HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1920-02-12, Page 60 119 fit •h1LfiC'Cl,�'1,:u'lYaiLYC..-• •'r.F illi... lack Xiihen or•E:',°i+i.gyx Tea., getting .Z731:64N.iaW buti sus Oft er 133(2 The'�{, A"Fa �F;� ^'. , t^ •�1 n Never � -L , �. a � ,meq „ ,,q,, m L 3 tet. ki 4c.x . !1" h».•�ti�" : • iv`ct. , .cit �..�t..'Nl C.;`�^' F eaten Packets Only. Black., I' ., t.re_.-,. ^ r Uer .". de Came ti Cherry Vales 1 BY FRED J. ST. JOHN CHAPTER It j my sat in dumb agony by the bed - Summer and autumn 1ria c3. rapidly. !s!de, awkwardly caressing the worn llie Cherry. \', ley ri =ere e rme old ]rand stretched limp on the coun- to Cherry Hill to nest....Mins wife,'terpane. and fiend Gen eoile n':a;a nt and like- But they all brightened up in a day able, as Jun lid prophesied. esied. But or two, when Aunt Sarah began to feel the., were busy fanner .o,ks and had, a little more comfortable. Uncle little time f +t vi_ , r! As the .same Sammy was with her as much as pos- mcr progressed Gertotele saw little of sit& but there were long hours when them. except the An.iersuns, Aisle she and Gertrude were alone together. Sammy and Anne Sarah and, true to The little oil lady had spent all her John's prophesy again, she feend no life in Cherry Valley neighborhood. friendship so true, no other neighbor-, She knew about all the joys and sor- hood attachment so satisfactory. In- I rows of each household and gave Ger- deed, the and Aunt Norah beeane the: trude a wonderful insight into the best u_ friends and hardly a day pass- , lives of these, her neighbors. ed that they did not meet and Uncle,Sometimes aunt Sarah talked of Sammy laughingly remarked that the old rttth between the homes had never her own experience and spoke of her d been so broad and avail -beaten as now. ' boys who had grown up n though them Gertrude could run the car quite as , C well as John and her modern labor- eemed, she never mentioned the sarg equi;.ment so shortened the daughter and Gertrude remembering time neves:- er ne .. what John had told her, guessed that e, routine house this was one sorrow that she and hold duties that she was able to drive Uncle Sammy chose to keep locked to the city frequently, thus keeping up in their own hearts, in touch with her friends and their, she revolved in her own mind do ngs there• that her old friend told>~s . the things She liked, also, to take Aunt Sarah and Old Martha for drives about the her, Gertrude came to have a still country but Aunt Sarah never felt keener appreciation of the lot of the quite at ease in the automobile, so farm women of Cherry Valley and of Gertrude got the habit of running the vast amount of hard work they over to the Anderson home as she - had .performed. Out of bed at four could spare the time and helping her o'clock in the morning doing the heavy old friend out with the work. Then' washings, milking and caring for the the little old lady would bring her milk, mashing butter, canning and mending or darning and sit with preserving vast quantities of fruit, Gertrude on the big verandah of an looking after chickens and young afternoon and so the months rolled stock, sewing and mending, often far happily by. y into the night, sweeping and cleaning December came and Gertrude won- --an endless round, that brought the ; dee`: whether she would see mare of workers tiredand dispirite-d $ at the" their neighbors now the busiest end of the day, with no ambition ex - season was over, but it seemed that rept to get to bed to rest aching backs they' shut themselves upin their own and weary limbs. homes, explaining always, when she a "Aunt 'Sarah," said Gertrude one saw them that, they knew they ought day when these things had been going to get out more bu they were so busy. through her mind, "it doesn't seem Therefore there was very little more right for farmer folk to have to -work visiting between Cherry Valley and so hard, with so little chance to play the rest of the neighborhood than be-; and no place to play if they want to." fore. I "Well, no," Aunt -Sarah considered But Aunt Sarah came just the same the remark thoughtfully, "maybe it and the intimate friendship continued., doesir't, Dearie. I know it would seem Then one day a terrible thing hap- hard to you. You have things so pend. Aunt Sarah had just left Ger- easy here, with electricity and water trade, who watched her from the door- handy and everything. But we've way. She had watched the gate and done these things so long that we've turned to wave her hand, when she got used to 3t." tripped on a stone or a patch of ice,! "Got used to it!" Gertrude ex - staggered and fell fluttering to the claimed. "You can't say you've got greur:d in a faint. Speedily John and used to it' while women wear them - Gertrude get her to the house and selves out with such long hours of summoned Uncle Saniniv and a doc- hard work, lose their health and may-, tor. , be die before their time." A fracture of the hip bone," the • One stormy afternoon Uncle doctor told thein briefly. "Of course Sammy sat with her before the big! it's serious at her age and the shock fireplace. - is an added element to consider. She' "Why don't you call me 'Gertrude?'" must be perfectly quiet. It