16. .c. 41..k.0,4••••••••••714111MMIC11.,111WN,*.E.IIMIBPVTOOWili,M07,144013.11.10.1...*MNAM00,2•44......0.11.00, B rittain H aig NIntention of • o a dieettse can be discovered. TAKE CANADA'S $50,000,000 would do harm rather than good to the starving. It was estimated by Secretary Glass that Congress need not authorise more no expense deducted from the appro- priation for steamer transportation. Secretary Glass said that common humanity and the dictates of good government favored the United States making an appropriation for $9,50 to $10.75; common, $7.M to found equally effective in curing ;;o MO WO tell Whether a person is in ' $9.25; butcher cows, medium, $7 to sleeping sickness. This theory of good health by extunining the eyes. to $9,50; canners, $5.50; cutters, 85.75 twiu disease is borne out in the This method of diagnosing disease CENSUS IN 1921 Civil Service Commission to The science WaS discovered by u must hunt out its own men without Seeking Loans in. the U.S. Hungarian, During boyhood he *had caught au owl which had broken its leg, and noticed that a black spot ap. peered in a certain part of the Inc the United States, but on the con- Some years later he noticed the eame trary Is desirous of reducing the oble black spot in the his of a man who trary it already has incurred here had sustained a broken leg. The ex - is Included in a statement from Lou- perience caused him to investigate, and he found that every disease could don, transmitted to Secretary of the Treasury Glass, through R, Lind- be read from a certain portinn of the say, British Charge d'Atnaires, and made public to -night. The statement also denies emphatically "repeated al- legations in the press that the British reference to the representative in Parliament. The old rate of payment for the work varied according to local con- / Appoint -All Enumerators. ditione, the general rule being that 4, despatch from Ottawa says:- the Enumerator got 5 cents per name The next decennial census enumera- n n5 cents for each farm, although tion takes place in June, 1921, and e 1:le country was sparsely popu- already the department is making kited he. was usually paid by the day, preparations for it. In the last census 9,708 enumerators were employed, Old French Tiger and next year the number will prob- ably be greater. Appointments to this weak in the A despatch from Paris stte`s:-For days of political patronage proved mer Premier Clemenceau left Mar - an easy way for members of Parlia- seilles on February 8 on the steamer merit to discharge political oblige- Lotus, bound for Alexandria, Egypt, times, but hereafter it Will probably Ho is reported to be absolutely siii:. be handled by the Civil Service Com- care in his decision to remain In re- mission. tirement, and under no consideration Those who object to the complete to be drawn again Into the titrinoll of London, Feb, 1.-A 13olsheylki coin. abolition of political patronage point polities, munioation released here this even - to this as an example of how the new To an Editor of L'Homme tare he ing says,: Wdsystem often. works cumbrously. remarked the other day anent his de- "We have Capturedi3Peerisnotaectt)(toain.n hile the memberth for e constitu- feat inthe test vote of Parliament on in Tanritia, near the ia eney would appear to In the most the Presidency: driven the enemy out of his Willed suitable person to whom to apply for "Some persons need a hint, others positions on the Chengarsk peninsula., information as to suitable men, that a kick, I am through. My enainiee inflicting heavy losses, is now expressly forbidden by the may think 1 received a kick; my "In the 'capture of JtItitte Civil Service Consmn iesion Act, even friends only a hint. At any rate, I am the Kelt region. we uoictho whole thavgh his reconuneadations should through. I am off to 1igypt first, then of the second Slav Battalion prisoner he mu -partisan, The Commission -Wen, we shall see, perhaps India," and captured five armored trains, Out of Politics Washington, Feb, 1. -Positive as- sertion that the British Governitent does not plan to seek further loans in When a disease is cured white lines enclose the dark spot that pro. claimed the disease. From this the stage of the disease can be aecertain- Government desireento borrow large ed. If the white lines do notentirely tilims in the United States." surround the dark spot the disease is • Drugs are aISSISTS cleanly shown on not completely cured. Reds Capture . Whole Battalion, the iris-ereeple by white specks on brovin marks 10)1011 the pupil. the outer edge, inorganic iron by In Athens goats ale taarei:ed 10 1110 house doors and milked, before the eyes of patroes. But this syetem (Mee not prevent adolteratiote Tie! minutest wears a loose coat with wide s:leves. Around his mist is e relthee hale fdl- ed with water, and a tube rnr..I'down his arm. As be tnilke he peessee the tube, and milk and w atvr flow silent- ly together into the milk-Dall.