may be she asked, half idly. for a Iong time—" he paused que - Uncle Sammy stared into the fire tioriir V. -To move her---" for. several minutes. Of suns` she shall stay right here' Did anyone ever tell you about my just as long as may be necessary,"i little girl?" ho asked at last in a low said Gertrude and John nodded an tone, glancing toward the open door emphatic a.quieseence. Uncle Sarre.' of Aunt Sarah's room. The Fa ' er and Good Roads Who in the world is more interest- ed in good roads than the farmer? He is the one« who uses the roads in his business year in and year out. Roads are to the farmer what street cars are to the worker In the city—it makes his business possible. Good roads im- prove his chances of success, while poor roads hold him back. Paved streets are no more valuable to the pity than paved roads to the country, but the city hag `r'ec"og'nfzed their value while the farmers have just begun to comprehend it. I know that there Is not a single community that cannot ,dicirta diagover, soldie CensiOetr•able iahlehse that bad roads have caused. I know many roads that compel all the farmers who travel over theist with loads to use fully double the motive power that would be needed if they should be hard surfaced and brought to a correct grade. I know when one fernier: hired men to haul wheat from a thresher to a town over each a road h' redid enough more for that 14u1 eg alone to pay heavy taxes on V share of the road bunching neees- i : give the best kind of sr road - 'he !cl Naas Atm rightly rehurrd.ng for eisee 7 oar ' r ;nice r ee.il seev rest 1“_741 over ih«•u'r ti 1 ea big expense. If the farmers would just keep an accurate account of all the actual cost to them from bad roads, counting the extra horse and man power, extra time consumed, and loss from reduced prices, delayed work, depreciation of products because of delays, and every other cost that the roads cause directly they would soon realize that bad roads are most awfully expensive. Surely they are not please ,t! The time wes when fanners declar- ed the road campaigns were all in fa- vor of the automobilists, but since the most of the farriers own automobiles they are not talking so much, and they are talking roads more. We can readily see that country roads will be travelled rnos;•1y by 'country automo- biles, and since the farm truck has be- come such a power as a labor -saver good roads have become all the more important. With, the advent of the heavy truck that will haul two to five fens to town at one load -farmers 1flt1't not skimp the .n+:tetiti,1 IN their roads, tor only the beet will stand tleis kind, cf traffic, and these true !give come to shy an: lyre ts;e ansayeee T.bey are en nut fee proiltelde 00 the -ne Ell. rses flee 1•ertl.r;e niet be rai,.'le. to !t :hese "John told me that you had a daughter who went to Toronto 'and who died there, but nothing moire." "He doesn't _know anything more," returned Uncle Sammy. "We've never told anybody about it, and we never mention her name. Her name .was Gertrude. She was the prettiest, brightest little girl in all Cherry ley. "you know how my two boys up and left me, as soon as they were grown. Said the life on the farm was too hard and chances were better in the city. "Put we still had o•ur little girl and we felt we could manage somehow, And then—after awhile she began to get restless ---said things were too quiet in Cherry Valley. "Then," the old man's voice sank lower, "one morning she was gone." "We never got a letter from her nor heard from her until one day, months afterward, word came from the authorities away in the city that our little girl was dead. I went right there right away. I found that she had got work at first in a restaurant• or something but she got n with the wrong kind of friends, "There were letters in her room that she'd wrote to her mother but never sent; letters about ready to give up. Then after a while—she was ashamed to conte home and she did; what girls do often under the sante circumstances. She pinned another note to her pillow and --they found her body floating in the lake, "I can't seem to •call you by hex naano:' Gertrude presently Spoke softly, "When I was a little girl, my father's name for me was 'Polly. It was his mother's name. Wouldn't you like to call me that?" "It's a good name," said the old man simply. "I'll call you Polly." On a Monday morning shortly after this, Uncle Sammy sante over early. It was washday and Gertrude was busy with the washing. "Uncle Sammy, come out here," she called. "You've never seen my wash- ing machine doing a real washing, have you?" "No, Polly." "Well, I want you to see how it works," and she explained every de- tail, "Cracky Bob!" what would we do, with all this machinery? Mother! doesn't have much to do," he ex- claimed. "Shea - had more to do than you realize." "But she's been doing it all these years in the .old way and never com- plained." "She hasn't complained because she is Aunt Sarah, but your children did complain the boys and Gertrude— and they left your farm to escape the! hard work. - "I don't want to say anything to your feelings, but I want y realize how much it will mean to Aunt Sarah to have all the little helps that are part of the modern home and that she is surely l entitled to have. "It's ridiculous, Polly," Uncle Sammy was manifestly uneasy. "It would mean spending a good many hundred dollars." Gertrude looked at him for a mo- ment then beckoned him to the door of Aunt Sarah's room. She peeped in cautiously, then motioned to him quietly to look. Little Aunt • Sarah lay with her face turned from them, gazing through to where the morning sun was beginning to give the world a look of spring. Her gray hair was brushed back away from her face and lay in soft waves over the pil- low. She looked very frail and tiny there in the big bed and Gertrude saw Uncle Sammy's eyes fill. Silently Gertrude led him away. "Uncle Sammy, I dont know how many 1. Eisend dollars you are worth but if Aunt Sarah were going to die to -day." "Polly, I'd spend them all in a min- ute!" "Of course you would. Then why hesitate about spending a few hun- dred dollars that might easily add ten years to her life?" "Polly, I guess you're right!" and Uncle Sammy tiptoed out to the barn thinking new, new thoughts. Spring was coming on and soon the time arrived when Aunt Sarah could go home. They bundled her up and John car- ried her out to his car. Uncle Sammy had gone ahead. Gertrude, watching from her owe home, saw the car stop to discharge its precious burden and then went smiling into her own pretty Iiving- room to wait, - In a few moments came their ring on the telephone and she hurried to take down the receiver. "Hello!" "Oh, Dearie! What do you think? I've got—!" It was Aunt Sarah's voice. "Got what?" questioned Gertrude. "I've got them•—electric lights — and the bathroom -- everything—" The dear old voice was trembling and Ger{:ruae's throat swelled with sym- pathetid JO. "Come over right away! I can't --talk!" "I+ll come," cried Gertrude and' away she went over the old path. It was a merry evening. Aunt Sarah was as happy as a new bride fonaUncle Sammy had omitted noth- ing, They called John over and they all had supper together. Aunt Sarab sitting at her own table, star -eyed and touched with youth, had to try out all her new possessions exclaim- ing over and over at their beauty. Finally the Reviles bade the two old people gn,eodr:igbt and walked home over the path the other Ger- trudo do once had trod. Jr,11r. had 1;,•,t oi:en =d the pate into tt sis own . ttsl, when Gertrude touch - Cyd hie chonlder. "Just a your op to -day since yeti picked me up from under the auto - Mobile down there by the road." "A whole year! Have you had any .regret that you decided then to come to Cherry Hill and be a farmer's wife?" "Not a regret!" (The End.) My Prayer. I pray for time to do my work and do it well, A chance to show to others how the subtle spell Of tasks well clone before the set of sun Has power to comfort past the gift to tell; For cold despair it rings a parting knell. I pray for strength to master self he. fore my race is run. - i pray for opportunity to lift and cheer Those whom I meet whose lonely lives are barren, drear, And void of all that palpitates with joy; To banish from their minds all thought of fear; To wipe from wistful eyes old sorrow's tear. I pray for wisdom to cast far away what might annoy, mdinaicl s Liniment 1belteves Z euralp-a. A Busy Implement. The shovel, ever on the go, Doth now impress the soul, 'Tis either tossing out the snow Or throwing in the coal. The Last Resort, In old England the t'ollowing story admirably illustrates the industrial situation: Two miners were discuss- ing the minimum wake, "Say, 13i11," said the first, "what's iug the minimum wage. .. -Bill spat. "Phe minimum wage? That's what we gets for goin' down; an' if we wants ter make any more brass, we goes and does some work for it," WOMEN WONDER AT HER MkNY CLOTHES "Diamond Dyes" Make Faded, Old, Shabby Garments New. Don't worry about perfect results. Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a, new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, ;;ilk, linen, cotton or mixed goods — dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers, draperies, coverings, —everything! The Direction Book with each .pack- age tells how to diamond dye over any color. To match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Used for 70 Years Thru its use Grandmother's youthful appearance has remained until youth has become but a memory,. The soft, refined, pearly White appearance it renders leaves the joy of Beauty with yo ;•,. for many years. Taking No Risks, After being in the fancily for a num- ber of years, Mary Jane announced her approaching marriage. "I hope," said her mistress, '"that you have given the matter serious consideration." "Indeed I have, ma'am!" said the girl. "I've been to two fortune tellers and a clairvoyant, and dreamed on a loch of his hair, and been to one of these asterologers, and they all says, 'Go ahead.' I ain't one to marry reck- lessly Iitses: Ma'am." minare's Liniment for Salo everywhere. •t�""w�w�'9:1..,v:e>r,A=r-_^..�,��.�,"'�°7` ° al 12% Interest -PAYABLE HALF YEARLY Allowed on money left with us for from three to ten years. Nirrite for Booklet. The Great West Permanent Loan Company. Toronto Office 20 King St, West ter"•---�'�""=_ r ssasa. a r ermat Ali grades. Write for prices. TORONTO £ALT W0RNS G..9. CUFF' - tO?teDi%i?0 11l`i THE /Ik/TE HEST OF YOUR SIKTIV, USE •;S',g, ems Cc DIY' 'f�.�. ,a .:u,ted,r, r.n 4': 9 r r "hieiGYr1 � erc6,,...� k'• / w.i In 'X! ,c'" r — T. • °i 1 ,1-1 It's flower -fragrant, healing lather has pleased four genera - tions of Canadians. ^_o Albert soaps Limited, Mrs., Montreal. i nfe • t'' t pp sr t s 1 n TA t. 1 ; Pt_ "'_'5 ^:a?4i4 A,, e, ,i eeeeezeo iroIntovvs. Quality C ;w is hi Coal Oil No coal oil but the best is good enough, Every occasion calls for quality. A Olean, refined oil that barna without soot or smoke, that goes into yseful energy to tlu'lest drop—that's the oil to eboose for your cook -stove, heater, lamp, tractor _.. o1' statidniiy Oirgjitie, You can't 1)0? better -coal oil than Imperial Itoyalite. It is a superior product, refined to Mot every liner* test t0 which oil can be sub- jected. It is the same uniform quality anywhere you buy it. 4ivea sense .full satisfaction f:x. ,111 power, het er.lig'bting purposes. It's for sale by dealers everywhere in Canada, Costa no more then ordinary coal oil, li yi DE ; OBEYING LONDON BUSES SENT TO OLD SPHERES OF USEFULNESS. Orynrnibiuses Carried Troops to Danger Zones in France and Belgium. As fast as possible the 'poses used in France are being.brought back for "home service" on the streets of Lan- don, One hundred and sixty of tireae war -scarred old veterans have al- ready returned" to Blighty. One hun- dred and sixty out of thirteen hun- dred! Most of these are already on the road again, hut a few still remain in the "hospital" at Pentonville, They certainly need "doctoring." Some of these have been on duty since November, 1914; in fact, three hundred were conuttandeered by the Navy two days before war broke nut. They were used as ambulance cars in Egypt, 1VIesopotamia, and pretty well everywhere else. Others have been used as travelling pigeon -lofts. Bat- tered and bent, with tyres worn down to the rima and steps flapping, these old warriors aro now taking their rest in the convalescent ward at Penton- vil1a, or, repainted and clone up, are again running on their old route,. One of these splendid old 'ba=^es took the road the other day, and seem- ed to enjoy the fueling of being back in the old familiar haunts once more, Proud Record of 1343. This is the 1343, and she rues between Charing Cross and Plumstead Com- mon. There is a devil-may-care air about her which seems to say, "Well, here I am again! What do you think of me now?" And her driver and conductor are even prouder of her than she is of herself, for on the fore - end of her waist -papers are little brass plates setting forth her war record as follows: 1914—Antwerp. 19.15—Ypres. 1913— Ancre. 1917—Somme. 1918—Amiens. 1919—Home. "Lest We Forget," It may be that B43 carried your bay "out there," or took to him rations and ammunition. Of course, she lest her windows, al- most as soon as she arrived in France. This was a great blow to her; but she was out there to "do her bit," and even painted boards in place of her shining glass could not stir her to grouse, She was painted green—generally considered an unlucky color ---spatter- ed and scratched by bullets, ripped by shrapnel and shell. But she stack it with the best of them. Then she had to go. sick., spent some time in hospital, and after that went through to the bitter end. And now, after five years of service, she is back again in Blighty doing splendid work on the .home front. i' Suspicious Natu e:w. A suspicious habit of mind is usually the attribute of a Weak character. The man who is strong, well balanced, well equipped for life, does not often concern himself with suspicious of the motives or designs of other persons. His own methods are direct, his pur- poses are clear; he relies ea his ability to defeat hostile attaek eeeuld it cone, but he does not lie awake at night imagining that hostile attacks are being prepared. Because of • his unsuspecting habit of mind he Is some« times temporarily at a disadvantage, On the other hand, the suspicious man is sure to be making enemies for him- self while the unsuspicious man is making friends. What must be forever the classic example of the suspicious •attitude Ott mind and its consequences has been afforded by Germany. The German people appear sincerely to have sus- pected that France and England and. Russia were hatching a plot to come pass thee( downfall, They were the more ready to suspect it because they were themselves, through their lead- ers, intriguing to circumvent France and England and Russia. The sue, Volans person always has a tendency to do the things that he suspects others of doing. - What the world needs more than anything else. to -day is confidence. It needs the confidence of the individual, man in his own powers, but even more it needs his confidence in the decency, the sincerity, the honesty of his neighbor. Suspicion is to -day the chief foe of civilization. eel A bridge in Peru, more than 20d feet long is supported ley ropee made of cactus -fibre, Keep a record of all the 1;; ntine.rses that you receive and you will find it helpful reading on a 'riy of disc couragcrnent.